Ilga Porth

Membre régulier
Génétique et amélioration des arbres, génomique forestière

Université Laval
Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique
Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt
Pavillon Charles-Eugène Marchand, bureau 2165
1030 avenue de la Médecine
Québec (Québec) Canada, G1V 0A6

(418) 656-2131 poste 408185

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  • Postdoctorat en biotechnologie forestière, 2009 (University of British Columbia)
  • Doctorat en génétique, 2004 (Universität Wien)
  • Maîtrise en biochimie, 1999 (Universität Wien)

Champs d'expertise

  • Génétique et amélioration des arbres
  • Génomique forestière
  • Biotechnologie forestière
  • Chimie du bois

J’occupe un poste de professeur adjoint en génomique des arbres au Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt de la Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique à l’Université Laval. Mon programme de recherche à long terme est lié à l’analyse des fondements génétiques des traits de qualité du bois dans le contexte de l’amélioration des arbres avec un accent sur la valorisation des composantes du bois. Je cherche également à comprendre et à améliorer la résilience au stress biotique et abiotique des essences forestières. En raison de ma formation de biochimiste, j’ai un intérêt général pour la génomique et pour divers organismes et, par conséquent, j’ai récemment commencé à étudier la base génétique des attributs d’envahissement de plusieurs grands ravageurs forestiers exotiques présents au Canada. Je souhaite ardemment que mes recherches aident à appuyer le potentiel économique de la génomique forestière au Canada. J’attends avec impatience les futures collaborations fructueuses avec mes collègues du CEF.

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote



Chapitres de livre

  1. Wehenkel, C., Hernandez-Diaz, J.C., Hernandez-Velasco, J., Simental-Rodriguez, S.L., Porth, I., Goessen, R., Gonzalez-Elizondo, M.S., Fladung, M., Groppe, K., Jaramillo-Correa, J.P. et al. (2024) Mexican Populus tremuloides Michx: Adaptation to Climate Change Under Extreme Heterozygote Excess. In The Poplar Genome. (Porth, I., Klapstě, J. and McKown, A., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 183-190
  2. Piot, A., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Porth, I. (2024) Naturally Occurring Disruptive Genetic Variants Affect Expression of Populus trichocarpa Secondary Cell Wall Deposition Genes and Associated Wood Traits. In The Poplar Genome. (Porth, I., Klapstě, J. and McKown, A., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 125-151
  3. Porth, I., Goessen, R., Heinze, B. (2024) Poplar Genomics: An Introduction. In The Poplar Genome. (Porth, I., Klapstě, J. and McKown, A., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 1-31
  4. Porth, I., De la Torre, A.and El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2020) Prospects: The Spruce Genome, a Model for Understanding Gymnosperm Evolution and Supporting Tree Improvement Efforts. In The Spruce Genome. (Porth, I. and De la Torre, A., Eds.) Springer, Cham
  5. El-Kassaby, Y.A., Ratcliffe, B., El-Dien, O.G., Sun, S., Chen, C., CappaIlga, E.P., Porth, I. (2020) Genomic Selection in Canadian Spruces. In The Spruce Genome. (Porth, I. and De la Torre, A., Eds.) Springer, Cham
  6. Yan, X.-M., Zhou, S.-S., Porth, I., Mao, J.-F. (2020) The Terpene Synthase Gene Family in Norway Spruce. In The Spruce Genome. (Porth, I., De la Torre, A., Eds.) Springer, Cham
  7. Kremer, A., Casasoli, M., Berreneche, T., Bodenes, C., Sisco, P., Kubisiak, T.L., Scalfi, M., Leonardi, S., Bakker, E., Buiteveld, J. et al. (2007) Fagaceae trees. In Forest Trees. (Kole C, Eds.) Springer, 161–187

