Steven G. Cumming

Chercheur régulier
Modélisation des écosystèmes boréaux

Université Laval
Faculté de foresterie et de géomatique
Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt
Pavillon Abitibi-Price, local 2117
2405 Rue de la Terrasse
Québec (Québec) Canada, G1V 0A6

Téléphone: (418) 656-2131 poste 402593
Télécopieur: (418) 656-5262

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  • Ph.D. en écologie forestière, 1997 (Université de la Colombie-Britannique)
  • M.Sc. en informatique, 1986 (Simon Fraser University)
  • B.Sc. en informatique, 1981 (Université d'Alberta)

Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en modélisation des écosystèmes boréaux de 2006 à 2016.


Mes activités de recherche englobent l’analyse spatiale et la modélisation des processus écologiques. Je m’intéresse depuis longtemps à la modélisation de la dynamique des peuplements forestiers et tout particulièrement à l’étude des perturbations par le feu dans les forêts boréales. Au cours des dernières années, je me suis joint au Boreal Avian Modelling Project, où j’applique mon expertise en modélisation au développement de modèles statistiques en vue de prédire la distribution et l’abondance de la faune aviaire.


Mes collaborateurs et moi avons développé de nouvelles méthodes de modélisation écologique et spatiale qui peuvent être appliquées aussi bien à l’étude de processus naturels (par exemple, les feux de forêt) que de processus anthropiques (par exemple, l’aménagement forestier). Nous avons en outre démontré que nos modèles pouvaient s’appliquer à l’échelle régionale. Les travaux en cours incluent le développement d’un modèle dynamique adapté à la forêt boréale québécoise. Dans le cadre du Boreal Avian Modelling Project, nous avons mis en place des outils méthodologiques permettant l’élaboration de modèles pour près de 100 espèces d’oiseaux et travaillons présentement au développement de modèles pour la sauvagine.


Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote

Boreal Avian Modelling Project Reports


Chapitres de livre

  1. Krawchuk, M., Lisgo, K., Leroux, S., Vernier, P., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F. (2014) Boreal forest, Canada. In Climate and conservation: Landscape and seascape science, planning, and action, Island Press-Center for Resource Economics, pages 69-79
  2. Krawchuk, M., Lisgo, K., Leroux, S., Vernier, P., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F. (2012) Boreal Forest, Canada. (Chap. 6) In Climate and Conservation: Landscape and Seascape Science, Planning, and Action. (Hilty, J.A., Chester, C.C. and Cross, M.S., Eds.) Island Press
  3. Messier, C., Fortin, M.-J., Schmiegelow, F., Doyon, F., Cumming, S.G., Kimmins, J.P., Seely, B., Welham, C., Nelson, J. (2003) Modelling tools to assess the sustainability of forest management scenarios. (Chap. 14) In Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest. (Burton, P.J., Messier, C., Smith, D.W. and Adamowicz, W.L., Eds.) NRC Research Press, pages 531-580
  4. Greenway, K., Cumming, S.G., Grover, B. (2002) Regeneration of trees after wildfire and harvesting. (Chap. 8) In Ecological basis for stand management: A summary and synthesis of ecological responses to wildfire and harvesting in boreal forests. (Song, S.J., Eds.) Alberta Research Council Inc., pages 1-26

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur

  1. Cumming, S.G., Darveau, M., Naujokaitis-Lewis, I. and Barker, N., Eds. (2019) Conservation of Boreal Birds. The Resilience Alliance

Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Burton, P.J., Cumming, S.G. (2024) Gap Model Simulation of Metrosideros-Cibotium Stand Structure and Displacement Dieback. Pacific Science, 77(2-3):297-308
  2. Raymundo, A., Micheletti, T., Hache, S., Stralberg, D., Stewart, F., Tremblay, J.A., Barros, C., Eddy, I., Chubaty, A., Leblond, M. et al. (2024) Climate-sensitive forecasts of marked short-term and long-term changes in the distributions or abundances of Northwestern boreal landbirds. Climate Change Ecology, 7
  3. Leston, L., Denes, F.V., Docherty, T.D.S., Tremblay, J.A., Boulanger, Y., Van Wilgenburg, S.L., Stralberg, D., Solymos, P., Hache, S., Laurent, K.S. et al. (2024) A framework to support the identification of critical habitat for wide-ranging species at risk under climate change. Biodiversity and Conservation, 33(2):603 – 628
  4. Jorgensen, A.G., Alfaro-Sanchez, R., Cumming, S.G., White, A.L., Degre-Timmons, G.E., Day, N., Turetsky, M., Johnstone, J.F., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2023) The influence of postfire recovery and environmental conditions on boreal vegetation. Ecosphere, 14(7):e4605
  5. Bill, K., Dieleman, C., Baltzer, J., Degre-Timmons, G.E., Mack, M., Day, N., Cumming, S.G., Walker, X., Turetsky, M. (2023) Post-fire Recovery of Soil Organic Layer Carbon in Canadian Boreal Forests. Ecosystems
  6. Micheletti, T., Hache, S., Stralberg, D., Stewart, F.E.C., Chubaty, A.M., Barros, C., Bayne, E.M., Cumming, S.G., Docherty, T.D.S., Dookie, A. et al. (2023) Will this umbrella leak? A caribou umbrella index for boreal landbird conservation. Conservation Science and Practice, 5(4):e12908
  7. Stewart, F.E.C., Micheletti, T., Cumming, S.G., Barros, C., Chubaty, A.M., Dookie, A.L., Duclos, I., Eddy, I., Hache, S., Hodson, J. et al. (2023) Climate-informed forecasts reveal dramatic local habitat shifts and population uncertainty for northern boreal caribou. Ecological Applications, 33(3):e2816
  8. Reid, K.A., Day, N.J., Alfaro-Sanchez, R., Johnstone, J.F., Cumming, S.G., Mack, M.C., Turetsky, M.R., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2023) Black spruce (Picea mariana) seed availability and viability in boreal forests after large wildfires. Annals of Forest Science, 80:1-16
  9. Barros, C., Luo, Y., Chubaty, A.M., Eddy, I.M.S., Micheletti, T., Boisvenue, C., Andison, D.W., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2023) Empowering ecological modellers with a PERFICT workflow: Seamlessly linking data, parameterisation, prediction, validation and visualisation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14:173-188
  10. Ogden, E.L., Cumming, S.G., Smith, S.L., Turetsky, M.R., Baltzer, J.L. (2023) Permafrost thaw induces short-term increase in vegetation productivity in northwestern Canada. Global Change Biology, 29(18):5352-5366
  11. Alfaro-Sanchez, R., Johnstone, J.F., Cumming, S.G., Day, N.J., Mack, M.C., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2022) What Drives Reproductive Maturity and Efficiency in Serotinous Boreal Conifers? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
  12. Edwards, M., Lisgo, K., Leroux, S., Krawchuk, M., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F. (2022) Conservation planning integrating natural disturbances: Estimating minimum reserve sizes for an insect disturbance in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. PLOS ONE, 17(5):1-20
  13. Day, N.J., Johnstone, J.F., Reid, K.A., Cumming, S.G., Mack, M.C., Turetsky, M.R., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2022) Material Legacies and Environmental Constraints Underlie Fire Resilience of a Dominant Boreal Forest Type. Ecosystems
  14. Diop, S.A, Duchesne, T., Cumming, S.G., Diop, A., Talbot, D. (2022) Confounding adjustment methods for multi-level treatment comparisons under lack of positivity and unknown model specification. Journal of Applied Statistics, 49(10):2570-2592
  15. McIntire, E.J.B., Chubaty, A.M., Cumming, S.G., Andison, D., Barros, C., Boisvenue, C., Hache, S., Luo, Y., Micheletti, T., Stewart, F.E.C. (2022) PERFICT: A Re-imagined foundation for predictive ecology. Ecology Letters, 25(6):1345-1351
  16. Vernier, P.R., Leroux, S.J., Cumming, S.G., Lisgo, K., Esteban, A.S, Krawchuk, M.A., Schmiegelow, F. (2022) Comparing Global and Regional Maps of Intactness in the Boreal Region of North America: Implications for Conservation Planning in One of the World’s Remaining Wilderness Areas. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5
  17. Greuel, R.J., Degre-Timmons, G.E., Baltzer, J.L., Johnstone, J.F., McIntire, E.J.B., Day, N.J., Hart, S.J., McLoughlin, P.D., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Turetsky, M.R. et al. (2021) Predicting patterns of terrestrial lichen biomass recovery following boreal wildfires. Ecosphere, 12(4)
