Damase Khasa

Membre régulier

Université Laval
Faculté de foresterie, géographie et géomatique
Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, bureau 3181
2405 de la Terrasse
Québec (Québec) Canada, G1V 0A6

(418) 656-2131 Poste 412587

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  • Post-doctorat en génétique moléculaire, 1994-1995 (Université d'Alberta)
  • Ph.D. en génécologie forestière, 1993 (Université Laval)
  • M.Sc. en symbiose végétale, 1987 (Université Laval)
  • B.Sc. en génie forestier, 1984 (Université Laval)
  • B.Sc. en chimie, 1980 (Université de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo)

Mes travaux de développement des connaissances et de recherche vont de la génomique forestière à la génomique environnementale en passant par les symbioses végétales jusqu’aux applications en agroforesterie, foresterie et développement rural en milieux tropical, subtropical et tempéré.

  1. Écologie moléculaire et génomique environnementale : En écologie moléculaire des arbres forestiers et de leurs symbiotes racinaires, les travaux de recherche portent sur le développement des marqueurs moléculaires très polymorphes, notamment les marqueurs microsatellites, SNPs et l'utilisation de la restriction d'amplicons de l'ADN ribosomal, le clonage et le séquençage Sanger des gènes ciblés ou le séquençage Nouvelle génération des métagénomes (pyroséquençage – Roche 454, Illumina MiSeq). Les marqueurs moléculaires ainsi développés sont utilisés comme empreintes génétiques pour l'identification de souches, d'isolats, de clones, d'espèces fongiques et d'arbres en étude.
  2. Biotechnologies des symbioses mycorhiziennes et fixatrices d’azote : les travaux portent sur l'isolement, la culture, la caractérisation morphologique et moléculaire des microsymbiotes, la sélection des souches microbiennes performantes en vue de l'inoculation en pépinières commerciales de semis pour optimiser les pratiques de reboisement, de revégétalisation des sites agroforestiers ou ceux perturbés par l'industrie minière ou forestière ou en agroforesterie.
  3. Biologie des plantes envahissantes : Les plantes exotiques envahissantes sont l'une des plus grandes menaces pour la biodiversité indigène pouvant entraîner l’élimination d’espèces natives, la pollution génétique et la diminution des rendements des cultures et des pâturages naturels.
  4. Agroforesterie : En agroforesterie et foresterie tropicales, mes recherches adoptent une approche holistique, en y étudiant des facteurs biophysiques, socio-économiques, politiques et culturels à diverses échelles. Les projets de recherche portent sur la domestication participative des espèces agroforestières et leur intégration dans des systèmes agroforestiers performants qui tiennent compte des besoins des paysans, la séquestration du carbone, la foresterie communautaire et l'utilisation des outils de précision et d’agroforesterie computationnelle.

L'utilisation de champignons ectomycorhiziens et de Frankia, sélectionnés pour optimiser les pratiques de reboisement et de végétalisation de sites perturbés dans les prairies canadiennes, a débuté. Le développement d'empreintes moléculaires spécifiques aux souches fongiques performantes permet d'en suivre le développement, de la phase initiale établie en pépinière jusqu'au champ, après transplantation. Par ailleurs, les marqueurs microsatellites que nous avons développés chez les épinettes et les mélèzes sont maintenant utilisés par la communauté scientifique pour des travaux de certification des semences, de génétique moléculaire des populations et de cartographie génomique. L'itinéraire technique de domestication participative des espèces agroforestières utiles est mis au point. De nouveaux modèles sont développés au niveau de transfert d'expertises et de connaissances au sein du réseau international des forêts modèles. Ma contribution la plus importante dans ce domaine est la publication par Springer d’un livre de référence la plus complète que j’ai dirigée (Atangana et al. 2014). Il est parmi les livres les plus vendus par Springer et la version électronique parmi les premiers 25% des téléchargements chez Springer.

Je suis aussi Directeur du Projet d'appui à la Formation en Gestion des Ressources Naturelles dans le Bassin du Congo (FOGRNBC) .

  • 2011 - International Forestry Achievement Award (Prix d'excellence en foresterie internationale).
  • 2008 - Plaque d'honneur du ministère des Communautés Culturelles et de l'Immigration pour souligner son apport au développement société québécoise.
  • 22 février 2007 - Lors de l'édition 2007 du Mois de l'histoire des Noirs, le Centre R.I.R.E. 2000 a souligné l'apport à la société québécoise de Damase Khasa.
  • 2022 - Prix de la Commission de forêts d’Afrique centrale Wangari Maathai pour les forêts du Bassin du Congo.
  • 2023 - Prix TreesOfLives remis par la compagnie Viridis Terra International (Quebec).

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote


  1. Solfane, V., Khasa, D.P. (2020) Guide de l’Animateur de la Boîte à Images sur l’agroforesterie comme outil de lutte contre les Changements Climatiques et pour la restauration des terres et des paysagesdégradés dans les régions arides et semi-arides du Cameroun. BERPS et ABioGeT
  2. Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P., Chang, S., Degrande, A. (2014) Tropical agroforestry. 1-380 p
  3. Margueret, V., Khasa, D.P. (2003) Guide de l’animateur de la boîte à images sur les changements climatiques. Bureau d'étude et de recherche pour la promotion de la santé, Québec
  4. Mavinga, T., Khasa, D.P. (1998) Calendrier Agricole du Bas-Fleuve. Editions of Centre de Vulgarisation Agricole, Kinshasa. 96 p

Chapitres de livre

  1. Baraka, L., Prince, Dhital, N., Ngabinzeke, J., Kibambe, J.-P., Khasa, D.P. (2021) Forest management system in the Democratic Republic of Congo: An evolutionary account and contemporary challenges. In Conjonctures de l'Afrique Centrale 2021. (Ndayiragije, R., Alidou, S., Ansoms, A. and Geenen, S., Eds.) L'harmattan, pages 211-233
  2. Beaudoin-Nadeau, M., Quoreshi, A., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Ecological Restoration and Bioremediation of Canadian Mining Boreal Ecosystems. In Microbes for Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems. (D.J. Bagyaraj and Jamaluddin, Eds.) Pages 259-284
  3. Beaudoin-Nadeau, M., Khasa, D.P. (2015) The triad plant-soil-microbes, an ecofriendly way to reconstruct healthy ecosystems on mining sites: a global perspective. In Mine Closure 2015. (A.B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, L. Sawatsky & D. van Zyl, Eds.) Pages 1061-1070
  4. Beaudoin-Nadeau, M., Azaiez ,A., Roy, S., Greer, C., Khasa, D.P. (2014) Development of a new green technology for the revegetation of abandoned gold mine tailings using specific symbiotic microorganisms associated with Picea glauca. In Mine Closure 2014. (I.M. Weiersbye, A.B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, and K. Mercer, Eds.)
  5. Sene, G., Thiao, M., Manga, A., Sene, S., Khasa, D.P., Kane, A., Mbaye, M.S., Samba-Mbaye, R., Sylla, S.N. (2013) The use of forest plantations in the semiarid sahel regions: Impacts on the abundance and diversity of soil legume-nodulating rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities.
  6. Atangana, A.R., Ngo Mpeck-Nyemeck, M.L., Chang, S.X., Khasa, D.P. (2011) Auxin Regulation and Function: Insights from Studies on Rooted Leafy Stem Cuttings of Tropical Tree Species. (Chap. 3) In Auxins: Structure, Biosynthesis and Functions. (Keller, A.H. and Fallon, M.D., Eds.) Nova, pages 53-66
  7. Caron, L. (dir.), Duchesne, L., Gordon, A., Khasa, D.P., Kort, J., Olivier, A., Rivest, D., Vezina, A. (2009) Agroforesterie. (Chap. 20) In Manuel de foresterie, 2e éd. (Ordre des ingenieurs forestiers du Quebec, Eds.) Québec, Éditions MultiMondes, pages 849-872

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur

  1. Khasa, D.P., Piche, Y., Coughlan, A.P. (2009) Advances in Mycorrhizal Science and Technology. (Khasa, D.P., Piche, Y. and Coughlan, A.P., Eds.) NRC Research Press. 208 p
  2. Chouinard, A.-C., Rioux, S. (2007) Dossier de foresterie internationale no 14: Finlande. (Khasa, D.P., Eds.) Département des sciences du bois et de la foret, Université Laval, Québec
  3. Simon, J., Morissette, S. (2004) Dossier de foresterie internationale no 13: Honduras. (Khasa, D.P., Eds.) Département des sciences du bois et de la foret, Université Laval, Québec
  4. Lacasse, M.V., Leduc, S., Margueret, V. (2003) Dossier de foresterie internationale no 12: Costa Rica. (Khasa, D.P., Eds.) Département des sciences du bois et de la foret, Université Laval

Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Muwawa, E.M., Makonde, H.M., Obieze, C.C., de Oliveira, I.G., Jefwa, J.M., Kahindi, J.H.P., Khasa, D.P. (2024) Diversity and assembly patterns of mangrove rhizosphere mycobiome along the Coast of Gazi Bay and Mida Creek in Kenya. PLOS ONE, 19(4):1-22
  2. Daassi, R., Khasa, D.P., Stevanovic, T. (2024) Effect of ramial chipped wood and poultry manure amendments on soil chemical properties and fungal communities in Benin. Soil and Tillage Research, 237
  3. Kaumbu, J.-M.K., Sene, G., Stefani, F., Khasa, D.P. (2024) Uncovering the complex relationship between plant diversity, soil properties, and mycorrhizal inoculum potential in threatened Miombo woodlands. Land Degradation and Development, 35(5):1673 – 1684
  4. Shapiro, A., d’Annunzio , R., Desclee, B., Jungers, Q., Kondjo, H.K., Iyanga, J.M., Gangyo, F.I., Nana, T., Obame, C.V., Milandou, C. et al. (2023) Small scale agriculture continues to drive deforestation and degradation in fragmented forests in the Congo Basin (2015–2020). Land Use Policy, 134:106922
  5. Obieze, C.C., George, P.B., Boyle, B., Khasa, D.P. (2023) Black pepper pathogen suppression: Divergent rhizosphere fungal communities of healthy and diseased plants yield new insights for orchard management in Vietnam. Fungal Ecology, 66:101295
  6. Obieze, C.C., George, P.B., Boyle, B., Khasa, D.P. (2023) Black pepper rhizomicrobiome: Spectrum of plant health indicators, critical environmental factors and community compartmentation in Vietnam. Applied Soil Ecology, 187:104857
  7. Bousbih, M., Lamhamedi, M.S., Abassi, M., Khasa, D.P., Bejaoui, Z. (2023) Potential Use of Two Forest Species (Salix alba and Casuarina glauca) in the Rhizofiltration of Heavy-Metal-Contaminated Industrial Wastewater. Forests, 14(3)
  8. Asmara, D.H., Allaire, S., van Noordwijk, M., Khasa, D.P. (2023) The Effect of Biochar Amendment, Microbiome Inoculation, Crop Mixture and Planting Density on Post-Mining Restoration. Forests, 14(4)
  9. Bienu, S.A., Lubalega, T.K., Khasa, D.P., kaviriri , D.K., Yang, L., Yuhua, L., Eyul'Anki, D.M., Tango, E.K., Katula, H.B. (2023) Floristic diversity and structural parameters on the forest tree population in the Luki biosphere reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo. Global Ecology and Conservation, 44:e02489
  10. Boukeng, E.J.D., Avana, M.L.T., Zapfack, L., Desrochers, A., Dzo, I.G.M., Khasa, D.P., others (2023) Stocks de carbone des systèmes agroforestiers de la zone soudano-sahèlienne du Cameroun, Afrique centrale. Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment, 27:19-30
  11. Kaumbu, J.-M.K., Sene, G., Stefani, F., Khasa, D.P. (2023) Characterization of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community associated with rosewood in threatened Miombo forests. Mycorrhiza
  12. Omondi, S.F., Githae, E.W., Khasa, D.P. (2023) Long-distance gene flow in Acacia senegal: Hope for disturbed and fragmented populations. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7):e10292
  13. Lamhamedi, M.S., Pepin, S., Khasa, D.P. (2023) The Production Chain of Tree Seedlings, from Seeds to Sustainable Plantations: An Essential Link for the Success of Reforestation and Restoration Programs in the Context of Climate Change. Forests, 14(9)
  14. Kachaka, E.Y., Poirier, V., Munson, A.D., Khasa, D.P. (2023) Acacia auriculiformis agroforestry fallows of different ages improve soil physico-chemical properties and carbon stocks on the Batéké plateau, Democratic Republic of Congo. Geoderma Regional
  15. de Prado, I.G.O., Veloso, T.G.R., da Luz, J.M.R., da Silva, M.d.C.S., de Prado, D.G.O., Parsons, W.F.J., Khasa, D.P., Kasuya, M.C.M. (2023) Total and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in the first 3 years after the collapse of the Fundão Dam: are we on the ecosystem recovery pathway? Restoration Ecology, n/a(n/a):e13954
  16. Wani, G.A., Khan, M.A., Afshana, Dar, M.A., Tekeu, H., Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Clonality in invasive alien macrophytes in Kashmir Himalaya: a stage-based approach. Aquatic Sciences, 84(1)
  17. Obieze, C.C., Wani, G.A., Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A., Comeau, A.M., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Anthropogenic activities and geographic locations regulate microbial diversity, community assembly and species sorting in Canadian and Indian freshwater lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 826
  18. Asmara, D.H., Allaire, S., van Noordwijk, M., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Tree establishment on post-mining waste soils: species, density, and mixture effects. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(1):79-89
  19. Jean, R., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Biochar Promotes the Germination and Growth of Herbaceous Seeds Hydroseeded on Gold Mine Tailings. International Journal of Environmental Research, 16(4):46
  20. Roudy, J., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Synergistic Effects of Biochar and Hydrogel on Growth of Three Herbaceous Species Hydroseeded onto Gold Mine Tailings. Ecological Restoration, 40(1):7-10
  21. Yonli, H.H., Sene, G., Sanon, K.B., Dianda, M., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton Response to Microbial and Manure Amendments for the Rehabilitation of Waste Rock Dumps in the Essakane Gold Mining Site, Burkina Faso. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10
  22. Rimal, S., Karam, A., Chen, J., Parajuli, A., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Copper hydrophytoremediation by wetland macrophytes in semi-hydroponic and hydroponic mesocosms. International Journal of Phytoremediation
  23. Bandi, M.M., Mahimba, M.B., Mbe Mpie, P.M., M’vubu, A.R.N., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Adoption of Agroforestry Practices in and around the Luki Biosphere Reserve in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Sustainability, 14
  24. Sheng, M., Rosche, C., Al-Gharaibeh, M., Bullington, L.S., Callaway, R.M., Clark, T., Cleveland, C.C., Duan, W., Flory, S.L., Khasa, D.P. et al. (2022) Acquisition and evolution of enhanced mutualism—an underappreciated mechanism for invasive success? The ISME Journal, 16:2467-2478
  25. Hachani, C., Lamhamedi, M.S., El Abidine, A.Z., Abassi, M., Khasa, D.P., Bejaoui, Z. (2022) Water relations, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and electrolyte leakage of ectomycorrhizal pinus halepensis seedlings in response to multi-heavy metal stresses (Pb, zn, cd). Microorganisms, 10(1)
  26. Yonli, H.H., Campagnac, E., Haro, H., Ouedraogo, M., Vezina, M.-M., Khasa, D.P., Dianda, M. (2022) Assessment of the Potential of Umbrella Thorn [Vachellia tortilis (Forssk.) Galasso & Banfi] for the Rehabilitation of Sub-Sahelian Mining Sites at Essakane, North-Eastern Burkina Faso. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
  27. Ciadamidaro, L., Pfendler, S., Girardclos, O., Zappelini, C., Binet, P., Bert, V., Khasa, D.P., Blaudez, D., Chalot, M. (2022) Mycorrhizal inoculation effects on growth and the mycobiome of poplar on two phytomanaged sites after 7-year-short rotation coppicing. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13
  28. Baraka Lucungu, P., Dhital, N., Asselin, H., Kibambe, J.-P., Semeki Ngabinzeke, J., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Local citizen group dynamics in the implementation of community forest concessions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Forest Policy and Economics, 136:102680
  29. Baraka Lucungu, P., Dhital, N., Asselin, H., Kibambe, J.-P., Semeki Ngabinzeke, J., Khasa, D.P. (2022) Local perception and attitude toward community forest concessions in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Forest Policy and Economics, 139:102734
  30. Djiongo Boukeng, E.J., Khasa, D.P., Tientcheu Avana, M.L. (2021) Dynamique et services desécosystèmes agroforestievrs autour d'une aire protégée en République du Cameroun. Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo, 17:85-89
  31. Daassi, R., Kasangana, P.B., Khasa, D.P., Stevanovic, T. (2021) Monitoring transformation of two tropical lignocellulosics and their lignins after residence in Benin soils. Scientific Reports, 11(1)
  32. Kachaka, E.Y., Poirier, V., Munson, A.D., Khasa, D.P. (2021) Evaluation of an Acacia mangium Provenance Trial after Seven Years, on the Ibi - Batéké Plateau, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tropicultura, 39(1):1-17
