Guillaume Bouvet

Structure des éléments de transposition de type II (transposon à ADN) au sein des génomes des champignons de la maladie hollandaise de l'orme (Ophiostoma ulmi et O. novo-ulmi sp.)
Université Laval

Directeur: Louis Bernier
Codirecteur: Volker Jacobi

Mes travaux portent sur la découverte et la caractérisation de transposons à ADN chez Ophiostoma ulmi et O. novo-ulmi, agents de la maladie hollandaise de l’orme (DED pour Dutch Elm Disease). Ces travaux sont divisés en trois volets distincts :

1- la caractérisation, la répartition, le transfert entre espèces apparentées et le silencing de transposons à ADN mis en évidence chez les Ophiostomatoïdes. Nous avons démontré que, d’une part, des hybrides interspécifiques pourraient servir de ponts génétiques entre des espèces proches via des phénomènes d’introgression d’ADN, et d’autre part, de développer une nouvelle visualisation du mécanisme de silencing appelé R.I.P. (Repeat-Induced Point) décrit par Selker en 1987.

(Bouvet et al., 2007. Characterization of three DNA transposons in the Dutch elm disease fungi and evidence of repeat-induced point (RIP) mutations. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 44(5):430-43)

2- Le second volet s’est penché sur une des caractéristiques majeures des transposons à ADN (et TEs en général) : la mobilité. En effet, deux des trois transposons qui semblaient posséder de parfaites structures pour être mobile ont servi de modèle d’études pour mettre en lien stress biotiques ou abiotiques et induction de la mobilité.

(Bouvet et al. 2007. Stress-induced mobility of OPHIO1 and OPHIO2, DNA transposons of the Dutch elm disease fungi. Fungal genetics and Biology. In submission).

3- Le dernier volet de cette thèse concerne la répartition de ces éléments au sein de populations naturelles d’Ophiostoma himal-ulmi, O. ulmi, O. novo-ulmi spp. Ce volet fera l’objet d’une publication ultérieure

Mon doctorat m'a également permis de développer en collaboration avec le Centre de bio-informatique et de biologie computationnelle de l’Université Laval, une approche bioinformatique, notamment sur l'analyse dynamique de sélection positive sur des domaines précis de protéines.

Si mon profil vous intéresse ou pour de plus amples renseignements concernant mes travaux, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi ( Je suis maintenant à Montréal. Je me tiens à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions ou pour discuter avec vous d’un éventuel projet de recherche.

My work is about the discovery and characterization of DNA transposons in Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi, the causal agents of Dutch Elm Disease. The conducted studies will be published in two articles. The first was approved by Fungal Genetics and Biology and is about the characterization, distribution, transfer between related species and silencing of DNA transposons belonging to the Ophiostomatoid fungi family (Bouvet et al., 2007. Characterization of three DNA transposons in the Dutch elm disease fungi and evidence of repeat-induced point (RIP) mutations, FGB in press). In this article, we demonstrated that interspecific hybrids could act as genetic bridges for transposons by natural introgression between closely related species and we developed a new visualization of the RIP mechanism as described by Selker in 1987. The second article, in submission, presents a study of the mobility of two of these transposons generated by biotic and abiotic stresses. The last axe of my researches concern the distribution in natural populations of the three elements.

We also developed, in collaboration with the Centre de bio-informatique et de biologie computationnelle (Laval University) a computational approach for the analysis of positive selection on specific domains of proteins.

My interest towards your laboratory is motivated by the followings:

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested by my profile or for further information about my work ( I’m living now in Montreal It would be a pleasure to answer any question you may have or to discuss with you of a possible research project.