  18. Micheletti, T., Stewart, F.E.C., Cumming, S.G., Hache, S., Stralberg, D., Tremblay, J.A., Barros, C., Eddy, I.M.S., Chubaty, A.M., Leblond, M. et al. (2021) Assessing Pathways of Climate Change Effects in SpaDES: An Application to Boreal Landbirds of Northwest Territories Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9
  19. Day, N.J., Cumming, S.G., Dunfield, K.E., Johnstone, J.F., Mack, M.C., Reid, K.A., Turetsky, M.R., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2021) Corrigendum: Identifying Functional Impacts of Heat-Resistant Fungi on Boreal Forest Recovery After Wildfire (Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, (2020), 3, (68), 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00068). Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4
  20. Adde, A., Casabona i Amat, C., Mazerolle, M.J., Darveau, M., Cumming, S.G., O'Hara, R.B. (2021) Integrated modeling of waterfowl distribution in western Canada using aerial survey and citizen science (eBird) data. Ecosphere, 12(10)
  21. Adde, A., Darveau, M., Barker, N., Imbeau, L., Cumming, S.G. (2021) Environmental covariates for modelling the distribution and abundance of breeding ducks in northern North America: a review. Écoscience, 28(1):33-52
  22. Adde, A., Darveau, M., Barker, N., Cumming, S.G. (2020) Predicting spatiotemporal abundance of breeding waterfowl across Canada: A Bayesian hierarchical modelling approach. Diversity and Distributions, 26(10):1248-1263
  23. Adde, A., Stralberg, D., Logan, T., Lepage, C., Cumming, S.G., Darveau, M. (2020) Projected effects of climate change on the distribution and abundance of breeding waterfowl in Eastern Canada. Climatic Change, 162(4):2339-2358
  24. Stewart, F.E. C., Nowak, J.J., Micheletti, T., McIntire, E.J.B., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Cumming, S.G. (2020) Boreal Caribou Can Coexist with Natural but Not Industrial Disturbances. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 84(8):1435-1444
  25. Bauduin, S., Cumming, S.G., St-Laurent, M.-H., McIntire, E.J.B. (2020) Integrating functional connectivity in designing networks of protected areas under climate change: A caribou case-study. PLOS ONE, 15(9):1-19
  26. Solymos, P., Toms, J.D., Matsuoka, S.M., Cumming, S.G., Barker, N.K.S., Thogmartin, W.E., Stralberg, D., Crosby, A.D., Denes, F.V., Hache, S. et al. (2020) Lessons learned from comparing spatially explicit models and the Partners in Flight approach to estimate population sizes of boreal birds in Alberta, Canada. Condor, 122(2)
  27. Day, N.J., White, A.L., Johnstone, J.F., Degre-Timmons, G.E., Cumming, S.G., Mack, M.C., Turetsky, M.R., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2020) Fire characteristics and environmental conditions shape plant communities via regeneration strategy. Ecography, 43(10):1464-1474
  28. Day, N.J., Cumming, S.G., Dunfield, K.E., Johnstone, J.F., Mack, M.C., Reid, K.A., Turetsky, M.R., Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L. (2020) Identifying Functional Impacts of Heat-Resistant Fungi on Boreal Forest Recovery After Wildfire. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3
  29. Marchal, J., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2020) Turning Down the Heat: Vegetation Feedbacks Limit Fire Regime Responses to Global Warming. Ecosystems, 23(1):204-216
  30. Miquelajauregui, Y., Cumming, S.G., Gauthier, S. (2019) Short-term responses of boreal carbon stocks to climate change: A simulation study of black spruce forests. Ecological Modelling, 409
  31. Crosby, A.D., Bayne, E.M., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Denes, F.V., Tremblay, J.A. (2019) Differential habitat selection in boreal songbirds influences estimates of population size and distribution. Diversity and Distributions, 25(12):1941-1953
  32. Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L., Cumming, S.G., Day, N.J., Ebert, C., Goetz, S., Johnstone, J.F., Potter, S., Rogers, B.M., Schuur, E.A.G. et al. (2019) Increasing wildfires threaten historic carbon sink of boreal forest soils. Nature, 572(7770):520-523
  33. Miquelajauregui, Y., Cumming, S.G., Gauthier, S. (2019) Sensitivity of Boreal Carbon Stocks to Fire Return Interval, Fire Severity and Fire Season: A Simulation Study of Black Spruce Forests. Ecosystems, 22(3):544-562
  34. Bauduin, S., McIntire, E.J.B., St-Laurent, M.-H., Cumming, S.G. (2018) Compensatory conservation measures for an endangered caribou population under climate change. Scientific Reports, 8
  35. Walker, X.J., Rogers, B.M., Baltzer, J.L., Cumming, S.G., Day, N.J., Goetz, S.J., Johnstone, J.F., Schuur, E.A. G., Turetsky, M.R., Mack, M.C. (2018) Cross-scale controls on carbon emissions from boreal forest megafires. Global Change Biology, 24(9):4251-4265
