Dominic Cyr

Chercheur associé
Cycle du carbone, Modélisation

351 Boul. St-Joseph, 6e étage
Place Vincent-Massey
Gatineau Québec K1A 0H3

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  • 2010 : Doctorat en sciences de l'environnement, Écologie forestière, Université du Québec à Montréal

Titre de thèse: Cycle des feux, vieilles forêts et aménagement en forêt boréale de l’est du Canada.

  • 2001 : Maîtrise en biologie, Écologie forestière, Université du Québec à Montréal

Titre de thèse: La place des forêts anciennes du nord de l'Abitibi dans une mosaïque régulée par les incendies forestiers

  • 1998 : Baccalauréat en biologie, Écologie, Université du Québec à Montréal


Au sein de la Division des inventaires et rapports sur les polluants d’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada, nous avons le mandat de produire l’Inventaire canadien des gaz à effet de serre1. En tant que chercheur dans cette équipe, mon rôle est de contribuer à l’amélioration des estimations des stocks et des flux de carbone pour le secteur forestier. Je mets ainsi à profit mon expertise disciplinaire en écologie des feux de forêt ainsi qu’en modélisation de paysages forestiers.



Chapitres de livre

  1. De Grandpre, L., Gauthier, S., Allain, C., Cyr, D., Perigon, S., Pham, A.T., Boucher, D., Morissette, J., Reyes, G., Aakala, T. et al. (2009) Towards an Ecosytem Approach to Managing the Boreal Forest in the North Shore Region: Disturbance Regime and Natural Forest Dynamics. (Chap. 10) In Ecosystem management in the boreal forest. (Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Leduc, A., De Grandpre, L., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Drapeau, P. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Québec, QC, Canada, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pages 229-256
  2. Leduc, A., Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Bergeron, Y., De Grandpré, L., Drapeau, P., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Cyr, D. (2009) Perspectives. (Chap. 21) In Ecosystem management in the boreal forest. (Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Leduc, A., De Grandpre, L., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Drapeau, P. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Québec, QC, Canada, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pages 519-526
  3. De Grandpre, L., Gauthier, S., Allain, C., Cyr, D., Perigon, S., Pham, A.T., Boucher, D., Morissette, J., Reyes, G., Aakala, T. et al. (2008) Vers un aménagement écosystémique de la forêt boréale de la Côte-Nord: régime des perturbations et dynamique naturelle. (Chap. 10) In Aménagement écosystémique en forêt boréale. (Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Leduc, A., De Grandpre, L., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Drapeau, P. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Québec, QC, Canada, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pages 241-268
  4. Leduc, A., Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Bergeron, Y., De Grandpre, L., Drapeau, P., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Cyr, D. (2008) Perspectives. (Chap. 21) In Aménagement écosystémique en forêt boréale. (Gauthier, S., Vaillancourt, M.-A., Leduc, A., De Grandpre, L., Kneeshaw, D.D., Morin, H., Drapeau, P. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Québec, QC, Canada, Presses de l’Université du Québec, pages 549-556

