Victor Danneyrolles

Membre associé
Écologie forestière, écologie du paysage et écologie historique

Professeur-Chercheur Sous Octroi (PCSO)
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


  • Écologie forestière, écologie du paysage, biogéographie et écologie historique.
  • Écologie des feux, écologie des perturbations.
  • Changements globaux et dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers.
  • Applications de la télédétection à l’étude de la dynamique des écosystèmes.
  • Écologie appliquée à la gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers.


  • Danneyrolles, V., Smetanka, C., Fournier, R., Boucher, J., Guindon, L., Waldron, K., Bourdon, J.-F., Bonfils, D., Beaudoin, M., Ibarzabal, J., Rossi, S., Boucher, Y., (2024). Assessing spatial patterns of burn severity for guiding post-fire salvage logging in boreal forests of Eastern Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 556, 121756.
  • Boulanger, Y., Arseneault, D., Bélisle, A.C., Bergeron, Y., Boucher, J., Boucher, Y., Danneyrolles, V., Erni, S., Gachon, P., Girardin, M.P., Grant, E., Grondin, P., Jetté, J.-P., Labadie, G., Leblond, M., Leduc, A., Puigdevall, J.P., St-Laurent, M.-H., Tremblay, J., and Waldron, K. 2024. The 2023 wildfire season in Québec: an overview of extreme conditions, impacts, lessons learned and considerations for the future. Can. J. For. Res.
  • Egande, N.L., Danneyrolles, V., Arseneault, D., Sigouin, M.-E., and Bergeron, Y. 2024. Transformations de la composition forestière dans les forêts boréales mixtes soumises à une forte influence humaine : une analyse de la région de Rouyn-Noranda de 1910 à 2020 (Québec, Canada). Can. J. For. Res.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Boucher, Y., Fournier, R., & Valeria, O. (2023). Positive effects of projected climate change on post-disturbance forest regrowth rates in northeastern North American boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters, 18(2), 024041.
  • Chavardès, R.D., Danneyrolles, V., Portier, J., Girardin, M.P., Gaboriau, D.M., Gauthier, S., Drobyshev, I., Cyr, D., Wallenius, T., & Bergeron, Y. (2022). Converging and diverging burn rates in North American boreal forests from the Little Ice Age to the present. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 31(12), 1184-1193.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Vellend, M., Dupuis, S., Boucher, Y., Laflamme, J., Bergeron, Y., Fortin, G., Leroyer, M., de Römer, A., Terrail, R., & Arseneault, D. (2021). Scale-dependent changes in tree diversity over more than a century in eastern Canada: Landscape diversification and regional homogenization. Journal of Ecology, 109(1), 273–283.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Cyr, D., Girardin, M.P., Gauthier, S., Asselin, H., & Bergeron, Y. (2021). Influences of climate fluctuations on northeastern North America’s burned areas largely outweigh those of European settlement since AD 1850. Environmental Research Letters 16: 114007.
  • Vellend, M., Thompson, J. R., Danneyrolles, V., & Rousseu, F. (2021). Changes in landscape‐scale tree biodiversity in the north‐eastern USA since European settlement. Global Ecology and Biogeography, geb.13248.
  • Bour, B., Danneyrolles, V., Boucher, Y., Fournier, R. A., & Guindon, L. (2021). Modeling post-logging height growth of black spruce-dominated boreal forests by combining airborne LiDAR and time since harvest maps. Forest Ecology and Management, 502, 119697.
  • Vellend, M., Béhé, M., Carteron, A., Crofts, A.L., Danneyrolles, V., Gamhewa, H.T., Ni, M., Rinas, C.L., & Watts, D.A. (2021). Plant responses to climate change and an elevational gradient in Mont Mégantic national park, Québec, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist 28:
  • Danneyrolles, V., Valeria, O., Djerboua, I., Gauthier, S., & Bergeron, Y. (2020). How initial forest cover, site characteristics and fire severity drive the dynamics of the southern boreal forest. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3957.
  • Dupuis, S., Danneyrolles, V., Laflamme, J., Boucher, Y., & Arseneault, D. (2020). Forest transformation following European settlement in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean valley in eastern Québec, Canada. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 257.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Dupuis, S., Fortin, G., Leroyer, M., de Römer, A., Terrail, R., Vellend, M., Boucher, Y., Laflamme, J., Bergeron, Y., & Arseneault, D. (2019). Stronger influence of anthropogenic disturbance than climate change on century-scale compositional changes in northern forests. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1265.
  • Terrail, R., Dupuis, S., Danneyrolles, V., Fortin, M-J., Boucher, Y., & Arseneault, D. (2019). Reorganization of tree assemblages over the last century in the northern hardwoods of eastern Canada. Applied Vegetation Science, avsc.12449.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Arseneault, D., & Bergeron, Y. (2018). Anthropogenic disturbances strengthened tree community-environment relationships at the temperate-boreal interface. Landscape Ecology, 33(2), 213–224.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Dupuis, S., Arseneault, D., Terrail, R., Leroyer, M., de Römer, A., Fortin, G., Boucher, Y., & Ruel, J.-C. (2017). Eastern white cedar long-term dynamics in eastern Canada: Implications for restoration in the context of ecosystem-based management. Forest Ecology and Management, 400, 502–510.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Arseneault, D., & Bergeron, Y. (2016). Pre-industrial landscape composition patterns and post-industrial changes at the temperate-boreal forest interface in western Quebec, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(3), 470–481.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Arseneault, D., & Bergeron, Y. (2016). Long-term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the re-survey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 46(7), 943–949.


  • Girona, M.M., Aakala, T., Aquilué, N., Bélisle, A.-C., Chaste, E., Danneyrolles, V., Díaz-Yáñez, O., D’Orangeville, L., Grosbois, G., Hester, A., Kim, S., Kulha, N., Martin, M., Moussaoui, L., Pappas, C., Portier, J., Teitelbaum, S., Tremblay, J.-P., Svensson, J., Versluijs, M., Wallgren, M., Wang, J., & Gauthier, S. 2023. Challenges for the Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest Under Climate Change. In Girona, M.M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S., & Bergeron, Y. (eds.), Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management, pp. 773–837. Advances in Global Change Research. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
  • Danneyrolles, V., Dupuis, S., Boucher, Y., Laflamme, J., Fortin, G., Leroyer, M., Terrail, R., Bergeron, Y., & Arseneault, D. (2020). Utilisation couplée des archives d’arpentage et de la classification écologique pour affiner les cibles de composition dans l’aménagement écosystémique des forêts tempérées du Québec. Mémoire de recherche forestière n°183, Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière.

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