Changhui Peng

Membre régulier
Écologie et modélisation

Université du Québec à Montréal
Case postale 8888, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) Canada, H3C 3P8

Téléphone: 514 987-3000 #1056

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  • Postdoctoral (Climate Change and Carbon Cycle) 1995-1997. University of Alberta / Canadian Forest Service, Canada
  • Ph.D. (Ecology) 1994. Faculty of Science, University of Marseille III, France
  • B.Sc. (Forestry) 1985. Central-South University of Forestry and Technology, P.R. China
  • Advanced Certificate (Economics and Management) 1985-1986. Finance and Economic College of Hunan University, P.R. China

Environ dix pour cent des forêts et un quart des forêts boréales du monde se trouvent au Canada. À cause de la longévité de leurs arbres et de la portée des changements climatiques prévus, les forêts boréales sont particulièrement vulnérables à ces changements. Par ailleurs, on estime que les changements climatiques et les perturbations des écosystèmes auront des répercussions importantes sur la production forestière et l’approvisionnement en bois au Canada. Dans l’éventualité où la concentration de dioxyde dans l’air double, il y aura de nombreux impacts, de plusieurs natures, sur les forêts – causés directement et indirectement par les perturbations des écosystèmes, comme les feux de forêt.

Il est impératif d’approfondir nos connaissances scientifiques des impacts causés par les changements climatiques. Il a pour objectif de calibrer et de tester des modèles de mesures sur le terrain, de tours de flux, d’inventaires forestiers et de données de télé-observation. Il fera aussi appel à ces modèles pour étudier l’impact potentiel de futurs changements climatiques et de perturbations des écosystèmes des forêts boréales, au niveau régional. Même si son projet porte principalement sur les écosystèmes boréals de l’Est du Canada, les résultats s’appliqueront à l’ensemble des forêts de la planète.

L’un de mes objectifs principaux consiste à développer des modèles de pointe de simulation par ordinateur et à les utiliser pour évaluer l’impact à long terme des changements climatiques sur les écosystèmes des forêts boréales, par rapport aux échanges de carbone et d’eau et au bilan carbonique.

J’ai six objectifs particuliers, dont l’étude de tendances régionales relatives aux attributs clés des écosystèmes, le développement de modèles régionaux de croissance et de rendement forestier pour les principales espèces d’arbres des forêts boréales du Canada, ainsi que la mise au point d’un modèle de développement forestier pour contrer les changements climatiques et les perturbations de l’environnement. Je développera aussi un modèle d’évaluation des conséquences des feux de forêt et de phénomènes semblables sur les forêts boréales de l’Est du Canada et mettra au point un outil d’aide à la décision pour évaluer la viabilité des écosystèmes dans le contexte des changements environnementaux.

Changhui Peng fait partie des chercheurs qui lancent le Global Carbon Project - Budget méthane
L'Atlas Mondial du Carbone est une plate-forme internet destinée à explorer et visualiser les données les plus récentes sur les flux de carbone résultant des activités humaines et des processus naturels. Les impacts des activités humaines sur le cycle du carbone sont la cause la plus importante du changement climatique. Tout récemment, un nouvel outil mondial de visualisation des émissions de méthane (CH4) CH4 source emission visualization  a été mis en ligne suite à la mise en place du Global Methane Budget . Cette plateforme présente le budget méthane provenant d'à la fois des sources naturelles et anthropiques et comment le CH4 détruit l'atmosphère via des réactions chimiques et l'absorption du sol. Cette évaluation est une collaboration entre les instituts de recherche du Global Carbon Project. Changhui Peng est l'unique membre provenant d'une université canadienne sur ce projet mondial.

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV, FRQNT ou EndNote


To date, I have authored and co-authored over 230 peer-reviewed journal papers (including papers in Science (3), Nature (1), PNAS (3), Nature Climate Change (2), Ecology Letters (1) and Frontiers in Ecology and the Environmen (2)), 18 peer-reviewed book chapters and research reports and 10 conference proceedings. I have also delivered over 60 research presentations at national and international conferences and workshops.


  1. Chen, H., Wu, N., Peng, C., Wang, Y. (2014) Methane Emissions From Unique Wetlands In China: Case Studies, Meta Analyses And Modelling. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China

Chapitres de livre

  1. Peng, C. (2015) Ecological Consequences of Droughts in Boreal Forests. (Chap. 34) In Routledge Handbook of Forest Ecology. (Peh, K.S.-H., Corlett, R.T. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Routledge, Oxford, UK
  2. Larocque, G.R., Bhatti, J.S., Gordon, A.M., Luckai, N., Wattenbach, M., Liu, J., Peng, C., Arp, P.A., Liu, S., Zhang, C.-F. et al. (2008) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Issues in Process-based Models of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems. (Chap. 18) In Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support. (Jakeman, A.J., Voinov, A.A., Rizzoli, A.E. and Chen, S.H., Eds.) Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier, pages 307-327