  33. Kyalamakasa, J.M.K., Mulambi, M.M.M., Mukonzo, E.K.L., Shutcha, M.N., Tekeu, H., Nkombe, A.K., Khasa, D.P. (2021) Early selection of tree species for regeneration in degraded woodland of southeastern congo basin. Forests, 12(2):1-16
  34. Muwawa, E.M., Obieze, C.C., Makonde, H.M., Jefwa, J.M., Kahindi, J.H.P., Khasa, D.P. (2021) 16S rRNA gene amplicon-based metagenomic analysis of bacterial communities in the rhizospheres of selected mangrove species from Mida Creek and Gazi Bay, Kenya. PLOS ONE, 16(3 March)
  35. Jean, R., Khasa, D.P., Boudreau, S. (2021) Effects of one dark septate endophytic fungal and two Helotiales strains on the growth of plane-leaved willow (Salix planifolia) cuttings on iron ore waste rock. Botany, 99(11):725-733
  36. Longui, E.L., Justo, R.A., Amorim, E.P., Ballarin, A.W., de Freitas, M.L.M., Yamaji, F.M., da Silva Junior, F.G., Khasa, D.P., Cambuim, J., de Moraes, M.L.T. (2021) Comparison between growth performance in two silvopastoral systems comprising trees, short-lived perennial shrub, a forage, and livestock). Research, Society and Development, 10(10)
  37. Muwawa, E.M., Makonde, H.M., Jefwa, J.M., Kahindi, J.H.P., Khasa, D.P. (2020) Molecular identification of bacterial isolates from the rhizospheres of four mangrove species in Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 9(14):525-535
  38. Jean, R., Khasa, D.P., Boudreau, S. (2020) The Effect of Planting Orientation and Iron Ore Mining Substrates on the Survival and Growth of Salix planifolia Cuttings in a Greenhouse Experiment. Ecological Restoration, 38(3):N.PAG
  39. Kaviriri, D.K., Liu, X., Fan, Z., Wang, J., Wang, Q., Wang, L., Wang, L., Khasa, D.P., Zhao, X. (2020) Genetic Variation in Growth and Cone Traits of Pinus Koraiensis Half-Sib Families in Northeast China. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 89(1):57-69
  40. Kaviriri, D.K., Zhang, Q., Zhang, X., Jiang, L., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Khasa, D.P., You, X., Zhao, X. (2020) Phenotypic variability and genetic diversity in a pinus koraiensis clonal trial in northeastern china. Genes, 11(6):1-21
  41. Ezeokoli, O.T., Bezuidenhout, C.C., Maboeta, M.S., Khasa, D.P., Adeleke R.A. (2020) Structural and functional differentiation of bacterial communities in post-coal mining reclamation soils of South Africa: bioindicators of soil ecosystem restoration. Scientific Reports, 10:1759
  42. Wani, G., Reshi, Z., Khasa, D.P., Shah, M. (2020) Phenotypic trait variation in invasive and non-invasive alien species of Potamogeton in Kashmir Himalayan lakes of varying trophic status. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 42(73)
  43. Ezeokoli, O.T., Mashigo, S.K., Maboeta, M.S., Bezuidenhout, C.C., Khasa, D.P., Adeleke, R.A. (2020) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community differentiation along a post-coal mining reclamation chronosequence in South Africa: A potential indicator of ecosystem recovery. Applied Soil Ecology, 147
  44. Daassi, R., Kasangana, P.B., Khasa, D.P., Stevanovic, T. (2020) Chemical characterization of tropical ramial and trunk woods and their lignins in view of applications in soil amendments. Industrial Crops and Products, 156:112880
  45. Jean, R., Khasa, D.P., Boudreau, S. (2020) Could biochar and peat moss help address reclamation challenges of using shrub species on overburden dumps from a subarctic iron mine? Ecological Restoration, 38(4):207-210
  46. Abdelrasoul, G.N., Anwar, A., MacKay, S., Tamura, M., Shah, M.A., Khasa, D.P., Montgomery, R.R., Ko, A.I. Ko, Chen, J. (2020) DNA aptamer-based non-faradaic impedance biosensor for detecting E. coli. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1107:135 - 144
  47. Wani, G.A., Shah, M.A., Tekeu, H., Reshi, Z.A., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2020) Phenotypic Variability and Genetic Diversity of Phragmites australis in Quebec and Kashmir Reveal Contrasting Population Structure. Plants, 9(10)
  48. Andrianandrasana, M.D., Mihajamanana, N.A., Rakotojoseph, F., Baohanta, R.H., Randriambanona, H., Calina P.C., Khasa, D.P., Ramanankierana, H. (2020) Allelopathic effects of Grevillea banksii R. BR. leaf extracts and its rhizospheric soil on germination and initial growth of three agricultural crops in Madagascar. AgroLife Scientific Journal, 9(1):23-30
  49. Boukeng Djiongo, J., Desrochers, A., Avana, M., Khasa, D.P., Zapfack, L., Fotsing, E. (2020) Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land Use in the Bouba Ndjidda National Park and Its Adjacent Zone (North Cameroun). Open Journal of Forestry, 10(1):39-57
  50. Hachani, C., Lamhamedi, M.S., Cameselle, C., Gouveia, S., Zine El Abidine, A., Khasa, D.P., Bejaoui, Z. (2020) Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Heavy Metals (Pb, Zn, and Cd) on Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Pinus halepensis Seedlings in North Africa. Microorganisms, 8(12)
  51. Muwawa, E.M., Makonde, H.M., Obieze, C.C., Jefwa, J.M., Kahindi, J.H., Khasa, D.P. (2020) Isolation, characterization and biotechnological potential of tropical culturable rhizospheric fungi from four mangrove species in Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 14(9):541-554
  52. Kachaka, E., Munson, A.D., Gelinas, N., Khasa, D.P. (2020) Adoption of an improved fallow practice using Acacia auriculiformison the Bateke Plateau in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Agroforestry Systems, 94(3):1047-1058
  53. Tran, H., Kanzaki, S., Triest, L., Hormaza, I., Kuk, N.J., Ming, R., Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., Van Damme, P. (2019) Analysis of genetic diversity of lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) and wild forest relatives in the Sapindaceae from Vietnam using microsatellites. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 66(8):1653-1669
  54. Jordaan, K., Comeau, A.M., Khasa, D.P., Bezuidenhout, C.C. (2019) An integrated insight into the response of bacterial communities to anthropogenic contaminants in a river: A case study of the Wonderfonteinspruit catchment area, South Africa. PLOS ONE, 14(5):1-24
  55. Quoreshi, A.M., Suleiman, M.K., Kumar, V., Manuvel, A.J., Sivadasan, M.T., Islam, M.A., Khasa, D.P. (2019) Untangling the bacterial community composition and structure in selected Kuwait desert soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 138:1 - 9
  56. Rosche, C., Hensen, I., Schaar, A., Zehra, U., Jasieniuk, M., Callaway, R.M., Khasa, D.P., Al-Gharaibeh, M.M., Lekberg, Y., Nagy, D.U. et al. (2019) Climate outweighs native vs. nonnative range-effects for genetics and common garden performance of a cosmopolitan weed. Ecological Monographs, 89(4):e01386
  57. Omondi, S.F., Odee, D.W., Ongamo, G.O., Kanya, J.I., Khasa, D.P. (2018) Mating patterns of the gum arabic tree (Acacia senegal synonym Senegalia senegal) in two different habitats. New Forests, 49(1):53-65
  58. Nadeau, M. B., Laur, J., Khasa, D.P. (2018) Mycorrhizae and Rhizobacteria on Precambrian Rocky Gold Mine Tailings: II. Mine-Adapted Symbionts Alleviate Soil Element Imbalance for a Better Nutritional Status of White Spruce Seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1268
  59. Etshekape, P.G., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2018) Tree planting in urban and peri-urban of Kinshasa: Survey of factors facilitating agroforestry adoption. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 30:12-23
  60. Tshinyama, A., Proulx, E., Deschamps, M.-H., Okitayela, F., Khasa, D.P., Vandenberg, G.W. (2018) Contribution to the identification of a local and available food source for sustainable production of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tropicultura, 36(1):109-122
  61. Suwarni, E., Omondi, S.F., Dancik, B.P., Khasa, D.P. (2018) Estimation of pollen contamination and mating system in Pinus Merkusii seedling seed orchard using allozyme markers. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 30(1):95-105
  62. Kouam, E.B., Avana-Tientcheu, M.L., Lekeumo, V.D., Akitio, H.M., Khasa, D.P., Pasquet, R.S. (2018) Agro-ecological distribution of the phenotypic diversity of aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera L.) in Cameroon using multivariate analysis: Prospect for germplasm conservation and improvement. Open Agriculture, 3(1):190-206
  63. Tshinyama, A., Okitayela, F., Khasa, D.P., Vanderberg, G.W. (2018) Évaluation des effets de lafertilisation animale des étangs intégrés à tilapia du Nil (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) sur laqualité microbiologique de l’eau et la salubrité du poisson. Afrique Science, 14(4):249-263
