Daniel Houle
Chercheur régulier
Écologie forestière, pollution et changements climatiques
Chercheur à Environnement et Changement climatique Canada et professeur associé au Département des Sciences biologiques de l'UQAM
- Doctorat, INRS - Eau, 1995
- Maitrise en Biologie, UQAM, 1988
- Baccalauréat en Biologie, UQAM, 1985
Daniel Houle est biologiste, diplômé de l'Université du Québec à Montréal depuis 1985. En 1988, le même établissement lui décerne un diplôme de maîtrise ès sciences. En 1995, il obtient un diplôme de Philosophiae Doctor de l'Institut national de recherche scientifique - Eau. Depuis 2020, il est à l'emploi d'Environnement et Changement climatique Canada à titre de chercheur. Ses travaux portent sur la fertilité des sols forestiers et les bilans d'éléments nutritifs des bassins versants en relation avec la pollution atmosphérique et les changements climatiques. Depuis 2003, il est aussi coordonnateur pour le volet « forêts et changements climatiques » chez Ouranos.
Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV, FRQNT ou EndNote
- Brimblecombe, P., Hara, H., Houle, D., Novak, M. (2007) Acid rain-Deposition to recovery. 1-419 p
Chapitres de livre
- Pappas, C., Belanger, N., Bergeron, Y., Blarquez, O., Chen, H.Y.H., Comeau, P.G., De Grandpre, L., Delagrange, S., DesRochers, A., Diochon, A. et al. (2022) Smartforests Canada: A Network of Monitoring Plots for Forest Management Under Environmental Change. In Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions. (Tognetti, Roberto, Smith, Melanie and Panzacchi, Pietro, Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 521-543
Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur
Articles révisés par un comité de lecture
- Khlifa, R., Renaudin, M., Houle, D., D'Orangeville, L., Duchesne, L., Kembel, S.W. (2025) Conifer epiphytic phyllosphere bacterial communities respond more strongly to rain exclusion and host species identity than to soil water content. Forest Ecology and Management, 581:122554
- Rissanen, K., Lapa, G., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A. (2025) Differing seasonal trends in water use and water status between park and street trees. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
- Masson, E., Mekontchou, C.G., Cogliastro, A., Houle, D., Rivest, D. (2024) Nutritional response of sugar maple seedlings to water stress under highly nitrogen-enriched soil conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 187(2):205 – 214
- Benoist, A., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2024) Deciphering factors controlling decay and nitrogen accumulation in coarse wood debris of five tree species using 15N labeled wood disks. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 190
- Rissanen, K., Lapa, G., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Paquette, A. (2024) Large variation in the radial patterns of sap flow among urban trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 345:109848
- Oogathoo, S., Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Belanger, N. (2024) Precipitation and relative humidity favours tree growth while air temperature and relative humidity respectively drive winter stem shrinkage and expansion. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Gagnon, C. (2024) Using sugar maple tree rings to trace historic lead pollution in eastern Canada temperate forest. Applied Geochemistry, 160:105855
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D., Renaudin, M. (2024) Eastern Canadian boreal forest soil and foliar chemistry show evidence of resilience to long-term nitrogen addition. Ecological Applications, 34(3)
- Michel, L., Renaudin, M., Darnajoux, R., Blasi, C., Vacherand, G., Le Monier, P., Houle, D., Bellenger, J.-P. (2024) Evaluating the effect of moss functional traits and sampling on elemental concentrations in Pleurozium schreberi and Ptilium crista-castrensis in Eastern Canada (Québec) black spruce forest. Science of the Total Environment, 907
- Augustin, F., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Pilote, M., Emilson, E.J., Leach, J.A., Webster, K.L. (2024) Long-term trend and drivers of inter-annual variability of surface water dissolved organic carbon concentration in a forested watershed. Catena, 239
- Custodio, T., Houle, D., Girard, F. (2023) Impact of Environmental Conditions on Seed Germination of Glossy Buckthorn (Frangula alnus (Mill)) in Eastern Canada. Forests, 14(10)
- Boilard, G., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D. (2023) A northward range shift of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Eastern Canada should reduce soil carbon storage, with no effect on carbon stability. Geoderma, 432
