Hank A. Margolis

Ancien membre régulier
Écophysiologie / Écologie des écosystèmes / Reboisement

Earth Sciences Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.


  • Ph.D. honoris causa en Science du cycle du carbone, 2010 (U. de Lethbridge, Canada)
  • Ph.D. en écophysiologie et sylviculture, 1985 (Oregon State University)
  • M.Sc. en sylviculture, 1980 (Yale University)
  • B.Sc. en aménagement forestier, 1977 (Université du Vermont)

Mon programme de recherche porte sur l’écophysiologie de l’arbre et des écosystèmes forestiers et vise l’application des connaissances acquises en sylviculture et en aménagement forestier. L'analyse du flux de carbone à partir de données recueillies de tours micrométéorologiques «Eddy covariance flux tower», l'utilisation d'approches d'isotopes stables ainsi que le développement de modèles globaux font partie des activités poursuivies afin de mieux comprendre l'impact des changements climatiques globaux sur ces écosystèmes. Je m'intéresse aussi à la réponse physiologique de semis forestiers aux pratiques culturales et aux stress environnementaux après plantation. Dans le passé, j'ai travaillé sur l'analyse des écosystèmes agroforestiers tropicaux.


Le Dr. Margolis était professeur titulaire au Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt de l'Université Laval. Il travaillait sur l'écophysiologie forestière, les changements climatiques, les cycles du carbone et de l'eau, le reboisement, la sylviculture et la production de plants forestiers.

De 2001 à 2011, il était le directeur scientifique du réseau de recherche Fluxnet-Canada et le Programme canadien du carbone .

La fonction principale du Programme Canadien du Carbone (2007-2011) était le développement d’un réseau scientifique visant à réduire l’incertitude liée à l’estimation du budget de carbone au Canada et en Amérique du nord à des échelles de temps mensuel et pluriannuel et ce, à travers des programmes de mesures et de modélisation.

Fluxnet-Canada (2002-2007) était un réseau national de recherche réunissant des scientifiques des milieux universitaire et gouvernemental afin d'étudier l'influence du climat et des perturbations sur le cycle du carbone dans les écosystèmes forestiers et de tourbières canadiens. Le réseau comptait environ 30 sites de recherche dans lesquels les échanges de carbone, d’eau et d’énergie entre les écosystèmes et l’atmosphère étaient mesurés de façon continue grâce à la technique de mesure de flux par covariance de turbulences. Le réseau mettait régulièrement à jour une base de données, accessible au public, sur le flux et sur les données écologiques s'y rattachant. Le travail et les résultats de ce programme de recherche ont été transmis au Programme canadien du carbone (PCC) au début de l'année 2007.

Dr. Margolis a également été le directeur scientifique pour le pôle canadien (12 universités) du projet canado-américain BOREAS (Boreal Ecosystem – Atmosphere study) de 1992 à 1997. Ce projet impliquait la NASA, le Centre canadien de télédétection, Environnement Canada et Ressources naturelles Canada. Ce projet a généré une multitude de données dont les analyses ont permis d'améliorer notre compréhension des interactions entre la forêt boréale et l'atmosphère. Selon les modèles développés, il est apparu que cet écosystème a la capacité de capter le gaz carbonique mais aussi d'en émettre, mettant ainsi en évidence la nécessité d'accroître la sensibilité des études.

Dr Margolis a aussi étudié les effets physiologiques du gel sur les plants forestiers, ce qui a conduit à la modélisation de l'impact de ces températures froides sur leur activité photosynthétique. Ces travaux ont permis de préciser la sensibilité au gel de jeunes plants d'épinette noire et de recommander des ajustements des pratiques culturales. Présentement, l'accent est mis sur la migration assistée, soit le déplacement par l’humain, des arbres vers les habitats climatiques auxquels ils sont adaptés. La migration assistée est l'un des principaux outils disponibles pour les forestiers afin d'adapter la sylviculture aux changements climatiques tout en maintenant la productivité forestière. Toutefois, ce type de programme exigent une connaissance scientifique approfondie de la façon dont l'écophysiologie d'arbres de différentes provenances s'adapte et s'acclimate au changement climatique. Des travaux précédents concernant les semis ont porté sur les effets de l'irrigation sur la production de semis d'arbres, la résistance au gel et l'influence de la température ainsi que du dioxyde de carbone sur la physiologie et la croissance des plants d'arbres.