  36. Solymos, P., Matsuoka, S.M., Cumming, S.G., Stralberg, D., Fontaine, P., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J., Bayne, E.M. (2018) Evaluating time-removal models for estimating availability of boreal birds during point count surveys: Sample size requirements and model complexity. Condor, 120(4):765-786
  37. Walker, X.J., Baltzer, J.L., Cumming, S.G., Day, N.J., Johnstone, J.F., Rogers, B.M., Solvik, K., Turetsky, M.R., Mack, M.C. (2018) Soil organic layer combustion in boreal black spruce and jack pine stands of the Northwest Territories, Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 27(2):125-134
  38. Tremblay, P.-O., Duchesne, T., Cumming, S.G. (2018) Survival analysis and classification methods for forest fire size. PLOS ONE, 13(1)
  39. Marchal, J., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2017) Land cover, more than monthly fire weather, drives fire-size distribution in Southern Quebec forests: Implications for fire risk management. PLOS ONE, 12(6)
  40. Marchal, J., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2017) Correction: Land cover, more than monthly fire weather, drives fire-size distribution in Southern Québec forests: Implications for fire risk management (PLOS ONE (2017) 12:6 (e0179294) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179294). PLOS ONE, 12(9)
  41. Marchal, J., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2017) Exploiting Poisson additivity to predict fire frequency from maps of fire weather and land cover in boreal forests of Québec, Canada. Ecography, 40(1):200-209
  42. Bauduin, S., McIntire, E.J.B., St-Laurent, M.-H., Cumming, S.G. (2016) Overcoming challenges of sparse telemetry data to estimate caribou movement. Ecological Modelling, 335:24-34
  43. Roy, C., McIntire, E.J.B., Cumming, S.G. (2016) Assessing the spatial variability of density dependence in waterfowl populations. Ecography, 39(10):942-953
  44. Bayne, E., Leston, L., Lisa Mahon, C., Solymos, P., Machtans, C., Lankau, H., Ball, J.R., Van Wilgenburg, S.L., Cumming, S.G., Fontaine, T. et al. (2016) Boreal bird abundance estimates within different energy sector disturbances vary with point count radius. Condor, 118(2):376-390
  45. Miquelajauregui, Y., Cumming, S.G., Gauthier, S. (2016) Modelling variable fire severity in boreal forests: Effects of fire intensity and stand structure. PLOS ONE, 11(2)
  46. Mahon, C.L., Holloway, G., Solymos, P., Cumming, S.G., Bayne, E.M., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J. (2016) Community structure and niche characteristics of upland and lowland western boreal birds at multiple spatial scales. Forest Ecology and Management, 361:99-116
  47. Stralberg, D., Bayne, E.M., Cumming, S.G., Solymos, P., Song, S.J., Schmiegelow, F.K.A. (2015) Conservation of future boreal forest bird communities considering lags in vegetation response to climate change: a modified refugia approach. Diversity and Distributions, 21(9):1112-1128
  48. Barker, N.K.S., Fontaine, P.C., Cumming, S.G., Stralberg, D., Westwood, A., Bayne, E.M., Solymos, P., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J., Rugg, D.J. (2015) Ecological monitoring through harmonizing existing data: Lessons from the boreal avian modelling project. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39(3):480-487
  49. Erickson, A., Nitschke, C., Coops, N., Cumming, S.G., Stenhouse, G. (2015) Past-century decline in forest regeneration potential across a latitudinal and elevational gradient in Canada. Ecological Modelling, 313:94-102
  50. Roy, C., Cumming, S.G., McIntire, E.J.B. (2015) Spatial and temporal variation in harvest probabilities for American black duck. Ecology and Evolution, 5(10):1992-2004
  51. Stralberg, D., Matsuoka, S.M., Hamann, A., Bayne, E.M., Solymos, P., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Wang, X., Cumming, S.G., Song, S.J. (2015) Projecting boreal bird responses to climate change: The signal exceeds the noise. Ecological Applications, 25(1):52-69
  52. Cumming, S.G., Drever, C.R., Houle, M., Cosco, J., Racine, P., Bayne, E., Schmiegelow, F.K. (2015) A gap analysis of tree species representation in the protected areas of the canadian boreal forest: Applying a new assemblage of digital forest resource inventory data1. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(2):163-173
  53. Cumming, S.G., Stralberg, D., Lefevre, K.L., Solymos, P., Bayne, E.M., Fang, S., Fontaine, T., Mazerolle, D., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J. (2014) Climate and vegetation hierarchically structure patterns of songbird distribution in the Canadian boreal region. Ecography, 37(2):137-151
  54. Barker, N.K.S., Slattery, S.M., Darveau, M., Cumming, S.G. (2014) Modeling distribution and abundance of multiple species: Different pooling strategies produce similar results. Ecosphere, 5(12)