- Oogathoo, S., Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Belanger, N. (2023) Seasonal, Monthly, Daily, and Diel Growth, and Water Status Dynamics of Balsam Fir in a Cold and Humid Boreal Environment. Forests, 14(4)
- Renaudin, M., Khlifa, R., Legault, S., Kembel, S.W., Kneeshaw, D.D., Moore, J.-D., Houle, D. (2023) Long-Term Simulated Nitrogen Deposition Has Moderate Impacts on Soil Microbial Communities across Three Bioclimatic Domains of the Eastern Canadian Forest. Forests, 14(6):1124
- Moore, J.-D., Houle, D. (2023) Chemistry of soil and foliage in declining sugar maple stands over 13 years of nitrogen addition. Forest Ecology and Management, 535
- Rodriguez-Cardona, B.M., Houle, D., Couture, S., Lapierre, J.-F., del Giorgio, P.A. (2023) Long-term trends in carbon and color signal uneven browning and terrestrialization of northern lakes. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1)
- Cholet, C., Houle, D., Sylvain, J.-D., Doyon, F., Maheu, A. (2022) Climate Change Increases the Severity and Duration of Soil Water Stress in the Temperate Forest of Eastern North America. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5
- Benoist, A., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2022) Evaluation of biological nitrogen fixation in coarse woody debris from Eastern Canadian boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165
- Boakye, E.A., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y., Girardin, M.P., Drobyshev, I. (2022) Insect defoliation modulates influence of climate on the growth of tree species in the boreal mixed forests of eastern Canada. Ecology and Evolution, 12(3):e8656
- Marquis, B., Bergeron, Y., Houle, D., Leduc, M., Rossi, S. (2022) Variability in frost occurrence under climate change and consequent risk of damage to trees of western Quebec, Canada. Scientific Reports, 12(1):7220
- Ghotsa Mekontchou, C., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y., Roy, M., Gardes, M., Seguin, A., Drobyshev, I. (2022) Contrasting structure of root mycorrhizal communities of black spruce and trembling aspen in different layers of the soil profile in the boreal mixedwoods of eastern Canada. Plant and Soil, 479:85-105
- Pappas, C., Belanger, N., Bastien-Beaudet, G., Couture, C., D'Orangeville, L., Duchesne, L., Gennaretti, F., Houle, D., Hurley, A.G., Klesse, S. et al. (2022) Xylem porosity, sapwood characteristics, and uncertainties in temperate and boreal forest water use. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323:109092
- Oogathoo, S., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2022) Tree transpiration well simulated by the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS) but not during drought. Journal of Hydrology, 604:127196
- Oogathoo, S., Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2022) Characterizing Seasonal Radial Growth Dynamics of Balsam Fir in a Cold Environment Using Continuous Dendrometric Data: A Case Study in a 12-Year Soil Warming Experiment. Sensors, 22(14)
- Oogathoo, S., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2022) Evaluation of simulated soil moisture and temperature for a Canadian boreal forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 323:109078
- Sterling, S., Clair, T.A., Rotteveel, L., O'Driscoll, N., Houle, D., Halfyard, E., Keys, K. (2022) Kejimkujik calibrated catchments: A benchmark dataset for long-term impacts of terrestrial and freshwater acidification. Hydrological Processes, 36(2)
- Houle, D., Augustin, F., Couture, S. (2022) Rapid improvement of lake acid–base status in Atlantic Canada following steep decline in precipitation acidity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79(12):2126 – 2137
- Cheng, I., Zhang, L., He, Z., Cathcart, H., Houle, D., Cole, A., Feng, J., O'brien, J., Macdonald, A.M., Aherne, J. et al. (2022) Long-term declines in atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition reduce critical loads exceedances at multiple Canadian rural sites, 2000-2018. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(22):14631 – 14656
- Wotherspoon, A.R., Duchesne, L., Barrette, M., Houle, D. (2022) Pre-commercial thinning could mitigate drought stress of black spruce stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 517
- Jeljli, A., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., El-Shaarawi, A., Chebana, F. (2022) Evaluation of the factors governing dissolved organic carbon concentration in the soil solution of a temperate forest organic soil. Science of the Total Environment, 853
- Balducci, L., Deslauriers, A., De Barba, D., Rossi, S., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y., Morin, H. (2021) Influence of soil warming and N-addition on sap flux density and stem radius variation in boreal stands in Quebec, Canada. Ecohydrology, 14(2)