  • 19 novembre 2012: Hank et les 150 autres auteurs de l'article «Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents» paru en 2010 dans la revue Environmental Research Letters (volume 5), ont reçu le prix international Norbert Gerbier-MUMM  2012 de l'Organisation météorologique mondiale.
  • 8 octobre 2010: University of Letnbridge, Alberta - Honorary Degree Recipient (Honoris causa) .
  • Octobre 2007: Réviseur expert du rapport d'évaluation du GIEC 4, chapitre Amérique du Nord du Groupe de travail 2 (impacts et adaptation) qui a servi de base pour l'attribution du Prix Nobel de la Paix.

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote



Chapitres de livre

  1. Margolis, H.A., Oren, R., Whitehead, D., Kaufmann, M.R. (2013) Leaf Area Dynamics of Conifer Forests. In Ecophysiology of Coniferous Forests. (Smith, W.K. and Hinckley, T.M., Eds.) Elsevier Inc., pages 181-223
  2. Sheriff, D.W., Margolis, H.A., Kaufmann, M.R., Reich, P.B. (2013) Resource Use Efficiency. In Resource Physiology of Conifers: Acquisition, Allocation, and Utilization. (Smith, W.K. and Hinckley, T.M., Eds.) Elsevier Inc., pages 143-178
  3. Middleton, E.M., Huemmrich, K.F., Cheng, Y.-B., Margolis, H.A. (2011) Spectral Bio- Indicators of Photosynthetic Efficiency and Vegetation Stress. (Chap. 12) In Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation. (Thenkabail, P.S., Lyon, J.G. and Huete, A., Eds.) CRC Press, pages 265-288
  4. Margolis, H.A., Oren, R., Whitehead, D., Kaufmann, M.R. (1995) Leaf Area Dynamics of Conifer Forests. (Chap. 7) In Ecophysiology of Coniferous Forests. (Smith, W.K. and Hinckley, T.M., Eds.) London, UK, Academic Press, pages 181-223
  5. Sheriff, D.W., Margolis, H.A., Kaufmann, M.R., Reich, P.B. (1995) Resource Use Efficiency. (Chap. 5) In Resource Physiology of Conifers: Acquisition, Allocation, and Utilization. (Smith, W.K. and Hinckley, T.M., Eds.) London, UK, Academic Press, pages 143-178