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Xu, M., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Wang, M., Chen, H., Peng, C., Yu, D., Zhan, H., Zhu, Q. (2024) Global responses of wetland methane emissions to extreme temperature and precipitation. Environmental Research, 252
  2. Song, H., Peng, C., Zhu, Q., Chen, Z., Blanchet, J.-P., Liu, Q., Li, T., Li, P., Liu, Z. (2024) Quantification and uncertainty of global upland soil methane sinks: Processes, controls, model limitations, and improvements. Earth-Science Reviews, 252
  3. Yang, M., Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Li, P., Liu, C., Huang, H., Tang, J., Zhang, C., Zou, Z., Xie, B. et al. (2024) Dynamic carbon allocation trade-off: A robust approach to model tree biomass allometry. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15(5):886 – 899
  4. Wang, T., Deng, Z., Zhang, C., Zou, Y., Xie, Y., Li, F., Xiao, F., Peng, C. (2024) Vegetation types and flood water level are dominant factors controlling the carbon sequestration potential in Dongting Lake floodplain, China. Science of the Total Environment, 921
  5. Yuan, J., Wu, F., Peng, C., Penuelas, J., Vallicrosa, H., Sardans, J., Peng, Y., Wu, Q., Li, Z., Heděnec, P. et al. (2024) Global spectra of plant litter carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and returning amounts. Journal of Ecology, 112(4):717 – 729
  6. Wang, X., Zhou, Z., Xiang, Y., Peng, C., Peng, C. (2024) Effects of street plants on atmospheric particulate dispersion in urban streets: A review. Environmental Reviews, 32(1):114 – 130
  7. Qu, R., Chen, S., Wang, K., Liu, Q., Yang, B., Yue, M., Peng, C. (2024) Potential future changes in soil carbon dynamics in the Ziwuling Forest, China under different climate change scenarios. Science of the Total Environment, 912
  8. Yu, Z., Zhang, C., Liu, X., Lei, J., Zhang, Q., Yuan, Z., Peng, C., Koerner, S.E., Xu, J., Guo, L. (2024) Responses of C:N:P stoichiometric correlations among plants, soils and microorganisms to warming: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 912
  9. Zhang, J., Chen, H., Wang, M., Liu, X., Peng, C., Wang, L., Yu, D., Zhu, Q. (2024) An optimized water table depth detected for mitigating global warming potential of greenhouse gas emissions in wetland of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. iScience, 27(2)
  10. Cheng, J., Liu, S., Huang, C., Wang, L., Liu, Z., Peng, C. (2024) Impacts of environmental and socioeconomic factors on gross ecosystem product of the Three Gorges reservoir area, China. Land Degradation and Development, 35(8):2824 – 2839
  11. Li, T., Ge, L., Zhao, R., Peng, C., Zhou, X., Li, P., Liu, Z., Song, H., Tang, J., Zhang, C. et al. (2024) Phenolic compounds weaken the impact of drought on soil enzyme activity in global wetlands. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15
  12. Chen, K., Li, T., Yang, M., Zhou, X., Peng, C. (2024) The effects of environmental factors and plant diversity on forest carbon sequestration vary between eastern and western regions of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 437
  13. Guo, J., Feng, H., Peng, C., Du, J., Wang, W., Kneeshaw, D.D., Pan, C., Roberge, G., Feng, L., Chen, A. (2024) Fire effects on soil CH4 and N2O fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 948:174708
  14. Gong, C., Tian, H., Liao, H., Pan, N., Pan, S., Ito, A., Jain, A.K., Kou-Giesbrecht, S., Joos, F., Sun, Q. et al. (2024) Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen. Nature, 632(8025):557 – 563
  15. Huang, C., Cheng, J., Liu, S., Wan, Y., Zhou, J., Liu, Z., Peng, C. (2024) Impacts of landscape dynamics on terrestrial ecosystem health in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 467
  16. Epule, T.E., Poirier, V., Lafontaine, S., Peng, C. (2024) Comparing standardised precipitation and barley yield across Quebec. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31(35):48534 – 48544
  17. Peng, Y., Li, P., Zhou, X., Luo, Y., Zhang, C., Wang, L., Li, T., Peng, C. (2024) Divergent contributions of spring and autumn photosynthetic phenology to seasonal carbon uptake of subtropical vegetation in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 34(7):1280 – 1296
  18. Wang, K., Wang, G., Qu, R., Huang, W., Zhou, G., Yue, M., Peng, C. (2024) Differential Responses of Soil Microbial and Carbon-Nitrogen Processes to Future Environmental Changes Across Soil Depths and Environmental Factors. Earth's Future, 12(6)
  19. Chen, Z., Ni, X., Patoine, G., Peng, C., Yue, K., Yuan, J., Wu, Q., Eisenhauer, N., Guerra, C.A., Bol, R. et al. (2024) Climate warming accelerates carbon release from foliar litter—A global synthesis. Global Change Biology, 30(5)
  20. Ma, X., Feng, H., Guo, J., Peng, C., Kneeshaw, D.D., Wang, W. (2024) Soil methane emissions from plain poplar (Populus spp.) plantations with contrasting soil textures. Scientific Reports, 14(1)
  21. Feng, H., Guo, J., Peng, C., Ma, X., Kneeshaw, D.D., Chen, H., Liu, Q., Liu, M., Hu, C., Wang, W. (2023) Global estimates of forest soil methane flux identify a temperate and tropical forest methane sink. Geoderma, 429
  22. Guo, J., Feng, H., Peng, C., Chen, H., Xu, X., Ma, X., Li, L., Kneeshaw, D.D., Ruan, H., Yang, H. et al. (2023) Global Climate Change Increases Terrestrial Soil CH4 Emissions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37:e2021GB007255
  23. Liu, W., Wang, K., Hao, H., Yan, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Peng, C. (2023) Predicting potential climate change impacts of bioenergy from perennial grasses in 2050. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190