- Houle, D., Marty, C., Gagnon, C., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Belanger, N. (2021) Is the past history of acidic deposition in eastern Canada reflected in sugar maple's tree rings 87Sr/86Sr, Sr and Ca concentrations? Applied Geochemistry, 125:104860
- Khlifa, R., Houle, D., Morin, H., Kembel, S.W. (2021) Inconsistent effects of nitrogen canopy enrichment and soil warming on black spruce epiphytic phyllosphere bacterial communities, taxa, and functions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(9):1199-1207
- Marty, C., Duchesne, L., Couture, S.and Gagnon, C., Houle, D. (2021) Effects of climate and atmospheric deposition on a boreal lake chemistry: A synthesis of 36 years of monitoring data. Science of the Total Environment, 758:143639
- Webster, K.L., Leach, J.A., Hazlett, P.W., Fleming, R.L., Emilson, E.J.S., Houle, D., Chan, K.H.Y., Norouzian, F., Cole, A.S., O'Brien, J.M. et al. (2021) Turkey Lakes Watershed, Ontario, Canada: 40 years of interdisciplinary whole-ecosystem research. Hydrological Processes, 35(4)
- Caughron, A., Legault, S., Haut, C., Houle, D., Reynolds, T.W. (2021) A Changing Climate in the Maple Syrup Industry: Variation in Canadian and U.S.A. Producers’ Climate Risk Perceptions and Willingness to Adapt Across Scales of Production. Small-scale Forestry, 20(1):73-95
- Couture, S., Hudon, C., Gagnon, P., Taranu, Z.E., Pinel-Alloul, B., Houle, D., Aldamman, L., Beauvais, C., Lachapelle, M. (2021) Zooplankton communities in precambrian shield lakes (Quebec, canada): Responses to spatial and temporal gradients in water chemistry and climate. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 78(5):567-579
- Hudson, D.T., Leach, J.A., Webster, K., Houle, D. (2021) Streamflow regime of a lake-stream system based on long-term data from a high-density hydrometric network. Hydrological Processes, 35(10)
- Webster, K.L., Leach, J.A., Houle, D., Hazlett, P.W., Emilson, E.J.S. (2021) Acidification recovery in a changing climate: Observations from thirty-five years of stream chemistry monitoring in forested headwater catchments at the Turkey Lakes watershed, Ontario. Hydrological Processes, 35(9)
- Tauc, F., Houle, D., Dupuch, A., Doyon, F., Maheu, A. (2020) Microtopographic refugia against drought in temperate forests: Lower water availability but more extensive fine root system in mounds than in pits. Forest Ecology and Management, 476
- Reicis, K., Bradley, R.L., Joanisse, G., Houle, D., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Wotherspoon, A. (2020) Pre-commercial thinning enhances competitive traits of boreal ericaceous shrubs and reduces soil fertility. Forest Ecology and Management, 458
- Wotherspoon, A., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Reicis, K. (2020) Mechanisms by which pre-commercial thinning increases black spruce growth in different climates and soil types. Forests, 11(5)
- Ghotsa Mekontchou, C., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y., Drobyshev, I. (2020) Contrasting Root System Structure and Belowground Interactions between Black Spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P) and Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx) in Boreal Mixedwoods of Eastern Canada. Forests
- Urli, M., Thiffault, N., Houle, D., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y. (2020) Role of green alder in boreal conifer growth: competitor or facilitator? FACETS, 5(1):166-181
- Marty, C., Piquette, J., Dussault-Chouinard, E., Morin, H., Thiffault, N., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Ouimet, R., Simpson, M.J., Pare, M.C. (2020) Canopy Nitrogen Addition and Soil Warming Affect Conifer Seedlings’ Phenology but Have Limited Impact on Growth and Soil N Mineralization in Boreal Forests of Eastern Canada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3:121
- Houle, D., Duchesne, L. (2020) The “sweet spot” for maple syrup production proposed by Rapp et al. (2019) is not that sweet. Forest Ecology and Management, 458
- Oogathoo, S., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2020) Vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation are the major drivers of transpiration of balsam fir and black spruce tree species in humid boreal regions, even during a short-term drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291:108063
- Houle, D., Khadra, M., Marty, C., Couture, S. (2020) Influence of hydro-morphologic variables of forested catchments on the increase in DOC concentration in 36 temperate lakes of eastern Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 747