  55. Barker, N.K.S., Cumming, S.G., Darveau, M. (2014) Models to predict the distribution and abundance of breeding ducks in Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 9(2)
  56. Solymos, P., Matsuoka, S.M., Bayne, E.M., Lele, S.R., Fontaine, P., Cumming, S.G., Stralberg, D., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J. (2013) Calibrating indices of avian density from non-standardized survey data: Making the most of a messy situation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(11):1047-1058
  57. Powers, R.P., Coops, N.C., Morgan, J.L., Wulder, M.A., Nelson, T.A., Drever, C.R., Cumming, S.G. (2013) A remote sensing approach to biodiversity assessment and regionalization of the Canadian boreal forest. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 37(1):36-62
  58. Beguin, J., McIntire, E.J.B., Fortin, D., Cumming, S.G., Raulier, F., Racine, P., Dussault, C. (2013) Explaining geographic gradients in landscape selection by boreal caribou with implications under global changes. PLOS ONE
  59. Garet, J., Raulier, F., Pothier, D., Cumming, S.G. (2012) Forest age class structures as indicators of sustainability in boreal forest: Are we measuring them correctly? Ecological Indicators, 23:202-210
  60. Beguin, J., Martino, S., Rue, H., Cumming, S.G. (2012) Hierarchical analysis of spatially autocorrelated ecological data using integrated nested Laplace approximation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(5):921-929
  61. Matsuoka, S.M., Bayne, E.M., Solymos, P., Fontaine, P.C., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J. (2012) Using binomial distance-sampling models to estimate the effective detection radius of point-count surveys across boreal Canada. Auk, 129(2):268-282
  62. Wang, X., Hamann, A., Cumming, S.G. (2012) Measuring boreal forest fragmentation after fire: Which configuration metrics are best? Ecological Indicators, 13(1):189-195
  63. Krawchuk, M.A., Cumming, S.G. (2011) Effects of biotic feedback and harvest management on boreal forest fire activity under climate change. Ecological Applications, 21(1):122-136
  64. Wang, X.L., Cumming, S.G. (2011) Measuring landscape configuration with normalized metrics. Landscape Ecology, 26(5):723-736
  65. Leroux, S.J., Krawchuk, M.A., Schmiegelow, F., Cumming, S.G., Lisgo, K., Anderson, L.G., Petkova, M. (2010) Global protected areas and IUCN designations: Do the categories match the conditions? Biological Conservation, 143(3):609-616
  66. Hauer, G., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F., Adamowicz, W., Weber, M., Jagodzinski, R. (2010) Tradeoffs between forestry resource and conservation values under alternate policy regimes: A spatial analysis of the western Canadian boreal plains. Ecological Modelling, 221(21):2590-2603
  67. Desrochers, A., McIntire, E.J.B., Cumming, S.G., Nowak, J., Sharma, S. (2010) False negatives – a false problem in studies of habitat selection? Ideas in Ecology and Evolution, 3:20-25
  68. Cumming, S.G., Lefevre, K.L., Bayne, E., Fontaine, T., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Song, S.J. (2010) Toward Conservation of Canada's Boreal Forest Avifauna: Design and Application of Ecological Models at Continental Extents. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 5(2):8
  69. Wang, X., Cumming, S.G. (2010) Configuration dynamics of boreal forest landscapes under recent fire and harvesting regimes in western Canada. Landscape Ecology, 25(9):1419-1432
  70. Cumming, S.G., Trindade, M., Greene, D.F., MacDonald, E.S. (2009) Canopy and emergent white spruce in "pure" broadleaf stands: Frequency, predictive models, and ecological importance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(10):1997-2004
  71. Krawchuk, M.A., Cumming, S.G., Flannigan, M.D. (2009) Predicted changes in fire weather suggest increases in lightning fire initiation and future area burned in the mixedwood boreal forest. Climatic Change, 92(1-2):83-97
  72. Azeria, E.T., Fortin, D., Lemaitre, J., Janssen, P., Hebert, C., Darveau, M., Cumming, S.G. (2009) Fine-scale structure and cross-taxon congruence of bird and beetle assemblages in an old-growth boreal forest mosaic. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18(3):333-345
  73. Krawchuk, M.A., Cumming, S.G. (2009) Disturbance history affects lightning fire initiation in the mixedwood boreal forest: Observations and simulations. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(7):1613-1622
  74. Wang, X.L., Cumming, S.G. (2009) Modeling configuration dynamics of harvested forest landscapes in the Canadian boreal plains. Landscape Ecology, 24(2):229-241
  75. Arienti, M.C., Cumming, S.G., Krawchuk, M.A., Boutin, S. (2009) Road network density correlated with increased lightning fire incidence in the Canadian western boreal forest. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(8):970-982