  24. Liu, Q., Peng, C., Schneider, R., Cyr, D., McDowell, N.G., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2023) Drought-induced increase in tree mortality and corresponding decrease in the carbon sink capacity of Canada's boreal forests from 1970 to 2020. Global Change Biology, 29(8):2274-2285
  25. Casas-Ruiz, J.P., Bodmer, P., Bona, K.A., Butman, D., Couturier, M., Emilson, E.J.S., Finlay, K., Genet, H., Hayes, D., Karlsson, J. et al. (2023) Integrating terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to constrain estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange. Nature Communications, 14(1):1571
  26. Liu, Q., Peng, C., Schneider, R., Cyr, D., Liu, Z., Zhou, X., Du, M., Li, P., Jiang, Z., McDowell, N.G. et al. (2023) Vegetation browning: global drivers, impacts, and feedbacks. Trends in Plant Science, 28(9):1014-1032
  27. Feng, H., Guo, J., Peng, C., Kneeshaw, D.D., Roberge, G., Pan, C., Ma, X., Zhou, D., Wang, W. (2023) Nitrogen addition promotes terrestrial plants to allocate more biomass to aboveground organs: A global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 29(14):3970 – 3989
  28. Deng, L., Shangguan, Z., Bell, S.M., Soromotin, A.V., Peng, C., An, S., Wu, X., Xu, X., Wang, K., Li, J. et al. (2023) Carbon in Chinese grasslands: meta-analysis and theory of grazing effects. Carbon Research, 2(1)
  29. Hai, X., Shangguan, Z., Peng, C., Deng, L. (2023) Leaf trait responses to global change factors in terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 898
  30. Xiao, Z., Duan, C., Li, S., Chen, J., Peng, C., Che, R., Liu, C., Huang, Y., Mei, R., Xu, L. et al. (2023) The microbial mechanisms by which long-term heavy metal contamination affects soil organic carbon levels. Chemosphere, 340
  31. Wang, T., Deng, Z., Xie, Y., Wang, B., Wu, S., Li, F., Wang, W., Zou, Y., Li, X., Hou, Z. et al. (2023) Time-lag effects of flood stimulation on methane emissions in the Dongting Lake floodplain, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 341
  32. Li, M., He, N., Xu, L., Peng, C., Chen, H., Yu, G. (2023) Eco-CCUS: A cost-effective pathway towards carbon neutrality in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 183
  33. Liu, W., Zhang, D., Tian, J., Yu, F., Xie, Y., Cheng, S., Li, Q., Li, W., Peng, C., Yan, Y. (2023) Climate change mitigation potential of kitchen waste utilization in China for combined heat and power production. Science of the Total Environment, 888
  34. Guo, L., Liu, X., Alatalo, J.M., Wang, C., Xu, J., Yu, H., Chen, J., Yu, Q., Peng, C., Dai, J. et al. (2023) Climatic drivers and ecological implications of variation in the time interval between leaf-out and flowering. Current Biology, 33(16):3338 – 3349.e3
  35. Chang, K.-Y., Riley, W.J., Collier, N., McNicol, G., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Knox, S.H., Delwiche, K.B., Jackson, R.B., Poulter, B., Saunois, M. et al. (2023) Observational constraints reduce model spread but not uncertainty in global wetland methane emission estimates. Global Change Biology, 29(15):4298 – 4312
  36. Wang, L., Li, P., Li, T., Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Zou, Z., Zhu, Q., Peng, C. (2023) Grazing alters vegetation phenology by regulating regional environmental factors on the Tibetan Plateau. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 351
  37. Pang, J., Peng, C., Wang, X., Zhang, H., Zhang, S. (2023) Soil-atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in temperate forests along an elevation gradient in the Qinling Mountains, China. Plant and Soil, 488(1-2):325 – 342
  38. Liu, L., Tian, J., Wang, H., Xue, D., Huang, X., Wu, N., Wang, M., Xu, X., Peng, C., Wang, Y. et al. (2023) Stable oxic-anoxic transitional interface is beneficial to retard soil carbon loss in drained peatland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 181
  39. Song, H., Peng, C., Zhang, K., Li, T., Yang, M., Liu, Q., Zhu, Q. (2023) Quantifying patterns, sources and uncertainty of nitrous oxide emissions from global grazing lands: Nitrogen forms are the determinant factors for estimation and mitigation. Global and Planetary Change, 223
  40. Sun, S., Ouyang, S., Hu, Y., Zhao, Z., Liu, M., Chen, L., Zeng, Y., Peng, C., Zhou, X., Xiang, W. (2023) rTRIPLEXCWFlux: An R package for carbon–water coupling model to simulate net ecosystem productivity and evapotranspiration in forests. Environmental Modelling and Software, 162
  41. Ren, P.-X., Li, P., Peng, C., Zhou, X.-L., Yang, M.-X. (2023) Temporal and spatial variation of vegetation photosynthetic phenology in Dongting Lake basin and its response to climate change. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 47(3):319 – 330
  42. Wang, H., Yu, L., Chen, L., Zhang, Z., Li, X., Liang, N., Peng, C., He, J.-S. (2023) Carbon fluxes and soil carbon dynamics along a gradient of biogeomorphic succession in alpine wetlands of Tibetan Plateau. Fundamental Research, 3(2):151 – 159
  43. Zhu, S., Tang, J., Zhou, X., Li, P., Liu, Z., Zhang, C., Zou, Z., Li, T., Peng, C. (2023) Spatiotemporal analysis of the impact of urban landscape forms on PM2.5 in China from 2001 to 2020. International Journal of Digital Earth, 16(1):3417 – 3434
  44. Yang, M., Zhou, X., Peng, C., Li, T., Chen, K., Liu, Z., Li, P., Zhang, C., Tang, J., Zou, Z. (2023) Developing allometric equations to estimate forest biomass for tree species categories based on phylogenetic relationships. Forest Ecosystems, 10
  45. Ma, F., Liu, X., Duo, Y., Yu, Z., Zhang, Q., Wen, Z., Peng, C., Guo, L. (2023) Effects of daily variation of hydro-thermal factors on alpine grassland productivity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Shengtai Xuebao, 43(9):3719 – 3728
  46. Ouyang, S., Gou, M., Lei, P., Liu, Y., Chen, L., Deng, X., Zhao, Z., Zeng, Y., Hu, Y., Peng, C. et al. (2023) Plant functional trait diversity and structural diversity co-underpin ecosystem multifunctionality in subtropical forests. Forest Ecosystems, 10