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur

  1. Porth, I. and De la Torre, A., Eds. (2020) The Spruce Genome. Springer

Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Blackburn, G.S., Keeling, C.I., Prunier, J., Keena, M.A., Beliveau, C., Hamelin, R., Havill, N.P., Hebert, F.O., Levesque, R.C., Cusson, M. et al. (2024) Genetics of flight in spongy moths (Lymantria dispar ssp.): functionally integrated profiling of a complex invasive trait. BMC Genomics, 25(1):541
  2. Qin, H., Xu, H., Capron, A., Porth, I., Cui, M., Keena, M.A., Deng, X., Shi, J., Hamelin, R.C. (2024) Is there hybridization between 2 species of the same genus in sympatry?—The genetic relationships between Anoplophora glabripennis, Anoplophora chinensis, and putative hybrids. Insect Science, 31(2):633-645
  3. Touchette, L., Godbout, J., Lamothe, M., Porth, I., Isabel, N. (2024) A cryptic syngameon within Betula shrubs revealed: Implications for conservation in changing subarctic environments. Evolutionary Applications, 17(4):e13689
  4. Shi, T.-L., Jia, K.-H., Bao, Y.-T., Nie, S., Tian, X.-C., Yan, X.-M., Chen, Z.-Y., Li, Z.-C., Zhao, S.-W., Ma, H.-Y. et al. (2024) High-quality genome assembly enables prediction of allele-specific gene expression in hybrid poplar. Plant Physiology
  5. Nie, S., Ma, H.-Y., Shi, T.-L., Tian, X.-C., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Porth, I., Yang, F.-S., Mao, J.-F. (2024) Progress in phylogenetics, multi-omics and flower coloration studies in Rhododendron. Ornamental Plant Research, 4(opr-0024-0001)
  6. de Oliveira, T.C., Freyria, N.J., Sarmiento-Villamil, J.L., Porth, I., Tanguay, P., Bernier, L. (2024) Unraveling the transcriptional features and gene expression networks of pathogenic and saprotrophic Ophiostoma species during the infection of Ulmus americana. Microbiology Spectrum
  7. Tischenko, L., Williams, M., DeMerchant, I., Sambaraju, K., Zacharias, M., Soolanayakanahally, R., Otis-Prudhomme, G., Isabel, N., Porth, I. (2024) Oak genomics for nature-based solutions: shaping future forests and resilient landscapes in Canada. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 20(3):15
  8. Yan, X.-M., Zhou, S.-S., Liu, H., Zhao, S.-W., Tian, X.-C., Shi, T.-L., Bao, Y.-T., Li, Z.-C., Jia, K.-H., Nie, S. et al. (2023) Unraveling the evolutionary dynamics of the TPS gene family in land plants. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14
  9. Zhao, S.-W., Guo, J.-F., Kong, L., Nie, S., Yan, X.-M., Shi, T.-L., Tian, X.-C., Ma, H.-Y., Bao, Y.-T., Li, Z.-C. et al. (2023) Haplotype-resolved genome assembly of Coriaria nepalensis a non-legume nitrogen-fixing shrub. Scientific Data, 10(1):259
  10. Wang, W.-B., He, X.-F., Yan, X.-M., Ma, B., Lu, C.-F., Wu, J., Zheng, Y., Wang, W.-H., Xue, W.-B., Tian, X.-C. et al. (2023) Chromosome-scale genome assembly and insights into the metabolome and gene regulation of leaf color transition in an important oak species, Quercus dentata. New Phytologist, 238(5):2016-2032
  11. Heuertz, M., Carvalho, S.B., Galindo, J., Rinkevich, B., Robakowski, P., Aavik, T., Altinok, I., Barth, J.M., Cotrim, H., Goessen, R. et al. (2023) The application gap: Genomics for biodiversity and ecosystem service management. Biological Conservation, 278:109883
  12. Fijarczyk, A., Bernier, L., Sakalidis, M.L., Medina-Mora, C.M., Porth, I. (2023) Independent Evolution Has Led to Distinct Genomic Signatures in Dutch Elm Disease-Causing Fungi and Other Vascular Wilts-Causing Fungal Pathogens. Journal of Fungi, 9
  13. Santangelo, J.S., Ness, R.W., Cohan, B., Fitzpatrick, C.R., Innes, S.G., Koch, S., Miles, L.S., Munim, S., Peres-Neto, P.R., Prashad, C. et al. (2022) Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science, 375(6586):1275-1281
  14. Goessen, R., Isabel, N., Wehenkel, C., Pavy, N., Tischenko, L., Touchette, L., Giguere, I., Gros-Louis, M.-C., Laroche, J., Boyle, B. et al. (2022) Coping with environmental constraints: Geographically divergent adaptive evolution and germination plasticity in the transcontinental Populus tremuloides. Plants People Planet, 4(6):638 – 654
  15. Klapste, J., Jaquish, B., Porth, I. (2022) Building resiliency in conifer forests: Interior spruce crosses among weevil resistant and susceptible parents produce hybrids appropriate for multi-trait selection. PLOS ONE, 17:1-19
