Emad AM. Farahat

Professor of Plant Ecology
Forest Ecology

Former postdoc with Martin J. Lechowicz

Permanent address:
Helwan University
Botany & Microbiology Department

(2) 012- 4783968 , (2) 02-5590000 ex. 1795


  • Postdoctoral fellow in McGill University, Biology department, Evolution and Conservation Ecology Unit, 10/April/2007 – 09/January1/2008.
  • Lecturer of Plant Ecology, Faculty of Science, Botany & Microbiology Dept., Helwan University from 04/2006- 04/2007.
  • Ph.D. in Community Ecology, 09/2001-02/2006. Botany & Microbiology Dept, Faculty of Science, Helwan University.
  • MSC Fellowship in Plant Ecophysiology. Botany & Microbiology Dept, Faculty of Science, Helwan University: 01/1997 –01/2001.
  • B.Sc. in Botany department, 1991-1995 (Faculty of Science - Cairo University).

Present Research Activities I am a Professor of Plant Ecology at Helwan University. My research interests are plant ecology, forest ecology, biodiversity, restoration ecology, dendroecology, population dynamics, and vegetation analysis. My current projects concentrate on the population ecology of some Egyptian plants and their conservation, contribution remotely in some research projects in Saudi Arabia, contribution in writing projects for some Environmental Saudi companies for restoration of natural vegetation in degraded areas in Northern region. Besides, I am interested in the evaluation of air and water pollutants on the eco-physiological performance of wild plants and crops, phytoremediation, and Quantitative anatomy of Egyptian desert plants and its dendrochronological potentialities. In our laboratory, we are in collaboration with some colleagues in Egypt, Sweden, Switzerland, China, and Saudi Arabia. We welcome collaboration with colleagues from all over the world.

Research Interests and Experience

  • Artificial forests
  • Population and community ecology of terrestrial and wetland vegetation
  • Plant competition and allelopathy
  • Experienced in plant quantitative anatomy and eco-physiological analysis of plant, soil, water and air samples (MSC experience)
  • Experienced in population biology and vegetation analysis using Multivariate methods (Ph.D. experience)

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Formations et Écoles

Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

********************************************************** ********** Colloque Développement durable UQAC *********** **********************************************************

********************************************************** **************** Balcony Garden Project ****************** **********************************************************

********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************