Alexander Campbell

Masters student
Vigour indicators used to estimate black spruce regeneration in Northwestern Quebec after partial cutting
Université du Québec à Montréal

Director: Daniel Kneeshaw
Codirector: Alain Leduc

  • B.Sc. biology, 2010 (University of Montreal)

Brief abstract

In order to maintain proper and healthy regeneration after cutting of the forests covering the clay belt, it is important to understand the dynamics and processes underlying the growth of black spruce trees to make a fair diagnosis of the effectiveness of recovery. Black spruce regeneration remains a species whose growth dynamics under poor conditions are still misunderstood. To predict the outcome of harvested areas, forest engineers must identify which individuals will constitute the next generation of healthy stems. Thus, we need tools which will help us ensure early estimates for future yields.

The objectives of this study are to:

  • Identify morphological growth traits related to tree vigour
  • Recognize physiological characteristics of vigorous young stems
  • Link (validate) physiological indicators with morphometric indicators

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