  16. Goessen, R., Isabel, N., Wehenkel, C., Pavy, N., Tischenko, L., Touchette, L., Giguère, I., Gros-Louis, M.-C., Laroche, J., Boyle, B. et al. (2022) Coping with environmental constraints: Geographically divergent adaptive evolution and germination plasticity in the transcontinental Populus tremuloides. Plants, People, Planet
  17. Ma, B., Wu, J., Shi, T.-L., Yang, Y.-Y., Wang, W.-B., Zheng, Y., Su, S.-C., Yao, Y.-C., Xue, W.-B., Porth, I. et al. (2022) Lilac (Syringa oblata) genome provides insights into its evolution and molecular mechanism of petal color change. Communications Biology, 5(1)
  18. Xu, J., Luo, H., Zhou, S.-S., Jiao, S.Q., Jia, K.-H., Nie, S., Liu, H., Zhao, W., Wang, X.-R., El-Kassaby, Y.A. et al. (2022) UV-B and UV-C radiation trigger both common and distinctive signal perceptions and transmissions in Pinus tabuliformis Carr. Tree Physiology
  19. Cui, M., Wu, Y., Javal, M., Giguère, I., Roux, G., Andres, J.A., Keena, M., Shi, J., Wang, B., Braswell, E. et al. (2022) Genome-scale phylogeography resolves the native population structure of the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky). Evolutionary Applications, 15(6):934-953
  20. Jia, K.-H., Wang, Z.-X., Wang, L., Li, G.-Y., Zhang, W., Wang, X.-L., Xu, F.-J., Jiao, S.-Q., Zhou, S.-S., Liu, H. et al. (2022) SubPhaser: a robust allopolyploid subgenome phasing method based on subgenome-specific k-mers. New Phytologist, 235(2):801-809
  21. Piot, A., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Porth, I. (2022) Genomics-Based Systems and Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Unlock Complex Gene Networks Underlying Wood Formation. Current Forestry Reports, 8(2):166-180
  22. Zhou, S.-S., Yan, X.-M., Zhang, K.-F., Liu, H., Xu, J., Nie, S., Jia, K.-H., Jiao, S.-Q., Zhao, W., Zhao, Y.-J. et al. (2021) A comprehensive annotation dataset of intact LTR retrotransposons of 300 plant genomes. Scientific Data, 8(1)
  23. Jia, K.-H., Liu, H., Zhang, R.-G., Xu, J., Zhou, S.-S., Jiao, S.-Q., Yan, X.-M., Tian, X.-C., Shi, T.-L., Luo, H. et al. (2021) Chromosome-scale assembly and evolution of the tetraploid Salvia splendens (Lamiaceae) genome. Horticulture Research, 8(1)
  24. Cheng, S.-P., Jia, K.-H., Liu, H., Zhang, R.-G., Li, Z.-C., Zhou, S.-S., Shi, T.-L., Ma, A.-C., Yu, C.-W., Gao, C. et al. (2021) Haplotype-resolved genome assembly and allele-specific gene expression in cultivated ginger. Horticulture Research, 8(1)
  25. Xu, J., Nie, S., Xu, C.-Q., Liu, H., Jia, K.-H., Zhou, S.-S., Zhao, W., Zhou, X.-Q., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Wang, X.-R. et al. (2021) UV-B-induced molecular mechanisms of stress physiology responses in the major northern Chinese conifer Pinus tabuliformis Carr. Tree Physiology, 41(7):1247-1263
  26. Liu, H., Yan, X.-M., Wang, Xin-rui, Zhang, D.-X., Zhou, Q., Shi, T.-L., Jia, K.-H., Tian, X.-C., Zhou, S.-S., Zhang, R.-G. et al. (2021) Centromere-Specific Retrotransposons and Very-Long-Chain Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in the Genome of Yellowhorn (Xanthoceras sorbifolium, Sapindaceae), an Oil-Producing Tree With Significant Drought Resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12
  27. Jiao, S.-Q., Li, M., Zhu, Y.-J., Zhou, S.-S., Zhao, S.-W., Li, Z.-C., Bao, Y.-T., Shi, T.-L., Zhang, H.-J., Yang, X.-L. et al. (2021) Variation in platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) reproductive output and its effect on seed orchard crops’ genetic diversity. Forests, 12(11)
  28. Klapste, J., Kremer, A., Burg, K., Garnier-Gere, P., El-Dien, O.G., Ratcliffe, B., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Porth, I. (2021) Quercus species divergence is driven by natural selection on evolutionarily less integrated traits. Heredity, 126(2):366-382
  29. Touchette, L., Beaudoin, J.-M., Isabel, N., Gelinas, N., Porth, I. (2021) Comment mettre la génomique forestière et la génomique de la conservation au service des communautés autochtones? Forestry Chronicle, 97(3):300-314
  30. Touchette, L., Beaudoin, J.-M., Isabel, N., Gelinas, N., Porth, I. (2021) How to put forest and conservation genomics into motion for and with Indigenous communities? Forestry Chronicle, 97(3):300-314
  31. Piot, A., Prunier, J., Isabel, N., Klapstě, J., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Villarreal, J.C., Porth, I. (2020) Genomic Diversity Evaluation of Populus trichocarpa Germplasm for Rare Variant Genetic Association Studies. Frontiers in Genetics, 10:1384
