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Publications récentes des membres du CEF

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  1. Marquardt, P.E., Munson, A.D., Palik, B.J., Nolet, P. (2025) Forest assisted migration. Frontiers Media SA, Lausanne
Chapitres de livre


Actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles publiés dans des revues avec comité de lecture
  1. Brown, M.S., Coops, N.C., Mulverhill, C., Achim, A. (2025) Detection of non-stand replacing disturbances (NSR) using Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 time series. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 220:264-276
  2. Gao, L., Pare, D., Braghiroli, F.L., Lamarche, M., Bergeron, Y. (2025) Relationships between charcoal property and post fire productivity in the boreal forest. Forest Ecosystems, 12:100277
  3. Robles, D., Boulanger, Y., Pascual, J., Danneyrolles, V., Bergeron, Y., Drobyshev, I. (2025) Timber harvesting was the most important factor driving changes in vegetation composition, as compared to climate and fire regime shifts, in the mixedwood temperate forests of Temiscamingue since AD 1830. Landscape Ecology, 40(2):26
  4. Wang, J., Hua, H., Guo, J., Huang, X., Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Wang, D., Guo, X., Zhang, R., Smith, N.G. et al. (2025) Late spring frost delays tree spring phenology by reducing photosynthetic productivity. Nature Climate Change
  5. Bai, C., Zhao, W., Klisz, M., Rossi, S., Shen, W., Guo, X. (2025) Growth Rate and Not Growing Season Explains the Increased Productivity of Masson Pine in Mixed Stands. Plants, 14(3)
  6. Garfa, A., Silvestro, R., Sassamoto Kurokawa, S.Y., Rossi, S., Deslauriers, A., Lavoie, S. (2025) Sugar Maple and Red Maple Face-Off: Which Produces More and Sweeter Sap? Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 15(3)
  7. Kurokawa, S.Y.S., Silvestro, R., Khan, A., de Lima Santos, G., Delagrange, S., Rossi, S. (2025) The divergent advancements of sap phenology in maple under warming conditions can shorten the sugar season. Trees, Forests and People, 19
  8. Labadie, G., Boulanger, Y., Drapeau, P., Stralberg, D., Tremblay, J.A. (2025) Projecting bird assemblage responses to climate-driven changes in managed boreal forest landscapes of Québec. Biological Conservation, 302:110956
  9. Virkkala, A.-M., Rogers, B.M., Watts, J.D., Arndt, K.A., Potter, S., Wargowsky, I., Schuur, E.A.G., See, C.R., Mauritz, M., Boike, J. et al. (2025) Wildfires offset the increasing but spatially heterogeneous Arctic–boreal CO2 uptake. Nature Climate Change
  10. Randriamananjara, M.A., Fenton, N.J., DesRochers, A. (2025) Understory vegetation diversity and composition in intensively managed plantations compared to extensively managed forests. New Forests, 56(1)
  11. Canuel, C.-M., Thiffault, E., Labelle, E.R., Thiffault, N. (2025) Forest biomass for bioenergy as a tool to combat climate change: Implications for sustainable forest management in eastern Canada. The Forestry Chronicle, 101(1):1-14
  12. Vogel, M.F.S., Joannin, S., Lamara, M., Asselin, H., Ali, A.A., Leclercq, S., Latapy, C., Richard, F., Bergeron, Y. (2025) Multi-proxy analysis of early Holocene vegetation dynamics on the islands of proglacial Lake Ojibway (northeastern America). Journal of Quaternary Science, 40(2):229 – 242
  13. Sydor-Estable, C., Turgeon, K., Maheu, A. (2025) Tragedy of the culverts? Characterizing the state of road infrastructure in public and private forests. Journal of Environmental Management, 373
  14. Giroux-Gauthier, L., Maheu, A., Carmeliet, J., Kubilay, A., Derome, D. (2025) Wind Driven Rain on Building Facades Sheltered by Trees. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 552 LNCE:159 – 164
  15. Suo, Y., Li, T., von Sperber, C., Ge, L., Cao, C., Zhai, Z., Bu, Z., Wang, M. (2025) Low molecular weight organic acids mobilize soil organic phosphorus for enzymatic hydrolysis in a temperate montane peatland. Biogeochemistry, 168(1)