Cursus universitaire, Publications et communications orales

Guillaume BOUVET, Ph.D. Fungal genomics and mobile elements Tel.: 514-523-7927


2003-2007 Ph.D. in Fungal genomics from Laval University, Quebec, Canada (summer 2007)

1999-2000 Diplôme d’études approfondies (post-master’s qualification) in phylogenetic relationships and biological interactions (Univ. de Montpellier, ENSAM, France)

1994-1998 Bachelor’s degree in vegetal biology, organisms and ecosystem biology, (Univ. d’Angers, France)


2003 – 2007 Ph.D. Québec, Canada Employer: Laval University, NSERC financial support Director: Louis Bernier Expertise: Mycology, structural genomics, mobile elements (OPHIO transposons) Objective:

Discovery and characterization of first three DNA transposons (TEs) in the Dutch elm disease fungi. Various applications of these TEs: study of mobility, silencing and populations. Develop expertise in bioinformatics concerning positive selection on particular protein domains

2000 - 2003 Research assistant Caspesterre B/E, Guadeloupe, France Employer: CIRAD-FLHOR Director: Claire Amar Expertise: Vegetal biology, in vitro culture Objective:

Ornamental quarantine and multiplication of healthy vegetable material cultivated in Guadeloupe, greenhouses construction, technical and scientific support in laboratory and field experiments, scientific drafting notes and popularization of scientific concepts

2000 Post-master’s qualification Angers, France Employer: INRA (Institut national de recherche agronomique), phytobacteriology section Director: Charles Manceau Expertise: Phytobacteriology, Molecular Biology, bacterial mobile elements (IS1595). Objective:

Studies on genetic diversity of Xanthomonas mangiferaeindicae based on AFLP and transposon-display markers

1999, Master’s (St Pierre, Réunion, France) Employer: CIRAD-FLHOR (International center of research and development), vegetal pathology section. Director: Olivier Pruvost, Lionel Gagnevin. Expertise: Phytobacteriology, fruit culture, experimental devices. Objective:

Virulence studies on Xanthomonas mangiferaeindicae, causal agent of the black spot disease on mango


Software: Basic knowledge of Python, Bio-python, Unix and SAS system. Languages: French: native speaker; English: advanced; Spanish: basic skills


Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. Bernier, L., 2007. Characterization of three DNA transposons in the Dutch elm disease fungi and evidence of repeat-induced point (RIP) mutations. Fungal Genet. Biol. 44(5)430-443

Bernier, L., Breuil, C., Hintz, W. E., Horgen, P. A., Jacobi, V., Dufour, J., Aoun, M., Bouvet, G.F, Kim, S. H., Diguistini, S., Tanguay, P., Eades, P., Burgess, S., de la Bastide, P., Pinchback, M., Tadesse, Y., 2004. The Canadian Ophiostoma genome project. Invest. Agrar.: Sist. Recur. For. 13, 105-117.


Bouvet, G.F. et al.: Stress-induced mobility of OPHIO1 and OPHIO2, DNA transposons of the Dutch elm disease fungi. In submission.

Bouvet, G.F. et al.: Distribution of three OPHIO elements in a natural population of Ophiostoma ulmi, O. novo-ulmi and O. himal-ulmi: pictures of relation between host and DNA transposon in fungi.



Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. and Bernier, L. 2004. Découverte et caractérisation Mogwai*, premier transposon chez Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, agent de la graphiose de l’orme. 96e Assemblée annuelle de la Société de protection des plantes du Québec, June 17th and 18th, Sherbrooke, Canada.

Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. and Bernier, L. 2005. Discovery and characterization of DNA transposons in the Dutch elm disease fungi. APS - CPS – MSA joint meeting, July 29th – August 2nd. Québec City, Canada. Co-moderator of the Fungi – Genetics/Molecular Biology/Cell Biology session, Molecular/Cellular Plant-Microbe Interactions section.

Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. and Bernier, L. 2006. DNA transposons in Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi, the causal agents of the Dutch Elm Disease: an overview. Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma workshop. August 16th–18th. Moreton Bay Research Station, Brisbane, Australia.

Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. and Bernier, L. 2006. Exploring the mobility of DNA transposons in the Dutch elm disease fungi. 8th International Mycological Congress. August 20 – 25th, Cairns, Australia.


Bouvet, G.F., Jacobi, V. and Bernier L. 2004. Discovery and partial characterisation of Mogwai*, a type II transposable element in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, one of the causal agents of the Dutch elm disease. 12th colloquia on « Transposable elements », Tours, France.

Gagnevin, L., Bouvet, G.F., Mete, K., Manceau, C., and Pruvost, O. 2000. Interest of the insertion sequence IS1595 as a population typing tool for Xanthomonas pv. Mangiferaeindicae. Congr. Eur. Foundation Plant Pathol. 5th. Taormina - Giardini Naxos, Italy.

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