  47. Qu, R., Liu, G., Yue, M., Wang, G., Peng, C., Wang, K., Gao, X. (2023) Soil temperature, microbial biomass and enzyme activity are the critical factors affecting soil respiration in different soil layers in Ziwuling Mountains, China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14
  48. Ren, P., Li, P., Tang, J., Li, T., Liu, Z., Zhou, X., Peng, C. (2023) Satellite monitoring reveals short-term cumulative and time-lag effect of drought and heat on autumn photosynthetic phenology in subtropical vegetation. Environmental Research, 239
  49. Zhu, Q., Chen, H., Peng, C., Liu, J., Piao, S., He, J.-S., Wang, S., Zhao, X., Zhang, J., Fang, X. et al. (2023) An early warning signal for grassland degradation on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Nature Communications, 14(1)
  50. Yu, H., Yang, L., Wang, Z., Guo, L., Peng, C., Yao, Q., Mo, Z., Tan, T. (2023) Divergent response of leaf unfolding to climate warming in subtropical and temperate zones. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 342
  51. Li, J., Deng, L., Penuelas, J., Wu, J., Shangguan, Z., Sardans, J., Peng, C., Kuzyakov, Y. (2023) C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and microorganisms: Response to altered precipitation. Global Change Biology, 29(24):7051 – 7071
  52. Liu, X., Wang, Y., Fu, W., Yuan, Z., Yu, Q., Peng, C., Koerner, S.E., Guo, L. (2023) Growing season temperature and precipitation affect nutrient resorption in herbaceous species through a foliar stoichiometric control strategy. Plant and Soil, 493(1-2):45 – 60
  53. Zhang, Z., Bansal, S., Chang, K.-Y., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Delwiche, K., Goeckede, M., Gustafson, A., Knox, S., Leppanen, A., Liu, L. et al. (2023) Characterizing Performance of Freshwater Wetland Methane Models Across Time Scales at FLUXNET-CH4 Sites Using Wavelet Analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(11)
  54. Song, H., Zhu, Q., Blanchet, J.-P., Chen, Z., Zhang, K., Li, T., Zhou, F., Peng, C. (2023) Central Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer Relative to Water Management in Determining Direct Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Global Rice-Based Ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(11)
  55. Zhu, S., Tang, J., Zhou, X., Li, P., Liu, Z., Zhang, C., Zou, Z., Li, T., Peng, C. (2023) Research progress, challenges, and prospects of PM2.5 concentration estimation using satellite data. Environmental Reviews, 31(4):605 – 631
  56. Sun, M., Li, P., Ren, P., Tang, J., Zhang, C., Zhou, X., Peng, C. (2023) Divergent response of vegetation phenology to extreme temperatures and precipitation of different intensities on the Tibetan Plateau. Science China Earth Sciences, 66(10):2200 – 2210
  57. Liu, H., Li, P., Peng, C., Liu, C., Zhou, X., Deng, Z., Zhang, C., Liu, Z. (2023) Application of climate change scenarios in the simulation of forest ecosystems: an overview. Environmental Reviews, 31(3):565 – 588
  58. Ito, A., Li, T., Qin, Z., Melton, J., Tian, H., Kleinen, T., Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Joos, F., Ciais, P. et al. (2023) Cold-Season Methane Fluxes Simulated by GCP-CH4 Models. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(14)
  59. Cheng, J., Huang, C., Gan, X., Peng, C., Deng, L. (2023) Can forest carbon sequestration offset industrial CO2 emissions? A case study of Hubei Province, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 426
  60. Du, H., Wang, M., Liu, Y., Guo, M., Peng, C., Li, P. (2022) Responses of autumn vegetation phenology to climate change and urbanization at northern middle and high latitudes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 115
  61. Jin, J., Xiang, W., Zeng, Y., Ouyang, S., Zhou, X., Hu, Y., Zhao, Z., Chen, L., Lei, P., Deng, X. et al. (2022) Stand carbon storage and net primary production in China’s subtropical secondary forests are predicted to increase by 2060. Carbon Balance and Management, 17
  62. Wang, M., Li, P., Peng, C., Xiao, J., Zhou, X., Luo, Y., Zhang, C. (2022) Divergent responses of autumn vegetation phenology to climate extremes over northern middle and high latitudes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31:2281 – 2296
  63. Song, H., Peng, C., Zhang, K., Zhu, Q. (2022) Integrating major agricultural practices into the TRIPLEX-GHG model v2.0 for simulating global cropland nitrous oxide emissions: Development, sensitivity analysis and site evaluation. Science of the Total Environment, 843
  64. Chen, H., Ju, P., Zhu, Q., Xu, X., Wu, N., Gao, Y., Feng, X., Tian, J., Niu, S., Zhang, Y. et al. (2022) Carbon and nitrogen cycling on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 3:701 – 716
  65. Yu, Y., Duan, C., Li, S., Peng, C., Yang, J., Yan, K., Bi, X., Zou, P. (2022) Relationship between environmental pollution and economic development in late-developing regions shows an inverted V. Science of the Total Environment, 838
  66. Lv, J., Li, Q., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Peng, C., Song, X. (2022) Nitrogen addition increases CO2, CH4, and N2O concentrations of topsoils and subsoils in a subtropical Moso bamboo forest. Catena, 216
  67. Li, Q., Ma, Q., Gao, J., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Shi, M., Peng, C., Song, X. (2022) Stumps increased soil respiration in a subtropical Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) plantation under nitrogen addition. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323
  68. Jiao, W., Wang, W., Peng, C., Lei, X., Ruan, H., Li, H., Yang, Y., Grabarnik, P., Shanin, V. (2022) Improving a Process-Based Model to Simulate Forest Carbon Allocation under Varied Stand Density. Forests, 13