  76. Vernier, P.R., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Hannon, S., Cumming, S.G. (2008) Generalizability of songbird habitat models in boreal mixedwood forests of Alberta. Ecological Modelling, 211(1-2):191-201
  77. Leroux, S.J., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Cumming, S.G., Lessard, R.B., Nagy, J. (2007) Accounting for system dynamics in reserve design. Ecological Applications, 17(7):1954-1966
  78. Leroux, S.J., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Lessard, R.B., Cumming, S.G. (2007) Minimum dynamic reserves: A framework for determining reserve size in ecosystems structured by large disturbances. Biological Conservation, 138(3-4):464-473
  79. Krawchuk, M.A., Cumming, S.G., Flannigan, M.D., Wein, R.W. (2006) Biotic and abiotic regulation of lightning fire initiation in the mixedwood boreal forest. Ecology, 87(2):458-468
  80. Arienti, M.C., Cumming, S.G., Boutin, S. (2006) Empirical models of forest fire initial attack success probabilities: the effects of fuels, anthropogenic linear features, fire weather, and management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(12):3155-3166
  81. Martell, K.A., Foote, A.L., Cumming, S.G. (2006) Riparian disturbance due to beavers (Castor canadensis) in Alberta's boreal mixedwood forests: Implications for forest management. Ecoscience, 13(2):164-171
  82. Greene, D.F., Macdonald, S.E., Cumming, S.G., Swift, L. (2005) Seedbed variation from the interior through the edge of a large wildfire in Alberta. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(7):1640-1647
  83. Cumming, S.G. (2005) Effective fire suppression in boreal forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(4):772-786
  84. Cumming, S.G., Armstrong, G.W. (2004) Divided landbase, overlapping tenures, and fire risk. Forestry Chronicle, 80(4):478-484
  85. Armstrong, G.W., Adamowicz, W.L., Beck, J.A., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A. (2003) Coarse filter ecosystem management in a nonequilibrating forest. Forest Science, 49(2):209-223
  86. Armstrong, G.W., Cumming, S.G. (2003) Estimating the cost of land base changes due to wildfire using shadow prices. Forest Science, 49(5):719-730
  87. Cumming, S.G., Vernier, P. (2002) Statistical models of landscape pattern metrics, with applications to regional scale dynamic forest simulations. Landscape Ecology, 17(5):433-444
  88. Cumming, S.G. (2002) Fire smart forests? New research study supports concept. Forestry Chronicle, 78(2):204
  89. Cumming, S.G., Armstrong, G.W. (2001) Divided land base and overlapping forest tenure in Alberta, Canada: A simulation study exploring costs of forest policy. Forestry Chronicle, 77(3):501-508
  90. Cumming, S.G. (2001) Forest type and wildfire in the alberta boreal mixedwood: What do fires burn? Ecological Applications, 11(1):97-110
  91. Cumming, S.G. (2001) A parametric model of the fire-size distribution. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31(8):1297-1303
  92. Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Burton, P.J. (2000) Gap dynamics in boreal aspen stands: Is the forest older than we think? Ecological Applications, 10(3):744-759
  93. Armstrong, G.W., Cumming, S.G., Adamowicz, W.L. (1999) Timber supply implications of natural disturbance management. Forestry Chronicle, 75(3):497-504
  94. Bugmann, H.K.M., Yan, X.D., Sykes, M.T., Martin, P., Lindner, M., Desanker, P.V., Cumming, S.G. (1996) A comparison of forest gap models: Model structure and behaviour. Climatic Change, 34(2):289-313
  95. Cumming, S.G., Burton, P.J., Klinkenberg, B. (1996) Boreal mixedwood forests may have no representative areas: Some implications for reserve design. Ecography, 19(2):162-180
  96. Cumming, S.G., Burton, P.J. (1996) Phenology-mediated effects of climatic change on some simulated British Columbia forests. Climatic Change, 34(2):213-222
  97. Burton, P.J., Cumming, S.G. (1995) Potential effects of climatic-change on some western canadian forests, based on phenological enhancements to a patch model of forest succession. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 82(1-2):401-414
  98. Cumming, S.G., Burton, P.J., Prahacs, S., Garland, M.R. (1994) Potential conflicts between timber supply and habitat protection in the boreal mixedwood of Alberta, Canada - a simulation study. Forest Ecology and Management, 68(2-3):281-302
  99. Cumming, S.G., Burton, P.J. (1993) Programmable shell and graphics system for forest stand simulation. Environmental Software, 8(4):219-230
  100. Burton, P.J., Balisky, A.C., Coward, L.P., Cumming, S.G., Kneeshaw, D.D. (1992) The value of managing for biodiversity. Forestry Chronicle, 68(2):225-237