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Liu, Q., Peng, C., Schneider, R., Cyr, D., Liu, Z., Zhou, X., Du, M., Li, P., Jiang, Z., McDowell, N.G. et al. (2023) Vegetation browning: global drivers, impacts, and feedbacks. Trends in Plant Science, 28(9):1014-1032
  2. Boulanger, Y., Puigdevall, J.P., Belisle, A.C., Bergeron, Y., Brice, M.-H., Cyr, D., De Grandpre, L., Fortin, D., Gauthier, S., Grondin, P. et al. (2023) A regional integrated assessment of the impacts of climate change and of the potential adaptation avenues for Quebec's forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(8):556-578
  3. Liu, Q., Peng, C., Schneider, R., Cyr, D., McDowell, N.G., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2023) Drought-induced increase in tree mortality and corresponding decrease in the carbon sink capacity of Canada's boreal forests from 1970 to 2020. Global Change Biology, 29(8):2274-2285
  4. Hardy, C., Messier, C., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Filotas, E. (2023) Land sparing and sharing patterns in forestry: exploring even-aged and uneven-aged management at the landscape scale. Landscape Ecology, 38(11):2815 – 2838
  5. Chavardès, R., Danneyrolles, V., Portier, J., Girardin, M., Gaboriau, D., Gauthier, S., Drobyshev, I., Cyr, D., Wallenius, T., Bergeron, Y. (2022) Converging and diverging burn rates in North American boreal forests from the Little Ice Age to the present. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 31(12):1184-1193
  6. St-Laurent, M.-H., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Manka, F., Drapeau, P., Gauthier, S. (2022) Lowering the rate of timber harvesting to mitigate impacts of climate change on boreal caribou habitat quality in eastern Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 838(156244)
  7. Cyr, D., Splawinski, T.B., Pascual Puigdevall, J., Valeria, O., Leduc, A., Thiffault, N., Bergeron, Y., Gauthier, S. (2022) Mitigating post-fire regeneration failure in boreal landscapes with reforestation and variable retention harvesting: At what cost? Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52(4):568-581
  8. Moreau, L., Thiffault, E., Cyr, D., Boulanger, Y., Beauregard, R. (2022) How can the forest sector mitigate climate change in a changing climate? Case studies of boreal and northern temperate forests in eastern Canada. Forest Ecosystems, 9
  9. Molina, E., Valeria, O., De Grandpre, L., Andres Ramirez, J., Cyr, D., Boulanger, Y. (2021) Projecting future aboveground biomass and productivity of managed eastern Canadian mixedwood boreal forest in response to climate change. Forest Ecology and Management, 487:119016
  10. Liu, Q., Peng, C., Schneider, R., Cyr, D., Liu, Z., Zhou, X., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2021) TRIPLEX-Mortality model for simulating drought-induced tree mortality in boreal forests: Model development and evaluation. Ecological Modelling, 455:109652
  11. Landry, G., Thiffault, E., Cyr, D., Moreau, L., Boulanger, Y., Dymond, C. (2021) Mitigation potential of ecosystem-based forest management under climate change: A case study in the Boreal-temperate forest ecotone. Forests, 12(12)
  12. Nenzen, H.K., Price, D.T., Boulanger, Y., Taylor, A.R., Cyr, D., Campbell, E. (2020) Projected climate change effects on Alberta's boreal forests imply future challenges for oil sands reclamation. Restoration Ecology, 28(1):39 – 50
  13. Cadieux, P., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., Sólymos, P., Stralberg, D., Chen, H.Y.H., Brecka, A., Tremblay, J.A. (2020) Projected effects of climate change on boreal bird community accentuated by anthropogenic disturbances in western boreal forest, Canada. Diversity and Distributions, 26(6):668-682
  14. Splawinski, T.B., Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Jetté, J.-P., Bergeron, Y. (2019) Analyzing risk of regeneration failure in the managed boreal forest of northwestern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 49:680-691
  15. Boulanger, Y., Arseneault, D., Boucher, Y., Gauthier, S., Cyr, D., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., Dupuis, S. (2019) Climate change will affect the ability of forest management to reduce gaps between current and presettlement forest composition in southeastern Canada. Landscape Ecology, 34(1):159-174
  16. Cadieux, P., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., Tremblay, J.A. (2019) Spatially explicit climate change projections for the recovery planning of threatened species: The Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus Bicknelli) as a case study. Global Ecology and Conservation, 17
  17. Boulanger, Y., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., Cyr, D., Sainte-Marie, G. (2018) Stand-level drivers most important in determining boreal forest response to climate change. Journal of Ecology, 106(3):977 – 990
  18. Tremblay, J.A., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., St-Laurent, M.-H. (2018) Harvesting interacts with climate change to affect future habitat quality of a focal species in eastern Canada's boreal forest. PLOS ONE, 13(2)
  19. Taylor, A.R., Boulanger, Y., Price, D.T., Cyr, D., McGarrigle, E., Rammer, W., Kershaw, J.A. (2017) Rapid 21st century climate change projected to shift composition and growth of Canada's Acadian Forest Region. Forest Ecology and Management, 405:284 – 294
  20. Boulanger, Y., Taylor, A.R., Price, D.T., Cyr, D., McGarrigle, E., Rammer, W., Sainte-Marie, G., Beaudoin, A., Guindon, L., Mansuy, N. (2017) Climate change impacts on forest landscapes along the Canadian southern boreal forest transition zone. Landscape Ecology, 32(7):1415 – 1431
  21. Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Boulanger, Y., Bergeron, Y. (2016) Quantifying Fire Cycle from Dendroecological Records Using Survival Analyses. Forests, 7(7):131
  22. Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y. (2012) The influence of landscape-level heterogeneity in fire frequency on canopy composition in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 23(1):140-150
  23. Belisle, A.-C., Gauthier, S., Cyr, D., Bergeron, Y., Morin, H. (2011) Fire Regime and Old-Growth Boreal Forests in Central Quebec, Canada: An Ecosystem Management Perspective. Silva Fennica, 45(5):889-908
  24. Bergeron, Y., Cyr, D., Girardin, M.P., Carcaillet, C. (2010) Will climate change drive 21st century burn rates in Canadian boreal forest outside of its natural variability: collating global climate model experiments with sedimentary charcoal data. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 19(8):1127-1139
  25. Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Etheridge, D.A., Kayahara, G.J., Bergeron, Y. (2010) A simple Bayesian Belief Network for estimating the proportion of old-forest stands in the Clay Belt of Ontario using the provincial forest inventory. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(3):573-584
  26. Senici, D., Chen, H.Y.H., Bergeron, Y., Cyr, D. (2010) Spatiotemporal Variations of Fire Frequency in Central Boreal Forest. Ecosystems, 13(8):1227-1238
  27. Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Bergeron, Y., Carcaillet, C. (2009) Forest management is driving the eastern North American boreal forest outside its natural range of variability. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7(10):519-524
  28. Bergeron, Y., Cyr, D., Drever, C.R., Flannigan, M., Gauthier, S., Kneeshaw, D.D., Lauzon, E., Leduc, A., Le Goff, H., Lesieur, D. et al. (2006) Past, current, and future fire frequencies in Quebec's commercial forests: Implications for the cumulative effects of harvesting and fire on age-class structure and natural disturbance-based management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(11):2737-2744
  29. Cyr, D., Bergeron, Y., Gauthier, S., Larouche, A.C. (2005) Are the old-growth forests of the Clay Belt part of a fire-regulated mosaic? Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(1):65-73

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)


Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres


Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Cyr, D. (2011) Cycle des feux, vieilles forêts et aménagement en forêt boréale de l'est du Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Université du Québec à Montréal

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés


Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Cyr, D., Bergeron, Y., Gauthier, S., Larouche, A. (2006) Des pessières millénaires en Abitibi : comment se fait-il qu’elles n’aient pas brûlé pendant tout ce temps? Le Couvert boréal, 3:29-31

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