- Houle, D., Marty, C., Augustin, F., Dermont, G., Gagnon, C. (2020) Impact of Climate Change on Soil Hydro-Climatic Conditions and Base Cations Weathering Rates in Forested Watersheds in Eastern Canada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3:111
- Masson, E., Cogliastro, A., Houle, D., Rivest, D. (2019) Variation in soil and foliar nutrition status along a forest edge–interior gradient in sugar maple forest fragments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49(11):1463-1470
- Splawinski, T.B., Greene, D.F., Michaletz, S.T., Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y. (2019) Position of cones within cone clusters determines seed survival in black spruce during wildfire. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49(2):121-127
- Marty, C., Piquette, J., Morin, H., Bussieres, D., Thiffault, N., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Simpson, M.J., Ouimet, R., Pare, M.C. (2019) Nine years of in situ soil warming and topography impact the temperature sensitivity and basal respiration rate of the forest floor in a Canadian boreal forest. PLOS ONE, 14(12):e0226909
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Ouimet, R., Caldwell, L., Gloor, M., Brienen, R. (2019) Large apparent growth increases in boreal forests inferred from tree-rings are an artefact of sampling biases. Scientific Reports, 9(1)
- Legault, S., Houle, D., Plouffe, A., Ameztegui, A., Kuehn, D., Chase, L., Blondlot, A., Perkins, T.D. (2019) Perceptions of U.S. And Canadian maple syrup producers toward climate change, its impacts, and potential adaptation measures. PLOS ONE, 14(4)
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D. (2019) Soil solution, foliar concentrations and tree growth response to 8 years of ammonium-nitrate additions in two boreal forests of Quebec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 437:263-271
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Courchesne, F., Gagnon, C. (2019) Soil C:N ratio is the main driver of soil δ15N in cold and N-limited eastern Canadian forests. Catena, 172:285-294
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Gagnon, C. (2019) Evidence of secondary sulfate production in the mineral soil of a temperate forested catchment in southern Québec, Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 100:279-286
- Scott, D.L., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P., Houle, D., Gundale, M.J., Rousk, K., DeLuca, T.H. (2018) Anthropogenic deposition of heavy metals and phosphorus may reduce biological N2 fixation in boreal forest mosses. Science of the Total Environment, 630:203-210
- Darnajoux, R., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D., Bellenger, J.-P. (2018) Predictable spatial patterns of biological nitrogen fixation in forest floor mosses: Color matters! Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122:160-162
- Splawinski, T.B., Gauthier, S., Fenton, N.J., Houle, D., Bergeron, Y. (2018) The colonization of young fire initiated stands by the crustose lichen Trapeliopsis granulosa and its potential effect on conifer establishment and stand succession. Silva Fennica, 52(1):7791
- Ameztegui, A., Solarik, K.A., Parkins, J.R., Houle, D., Messier, C., Gravel, D. (2018) Perceptions of climate change across the Canadian forest sector: The key factors of institutional and geographical environment. PLOS ONE, 13(6)
- D'Orangeville, L., Maxwell, J., Kneeshaw, D.D., Pederson, N., Duchesne, L., Logan, T., Houle, D., Arseneault, D., Beier, C.M., Bishop, D.A. et al. (2018) Drought timing and local climate determine the sensitivity of eastern temperate forests to drought. Global Change Biology, 24(6):2339-2351
- Tremblay, S.L., D'Orangeville, L., Lambert, M.-C., Houle, D. (2018) Transplanting boreal soils to a warmer region increases soil heterotrophic respiration as well as its temperature sensitivity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 116:203-212
- D'Orangeville, L., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Phillips, R.P., Bergeron, Y., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2018) Beneficial effects of climate warming on boreal tree growth may be transitory. Nature Communications, 9:3213
- Augustin, F., Houle, D., Courchesne, F. (2018) An approach at estimating present day base cation weathering rates: a case study for the Hermine watershed, Canada. Biogeochemistry, 140(2):127-144
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Courchesne, F. (2017) The relationships of soil total nitrogen concentrations, pools and C:N ratios with climate, vegetation types and nitrate deposition in temperate and boreal forests of eastern Canada. Catena, 152:163-172