  64. Nadeau, M. B., Laur, J., Khasa, D.P. (2018) Mycorrhizae and Rhizobacteria on Precambrian Rocky Gold Mine Tailings: I. Mine-Adapted Symbionts Promote White Spruce Health and Growth. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1267
  65. Azaiez, A., Beaudoin Nadeau, M., Bertrand, A., Khasa, D.P. (2018) In vitro selection of ecologically adapted ectomycorrhizal fungi through production of fungal biomass and metabolites for use in reclamation of biotite mine tailings. Mycologia, 110(6):1017-1032
  66. Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.C, Lunumbi, J.B.O., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2017) Variation phénotypique des traits quantitatifs de Cavia porcellus : une première étape vers l’amélioration génétqiue de l’espèce en RD Congo. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 117:11730-11736
  67. Lubalega, T. K., Lubini, C., Ruel, J.-C., Khasa, D.P., Ndembo, J., Lejoly, J. (2017) Structure et composition floristique de savanes arbustives en système préservé du feu à Ibi, plateau des Bateke, en République Démocratique du Congo. Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo, Volume 9(Octobre 2017):20-30
  68. Lubalega, T.K., Gbawe, V., Khasa, D.P., Ruel, J.-C., Lejoly, J. (2017) Forest regeneration of the Bateke Plateau savannahs from Acacia auriculformis plantations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 13(9):21-31
  69. Lubalega, T.K., Lubini, C., Ruel, J.-C., Khasa, D.P., Ndembo, J., Lejoly, J. (2017) Structure et composition floristique des savanes arbustives en système préservé du feu, à Ibi, Plateau des Bateke, en République Déomocratique du Congo. Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo, 9:20-30
  70. Khasa, D.P., Olivier, A., Atangana, A.R., Bonneville, J. (2017) Two decades of agroforestry training, education and research at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 91(5):825-833
  71. Omondi, S. F., Odee, D.W., Ongamo, G.O., Kanya, J.I., Khasa, D.P. (2017) Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on natural regeneration and population structure of gum arabic tree (Acacia senegal) in the woodlands of Lake Baringo ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Forestry Research, 28(4):775-785
  72. Sarasin, G., Behavana, I.M., Rakotoarimanga, N., Randriatafika, F., Ramanankierana, H., Rabenantoandro, J., Vincelette, M., Randrianodiasana, J., Khasa, D.P. (2017) Inoculation of Mimosa latispinosa lam with the commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198, and Bradyrhizobium spp. under nursery production conditions in south-east Madagascar. Tropicultura, 35(1):3-11
  73. Umba, J.M., Kashala, J.C., Khand’Mate, F.A.B., Ipungu, R.L.N., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2017) Étude exprimentale sur la reproduction chez le cobaye (Cavia porcellus) élevé en zone périphérique de Kinshasa, RD Congo. Journal of Applied Biosciences, 117:11720-11729
  74. Callender, K.L., Roy, S., Khasa, D.P., Whyte, L.G., Greer, C.W. (2016) Actinorhizal alder phytostabilization alters microbial community dynamics in gold mine waste rock from northern Quebec: A greenhouse study. PLOS ONE, 11(2)
  75. Omondi, S.F., Odee, D.W., Ongamo, G.O., Kanya, J.I., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Synchrony in Leafing, Flowering, and Fruiting Phenology of Senegalia senegal within Lake Baringo Woodland, Kenya: Implication for Conservation and Tree Improvement. International Journal of Forestry Research, 201(Article ID 6904834)
  76. Beaudoin-Nadeau, M., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Edaphic Selection Pressures as Drivers of Contrasting White Spruce Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Community Structure and Diversity in the Canadian Boreal Forest of Abitibi-Témiscamingue Region. PLOS ONE, 11(11):1-17
  77. Umba, J. M., Kashala, J. C. K., Ilaka, A. N., Ngulu, A. N., Tshikung, K. M. D., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Mortalité de jeunes cobayes (Cavia porcellus) croisés et ses principales causes autour de Kinshasa, R D Congo. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 28:128
  78. Rasool, N., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P., Roshan, M., Shah, M.A. (2016) Invasion by Conyza sumatrensis alters soil microbial community structure in urban ecosystems. Ecological Processes, 5(1):10
  79. Omondi, S.F., Odee, D.W., Ongamo, G.O., Kanya, J.I., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Genetic consequences of anthropogenic disturbances and population fragmentation in Acacia senegal. Conservation Genetics, 17(6):1235-1244
  80. Beaudoin-Nadeau, M., Gagne, A., Bissonnette, C., Belanger, P.-A., Fortin, J.A., Roy, S., Greer, C.W., Khasa, D.P. (2016) Performance of ectomycorrhizal alders exposed to specific Canadian oil sands tailing stressors under in vivo bipartite symbiotic conditions. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 62(7):543-549
  81. Mutonkole, P.S., Prado, M., Khasa, D.P., Stevanovic, T.J. (2016) Contribution to Chemical Study of Stem and Branches of Trema orientalis L. (Blum) and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.). Natural Products Chemistry & Research, 4:238
  82. Ratahiriarisoa, D., Rakotoarimanga, N.C., Baohanta, R.H., Randriambanona, H., Beaulieu, M.-E., Khasa, D.P., Raherimandimby, M. (2015) Impact of mycorrhizal inoculation on the development of Intsia bijuga grown on soil under exotic species Casuarina equisetifolia plantation. Journal of Plant Sciences, 3(1):14-21
  83. Shah, M.A., Beaulieu, M.-E., Reshi, Z.A., Qureshi, S., Khasa, D.P. (2015) A cross-city molecular biogeographic investigation of arbuscular mycorrhizas in Conyza canadensis rhizosphere across native and non-native regions. Ecological Processes, 4(1):1-9
  84. Adeleke, R., Cloete, T.E., Bertrand, A., Khasa, D.P. (2015) Relationship between plant growth and organic acid exudates from ectomycorrhizal and non-ectomycorrhizal Pinus patula. South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 32(4):183-188
  85. Dhital, N, Vololomboahangy, R.R., Khasa, D.P. (2015) Issues and challenges of forest governance in Madagascar. Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 36(1):38-56
  86. Vodouhe, F.G., Khasa, D.P. (2015) Local Community Perceptions of Mine Site Restoration Using Phytoremediation in Abitibi-Temiscamingue (Quebec). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 17(10):962-972
  87. Andrianandrasana, M.D., Baohanta, R H., Randriambanona, H., Raherimandimby, M., Khasa, D.P., Duponnois, R., Ramanankierana, H. (2014) Propagation of Grevillea banksii affects the dynamic of mycorrhizal fungi communities associated with native tree species of Madagascar. Journal of Life Sciences, 8(6):211-516
  88. Wani, G.A., Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A., Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2014) cpDNA Microsatellite Markers for Lemna minor (Araceae): Phylogeographic Implications. Applications in Plant Sciences, 2(7):1300099-
  89. Campagnac, E., Khasa, D.P. (2014) Relationship between genetic variability in Rhizophagus irregularis and tolerance to saline conditions. Mycorrhiza, 24(2):121-129
  90. Bissonnette, C., Fahlman, B., Peru, K.M., Khasa, D.P., Greer,C.W., Headley, J.V., Roy, S. (2014) Symbiosis with Frankia sp. benefits the establishment of Alnus viridis ssp. crispa and Alnus incana ssp. rugosa in tailings sand from the Canadian oil sands industry. Ecological Engineering, 68:167 - 175
  91. Shah, M.A., Callaway, R.M., Shah, T., Houseman, G.R., Pal, R.W., Xiao, S., Luo, W., Rosche, C., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P. et al. (2014) Conyza canadensis suppresses plant diversity in its nonnative ranges but not at home: a transcontinental comparison. New Phytologist, 202(4):1286-1296
  92. Onwuchekwa, N.E., Zwiazek, J.J., Quoreshi, A., Khasa, D.P. (2014) Growth of mycorrhizal jack pine (Pinus banksiana) and white spruce (Picea glauca) seedlings planted in oil sands reclaimed areas. Mycorrhiza, 24(6):431-441
  93. Serra, R., Opio, C., Khasa, D.P. (2014) Sheep vegetation management for controlling competing vegetation in young conifer plantations in the central interior of British Columbia, Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 88(4):569-578
  94. Djeugap Fovo, J., Bernier, L., Dostaler, D., Khasa, D.P., Fontem, D.A., Nwaga, D. (2013) Opportunités et contraintes agroforestières de Ricinodendron heudelotii au Cameroun. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7:344-355