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)


Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Micheletti, T., Stewart, F., McIntire, E.J.B., Eddy, I., Barros, C., Marchal, J., Stralberg, D., van Telgen, M., Raymundo, A., Chubaty, A.M. et al. (2019) Simulation effects of climate change on fire regime: implications for Boreal Caribou and landbird communities in the Northwest Territories. Technical report
  2. Hache, S., Solymos, P., Fontaine, T., Bayne, E., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F., Stralberg, D. (2014) Analyses to support critical habitat identification for Canada Warbler, Olivesided Flycatcher, and Common Nighthawk (Project K4B20-13-0367). Technical report, Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, Environment Canada
  3. Houle, H., Cumming, S.G., Racine, P. (2013) Common Attribute Schema for Forest Resource Inventory (CASFRI): Technical Assessment for Integration within CFS to Support an “Integrated Systems Approach”. Technical report, ISA Secretariat, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
  4. Guerette-Montminy, A., Berthiaum,e E., Darveau, M., Cumming, S.G., Bordage, D., Lapointe, S., Lemelin, L-V. (2009) Répartition de la sauvagine en période de nidification entre les 51e et 58e de latitude nord dans la province de Québec. Technical report Q14, Canards Illimités Canada - Québec, Québec
  5. Lisgo, K., Cumming, S.G., Flynn, N., Schmiegelow F.K.A. (2008) Evaluation of Saskatchewan Designated Protected Lands as Ecological Benchmarks for Forest Management. Technical report, Saskatchewan Environment Forest Service
  6. Hauer, G., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., Adamowicz, W., Weber, M., Jagodzinski, R. (2007) Tradeoffs between forestry resource and conservation values under alternate forest policy regimes: A spatial analysis of the western Canadian boreal plains. Technical report, Dep?t Rural Economy, University of Alberta
  7. Vernier, P., Cumming, S.G., Schmiegelow, F.K.A. (2006) Application of Remote Areas Project (RAP) models to Alpac?s DFMP process. Technical report, Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc, Boyle Alberta