  69. Li, T., Yuan, X., Ge, L., Cao, C., Suo, Y., Bu, Z.-J., Peng, C., Song, H., Liu, Z., Liu, S. et al. (2022) Weak impact of nutrient enrichment on peat: Evidence from physicochemical properties. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10
  70. Hu, Y., Xiang, W., Schfer, K.V., Lei, P., Deng, X., Forrester, D.I., Fang, X., Zeng, Y., Ouyang, S., Chen, L. et al. (2022) Photosynthetic and hydraulic traits influence forest resistance and resilience to drought stress across different biomes. Science of the Total Environment, 828
  71. Ding, J., Zhu, Q., Li, H., Zhou, X., Liu, W., Peng, C. (2022) Contribution of Incorporating the Phosphorus Cycle into TRIPLEX-CNP to Improve the Quantification of Land Carbon Cycle. Land, 11
  72. Jiang, Z., Liu, Q., Xu, W., Peng, C. (2022) The Importance of Energy Theory in Shaping Elevational Species Richness Patterns in Plants. Biology, 11
  73. Zhang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Peng, C., Zhu, Q. (2022) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Wetland CH4 Emissions from the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau under Future Climate Change Scenarios. Atmosphere, 13
  74. Asif, Z., Chen, Z., Stranges, S., Zhao, X., Sadiq, R., Olea-Popelka, F., Peng, C., Haghighat, F., Yu, T. (2022) Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spreading under the influence of environmental factors and strategies to tackle the pandemic: A systematic review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 81
  75. Yang, M., Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Li, P., Tang, J., Xie, B., Peng, C. (2022) A Review of General Methods for Quantifying and Estimating Urban Trees and Biomass. Forests, 13
  76. Wei, G., Peng, C., Zhu, Q., Zhou, X., Liu, W. (2022) Contribution of the Order Ericales to Improving Paleoclimate Reconstructions. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14
  77. Yang, M., Mou, Y., Liu, S., Meng, Y., Liu, Z., Li, P., Xiang, W., Zhou, X., Peng, C. (2022) Detecting and mapping tree crowns based on convolutional neural network and Google Earth images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 108
  78. Zhang, K., Peng, C., Zhu, Q., Li, M., Yan, Z., Li, M., Yan, L., Zhang, X., Wang, J., Li, Y. et al. (2022) Estimating natural nitrous oxide emissions from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau using a process-based model: Historical spatiotemporal patterns and future trends. Ecological Modelling, 466
  79. Peng, Y., Fornara, D.A., Yue, K., Peng, X., Peng, C., Wu, Q., Ni, X., Liao, S., Yang, Y., Wu, F. et al. (2022) Globally limited individual and combined effects of multiple global change factors on allometric biomass partitioning. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31:454 – 469
  80. Li, M., Peng, C., He, N. (2022) Global patterns of particulate organic carbon export from land to the ocean. Ecohydrology, 15
  81. Liu, Z., Li, H., Wu, F., Wang, H., Chen, H., Zhu, Q., Yang, G., Liu, W., Chen, D., Li, Y. et al. (2022) Quantification of Ecosystem-Scale Methane Sinks Observed in a Tropical Rainforest in Hainan, China. Land, 11
  82. Liu, Z., Peng, C., MacLean, D.A., De Grandpre, L., Candau, J.-N., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2022) Evaluating and quantifying the effect of various spruce budworm intervention strategies on forest carbon dynamics in Atlantic Canada. Forest Ecosystems, 9
  83. Li, Q., Cui, K., Lv, J., Zhang, J., Peng, C., Li, Y., Gu, Z., Song, X. (2022) Biochar amendments increase soil organic carbon storage and decrease global warming potentials of soil CH4 and N2O under N addition in a subtropical Moso bamboo plantation. Forest Ecosystems, 9
  84. Chen, K., Yang, M., Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Li, P., Tang, J., Peng, C. (2022) Recent advances in carbon footprint studies of urban ecosystems: overview, application, and future challenges. Environmental Reviews, 30:342 – 356
  85. Wu, F., Peng, C., Wang, C., Chen, H., Liu, W., Liu, Z., Wang, H., Li, H., Chen, D., Li, Y. et al. (2022) Responses of soil CH4 fluxes to nitrogen addition in two tropical montane rainforests in southern China. Forest Ecosystems, 9
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  400. Liu, Z., Peng, C., Xiang, W., Tian, D., Deng, X., Zhao, M. (2010) Application of artificial neural networks in global climate change and ecological research: An overview. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(34):3853-3863
  401. Quillet, A., Peng, C., Garneau, M. (2010) Toward dynamic global vegetation models for simulating vegetation–climate interactions and feedbacks: recent developments, limitations, and future challenges. Environmental Reviews, 18:333-353
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  404. Wu, H., Guo, Z., Gao, Q., Peng, C. (2009) Distribution of soil inorganic carbon storage and its changes due to agricultural land use activity in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 129(4):413-421
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  406. Tian, D., Zhu, F., Yan, W., Xi, F., Xiang, W., Deng, X., Wang, G., Peng, C. (2009) Heavy metal accumulation by panicled goldenrain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata) and common elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpus decipens) in abandoned mine soils in southern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21(3):340-345
  407. Liu, D., Ge, Y., Chang, J., Peng, C., Gu, B., Chan, G.Y.S., Wu, X. (2009) Constructed wetlands in China: Recent developments and future challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7(5):261-268