  95. Aymoz, B.G.P., Randrianjafy, V.R., Randrianjafy, Z.J.N., Khasa, D.P. (2013) Community Management of Natural Resources: A Case Study from Ankarafantsika National Park, Madagascar. Ambio, 42(6):767-775
  96. Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., Aguirre-Planter, E., Eguiarte, L.E., Khasa, D.P., Bousquet, J. (2013) Evolution of an Ancient Microsatellite Hotspot in the Conifer Mitochondrial Genome and Comparison with Other Plants. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 76(3):146-157
  97. Sene, G., Thiao, M., Samba-Mbaye, R., Khasa, D.P., Kane, A., Mbaye, M.S., Beaulieu, M., Manga, A., Sylla, S.N. (2013) The Abundance and Diversity of Legume-Nodulating Rhizobia in 28-Year-Old Plantations of Tropical, Subtropical, and Exotic Tree Species: A Case Study from the Forest Reserve of Bandia, Senegal. Microbial Ecology, 65(1):128-144
  98. Aguirre-Planter, E., Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., Gomez-Acevedo, S., Khasa, D.P., Bousquet, J., Eguiarte, L.E. (2012) Phylogeny, diversification rates and species boundaries of Mesoamerican firs (Abies, Pinaceae) in a genus-wide context. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62(1):263-274
  99. Adeleke, R., Cloete, T.E., Khasa, D.P. (2012) Culturable microorganisms associated with Sishen iron ore and their potential roles in biobeneficiation. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(3):1057-1070
  100. Adeleke, R.A., Cloete, T.E., Bertrand, A., Khasa, D.P. (2012) Iron ore weathering potentials of ectomycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhiza, 22(7):535-544
  101. Sene, G., Thiao, M., Manga, A., Kane, A., Samba-Mbaye, R., Mbaye, M.S., Khasa, D.P., Sylla, S.N. (2012) Arbuscular mycorrhizal soil infectivity and spores distribution across plantations of tropical, subtropical and exotic tree species: a case study from the forest reserve of Bandia, Senegal. African Journal of Ecology, 50(2):218-232
  102. Sene, G., Samba-Mbaye, R., Thiao, M., Khasa, D.P., Kane, A., Manga, A., Mbaye, M.S., Sylla, S.N. (2012) The abundance and diversity of legume-nodulating rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in soil samples from deforested and man-made forest systems in a semiarid Sahel region in Senegal. European Journal of Soil Biology, 52:30-40
  103. Wei, X.-X., Beaulieu, J., Khasa, D.P., Vargas-Hernandez, J., Lopez-Upton, J., Jaquish, B., Bousquet, J. (2011) Range-wide chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA imprints reveal multiple lineages and complex biogeographic history for Douglas-fir. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 7(5):1025-1040
  104. Atangana, A.R., van der Vlis, E., Khasa, D.P., van Houten, D., Beaulieu, J., Hendrickx, H. (2011) Tree-to-tree variation in stearic and oleic acid content in seed fat from Allanblackia floribunda from wild stands: Potential for tree breeding. Food Chemistry, 126(4):1579-1585
  105. Kone, S.B., Yattara, I.I., Antoun, H., Lahbib, M., Khasa, D.P. (2011) Microorganismes actifs d’un thé de compost de fumier de mouton efficace contre la moisissure grise (Botrytis cinerea) de la tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Revue Malienne de Science et de Technologie, 13:160-177
  106. Rochon, C., Pare, D., Pelardy, N., Khasa, D.P., Fortin, J.A. (2011) Ecology and productivity of cantharellus cibarius var. roseocanus in two eastern canadian jack pine stands. Botany, 89(10):663-675
  107. Anderson, C.M., Aparicio, G.J., Atangana, A.R., Beaulieu, J., Bruford, M.W., Cain, F., Campos, T., Cariani, A., Carvalho, M.A., Chen, N. et al. (2010) Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2009-31 January 2010. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10(3):576-579
  108. Meirmans, P.G., Lamothe, M., Gros-Louis, M.C., Khasa, D.P., Perinet, P., Bousquet, J., Isabel, N. (2010) Complex patterns of hybridization between exotic and native North American poplar species. American Journal of Botany, 97(10):1688-1697
  109. Sokolski, S., Dalpe, Y., Seguin, S., Khasa, D.P., Levesque, C.A., Piche, Y. (2010) Conspecificity of DAOM 197198, the model arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, with Glomus irregulare: molecular evidence with three protein-encoding genes. Botany, 88(9):829-838
  110. Adeleke, R., Cloete, T., Bertrand, A., Khasa, D.P. (2010) Mobilisation of potassium and phosphorus from iron ore by ectomycorrhizal fungi. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 26(10):1901-1913
  111. Omondi, S.F., Dangasuk, O.G., Odee, D.W., Cavers, S., Khasa, D.P. (2010) Cross-amplification and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from Acacia (senegalia) mellifera and Acacia brevispica to Acacia senegal (L.) willd. Silvae Genetica, 59(6):285-288
  112. Adeleke, R., Cloete, T., Khasa, D.P. (2010) Isolation and identification of iron ore- solubilising fungus. South African Journal of Science, 106(9/10):1-16
  113. Omondi, S.F., Kireger, E., Dangasuk, O.G., Chikamai, B., Odee, D.W., Cavers, S., Khasa, D.P. (2010) Genetic diversity and population structure of Acacia senegal (L) Willd. in Kenya. Tropical Plant Biology, 3(1):59-70
  114. Lefrancois, E., Quoreshi, A., Khasa, D.P., Fung, M., Whyte, L.G., Roy, S., Greer, C.W. (2010) Field performance of alder-Frankia symbionts for the reclamation of oil sands sites. Applied Soil Ecology, 46(2):183-191
  115. Atangana, A.R., Beaulieu, J., Khasa, D.P. (2010) Wild genetic diversity preservation in a small-sized first generation breeding population of Allanblackia floribunda (Clusiaceae). Tree Genetics and Genomes, 6(1):127-136
  116. Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., Beaulieu, J., Khasa, D.P., Bousquet, J. (2009) Inferring the past from the present phylogeographic structure of North American forest trees: seeing the forest for the genes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(2):286-307
  117. Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P. (2009) Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of some Kashmir Himalayan alien invasive plants. Mycorrhiza, 20(1):67-72
  118. Chifflot, V., Rivest, D., Olivier, A., Cogliastro, A., Khasa, D.P. (2009) Molecular analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure and spores distribution in tree-based intercropping and forest systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 131(1-2):32-39
  119. Shah, M.A., Reshi, Z.A., Khasa, D.P. (2009) Arbuscular Mycorrhizas: Drivers or passengers of Alien Plant Invasion. Botanical Review, 75:397-417
  120. Rochon, C., Pare, D., Khasa, D.P., Fortin, J.A. (2009) Ecology and management of the lobster mushroom in an eastern Canadian jack pine stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(11):2080-2091
  121. Quoreshi, A.M., Khasa, D.P. (2008) Effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation in the nursery on root colonization, growth, and nutrient uptake of aspen and balsam poplar. Biomass and Bioenergy, 32(5):381-391
  122. Quoreshi, A.M., Piche, Y., Khasa, D.P. (2008) Field performance of conifer and hardwood species 5 years after nursery inoculation in the Canadian Prairie Provinces. New Forests, 35(3):235-253
  123. Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., Aguirre-Planter, E., Khasa, D.P., Eguiarte, L.E., Pinero, D., Furnier, G.R., Bousquet, J. (2008) Ancestry and divergence of subtropical montane forest isolates: molecular biogeography of the genus Abies (Pinaceae) in southern Mexico and Guatemala. Molecular Ecology, 17(10):2476-2490
  124. Atangana, A.R., Khasa, D.P. (2008) Preliminary survey of clonal variation in rooting of Allanblackia floribunda leafy stem cuttings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38:10-15
  125. Quoreshi, A., Roy, S., Greer, C.W., Fung, M., Khasa, D.P. (2007) Inoculation of green alder (Alnus crispa) with Frankia-ectomycorrhiza fungal inoculant under commercial nursery production conditions. Native Plants Journal, 8:271-281
  126. Roy, S., Khasa, D.P., Greer, C.W. (2007) Combining alders, frankiae, and mycorrhizae for the revegetation and remediation of contaminated ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Botany, 85(3):237-251
  127. Bois, G., Bigras, F.J., Bertrand, A., Piche, Y., Fung, M.Y.P., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Ectomycorrhizal fungi affect the physiological responses of Picea glauca and Pinus banksiana seedlings exposed to an NaCl gradient. Tree Physiology, 26(9):1185-1196