- Duchesne, L., D'Orangeville, L., Ouimet, R., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2017) Extracting coherent tree-ring climatic signals across spatial scales from extensive forest inventory data. PLOS ONE, 12(12):1-20
- D'Orangeville, L., Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Kneeshaw, D.D., Cote, B., Pederson, N. (2016) Northeastern North America as a potential refugium for boreal forests in a warming climate. Science, 352(6292):1452-1455
- D'Orangeville, L., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Cote, B. (2016) Can the Canadian drought code predict low soil moisture anomalies in the mineral soil? An analysis of 15years of soil moisture data from three forest ecosystems in Eastern Canada. Ecohydrology, 9(2):238-247
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Ouimet, R., Lambert, M.-C., Logan, T. (2016) Aboveground carbon in Quebec forests: Stock quantification at the provincial scale and assessment of temperature, precipitation and edaphic properties effects on the potential stand-level stocking. PeerJ, 2016(3)
- Augustin, F., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Courchesne, F. (2016) Evaluation of three methods for estimating the weathering rates of base cations in forested catchments. Catena, 144:1-10
- Houle, D., Lajoie, G., Duchesne, L. (2016) Major losses of nutrients following a severe drought in a boreal forest. Nature Plants, 2(12)
- Dao, M.C.E., Rossi, S., Walsh, D., Morin, H., Houle, D. (2015) A 6-year-long manipulation with soil warming and canopy nitrogen additions does not affect xylem phenology and cell production of mature black spruce. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(NOVEMBER)
- Morin, M., Kneeshaw, D.D., Doyon, F., Le Goff, H., Bernier, P.Y., Yelle, V., Blondlot, A., Houle, D. (2015) Climate change and the forest sector: Perception of principal impacts and of potential options for adaptation. Forestry Chronicle, 91(04):395-406
- Houle, D., Paquette, A., Cote, B., Logan, T., Power, H., Charron, I., Duchesne, L. (2015) Impacts of climate change on the timing of the production season of maple syrup in Eastern Canada. PLOS ONE, 10(12)
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Gagnon, C. (2015) Variation in stocks and distribution of organic C in soils across 21 eastern Canadian temperate and boreal forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 345:29-38
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Gagnon, C. (2015) Effect of the Relative Abundance of Conifers Versus Hardwoods on Soil δ13C Enrichment with Soil Depth in Eastern Canadian forests. Ecosystems, 18(4):629-642
- Houle, D., Marty, C., Duchesne, L. (2015) Response of canopy nitrogen uptake to a rapid decrease in bulk nitrate deposition in two eastern Canadian boreal forests. Oecologia, 177(1):29-37
- Augustin, F., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Couture, S., Courchesne, F. (2015) Partitioning the impact of environmental factors on lake concentrations and catchment budgets for base cations in forested ecosystems. Applied Geochemistry, 53:1-12
- Augustin, F., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Courchesne, F. (2015) Long-term base cation weathering rates in forested catchments of the Canadian Shield. Geoderma, 247-248:12-23
- D'Orangeville, L., Houle, D., Cote, B., Duchesne, L. (2014) Soil response to a 3-year increase in temperature and nitrogen deposition measured in a mature boreal forest using ion-exchange membranes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186:8191-8202
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D., Ouimet, R., Marty, C. (2014) Tree species partition N uptake by soil depth in boreal forests. Ecology, 95(5):1127-1133
- Houle, D., Marty, C., Duchesne, L., Gagnon, C. (2014) Humus layer is the main locus of secondary SO4 production in boreal forests. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 126:18-29
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D. (2014) Interannual and spatial variability of maple syrup yield as related to climatic factors. PeerJ, 2014(1)
- Rossi, S., Bordeleau, A., Morin, H., Houle, D. (2013) The effects of N-enriched rain and warmer soil on the ectomycorrhizae of black spruce remain inconclusive in the short term. Annals of Forest Science, 70(8):825-834
- Lupi, C., Morin, H., Deslauriers, A., Rossi, S., Houle, D. (2013) Role of Soil Nitrogen for the Conifers of the Boreal Forest: A Critical Review. International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, 2(2):155-189
- D'Orangeville, L., Cote, B., Houle, D., Morin, H. (2013) The effects of throughfall exclusion on xylogenesis of balsam fir. Tree Physiology, 33(5):516-526