  32. Yang, F.-S., Nie, S., Liu, H., Shi, T.-L., Tian, X.-C., Zhou, S.-S., Bao, Y.-T., Jia, K.-H., Guo, J.-F., Zhao, W. et al. (2020) Chromosome-level genome assembly of a parent species of widely cultivated azaleas. Nature Communications, 11(1):5269
  33. Blackburn, G.S., Bilodeau, P., Cooke, T., Cui, M., Cusson, M., Hamelin, R.C., Keena, M.A., Picq, S., Roe, A.D., Shi, J. et al. (2020) An Applied Empirical Framework for Invasion Science: Confronting Biological Invasion Through Collaborative Research Aimed at Tool Production. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 113(4):230-245
  34. Thistlethwaite, F.R., El-Dien, O.G., Ratcliffe, B., Klápště, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., Stoehr, M.U., Ingvarsson, P.K., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2020) Linkage disequilibrium vs. pedigree: Genomic selection prediction accuracy in conifer species. PLOS ONE, 15(6)
  35. Jiao, S.-Q., Dong, A.-X., Shi, T.-L., Liu, H., Porth, I., Xin, H.-B., Mao, J.-F. (2020) Development of a Large Gene-Associated SSR Marker Set and in-Depth Genetic Characterization in Scarlet Sage. Frontiers in Genetics, 11:504
  36. De La Torre, A.R., Piot, A., Liu, B., Wilhite, B., Weiss, M., Porth, I. (2020) Functional and morphological evolution in gymnosperms: A portrait of implicated gene families. Evolutionary Applications, 13(1):210-227
  37. Thistlethwaite, F.R., Ratcliffe, B., Klápště, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., Stoehr, M.U., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2019) Genomic selection of juvenile height across a single-generational gap in Douglas-fir. Heredity, 122:848-863
  38. Bilodeau, P., Roe, A.D., Bilodeau, G., Blackburn, G.S., Cui, M., Cusson, M., Doucet, D., Griess, V.C., Lafond, V.M.A., Nilausen, C. et al. (2019) Biosurveillance of forest insects: part II. Adoption of genomic tools by end user communities and barriers to integration. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1):71-82
  39. Zhou, S.-S., Xing, Z., Liu, H., Hu, X.-G., Gao, Q., Xu, J., Jiao, S.-Q., Jia, K.-H., Jin, Y.Q., Zhao, W. et al. (2019) In-depth transcriptome characterization uncovers distinct gene family expansions for Cupressus gigantea important to this long-lived species' adaptability to environmental cues. BMC Genomics, 20(1)
  40. Roe, A.D., Torson, A.S., Bilodeau, G., Bilodeau, P., Blackburn, G.S., Cui, M., Cusson, M., Doucet, D., Griess, V.C., Lafond, V. et al. (2019) Biosurveillance of forest insects: part I. Integration and application of genomic tools to the surveillance of non-native forest insects. Journal of Pest Science, 92(1):51-70
  41. Liu, S.-S., Hu, Y.-H., Maghuly, F., Porth, I., Mao, J.-F. (2019) The complete chloroplast genome sequence annotation for Malania oleifera, a critically endangered and important bioresource tree. Conservation Genetics Resources, 11:271–274
  42. Jiao, S.-Q., Sun, Y.-Q., Zhang, D.-X., Gao, Q., Jin, Y., Liu, H., Ma, Y., Yang, Y., Porth, I., Mao, J.-F. (2019) Development of novel EST-SSR markers for Ephedra sinica (Ephedraceae) by transcriptome database mining. Applications in Plant Sciences, 7(1)
  43. Prunier, J., Lemaçon, A., Bastien, A., Jafarikia, M., Porth, I., Robert, C., Droit, A. (2019) LD-annot: A Bioinformatics Tool to Automatically Provide Candidate SNPs With Annotations for Genetically Linked Genes. Frontiers in Genetics, 10
  44. Xu, C.-Q., Liu, H., Zhou, S.-S., Zhang, D.-X., Zhao, W., Wang, S., Chen, F., Sun, Y.-Q., Nie, S., Jia, K.-H. et al. (2019) Genome sequence of Malania oleifera, a tree with great value for nervonic acid production. GigaScience, 8(2)
  45. Dong, A.-X., Xin, H.-B., Li, Z.-J., Liu, H., Sun, Y.-Q., Nie, S., Zhao, Z.-N., Cui, R.-F., Zhang, R.-G., Yun, Q.-Z. et al. (2018) High-quality assembly of the reference genome for scarlet sage, Salvia splendens, an economically important ornamental plant. GigaScience, 7(7)
  46. Prunier, J., Giguère, I., Ryan, N., Guy, R., Soolanayakanahally, R., Isabel, N., MacKay, J., Porth, I. (2018) Gene copy number variations involved in balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.) adaptive variations. Molecular Ecology
  47. Porth, I., White, R., Jaquish, B., Ritland, K. (2018) Partial correlation analysis of transcriptomes helps detangle the growth and defense network in spruce. New Phytologist, 218(4):1349-1359