  128. Jany, J.L., Bousquet, J., Gagne, A., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor for environmental monitoring of introduced strains and molecular ecology applications. Mycological Research, 110:51-59
  129. Bois, G., Bertrand, A., Piche, Y., Fung, M., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Growth, compatible solute and salt accumulation of five mycorrhizal fungal species grown over a range of NaCl concentrations. Mycorrhiza, 16(2):99-109
  130. Gagne, A., Jany, J.L., Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of nursery-inoculated seedlings outplanted on clear-cut sites in northern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(7):1684-1694
  131. Atangana, A.R., Tchoundjeu, Z., Asaah, E.K., Simons, A.J., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Domestication of Allanblackia floribunda: Amenability to vegetative propagation. Forest Ecology and Management, 237(1-3):246-251
  132. Ouinsavi, C., Sokpon, N., Bousquet, J., Newton, C.H., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Novel microsatellite DNA markers for the threatened African endemic tree species, Milicia excelsa (Moraceae), and cross-species amplification in Milicia regia. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(2):480-483
  133. Khasa, D.P., Jaramillo-Correa, J.P., Jaquish, B., Bousquet, J. (2006) Contrasting microsatellite variation between subalpine and western larch, two closely related species with different distribution patterns. Molecular Ecology, 15(13):3907-3918
  134. Bois, G., Piche, Y., Fung, M.Y.P., Khasa, D.P. (2005) Mycorrhizal inoculum potentials of pure reclamation materials and revegetated tailing sands from the Canadian oil sand industry. Mycorrhiza, 15(3):149-158
  135. Khasa, D.P., Pollefeys, P., Navarro-Quezada, A., Perinet, P., Bousquet, J. (2005) Species-specific microsatellite markers to monitor gene flow between exotic poplars and their natural relatives in eastern North America. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5(4):920-923
  136. Lazaruk, L.W., Kernaghan, G., Macdonald, S.E., Khasa, D.P. (2005) Effects of partial cutting on the ectomycorrhizae of Picea glauca forests in northwestern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(6):1442-1454
  137. Khasa, D.P., Fung, M., Logan, B. (2005) Early growth response of container-grown selected woody boreal seedlings in amended composite tailings and tailings sand. Bioresource Technology, 96(7):857-864
  138. Jany, J.L., Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P. (2003) Microsatellite markers for Hebeloma species developed from expressed sequence tags in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum. Molecular Ecology Notes, 3(4):659-661
  139. Nadeem, S., Jaquish, B., Newton, C., Khasa, D.P. (2003) Use of diagnostic SSR markers for identification of Larix lyallii and L. occidentalis (Pinaceae). Edinburgh Journal of Botany, 60(01):49-56
  140. Khasa, D.P., Nadeem, S., Thomas, B., Robertson, A., Bousquet, J. (2003) Application of SSR markers for parentage analysis of Populus clones. Forest Genetics, 10:273-281
  141. Kernaghan, G., Sigler, L., Khasa, D.P. (2003) Mycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi of containerized Picea glauca seedlings assessed by rDNA sequence analysis. Microbial Ecology, 45(2):128-136
  142. Khasa, D.P., Hambling, B., Kernaghan, G., Fung, M., Ngimbi, E. (2002) Genetic variability in salt tolerance of selected boreal woody seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management, 165(1-3):257-269
  143. Kernaghan, G., Hambling, B., Fung, M., Khasa, D.P. (2002) In vitro selection of boreal ectomycorrhizal fungi for use in reclamation of saline-alkaline habitats. Restoration Ecology, 10(1):43-51
  144. Khasa, D.P., Chakravarty, P., Robertson, A., Thomas, B.R., Dancik, B.P. (2002) The mycorrhizal status of selected poplar clones introduced in Alberta. Biomass and Bioenergy, 22(2):99-104
  145. Opio, C., Jacob, N., Khasa, D.P. (2001) Factors affecting a sheep vegetation management system in British Columbia, Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 53(3):305-312
  146. Hodgetts, R.B., Aleksiuk, M.A., Brown, A., Clarke, C., Macdonald, E., Nadeem, S., Khasa, D.P. (2001) Development of microsatellite markers for white spruce (Picea glauca) and related species. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102(8):1252-1258
  147. Khasa, D.P., Bousquet, J. (2001) Multivariate analysis of allozyme and morphometric variability in Racosperma auriculiforme and R-mangium. Silvae Genetica, 50(5-6):191-199
  148. Stacy, E.A., Dayanandan, S., Dancik, B.P., Khasa, D.P. (2001) Microsatellite DNA markers for the Sri Lankan rainforest tree species, Shorea cordifolia (Dipterocarpaceae), and cross-species amplification in S-megistophylla. Molecular Ecology Notes, 1(1-2):53-54
  149. Khasa, D.P., Callens, A. (2001) Response of soybean to Bradyrhizobium inoculation and diammonium phosphate fertilization under field conditions in Zaire. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal, 67(1):31-35
  150. Khasa, D.P., Sigler, L., Chakravarty, P., Dancik, B.P., Erickson, L., Mc Curdy, D. (2001) Effect of fertilization on growth and ectomycorrhizal development of container-grown and bare-root nursery conifer seedlings. New Forests, 22(3):179-197
  151. Khasa, D.P., Newton, C.H., Rahman, M.H., Jaquish, B., Dancik, B.P. (2000) Isolation, characterization and inheritance of microsatellite loci in alpine larch and western larch. Genome, 43(3):439-448
  152. Khasa, D.P., Jaquish, B., Dancik, B.P. (2000) Microsatellite Markers for Alpine Larch and Western Larch. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 10(1/2):51-56
  153. Rahman, M.H., Jaquish, B., Khasa, D.P. (2000) Optimization of PCR Protocol in Microsatellite Analysis with Silver and SYBR. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 18:339-348
  154. Chakravarty, P., Khasa, D.P., Dancik, B., Sigler, L., Wichlacz, M., Trifonov, L.S., Ayer, W.A. (1999) Integrated control of Fusarium damping-off in conifer seedlings. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 106(4):342-352
  155. Suwarni, E., Dancik, B.P., Khasa, D.P. (1999) Inheritance of Isozyme Variants in Seed Tissues of Pinus merkusii Jungh. De Vriese. Biochemical Genetics, 37(11):369-375
  156. Wichlacz, M., Ayer, W., Trifonov, L., Chakravarty, P., Khasa, D.P. (1999) Two 6, 7-seco-caryophyllenes and an alloaromadendrane from liquid cultures of Hebeloma longicaudum. Phytochemistry, 52(8):1421-1425
  157. Wichlacz, M., Ayer, W.A., Trifonov, L.S., Chakravarty, P., Khasa, D.P. (1999) cis-Fused caryophyllenes from liquid cultures of Hebeloma longicaudum. Phytochemistry, 51(7):873-877
  158. Wichlacz, M., Ayer, W.A., Trifonov, L.S., Chakravarty, P., Khasa, D.P. (1999) A Caryophyllene-Related Sesquiterpene and Two 6, 7-Seco-caryophyllenes from Liquid Cultures of Hebeloma longicaudum. Journal of Natural Products, 62(3):484-486
  159. Khasa, D.P., Bousquet, J. (1995) Re-wooding bordeline land in Zaire with Racosperma spp. through an integrated genetic improvement programme. Science et Changements Planétaires / Sécheresse, 6:281-288
  160. Khasa, D.P., Li, P., Vallee, G., Magnussen, S., Bousquet, J. (1995) Early Evaluation of Racosperma-Auriculiforme and Racosperma-Mangium Provenance Trials on 4 Sites in Zaire. Forest Ecology and Management, 78(1-3):99-113
  161. Khasa, D.P., Vallee, G., Li, P., Magnussen, S., Camire, C., Bousquet, J. (1995) Performance of five tropical tree species on four sites in Zaire. Commonwealth Forestry Review, 74:129-137
  162. Khasa, D.P., Vallee, G., Bousquet, J. (1995) Provenance Variation in Rooting Ability of Juvenile Stem Cuttings from Racosperma Auriculiforme and R-Mangium. Forest Science, 41(2):305-320
  163. Khasa, D.P., Cheliak, W.M., Bousquet, J. (1994) Genetic-Variation in 26 Populations of Racosperma-Auriculiforme and Racosperma-Mangium Using Allozymes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 24(6):1123-1132
  164. Khasa, D.P., Vallee, G., Bousquet, J. (1994) Biological considerations in the utilization of Racosperma auriculiforme and R. mangium in tropical countries with emphasis on Zaire. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 6:422-443
  165. Khasa, D.P., Cheliak, W.M., Bousquet, J. (1993) Mating System of Racosperma-Auriculiforme in a Seed Production Area in Zaire. Canadian Journal of Botany, 71(6):779-785
  166. Khasa, D.P., Cheliak, W.M., Bousquet, J. (1993) Effects of Buffer System Ph and Tissue Storage on Starch-Gel Electrophoresis of Allozymes in 3 Tropical Tree Species. Annales des Sciences Forestieres, 50(1):37-56