  16. El Hachem, K., von Sperber, C., Allard, C., Heagle, D., Vyriotes, D., Staebler, R.M., Caron-Beaudoin, E., Kang, M. (2025) Characterizing multifaceted environmental risks of oil and gas well leakage through soil and well methane and hydrogen sulfide emissions. Environmental Research, 264
  17. Derguy, L., Leblond, M., St-Laurent, M.-H. (2025) Living in fear: How experience shapes caribou responses to predation risk. Ecosphere, 16(1):e70155
  18. Jain, A., Cunha, F., Bunsen, M.J., Canas, J.S., Pasi, L., Pinoy, N., Helsing, F., Russo, J., Botham, M., Sabourin, M. et al. (2025) Insect Identification in the Wild: The AMI Dataset. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 15095 LNCS:55 – 73
  19. Mahdizadeh Gharakhanlou, N., Perez, L., Henry, E. (2025) Evaluating environmental, weather, and management influences for sustainable beekeeping in California and Quebec: Enhancing beehive survival predictions. Journal of Environmental Management, 373:123783
  20. Vadnais, J., Perez, L., Coallier, N. (2025) Assessing foraging landscape quality in Quebec's commercial beekeeping through remote sensing, machine learning, and survival analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 374
  21. Mahatara, D., Barrette, J., Dufour, B., Sirois, L., Achim, A., Schneider, R. (2025) Changes in wood density, growth, and carbon storage of the main stem of planted white spruce (Picea glauca) after commercial thinning. Forest Ecology and Management, 580:122542
  22. Blouin, D., Bissonnette, J.-F., Goyette, J.-O., Cimon-Morin, J., Mendes, P., Torchio, G.M., Gosselin-Tapp, J., Poulin, M. (2025) Ecosystem services concept: Challenges to its integration in government organizations. Ecosystem Services, 71:101691
  23. Walker, J., Begin-Marchand, C., Terrigeol, A., Therrien, J.-F., Cote, P., Burford, L., Foss, C.R., Tremblay, J.A. (2025) Euphagus carolinus (Rusty Blackbird) from two different breeding populations in northeastern North America exhibit chain migration yet use the same region for stopover. Ornithological Applications, 127:1-16
  24. Lemieux, M., Lamarre, V., Tremblay, J.A. (2025) Hemlock looper outbreak: new insight about how Black-backed Woodpecker (Picoides arcticus) respond to resource pulses in eastern Canada; [Épidémie d'arpenteuse de la pruche: nouvelles connaissances sur la façon dont le pic à dos noir (Picoides arcticus) réagit à l'augmentation des ressources dans l'est du Canada]. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 20(1)
  25. Kikpa Bio, R., Dupras, J., Gagne, L. (2025) Study of the local population’s perceptions of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves in Benin. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 30
  26. Kikpa Bio, R., Levesque, A., Dupras, J. (2025) Salt forests and their people: stakeholders’ perspectives on community management of mangroves’ ecosystems in Benin. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 29(1)
  27. Amon, L., St-Jacques, J.-M., Ershova, E., Hargan, K.E., Whyte, C.M.C., Sachse, D., Rach, O., Peros, M.C. (2025) From deglaciation to the Early Holocene in the northern Appalachians: A multiproxy palaeoenvironmental record from Scotstown Bog, Québec, Canada. Journal of Quaternary Science, 40(2):213 – 228
  28. Pace, A., St-Jacques, J.-M., Noel, D., Fortin, G. (2025) Filling the Atlantic coastal tree-ring reconstruction gap: A 195-year record of growing season discharge of the Sainte-Anne River, Gaspésie, Québec, Canada. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 58
  29. Menard, I., Thiffault, E., Magnan, M., Kurz, W.A., Hebert, F., Boucher, J.-F. (2025) Improving carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions avoidance through harvested wood products use. Trees Forests and People, 19
  30. Chagnon, C., Moreau, G., Soro, A., Bombardier-Cauffope, C., Baby-Bouchard, E., Chamberland, V., Barrette, J., Gelinas, N., Duchesne, I., Lenz, P. et al. (2025) A comprehensive framework to evaluate the financial impacts of genetic improvement on wood products from planted forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 55:1-15