  48. El-Dien, O.G., Ratcliffe, B., Klapste, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2018) Multienvironment genomic variance decomposition analysis of open-pollinated Interior spruce (Picea glauca x engelmannii). Molecular Breeding, 38(3)
  49. Porth, I., Maghuly, F., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Mansfield, S. (2018) Localization of gene expression, tissue specificity of Populus xylosyltransferase genes by isolation and functional characterization of their promoters. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 134(3):503-508
  50. Thistlethwaite, F.R., Ratcliffe, B., Klapste, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., Stoehr, M.U., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2017) Genomic prediction accuracies in space and time for height and wood density of Douglas-fir using exome capture as the genotyping platform. BMC Genomics, 18(1)
  51. Du, R., Niu, S., Liu, Y., Sun, X., Porth, I., El-Kassaby, Y.A., Li, W. (2017) The gibberellin GID1-DELLA signalling module exists in evolutionarily ancient conifers. Scientific Reports, 7(1)
  52. McKown, A.D., Klapste, J., Guy, R.D., Soolanayakanahally, R.Y., La Mantia, J., Porth, I., Skyba, O., Unda, F., Douglas, C.J., El-Kassaby, Y.A. et al. (2017) Sexual homomorphism in dioecious trees: Extensive tests fail to detect sexual dimorphism in Populus. Scientific Reports, 7(1)
  53. Ratcliffe, B., El-Dien, O.G., Cappa, E.P., Porth, I., Klapste, J., Chen, C., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2017) Single-step BLUP with varying genotyping effort in open-pollinated Picea glauca. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 7(3):935-942
  54. El-Dien, O. G., Ratcliffe, B., Klapste, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., El-Kassaby, Y. A. (2016) Implementation of the realized genomic relationship matrix to open-pollinated white spruce family testing for disentangling additive from nonadditive genetic effects. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 6(3):743-753
  55. Porth, I., Bull, G., Cool, J., Gélinas, N., Griess, V. (2016) An Economic Assessment of Genomics Research and Development Initiative Projects in Forestry. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 11(16):1-10
  56. Porth, I., Garnier-Gere, P., Klapste, J., Scotti-Saintagne, C., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Burg, K., Kremer, A. (2016) Species-specific alleles at a β-tubulin gene show significant associations with leaf morphological variation within Quercus petraea and Q. robur populations. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 12(4)
  57. Niu, S., Yuan, H., Sun, X., Porth, I., Li, Y., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Li, W. (2016) A transcriptomics investigation into pine reproductive organ development. New Phytologist, 209(3):1278-1289
  58. Wang, W., Li, E., Porth, I., Chen, J.-G., Mansfield, S. D., Douglas, C. J., Wang, S. (2016) Spatially and temporally restricted expression of PtrMYB021 regulates secondary cell wall formation in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biology, 59(1):16-23
  59. Ratcliffe, B., El-Dien, O. G., Klapste, J., Porth, I., Chen, C., Jaquish, B., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2015) A comparison of genomic selection models across time in interior spruce (Picea engelmannii x glauca) using unordered SNP imputation methods. Heredity, 115(6):547-555
  60. Porth, I., Bull, G., Ahmed, S., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Boyland, M. (2015) Forest genomics research and development in Canada: Priorities for developing an economic framework. Forestry Chronicle, 91(1):60-70
  61. Porth, I., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2015) Using Populus as a lignocellulosic feedstock for bioethanol. Biotechnology Journal, 10(4):510-524
  62. Muchero, W., Guo, J., DiFazio, S. P., Chen, J.-G., Ranjan, P., Slavov, G. T., Gunter, L. E., Jawdy, S., Bryan, A. C., Sykes, R. et al. (2015) High-resolution genetic mapping of allelic variants associated with cell wall chemistry in Populus. BMC Genomics, 16(1)
  63. Porth, I., Klapste, J., McKown, A. D., La Mantia, J., Guy, R. D., Ingvarsson, P. K., Hamelin, R., Mansfield, S. D., Ehlting, J., Douglas, C. J. et al. (2015) Evolutionary quantitative genomics of Populus trichocarpa. PLOS ONE, 10(11)
  64. Gamal El-Dien, O., Ratcliffe, B., Klapste, J., Chen, C., Porth, I., El-Kassaby, Y.A. (2015) Prediction accuracies for growth and wood attributes of interior spruce in space using genotyping-by-sequencing. BMC Genomics, 16(1)
