Anthony Piot

PhD Student

Evaluating the effect of rare genetic variants on black cottonwood’s wood composition for biofuel production

Université Laval
Faculté de Foresterie,Géographie et Géomatique
Département des Sciences du bois et de la forêt
Pavillon Charles-Eugène Marchand

Supervisor: Ilga Porth
Co-supervisor: Juan Carlos Villarreal

Research Interests

I am interested in using genomics and bioinformatics approaches to study the evolutionary history of living organisms.

PhD Project

Understanding how genetic variations between individuals result in differences in their phenotypes remains an important goal in biology.

My PhD aims at deciphering the genetic architecture of complex phenotypic traits in the forest tree, Populus trichocarpa. I am particularly interested in the association between rare genetic variants and phenotypic traits related to wood composition.

Results from this project promise interesting insights on the importance of rare genetic variants and will help to improve Populus trichocarpa plantations for more efficient biofuel production.


  • One third of the plastid genes evolved under positive selection in PACMAD grasses
    A. Piot; J. Hackel; P.A. Christin; G. Besnard
    Planta 2018
  • Museomics resolve the systematics of an endangered grass lineage endemic to northwestern Madagascar
    C. Silva; G. Besnard; A. Piot; J. Razanatsoa; R. P. Oliveira; M. S. Vorontsova
    Annals of Botany 2016


  • Ongoing : PhD in Forest Sciences, Laval University, Canada
  • M.Sc Biology, Ecology and Evolution (BEE), Toulouse III University, France
  • B.SC Biology, Ecology, Franche-Comté University, France

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Formations et Écoles

Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

********************************************************** ********** Colloque Développement durable UQAC *********** **********************************************************

********************************************************** **************** Balcony Garden Project ****************** **********************************************************

********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************