- D'Orangeville, L., Houle, D., Cote, B., Duchesne, L., Morin, H. (2013) Increased soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition have no effect on the N status and growth of a mature balsam fir forest. Biogeosciences, 10(7):4627-4639
- D'Orangeville, L., Cote, B., Houle, D., Whalen, J. (2013) Reduced mineralizable carbon in a boreal forest soil after three years of artificial warming. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 93(5):567-572
- D'Orangeville, L., Cote, B., Houle, D., Morin, H., Duchesne, L. (2013) A three-year increase in soil temperature and atmospheric N deposition has minor effects on the xylogenesis of mature balsam fir. Trees - Structure and Function, 27(6):1525-1536
- Moore, J.-D., Houle, D. (2013) Soil and sugar maple response to 8years of NH4NO3 additions in a base-poor northern hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 310:167-172
- Houle, D., Lamoureux, P., Belanger, N., Bouchard, M., Gagnon, C., Couture, S., Bouffard, A. (2012) Soil weathering rates in 21 catchments of the Canadian Shield. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16:685-697
- Rossi, S., Bordeleau, A., Houle, D., Morin, H. (2012) Effect of chronic ammonium nitrate addition on the ectomycorrhizal community in a black spruce stand. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(7):1204-1212
- Lupi, C., Morin, H., Deslauriers, A., Rossi, S., Houle, D. (2012) Increasing nitrogen availability and soil temperature: effects on xylem phenology and anatomy of mature black spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(7):1277-1288
- Tremblay, S., Ouimet, R., Houle, D., Duchesne, L. (2012) Base cation distribution and requirement of three common forest ecosystems in eastern Canada based on site-specific and general allometric equations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(10):1796-1809
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Gagnon, C. (2012) Canopy interaction with precipitation and sulphur deposition in two boreal forests of Quebec, Canada. Environmental Pollution, 162:354-360
- Kerr, J.G., Eimers, M.C., Creed, I.F., Adams, M.B., Beall, F., Burns, D., Campbell, J.L., Christopher, S.F., Clair, T.A., Courchesne, F. et al. (2012) The effect of seasonal drying on sulphate dynamics in streams across southeastern Canada and the northeastern USA. Biogeochemistry, 111(1-3):393-409
- Houle, D., Richard, P.J.H., Ndzangou, S.O., Richer-Lafleche, M. (2012) Compositional vegetation changes and increased red spruce abundance during the Little Ice Age in a sugar maple forest of north-eastern North America. Plant Ecology, 213(6):1027-1035
- Houle, D., Bouffard, A., Duchesne, L., Logan, T., Harvey, R. (2012) Projections of future soil temperature and water content for three Southern Quebec forested sites. Journal of Climate, 25(21):7690-7701
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D., D'Orangeville, L. (2012) Influence of climate on seasonal patterns of stem increment of balsam fir in a boreal forest of Québec, Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 162-163:108-114
- Couture, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C. (2012) Increases of dissolved organic carbon in temperate and boreal lakes in Quebec, Canada. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(2):361-371
- Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Cote, B., Messier, C. (2011) Assessment of sugar maple tree growth in relation to the partitioning of elements in xylem along a soil acidity gradient. Forest Ecology and Management, 261(1):95-104
- Mitchell, M.J., Lovett, G., Bailey, S., Beall, F., Burns, D., Buso, D., Clair, T.A., Courchesne, F., Duchesne, L., Eimers, C. et al. (2011) Comparisons of watershed sulfur budgets in southeast Canada and northeast US: New approaches and implications. Biogeochemistry, 103(1):181-207
- Marty, C., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Duchesne, L. (2011) Isotopic compositions of S, N and C in soils and vegetation of three forest types in Québec, Canada. Applied Geochemistry, 26(12):2181-2190
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D. (2011) Modelling day-to-day stem diameter variation and annual growth of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) from daily climate. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(5):863-872
- Beauregard, S.L., Cote, B., Houle, D. (2010) Application of compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) to the dendrochemistry of three hardwoods in three geological regions of southern Quebec. Dendrochronologia, 28(1):23-36
- Houle, D., Couture, S., Gagnon, C. (2010) Relative role of decreasing precipitation sulfate and climate on recent lake recovery. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24(4)