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Cumming, S.G. (1997) Landscape dynamics of the boreal mixedwood forest. Thèse de doctorat, University of British Colombia
  2. Cumming, S.G. (1986) Axiomatising the logic of distributed computation. Mémoire de maîtrise, Simon Fraser University

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Adde, A. (2020) Modélisation de la distribution et de l’abondance de la sauvagine au Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Marchal, J. (2017) Prévoir pour mieux s'adapter : sensibilité de l'activité des incendies de forêt aux changements climatiques et de couverture terrestre. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  3. Miquelajauregui, Y. (2017) An integrated model of stand dynamics, soil carbon and fire regime : pplications to boreal ecosystem response to climate change. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  4. Bauduin, S. (2016) Integrating functional connectivity and climate change in the design of protected area networks. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  5. Roy, C. (2015) Dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations de canards barboteurs et de leur habitat. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  6. Barker, N. (2015) Modelling waterfowl abundance and distribution to inform conservation planning in Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  7. Bokenge, A. (2013) Mesure et modélisation du taux d'effondrement et de dépérissement de la canopée du peuplier faux-tremble, en Alberta. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  8. Saucier, F. (2011) Développement d'une approche de planification systématique pour l'élaboration de réseaux de conservation représentatifs faits d'aires protégées qui visent la persistance de la biodiversité à long terme: étude de cas au Moyen Nord du Québec. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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