  31. Ribeyre, Z., Depardieu, C., Prunier, J., Pelletier, G., Parent, G.J., Mackay, J., Droit, A., Bousquet, J., Nolet, P., Messier, C. (2025) De novo transcriptome assembly and discovery of drought-responsive genes in white spruce (Picea glauca). Plos One, 20(1)
  32. Reed-Metayer, E., Depardieu, C., Lenz, P., Bousquet, J., Perron, M. (2025) Spruce hybrids show superior lifespan growth but intermediate response to climate stress compared to their ecologically divergent parental species. Forest Ecology and Management, 581:122550
  33. Ryzhkova, N., Asselin, H., Ali, A.A., Kryshen, A., Bergeron, Y., Robles, D., Pineda-Zapata, S., Drobyshev, I. (2025) PDO Dynamics Shape the Fire Regime of Boreal Subarctic Landscapes in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 130(2):e2024JG008178
  34. Hakimara, M., Despland, E. (2025) Vertical stratification of leaf physical traits exerts bottom–up pressures on insect herbivory in a sugar maple temperate forest. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 18(1):1 – 15
  35. Rivest, D., Martin-Guay, M.-O., Hebert, E.-M., Dulac, S., Cogliastro, A., Maheu, A. (2025) Evaluating ecosystem multifunctionality in tree-based intercropping: a case study from southern Québec, Canada. Frontiers in Agronomy, 7
  36. Rissanen, K., Lapa, G., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A. (2025) Differing seasonal trends in water use and water status between park and street trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
  37. Rissanen, K., Vitali, V., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A. (2025) Vessel anatomy of urban Celtis occidentalis trees varies to favour safety or efficiency depending on site conditions. Trees, 39(1):29
  38. Benson, J.F., Keiter, D.A., Mahoney, P.J., Allen, B.L., Allen, L., Alvares, F., Anderson, M.L., Barber-Meyer, S.M., Barocas, A., Beasley, J.C. et al. (2025) Intrinsic and environmental drivers of pairwise cohesion in wild Canis social groups. Ecology, 106(1):e4492
  39. Atmeh, K., Bonenfant, C., Gaillard, J.-M., Garel, M., Hewison, A.J.M., Marchand, P., Morellet, N., Anderwald, P., Buuveibaatar, B., Beck, J.L. et al. (2025) Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 9(1):142-152
  40. Dossa, K.F., Vodouhe, F.G., Khasa, D.P. (2025) Social acceptability of critical and strategic minerals (CSMs) development: A systematic review with a particular focus on Quebec, Canada. Mining, 5(1)
  41. Schille, L., Paquette, A., Marcotte, G., Ouellet, H., Cobus, S., Barbaro, L., Castagneyrol, B. (2025) Urban tree diversity fosters bird insectivory despite a loss in bird diversity with urbanization. Landscape and Urban Planning, 256:105274
  42. Zanin, G., DesRochers, A., Fenton, N.J. (2025) Impact of the origin of sites planted with hybrid poplar on plant community composition and diversity. New Forests, 56(1)
  43. Marquardt, P.E., Palik, B.J., Nolet, P., Munson, A.D. (2025) Editorial: Forest assisted migration. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 8
Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)


Rapports scientifiques


Thèses et mémoires supervisés


Articles publiés dans des revues sans comité de lecture
  1. De Noronha, M., Bergeron, Y., Leduc, A. (2025) Les feuillus : un rempart naturel pour ralentir la paludification des jeunes aux vieilles forêts boréales. Le Couvert boréal, 21(1):36

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International Traits Summer School 2025
Main coordinator is Alison Munson.
15-20 juin 2025
Université Laval, Québec, Canada

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************************************************************* ***************** Pub - Atlas Biodiversité ****************** *************************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************