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Benomar, L., Lamhamedi, M. S., Pepin, S., Rainville, A., Lambert, M.-C., Margolis, H.A., Bousquet, J., Beaulieu, J. (2018) Thermal acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration of southern and northern white spruce seed sources tested along a regional climatic gradient indicates limited potential to cope with temperature warming. Annals of Botany, 121(3):443-457
  2. Benomar, L., Lamhamedi, M.S., Rainville, A., Beaulieu, J., Bousquet, J., Margolis, H.A. (2016) Genetic adaptation versus ecophysiological plasticity of photosynthetic-related traits in young Picea glauca trees along a regional climatic gradient. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(48)
  3. Villeneuve, I., Lamhamedi, M.S., Benomar, L., Rainville, A., de Blois, J., Beaulieu, J., Bousquet, J., Lambert, M.-C., Margolis, H.A. (2016) Morpho-physiological variation of white spruce seedlings from various seed sources and implications for deployment under climate change. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(1450)
  4. Carles, S., Boyer Groulx, D., Lamhamedi, M.S., Rainville, A., Beaulieu, J., Bernier, P.Y., Bousquet, J., Deblois, J., Margolis, H.A. (2015) Family Variation in the Morphology and Physiology of White Spruce (Picea glauca) Seedlings in Response to Elevated CO2 and Temperature. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 34(3):169-198
  5. Isabelle, P.-E., Nadeau, D.F., Rousseau, A.N., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A. (2015) Applicability of the bulk-transfer approach to estimate evapotranspiration from Boreal Peatlands. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 16(4):1521-1539
  6. Margolis, H.A., Nelson, R.F., Montesano, P.M., Beaudoin, A., Sun, G.Q., Andersen, H.-E., Wulder, M.A. (2015) Combining satellite lidar, airborne lidar, and ground plots to estimate the amount and distribution of aboveground biomass in the boreal forest of North America. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45(7):838-855
  7. Wu, X., Ju, W., Zhou, Y., He, M., Law, B.E., Black, T.A., Margolis, H.A., Cescatti, A., Gu, L., Montagnani, L. et al. (2015) Performance of linear and nonlinear two-leaf light use efficiency models at different temporal scales. Remote Sensing, 7(3):2238-2278
  8. Fleischer, K., Warlind, D., Van Der Molen, M.K., Rebel, K.T., Arneth, A., Erisman, J.W., Wassen, M.J., Smith, B., Gough, C.M., Margolis, H.A. et al. (2015) Low historical nitrogen deposition effect on carbon sequestration in the boreal zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(12):2542-2561
  9. Papale, D., Black, T.A., Carvalhais, N., Cescatti, A., Chen, J., Jung, M., Kiely, G., Lasslop, G., Mahecha, M.D., Margolis, H.A. et al. (2015) Effect of spatial sampling from European flux towers for estimating carbon and water fluxes with artificial neural networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(10):1941-1957
  10. Benomar, L., Lamhamedi, M. S., Villeneuve, I., Rainville, A., Beaulieu, J., Bousquet, J., Margolis, H.A. (2015) Fine-scale geographic variation in photosynthetic-related traits of Picea glauca seedlings indicates local adaptation to climate. Tree Physiology, 35(8):864-878
  11. Toomey, M., Friedl, M.A., Frolking, S., Hufkens, K., Klosterman, S., Sonnentag, O., Baldocchi, D.D., Bernacchi, C.J., Biraud, S.C., Bohrer, G. et al. (2015) Greenness indices from digital cameras predict the timing and seasonal dynamics of canopy-scale photosynthesis. Ecological Applications, 25(1):99-115
  12. Xiao, J., Ollinger, S.V., Frolking, S., Hurtt, G.C., Hollinger, D.Y., Davis, K.J., Pan, Y., Zhang, X., Deng, F., Chen, J. et al. (2014) Data-driven diagnostics of terrestrial carbon dynamics over North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 197:142-157
  13. Yuan, W., Liu, S., Dong, W., Liang, S., Zhao, S., Chen, J., Xu, W., Li, X., Barr, A., Andrew Black, T. et al. (2014) Differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal biome. Nature Communications, 5
  14. Nadeau, D.F., Rousseau, A.N., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., Parlange, M.B. (2013) Summer methane fluxes from a boreal bog in northern Quebec, Canada, using eddy covariance measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 81:464-474
  15. Stoy, P.C., Mauder, M., Foken, T., Marcolla, B., Boegh, E., Ibrom, A., Arain, M.A., Arneth, A., Aurela, M., Bernhofer, C. et al. (2013) A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172:137-152
  16. Barr, A.G., Richardson, A.D., Hollinger, D.Y., Papale, D., Arain, M.A., Black, T.A., Bohrer, G., Dragoni, D., Fischer, M.L., Gu, L. et al. (2013) Use of change-point detection for friction-velocity threshold evaluation in eddy-covariance studies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 171-172:31-45
  17. Zha, T.S., Barr, A.G., Bernier, P.Y., Lavigne, M.B., Trofymow, J.A., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Bhatti, J.S., Black, T.A., Margolis, H.A. et al. (2013) Gross and aboveground net primary production at Canadian forest carbon flux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 174-175:54-64
  18. Bakry, M., Lamhamedi, M.S., Caron, J., Bernier, P.Y., El Abidine, A.Z., Stowe, D.C., Margolis, H.A. (2013) Changes in the physical properties of two Acacia compost-based growing media and their effects on carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) seedling development. New Forests, 44(6):827-847
  19. Neigh, C.S.R., Nelson, R.F., Ranson, K.J., Margolis, H.A., Montesano, P.M., Sun, G., Kharuk, V., Naesset, E., Wulder, M.A., Andersen, H.-E. (2013) Taking stock of circumboreal forest carbon with ground measurements, airborne and spaceborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing of Environment, 137:274-287
  20. Yi, Y., Kimball, J.S., Jones, L.A., Reichle, R.H., Nemani, R., Margolis, H.A. (2013) Recent climate and fire disturbance impacts on boreal and arctic ecosystem productivity estimated using a satellite-based terrestrial carbon flux model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 118(2):606-622
  21. Wahid, N., Lamhamedi, M.S., Rainville, A., Beaulieu, J., Margolis, H.A. (2013) Genetic Control and Nursery-Plantation Genotypic Correlations for Growth Characteristics of White Spruce Somatic Clones. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 32(6):576-593