- Duchesne, L., Ouimet, R., Houle, D. (2010) Nutrient transfer by leaf litterfall during a sugar maple decline episode at Lake Clair watershed, Québec, Canada. Plant Ecology, 208(2):213-221
- Moore, J.-D., Houle, D. (2009) Soil solution and sugar maple response to NH4NO3 additions in a base-poor northern hardwood forest of Québec, Canada. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 155(1-4):177-190
- Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Boutin, R. (2009) Effects of a spruce budworm outbreak on element export below the rooting zone: A case study for a balsam fir forest. Annals of Forest Science, 66(7):707p1-707p9
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D., Côté, M.-A., Logan, T. (2009) Modelling the effect of climate on maple syrup production in Québec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 258(12):2683-2689
- Campbell, J.L., Rustad, L.E., Boyer, E.W., Christopher, S.F., Driscoll, C.T., Fernandez, I.J., Groffman, P.M., Houle, D., Kiekbusch, J., Magill, A.H. et al. (2009) Consequences of climate change for biogeochemical cycling in forests of northeastern North America. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(2):264-284
- Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Cote, B., Messier, C. (2008) Extractability of elements in sugar maple xylem along a gradient of soil acidity. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(3):871-879
- Staelens, J., Houle, D., De Schrijver, A., Neirynck, J., Verheyen, K. (2008) Calculating dry deposition and canopy exchange with the canopy budget model: Review of assumptions and application to two deciduous forests. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 191(1-4):149-169
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D. (2008) Soil solution, foliar concentrations and tree growth response to 3-year of ammonium-nitrate addition in two boreal forests of Qu�bec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 255(7):2049-2060
- Houle, D., LaFleche, M.R., Duchesne, L. (2008) Sequential extractions of elements in tree rings of balsam fir and white spruce. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 39(7-8):1138-1146
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D. (2008) Impact of nutrient removal through harvesting on the sustainability of the boreal forest. Ecological Applications, 18(7):1642-1651
- Novak, M., Brimblecombe, P., Houle, D., Veron, A. (2007) Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Acid Deposition, Prague, Czech Republic, 12-17 June, 2005. Applied Geochemistry, 22(6):1093-1094
- Houle, D., Tremblay, S., Ouimet, R. (2007) Foliar and wood chemistry of sugar maple along a gradient of soil acidity and stand health. Plant and Soil, 300(1-2):173-183
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D., Provencher, J. (2007) Ice bridges on the St. Lawrence River as an index of winter severity from 1620 to 1910. Journal of Climate, 20(4):757-764
- Ste-Marie, C., Houle, D. (2006) Forest floor gross and net nitrogen mineralization in three forest types in Quebec, Canada. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(8):2135-2143
- Ndzangou, S.O., Richer-LaFLeche, M., Houle, D. (2006) Anthropogenic Pb accumulation in forest soils from Lake Clair watershed: Duchesnay experimental forest (Québec, Canada). Applied Geochemistry, 21(12):2135-2147
- Houle, D., Ouimet, R., Couture, S., Gagnon, C. (2006) Base cation reservoirs in soil control the buffering capacity of lakes in forested catchments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63(3):471-474
- Houle, D., Bilodeau-Gauthier, S., Paquet, S., Planas, D., Warren, A. (2006) Identification of two genera of N2-fixing cyanobacteria growing on three feather moss species in boreal forests of Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany, 84(6):1025-1029
- Duchesne, L., Houle, D. (2006) Base cation cycling in a pristine watershed of the Canadian boreal forest. Biogeochemistry, 78(2):195-216
- Ndzangou, S.O., Richer-Lafleche, M., Houle, D. (2005) Sources and evolution of anthropogenic lead in dated sediments from Lake Clair, Québec, Canada. Journal of Environmental Quality, 34(3):1016-1025
- Moore, J.-D., Ouimet, R., Houle, D., Camire, C. (2004) Effects of two silvicultural practices on ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in a northern hardwood forest, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 34(4):959-968
- Houle, D., Gagnon, C., Couture, S., Kemp, A. (2004) Recent recovery of lake water quality in Southern Quebec following reductions in sulfur emissions. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, 4(2-3):247-261