  408. Lei, X., Wang, W., Peng, C. (2009) Relationships between stand growth and structural diversity in spruce-dominated forests in New Brunswick, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(10):1835-1847
  409. Lei, X., Peng, C., Wang, H., Zhou, X. (2009) Erratum: Individual height-diameter models for young black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) plantations in New Brunswick, Canada (The Forestry Chronicle 85(1): (43-56)). Forestry Chronicle, 85(2):183-
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  411. Peng, C., Zhou, X., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Zhu, B., Piao, S., Fang, J. (2009) Quantifying the response of forest carbon balance to future climate change in Northeastern China: Model validation and prediction. Global and Planetary Change, 66(3-4):179-194
  412. Lei, X., Peng, C., Wang, H., Zhou, X. (2009) Individual height-diameter models for young black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) plantations in New Brunswick, Canada. Forestry Chronicle, 85(1):43-56
  413. Zhou, X., Peng, C., Dang, Q.-L., Sun, J., Wu, H., Hua, D. (2008) Simulating carbon exchange in Canadian Boreal forests. I. Model structure, validation, and sensitivity analysis. Ecological Modelling, 219(3-4):287-299
  414. Zhang, J., Chu, Z., Ge, Y., Zhou, X., Jiang, H., Chang, J., Peng, C., Zheng, J., Jiang, B., Zhu, J. et al. (2008) TRIPLEX model testing and application for predicting forest growth and biomass production in the subtropical forest zone of China's Zhejiang Province. Ecological Modelling, 219(3-4):264-275
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  416. Tian, D., Yan, W., Chen, X., Deng, X., Peng, Y., Kang, W., Peng, C. (2008) Variation in runoff with age of Chinese fir plantations in Central South China. Hydrological Processes, 22(25):4870-4876
  417. Sun, J., Peng, C., McCaughey, H., Zhou, X., Thomas, V., Berninger, F., St-Onge, B., Hua, D. (2008) Simulating carbon exchange of Canadian boreal forests. II. Comparing the carbon budgets of a boreal mixedwood stand to a black spruce forest stand. Ecological Modelling, 219(3-4):276-286
  418. Song, M., Duan, D., Chen, H., Hu, Q., Zhang, F., Xu, X., Tian, Y., Ouyang, H., Peng, C. (2008) Leaf 13C reflects ecosystem patterns and responses of alpine plants to the environments on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecography, 31(4):499-508
  419. Smith, P., Nabuurs, G.-J., Janssens, I.A., Reis, S., Marland, G., Soussana, J.-F., Christensen, T.R., Heath, L., Apps, M., Alexeyev, V. et al. (2008) Sectoral approaches to improve regional carbon budgets. Climatic Change, 88(3-4):209-249
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  421. Zhou, X., Peng, C., Dang, Q.-L., Chen, J., Parton, S. (2007) A simulation of temporal and spatial variations in carbon at landscape level: A case study for lake abitibi model forest in Ontario, Canada. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 12(4):525-543
  422. Zhang, J., Ge, Y., Chang, J., Jiang, B., Jiang, H., Peng, C., Zhu, J., Yuan, W., Qi, L., Yu, S. (2007) Carbon storage by ecological service forests in Zhejiang Province, subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 245(1-3):64-75
  423. Wu, H., Guiot, J., Brewer, S., Guo, Z., Peng, C. (2007) Dominant factors controlling glacial and interglacial variations in the treeline elevation in tropical Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(23):9720-9724
  424. Tan, K., Piao, S., Peng, C., Fang, J. (2007) Satellite-based estimation of biomass carbon stocks for northeast China's forests between 1982 and 1999. Forest Ecology and Management, 240(1-3):114-121
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  426. Lei, X., Peng, C., Tian, D., Sun, J. (2007) Meta-analysis and its application in global change research. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(3):289-302
  427. Lei, X., Lu, Y., Peng, C., Zhang, X., Chang, J., Hong, L. (2007) Growth and structure development of semi-natural larch-spruce-fir (Larix olgensis-Picea jezoensis-Abies nephrolepis) forests in northeast China: 12-year results after thinning. Forest Ecology and Management, 240(1-3):165-177
  428. Zhou, X., Peng, C., Dang, Q.-L. (2006) Formulating and parameterizing the allocation of net primary productivity for modeling overmature stands in boreal forest ecosystems. Ecological Modelling, 195(3-4):264-272
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  430. Zhao, S., Fang, J., Peng, C., Tang, Z., Piao, S. (2006) Patterns of fish species richness in China's lakes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(4):386-394
  431. Zhao, S., Fang, J., Peng, C., Tang, Z. (2006) The relationships between terrestrial vertebrate species richness in China's nature reserves and environmental variables. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84(9):1368-1374
  432. Zhao, S., Fang, J., Peng, C., Tang, Z. (2006) Relationships between species richness of vascular plants and terrestrial vertebrates in China: Analyses based on data of nature reserves. Diversity and Distributions, 12(2):189-194
  433. Zimmerman, P.R., Price, M., Peng, C., Capehart, W.J., Updegraff, K., Kozak, P., Vierling, L., Baker, E., Kopp, F., Duke, G. et al. (2005) C-Lock (patent pending): A system for estimating and certifying carbon emission reduction credits for the sequestration of soil carbon on agricultural land. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 10(2):307-331
  434. Zhou, X., Peng, C., Dang, Q.-L., Chen, J., Parton, S. (2005) Predicting forest growth and yield in northeastern Ontario using the process-based model of TRIPLEX1.0. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(9):2268-2280
  435. Zhao, S., Fang, J., Miao, S., Gu, B., Tao, S., Peng, C., Tang, Z. (2005) The 7-decade degradation of a large freshwater lake in Central Yangtze River, China. Environmental Science and Technology, 39(2):431-436