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Bousquet, J., MacKay, J., Khasa, D.P., Beaulieu, J. (2016) Forestry genomics and genetics research at Université Laval. In Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of the Canadian Forest Genetics Association, Univ. of New Brunswick, Fredericton, August 17-20 2015. (Simpson. D., Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, pages 35-44.
  2. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J. (2014) Progress in functional, ecological and evolutionary forestry genomics research at Université Laval. In Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of the Canadian Forest Genetics Association, Whistler, British Columbia, July 22-25 2013. (Simpson. D., Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, pages 35-44.
  3. Vezina, M.M., Yonli, E., Campagnac, E., Baudrand, J., Sanon, K., Khasa, D.P. (2012) Root symbionts: a tool for remediation of gold mine tailings. In Mine Closure 2012: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mine Closure. (Fourie, A.B. and Tibbett, M., Eds.) Australian Centre for Geomechanics, pages 187-195
  4. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J. (2012) Functional, ecological and evolutionary genomics. In Proc. 32nd Meeting of the Canadian Forest Genetics Association. Thunder Bay, Ontario, August. (Simpson, D., Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, New Brunswick, pages 30-40
  5. Greer, C.W., Onwuchekwa, N., Zwiazek, J., Quoreshi, A., Roy, S., Salifu, K.F., Khasa, D.P. (2011) Enhanced revegetation and reclamation of oil sands disturbed sites using actinorhizal and mycorrhizal biotechnology. In Mine Closure 2011: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Mine Closure. (Fourie, A.B., Tibbett, M. and Beersing, A., Eds.) Australian Centre for Geomechanics, pages 19-26
  6. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J. (2009) Functional and diversity genomics at Laval University. In Proc. 31st Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement/Forest Genetics Association. (Simpson, D., Eds.) Pages 43-48
  7. Rivest, D., Chifflot, V., Lacombe, S., Cogliastro, A., Bradley, R.L., Vanasse, A., Khasa, D.P., Olivier, A. (2009) Experiences from southern Quebec provide ecological insights for the implementation of tree-based intercropping systems. In Proceedings of the 11th North American Agroforestry Conference, Columbia, Missouri, 31 mai-3 juin 2009. (Gold, M.A. and Hall, M.M., Eds.) Pages 397-404
  8. Lefrancois, E., Quoreshi, A., Khasa, D.P., Fung, M., Whyte, L.G., Roy, S., Greer, C.W. (2007) Alder-Frankia Symbionts Enhance the Remediation and Revegetation of Oil Sands Tailings. In Remediation Technologies Symposium 2007.
  9. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J. (2007) Recent advances in forest and tree genomics at Laval. In 30th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. Part I. (D. Simpson, Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, pages 35-40
  10. Salenikovich, A., Khasa, D.P. (2006) Conservation and Substainable Management of Boreal Forest: a Canadian-Russian Perspective. In Abstracts and Programs. St Petersburg, Russia. (Salenikovich, A. and Khasa, D.P., Eds.) 120 pp.
  11. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J. (2005) Recent advances in forest and tree genomics. In 29th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. PartI. Kelowna, British Columbia. (D. Simpson, Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, pages 45-49
  12. Greer, C.W., Mehta, P., Labelle, S., Guibord, N., Fortin, N., Beaudin, J., Quoreshi, A., Fung, M., Khasa, D.P., Roy, S. (2005) Remediation and revegetation of tar sands composite tailings containing naphthenic acids and high salt using alder-Frankia symbionts. In Remediation Technologies Symposium 2005. Banff, AB, Canada.
  13. Onguene, N., Njeudeng Tenku, S., Fouda, J.C., Margueret, V., Khasa, D.P. (2004) Seed germination characteristics of Irvingia gabonensis in Cameroon. In 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, page 385
  14. Onguene, N., Njeudeng Tenku, S., Fouda, J.C., Margueret, V., Khasa, D.P. (2004) Fruit characteristics of Irvingia gabonensis in production zones of Centre and South Cameroon. In 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, page 385
  15. Khasa, D.P., Onguene, N., Njeudeng Tenku, S., Fouda, J.C., Margueret, V. (2004) Selection of Irvingia gabonensis strains for production and service functions in the Congo basin. In 1st World Congress of Agroforestry. Orlando, page 187
  16. Bousquet, J., Khasa, D.P., MacKay, J., Tremblay, F.M. (2003) Recent advances in tree genomics and somatic embryogenesis. In 28th Meeting of the Canadian Tree Improvement Association. Part I. Edmonton, Alberta. (D. Simpson, Eds.) Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, pages 45-50
  17. Khasa, D.P. (2001) Bridging Agroforestry Into the 21st Century. In 6th North American Agroforestry Conference. Hot Springs, AR. (James P. Lassoie, Terry R. Clason, and Miles L. Merwin, Eds.) Pages 19-27 ou CD-ROM
  18. Khasa, D.P., Kernaghan, G., Hambling, B., Fung, M. (2001) Mycorrhizal biotechnology for land reclamation. In 25th Annual Canadian Land Reclamation Association 4th Annual International Affiliation of Land Reclamationists Meetings. Edmonton, Alberta, CDRom
  19. Lazaruk, L.W., Macdonald, S.E., Khasa, D.P. (2001) The impact of alternative harvesting practices on the density of ectomycorrhizal fine roots in a boreal forest. In Pacific Ecology Conference, February 16-18. Bamfield Marine Station, Vancouver, Canada
  20. Khasa, D.P., Chakravarty, P., Thomas, B., Robertson, A., Dancik, B.P. (2000) Use of microbial inoculants in populiculture. In 21st Session of the International Poplar Comission (IPC 2000) Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment. Red Lion Hotel at Quay, Vancouver, Washington. (Richardson, J.G. Isebrands and J., Eds.) North Central Research Station USDA Forest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, page 91
  21. Lazaruk, L.W., Macdonald, S.E., Khasa, D.P. (2000) The impact of alternative harvesting practices on the abundance and diversity of Picea glauca ectomycorrhizae in a boreal forest ecosystem. In EMEND 2000 Workshop. Edmonton, Alberta
  22. Kernaghan, G., Sigler, L., Khasa, D.P. (2000) Communities of root-associated fungi in northern conifer nurseries. In The annual meeting of the Mycological Society of America. Burlington, Vermont. Inoculum, pages 39-40
  23. Chakravarty, P., Khasa, D.P., Thomas, B., Robertson, A. (2000) Effect of mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, a root hormone, and three levels of fertilizers on the growth and nutrient uptake of poplar cuttings. In 21st Session of the International Poplar Comission (IPC 2000) Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment. Red Lion Hotel at Quay, Vancouver, Washington. (Isebrands, J.G. and Richardson, J., Eds.) North Central Research Station USDA Forest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, page 35
  24. Lazaruk, L.W., Macdonald, S.E., Khasa, D.P. (2000) The impact of alternative harvesting practices on the density of fine root tips in a boreal forest ecosystem. In SFMN student workshop. Edmonton, Alberta
  25. Khasa, D.P., Jaquish, B., Pluhar, S., Dancik, B. (1998) Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in larch. In North American Conference on Forest Biology. University of Victoria, Victoria, Abstract ID: 179
  26. Khasa, D.P., Dancik, B.P. (1998) Microsatellite DNA analysis in the white spruce-Engelmann spruce complex. In North American Conference on Forest Biology. University of Victoria, Victoria, Abstract ID: 180
  27. Wichlacz, M., Ayer, W.A., Trifonov, L.S., Shan, R., Chakravarty, P., Sigler, L., Dancik, B.P., Khasa, D.P. (1998) Antifungal activity of metabolites of ectomycorrhizal fungi against conifer root pathogens. In 2nd International Conference on Mycorrhizae. Uppsala, Sweden, July 5-10. Swedish of Agricultural Sciences, page 184
  28. Chakravarty, P., Thomas, B., Robertson, A., Dancik, B.P., Khasa, D.P. (1998) Mycorrhizal inoculum potentials in the Aspen parkland, Alberta. In 2nd International Conference on Mycorrhizae. Uppsala, Sweden, July 5-10. (Swedish of Agricultural Sciences, Eds.) Page 40