- Houle, D., Carignan, R., Roberge, J. (2004) The transit of 35SO4 2- and 3H2O added in situ to soil in a boreal coniferous forest. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus, 4(2-3):501-516
- Tremblay, S., Ouimet, R., Houle, D. (2002) Prediction of organic carbon content in upland forest soils of Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(5):903-914
- Moore, J.-D., Ouimet, R., Camire, C., Houle, D. (2002) Effects of two silvicultural practices on soil fauna abundance in a northern hardwood forest, Québec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 82(1):105-113
- Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Ouimet, R., Paquin, R., Meng, F.-R., Arp, P.A. (2002) Evaluation of the FORHYM2 model for prediction of hydrologic fluxes and soil temperature at the Lake Clair watershed (Duchesnay, Quebec). Forest Ecology and Management, 159(3):249-260
- Houle, D., Duchesne, L., Moore, J.-D., Richer Lafleche, M., Ouimet, R. (2002) Soil and tree-ring chemistry response to liming in a sugar maple stand. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(6):1993-2000
- Duchesne, L., Ouimet, R., Houle, D. (2002) Basal area growth of sugar maple in relation to acid deposition, stand health, and soil nutrients. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(5):1676-1683
- Duchesne, L., Ouimet, R., Camire, C., Houle, D. (2001) Seasonal nutrient transfers by foliar resorption, leaching, and litter fall in a northern hardwood forest at Lake Clair Watershed, Quebec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31(2):333-344
- Houle, D., Ouimet, R., Paquin, R., Laflamme, J.-G. (1999) Determination of sample size for estimating ion throughfall deposition under a mixed hardwood forest at the Lake Clair Watershed (Duchesnay, Quebec). Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(12):1935-1943
- Houle, D., Carignan, R., Lachance, M., Dupont, J. (1995) Dissolved organic carbon and sulfur in southwestern Quebec lakes: Relationships with catchment and lake properties. Limnology and Oceanography, 40(4):710-717
- Houle, D., Carignan, R. (1995) Role of SO4 adsorption and desorption in the long-term S budget of a coniferous catchment on the Canadian Shield. Biogeochemistry, 28(3):161-182
- Houle, D., Carignan, R. (1992) Sulfur speciation and distribution in soils and aboveground biomass of a boreal coniferous forest. Biogeochemistry, 16(1):63-82
Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)
Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres
- D'Orangeville, L., Cote, B., Duchesne, L., Houle, D. (2015) Vulnérabilité de la régénération aux épisodes de sécheresse prédits par les modèles climatiques. Technical report, Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec
- Tremblay, S., Ouimet, R., Houle, D. (2015) Bien estimer la quantité d'éléments nutritifs des arbres pour évaluer les nutriments exportés lors de la récolte. Avis de recherche forestière n° 73, Gouvernement du Québec, ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière
- Houle, D., Moore, J.-D. (2015) L'utilisation des ponts de glace comme indicateur des variations climatiques passées. Avis de recherche forestière n° 74, Gouvernement du Québec, ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière
- D'Orangeville, L., Cote, B., Duchesne, L., Morin. H., Houle, D. (2011) L'impact des changements climatiques et des apports azotés sur la productivité de la sapinière boréale. Technical report, Ministère des ressources naturelles et de la faune du Québec
Thèses, mémoires et essais
Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés
- Boakye, E.A. (2022) Influence de la variabilité climatique à long terme sur la croissance des arbres dans les forêts boréales mixtes du Québec de l'est du Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Oogathoo, S. (2021) Soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction in the boreal forest ecosystem in eastern Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Ghotsa Mekontchou, C. (2020) Complémentarités nutritionnelles entre l’épinette noire et le peuplier faux-tremble dans la forêt boréale mixte de l’est du Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
- Leger-Beaulieu, C. (2018) Réponses morphologiques et physiologiques des semis de trois espèces de conifères à un gradient de déficit hydrique en serre. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
- Bilodeau-Gauthier, S. (2007) Comportement des éléments dans le xylème de l'érable à sucre selon un gradient d'acidité du sol. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal
Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture
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