  436. Zhou, X., Peng, C., Dang, Q. (2004) Assessing the generality and accuracy of the TRIPLEX model using in situ data of boreal forests in central Canada. Environmental Modelling and Software, 19(1):35-46
  437. Zhang, L., Peng, C., Dang, Q. (2004) Individual-tree basal area growth models for jack pine and black spruce in northern Ontario. Forestry Chronicle, 80(3):366-374
  438. Peng, C., Zhang, L., Zhou, X., Dang, Q., Huang, S. (2004) Developing and evaluating tree height-diameter models at three geographic scales for black spruce in Ontario. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 21(2):83-92
  439. Wu, H., Guo, Z., Peng, C. (2003) Distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(2)
  440. Wu, H., Guo, Z., Peng, C. (2003) Land use induced changes of organic carbon storage in soils of China. Global Change Biology, 9(3):305-315
  441. Fang, J., Piao, S., Field, C.B., Pan, Y., Guo, Q., Zhou, L., Peng, C., Tao, S. (2003) Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1(6):293-297
  442. Zhang, L., Peng, C., Huang, S., Zhou, X. (2002) Development and evaluation of ecoregion-based jack pine height-diameter models for Ontario. Forestry Chronicle, 78(4):530-538
  443. Peng, C., Liu, J., Dang, Q., Apps, M.J., Jiang, H. (2002) TRIPLEX: A generic hybrid model for predicting forest growth and carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Ecological Modelling, 153(1-2):109-130
  444. Peng, C., Jiang, H., Apps, M.J., Zhang, Y. (2002) Effects of harvesting regimes on carbon and nitrogen dynamics of boreal forests in central Canada: A process model simulation. Ecological Modelling, 155(2-3):177-189
  445. Liu, J., Peng, C., Dang, Q., Apps, M., Jiang, H. (2002) A component object model strategy for reusing ecosystem models. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 35(1):17-33
  446. Liu, J., Peng, C., Apps, M., Dang, Q., Banfield, E., Kurz, W. (2002) Historic carbon budgets of Ontario's forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 169(1-2):103-114
  447. Jiang, H., Apps, M.J., Peng, C., Zhang, Y., Liu, J. (2002) Modelling the influence of harvesting on Chinese boreal forest carbon dynamics. Forest Ecology and Management, 169(1-2):65-82
  448. Peng, C., Zhang, L., Liu, J. (2001) Developing and validating nonlinear height-diameter models for major tree species of ontario's boreal forests. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 18(3):87-94
  449. Peng, C., Liu, J., Dang, Q., Zhou, X., Apps, M. (2001) Developing carbon-based ecological indicators to monitor sustainability of Ontario's forests. Ecological Indicators, 1(4):235-246
  450. Fang, J., Piao, S., Tang, Z., Peng, C., Ji, W. (2001) Interannual variability in net primary production and precipitation. Science, 293(5536):1723
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  452. Peng, C., Apps, M.J. (2000) Simulating global soil-CO2 flux and its response to climate change. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 12(3):257-265
  453. Peng, C. (2000) Understanding the role of forest simulation models in sustainable forest management. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 20(4):481-501
  454. Peng, C. (2000) Growth and yield models for uneven-aged stands: Past, present and future. Forest Ecology and Management, 132(2-3):259-279
  455. Peng, C. (2000) From static biogeographical model to dynamic global vegetation model: A global perspective on modelling vegetation dynamics. Ecological Modelling, 135(1):33-54
  456. Price, D.T., Peng, C., Apps, M.J., Halliwell, D.H. (1999) Simulating effects of climate change on boreal ecosystem carbon pools in central Canada. Journal of Biogeography, 26(6):1237-1248
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  461. Peng, C., Guiot, J., Van Campo, E. (1998) Estimating changes in terrestrial vegetation and carbon storage: Using palaeoecological data and models. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17(8):719-735
  462. Peng, C., Apps, M.J., Price, D.T., Nalder, I.A., Halliwell, D.H. (1998) Simulating carbon dynamics along the Boreal Forest Transect Case Study (BFTCS) in central Canada 1. Model testing. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12(2):381-392
  463. Peng, C., Apps, M.J. (1998) Simulating carbon dynamics along the Boreal Forest Transect Case Study (BFTCS) in central Canada 2. Sensitivity to climate change. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12(2):393-402
  464. Peng, C., Apps, M.J. (1997) Contribution of China to the global carbon cycle since the last glacial maximum: Reconstruction from palaeovegetation maps and an empirical biosphere model. Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 49(4):393-408
  465. Peng, C., Guiot, J., Van Campo, E., Cheddadi, R. (1995) The variation of terrestrial carbon storage at 6000 yr BP in Europe: reconstruction from pollen data using two empirical biosphere models. Journal of Biogeography, 22(4-5):863-873
  466. Peng, C., Guiot, J., Van Campo, E., Cheddadi, R. (1995) Temporal and spatial variations of terrestrial biomes and carbon storage since 13000 yr BP in Europe: Reconstruction from pollen data and statistical models. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 82(1-2):375-390
  467. Peng, C., Guiot, J., Van Campo, E. (1995) Reconstruction of past terrestrial carbon storage in the Northern Hemisphere from the Osnabruck Biosphere Model and palaeodata. Climate Research, 5(2):107-118
  468. Peng, C., Guiot, J., van Campo, E., Cheddadi, R. (1994) The vegetation carbon storage variation in Europe since 6000 BP: Reconstruction from pollen. Journal of Biogeography, 21(1):19-31