  65. Wang, S., Li, E., Porth, I., Chen, J.-G., Mansfield, S. D., Douglas, C. J. (2014) Regulation of secondary cell wall biosynthesis by poplar R2R3 MYB transcription factor PtrMYB152 in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 4
  66. Porth, I., Klapste, J., McKown, A. D., La Mantia, J., Hamelin, R. C., Skyba, O., Unda, F., Friedmann, M. C., Cronk, Q. C. B., Ehlting, J. et al. (2014) Extensive functional pleiotropy of REVOLUTA substantiated through forward genetics. Plant Physiology, 164(2):548-554
  67. Porth, I., El-Kassaby, Y. A. (2014) Current status of the development of genetically modified (GM) forest trees world-wide: A comparison with the development of other GM plants in agriculture. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 9
  68. Porth, I., El-Kassaby, Y. A. (2014) Assessment of the genetic diversity in forest tree populations using molecular markers. Diversity, 6(2):283-295
  69. Mckown, A. D., Klapste, J., Guy, R. D., Geraldes, A., Porth, I., Hannemann, J., Friedmann, M., Muchero, W., Tuskan, G. A., Ehlting, J. et al. (2014) Genome-wide association implicates numerous genes underlying ecological trait variation in natural populations of Populus trichocarpa. New Phytologist, 203(2):535-553
  70. Porth, I., Klapste, J., Skyba, O., Friedmann, M. C., Hannemann, J., Ehlting, J., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Mansfield, S. D., Douglas, C. J. (2013) Network analysis reveals the relationship among wood properties, gene expression levels and genotypes of natural Populus trichocarpa accessions. New Phytologist, 200(3):727-742
  71. Geraldes, A., Difazio, S. P., Slavov, G. T., Ranjan, P., Muchero, W., Hannemann, J., Gunter, L. E., Wymore, A. M., Grassa, C. J., Farzaneh, N. et al. (2013) A 34K SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa: Design, application to the study of natural populations and transferability to other Populus species. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13(2):306-323
  72. Porth, I., Klapste, J., Skyba, O., Hannemann, J., Mckown, A. D., Guy, R. D., Difazio, S. P., Muchero, W., Ranjan, P., Tuskan, G. A. et al. (2013) Genome-wide association mapping for wood characteristics in Populus identifies an array of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms. New Phytologist, 200(3):710-726
  73. Porth, I., Klapste, J., Skyba, O., Lai, B. S. K., Geraldes, A., Muchero, W., Tuskan, G. A., Douglas, C. J., El-Kassaby, Y. A., Mansfield, S. D. (2013) Populus trichocarpa cell wall chemistry and ultrastructure trait variation, genetic control and genetic correlations. New Phytologist, 197(3):777-790
  74. Porth, I., White, R., Jaquish, B., Alfaro, R., Ritland, C., Ritland, K. (2012) Genetical Genomics Identifies the Genetic Architecture for Growth and Weevil Resistance in Spruce. PLOS ONE, 7(9)
  75. Porth, I., Hamberger, B., White, R., Ritland, K. (2011) Defense mechanisms against herbivory in Picea: Sequence evolution and expression regulation of gene family members in the phenylpropanoid pathway. BMC Genomics, 12
  76. Casasoli, M., Derory, J., Morera-Dutrey, C., Brendel, O., Porth, I., Guehl, J.-M., Villani, F., Kremer, A. (2006) Comparison of quantitative trait loci for adaptive traits between oak and chestnut based on an expressed sequence tag consensus map. Genetics, 172(1):533-546
  77. Porth, I., Scotti-Saintagne, C., Barreneche, T., Kremer, A., Burg, K. (2005) Linkage mapping of osmotic stress induced genes of oak. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 1(1):31-40
  78. Porth, I., Koch, M., Berenyi, M., Burg, A., Burg, K. (2005) Identification of adaptation-specific differences in mRNA expression of sessile and pedunculate oak based on osmotic-stress-induced genes. Tree Physiology, 25(10):1317-1329
  79. Scotti-Saintagne, C., Mariette, S., Porth, I., Goicoechea, P. G., Barreneche, T., Bodénès, C., Burg, K., Kremer, A. (2004) Genome scanning for interspecific differentiation between two closely related oak species [Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea (Matt.) Liebl.]. Genetics, 168(3):1615-1626
  80. Baurecht, D., Porth, I., Fringeli, U. P. (2002) A new method of phase sensitive detection in modulation spectroscopy applied to temperature induced folding and unfolding of RNase A. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 30(1):85-92