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Khasa, D.P. (2000) Renforcement de l'activité de l'agriculture et de l' élevage dans le Bas-Congo, RDC. Technical report, Jeunesse du Monde (ONG)
  2. Khasa, D.P. (2000) Exploratory mission to establish a link between the University of Alberta (Canada) and higher education and research institutions in the Republic of Cameroon. Technical report, University of Alberta International, Canada
  3. Hambling, B., Andrewes, C., Khasa, D.P. (2000) Development of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Inoculum for Pre-commercial Production. Technical report, National Research Council (IRAP), Canada
  4. Archambault, D., Li, X., Kernaghan, G., Khasa, D.P. (1999) Establishment of Endophytic, N-fixing Bacteria in Canola. Technical report, Alberta Research Council

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Khasa, D.P. (1993) Génétique du Racosperma auriculiforme et du R. Mangium. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Khasa, D.P. (1987) Utilisation des endomycorhizes à vésicules et arbuscules en milieu tropical : études préliminaires d'une application au Zaïre. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  3. Khasa, D.P. (1984) Biologie des symbioses racinaires en régions tropicales humides (cas du Zaïre). Mémoire de baccalauréat, Université Laval

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Daassi, R. (2022) Étude des lignines des bois raméaux fragmentés des essences tropicales Gmelina arborea et Sarcocephalus latifolius et de leur devenir dans les sols agricoles au Bénin : effets sur l'aggradation des sols traités et l'amélioration de la production agricole. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Adoumandjali, G. (2020) Variabilité génétique, moléculaire et quantitative du Tilapia du Nil (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) dans le bassin du Congo. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  3. Kachaka, E. (2020) Effets de l’âge des jachères agroforestières à Acacia auriculiformis sur les sols, les rendements de culture et adoption par les agriculteurs du plateau des Batéké, en République démocratique du Congo. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  4. Naon, A. (2019) Perceptions des agriculteurs pour l'agroforesterie sur les flancs de montagne de man en cote d'ivoire. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  5. Tshinyama Ntumba, A. (2018) Contribution à la promotion de la pisciculture intégrée de tilapia du Nil (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) par la valorisation des sous-produits agro-industriels et l'utilisation rationnelle des fertilisants animaux en République Démocratique du Congo. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  6. Lafleche, S. (2017) Analyse des déterminants socioéconomiques de l'arboriculture fruitière dans la Menoua - Région de l'Ouest du Cameroun. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  7. Jean, R. (2017) Développement d'un mélange d'hydro-ensemencement herbacé pour la phytorestauration de résidus miniers aurifères. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  8. Lubalega Kimbamba, T. (2016) Évolution naturelle des savanes mises en défens à Ibi-village, sur le plateau des Bateke, en République Démocratique du Congo. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  9. Beaudoin Nadeau, M. (2015) Development of a new green technoloy for the revegetation of abandoned gold mine tailings using specific symbionts associated with "picea glauca". Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  10. KachakaYusufu, E. (2014) Carbone stocké dans un essai de provenances d’"Acacia mangium" à Ibi Village sur le plateau des Batéké en République Démocratique du Congo. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  11. Serra, R. (2013) L'efficacité du broutage par les moutons pour la gestion de la concurrence des herbes adventices dans de jeunes plantations de conifères en Colombie-Britannique au Canada. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  12. Mutonkole Senga, P. (2013) Caractérisation chimique de bois de tiges et de branches de Trema orientalis (L.) Blume et de Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  13. Morrissette, N. (2011) Les mycorhizes éricoïdes: un potentiel biotechnologique pour favoriser l'établissement de plants de bleuet sur les sites perturbés par l'exploitation des sables bitumineux en forêt boréale canadienne. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  14. Sarasin, G. (2011) Biotechnologie des symbioses racinaires en restauration écologique des écosystèmes dégradés à Madagascar. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  15. Rasool, N. (2011) Effect of some alien invasive plant species on soil microbial structure and function. Thèse de doctorat, University of Kashmir
  16. Rochon, C. (2011) Distribution et productivité de deux champignons ectomycorhiziens (Cantharellus cibarius var. roseocanus et Hypomyces lactifluorum/ Russula brevipes) en peuplements de Pin gris de l'Est du Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  17. Atangana, A.R. (2010) Phenotypic diversity in fruit and seed traits, and neutral genetic diversity in Allanblackia Floribunda. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  18. Pickford, J. (2010) Caractérisation du cortège ectomycorhizien d'une plantation forestière et sylvopastorale d'Eucalyptus urograndis au Brésil. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  19. Shah, M.A. (2010) Arbuscular mycotrophy of some invasive species of Kashmir Himalaya with particular reference to phosphorus nutrition. Thèse de doctorat, University of Kashmir
  20. Landry, M.-E. (2009) Approche systémique appliquée à la Forêt Modèle Reventazón (Costa Rica). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  21. Bandali, H. (2008) Genetic structure and diversity of Rhododendron arboreum (Ericaceae) in protected and harvested forests in northeast India. Mémoire de maîtrise, Concordia University
  22. Chifflot, V. (2008) Étude moléculaire des champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires dans un système agrisylvicole. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  23. Guigou Cairus, G. (2008) ESTIMATING GENETIC FLOW BETWEEN EXOTIC AND NATIVE POPLAR SPECIES IN QUÉBEC. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  24. Tonye, D. (2008) Évaluation de l’impact de la gestion des forêts communautaires au Cameroun. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  25. Civil Blanc, E. (2007) Évaluation économique des systèmes agroforestiers en Haïti : étude de cas de Petite Rivière de Nippes. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  26. Ouinsavi, C. (2006) Sustainable Management of the Remnant Iroko Populations in Benin: Structural Characterization, Morphological and Genetic Variation, and Conservation Strategies. Thèse de doctorat, Université Abomey-Calavi, Bénin
  27. Gagne, A. (2005) Étude moléculaire du cortège ectomycorhizien de plantations de conifères sur des sites forestiers après coupes à blanc. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  28. Bois, G. (2005) Écophysiologie de semis de conifères ectomycorhizés en milieu salin et sodique. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  29. Campagnac, E. (2004) Évaluation d'inoculums mycorhiziens pour leur utilisation dans la végétalisation des rejets de sables bitumineux. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Mbumba Bandi, M., Bitijula Mahimba M., Minengu, J.D., Khasa, D.P., Mafuka Mbe-Mpie, P. (2020) Opportunités et défis de l’agroforesterie dans et en périphérie de la Réserve de Biosphère de Luki au Kongo central en République Démocratique du Congo. Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture, 3(1):23-31
  2. Numbi, M.D., Lenge, E.K., Mbangu, D., Kanyenga, A.L., Khasa, D.P., Avana-Tientcheu, M.L. (2019) Effets des biomasses de différentes espèces agroforestières sur le rendement du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en culture en couloirs à Lubumbashi. Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture, 2(3):2-8
  3. Lubalega, T.K., Lubini, C., Ruel, J.-C., Khasa, D.P., Kizungu, R. (2018) Carbon sequestration in trees and soil in natural and assisted reforestation on the Ibi Village -Bateke plateau, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture, 1(1):25-32
  4. Hambling, B., Fung, M., Kernaghan, G., Khasa, D.P. (2001) Good nutrition: growers can rely on semi-hydroponics to monitor plants’ nutrient needs and assess other factors such as optimal pH and salinity. American Nurseryman, 193(6):52-54
  5. Khasa, D.P. (2000) Scientists find new method of DNA extraction. Forest Landscape, August/September:5
  6. Yates, J., Khasa, D.P. (1999) Diversification of woodlot products: II. Cultivation of blueberries. The Log Jam, 3(1):17-18
  7. Khasa, D.P. (1999) Diversification of woodlot products: III. Cultivation of ginseng. The Log Jam, 3(4):18-19
  8. Khasa, D.P. (1999) Diversification of woodlot products: I. Cultivation of mushrooms. The Log Jam, 3(1):20-22
  9. Khasa, D.P. (1998) Letter to the Editor: What is Agroforestry? The Log Jam, Octobre:6-7
  10. Khasa, D.P. (1998) Fungi facts: From side dish to plant nutrient buster. Forest Landscape, June(6):3

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