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Geng, Y., Peng, C., Zhang, J. (2014) Contributing role of the 2008 Summer "Green" Olympics to air pollution control in Beijing. In WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences. Pages 477-484
  2. Zhao, K., Huang, Z., Ma, Y., Xiang, W., Peng, C., Deng, X. (2011) Short-term response of koelreuteria paniculata seedlings to simulated soils polluted by manganese mining wasteland in Central South China. In 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2011. --
  3. Geng, Y., Peng, C., Tian, M. (2011) Energy use and CO2 emission inventories in the four municipalities of China. In Energy Procedia. Pages 370-376
  4. Yuhuan, G., Tian, M., Peng, C. (2010) Contributions of green olympics to ecological environmental improvement in Beijing. In 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, MACE2010. Pages 2051-2054
  5. Deng, X., Zhao, Z., Xiang, W., Tian, D., Kang, W., Yan, W., Peng, C. (2010) Column experiment results on metal ion migration at the xiangtan manganese mine wasteland in central south China. In 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ICBBE. --
  6. Sun, J., Zhuo, X., St-Onge, B., McCaughey, H., Berninger, F., Peng, C. (2009) Carbon flux simulation and data assimilation in North America forest ecosystems. In Proceedings of the 2009 American Geophysical Union Joint Assemby.
  7. Lei, X., Peng, C., Lu, Y., Zhang, X. (2007) A matrix growth model of natural spruce-balsam fir forest in New Brunswick, Canada. In Proceedings - Second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications, PMA 2006. Pages 231-235

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres


Thèses, mémoires et essais


Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Liu, Q. (2022) Evaluating and forecasting drought-induced tree mortality and its impacts on carbon dynamics of Canada's boreal forest. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  2. Liu, Z. (2019) Simulation and analysis of the effect of spruce budworm on forest carbon dynamics : new TRIPLEX-Insect model development and applications. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
  3. Quillet, A. (2013) Accumulation du carbone dans les tourbières boréales : analyse de sensibilité et intégration de données paléoécologiques. Thèse de doctorat, UQAM
  4. Sun, J. (2011) Carbon dynamics and management in Canadian boreal forests : triplex-flux model development, validation, and applications. Thèse de doctorat, UQAM

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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