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Beaulieu, J., Porth, I., Bousquet, J. (2020) Forest genomics and genetics at Université Laval. In Proceedings of the 36th Meeting of the Canadian Forest Genetics Association, Lac Delage, Québec, August 19-23, 2019. Part I. (McPhee, D.A. and Simpson, J.D., Eds.)
  2. Bousquet, J., Porth, I., Beaulieu, J. (2018) Forest genomics and genetics at Université Laval. In Proceedings of the 35th Meeting of the Canadian Forest Genetics Association, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, June 26-29, 2017. Part I.. (McPhee, D.A. and Simpson, J.D., Eds.) Pages 24-37

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Bousquet, J., Desponts, M., Godbout, J., Isabel, N., Lenz, P., Perron, M., Porth, I., Otis Prud’homme, G., Beaulieu, J. (2021) L’importance des plantations génétiques pour évaluer la capacité d’adaptation des essences en reboisement face aux changements climatiques. Mémoire, Consultation publique sur le projet de Stratégie d’adaptation de la gestion et de l’aménagement des forêts aux changements climatiques du Ministère des forêts, de la faune et des parcs du Québec.
  2. Bousquet, J., Porth, I., Beaulieu, J. (2017) Forest genomics and genetics at Université Laval. Technical report, CFGA Report
  3. Porth, I., Gélinas, N., Bull, G. (2015) An Economic Assessment of Forestry Genomics Research and Development Initiative (GRDI) projects. Technical report, Canadian Forest Service
  4. Bull, G., Porth, I., Ahmed, S. (2014) Review of the State of Forest Genomics Research and Development. Technical report, Canadian Forest Service

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Porth, I. (2004) Organ specific expression and genetic mapping of osmotic regulated genes of oak. Thèse de doctorat, Vienna University

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Piot, A. (2023) Evaluating the effect of disruptive genetic variations on secondary cell wall deposition in Populus trichocarpa. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Cui, M. (2023) Population genomics of the invasive Anoplophora glabripennis for the purpose of biosurveillance. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  3. Touchette, L. (2023) De chercheurs à détectives : au bouleau! : une approche multicritère pour comprendre le succès d'un syngaméon de bouleaux arbustifs d'Amérique du Nord face aux changements climatiques en régions subarctiques. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  4. Soumila, L. (2022) Diversité des métabolites secondaires chez les gymnospermes boréales. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Porth, I., Ritland, K. (2018) Inferring gene networks for growth and defense in spruce. Branchlines, Faculty of Forestry. Branchlines, 29(1):16-17

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