  22. Flanagan, L.B., Cai, T., Black, T.A., Barr, A.G., McCaughey, J.H., Margolis, H.A. (2012) Measuring and modeling ecosystem photosynthesis and the carbon isotope composition of ecosystem-respired CO2 in three boreal coniferous forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 153:165-176
  23. Payeur-Poirier, J.-L., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., Giasson, M.-A. (2012) CO2 fluxes of a boreal black spruce chronosequence in eastern North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 153:94-105
  24. Brummer, C., Black, T.A., Jassal, R.S., Grant, N.J., Spittlehouse, D.L., Chen, B., Nesic, Z., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G. et al. (2012) How climate and vegetation type influence evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 153:14-30
  25. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Stowe, D.C., Veilleux, L., Margolis, H.A. (2012) An operational method for estimating cold tolerance thresholds of white spruce seedlings in forest nurseries. Forestry Chronicle, 88(4):448-457
  26. Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., Giasson, M.-A., Bernier, P.Y., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Goulden, M.L., McCaughey, J.H. et al. (2012) Influence of stand age on the magnitude and seasonality of carbon fluxes in Canadian forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 165:136-148
  27. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Stowe, D.C., Margolis, H.A. (2012) Genetic parameters of morphological and physiological characteristics of containerized white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench.] Voss) seedlings. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 8(1):39-51
  28. Wu, C., Chen, J.M., Desai, A.R., Hollinger, D.Y., Arain, M.A., Margolis, H.A., Gough, C.M., Staebler, R.M. (2012) Remote sensing of canopy light use efficiency in temperate and boreal forests of North America using MODIS imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 118:60-72
  29. Chen, B., Coops, N.C., Fu, D., Margolis, H.A., Amiro, B.D., Black, T.A., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Bourque, C.P.-A., Flanagan, L.B. et al. (2012) Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddy-covariance measurements across the Canadian Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 124:742-755
  30. Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C.R., Williams, C., Arain, M.A., Barr, A., Chen, J.M., Davis, K.J., Dimitrov, D., Hilton, T.W., Hollinger, D.Y. et al. (2012) A model-data comparison of gross primary productivity: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(3):G03010
  31. Chevallier, F., Wang, T., Ciais, P., Maignan, F., Bocquet, M., Altaf Arain, M., Cescatti, A., Chen, J., Dolman, A.J., Law, B.E. et al. (2012) What eddy-covariance measurements tell us about prior land flux errors in CO2-flux inversion schemes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(1):GB1021
  32. Richardson, A.D., Anderson, R.S., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Bohrer, G., Chen, G., Chen, J.M., Ciais, P., Davis, K.J., Desai, A.R. et al. (2012) Terrestrial biosphere models need better representation of vegetation phenology: Results from the North American Carbon Program Site Synthesis. Global Change Biology, 18(2):566-584
  33. Coursolle, C., Giasson, M.-A., Margolis, H.A., Bernier, P.Y. (2012) Moving towards carbon neutrality: CO2 exchange of a black spruce forest ecosystem during the first 10 years of recovery after harvest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42(11):1908-1918
  34. Bakry, M., Lamhamedi, M.S., Caron, J., Margolis, H.A., El Abidine, A.Z., Bellaka, M., Stowe, D.C. (2012) Are composts from shredded leafy branches of fast-growing forest species suitable as nursery growing media in arid regions? New Forests, 43(3):267-286
  35. Wahid, N., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Margolis, H.A., Deblois, J. (2012) Genetic parameters and clonal variation in growth and nutritional traits of containerized white spruce somatic seedlings. Acta Botanica Gallica, 159(3):373-384
  36. Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Margolis, H.A., Cescatti, A., Richardson, A.D., Arain, M.A., Arneth, A., Bernhofer, C., Bonal, D., Chen, J. et al. (2012) Erratum: Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations (Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences (2011) 116 (G00J07) DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001566). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 117(4):--
  37. Wahid, N., Rainville, A., Lamhamedi, M.S., Margolis, H.A., Beaulieu, J., Deblois, J. (2012) Genetic parameters and performance stability of white spruce somatic seedlings in clonal tests. Forest Ecology and Management, 270:45-53
  38. Wang, T., Ciais, P., Piao, S.L., Ottle, C., Brender, P., Maignan, F., Arain, A., Cescatti, A., Gianelle, D., Gough, C. et al. (2011) Controls on winter ecosystem respiration in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 8(7):2009-2025
  39. Chen, B., Coops, N.C., Fu, D., Margolis, H.A., Amiro, B.D., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Arain, M.A., Bourque, C.P.A., Flanagan, L.B. et al. (2011) Assessing eddy-covariance flux tower location bias across the Fluxnet-Canada Research Network based on remote sensing and footprint modelling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151(1):87-100
  40. Lin, J.C., Pejam, M.R., Chan, E., Wofsy, S.C., Gottlieb, E.W., Margolis, H.A., McCaughey, J.H. (2011) Attributing uncertainties in simulated biospheric carbon fluxes to different error sources. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25(2):GB2018
  41. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Stowe, D.C., Margolis, H.A. (2011) Differences in growth and mineral nutrition of seedlings produced from ten white spruce seed orchards. New Forests, 42(2):195-214
  42. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Stowe, D.C., Bernier, P.Y., Veilleux, L., Margolis, H.A. (2011) Relationships between frost hardiness, root growth potential, and photosynthesis of nursery-grown white spruce seedlings. Annals of Forest Science, 68(8):1303-1313
  43. Gravel-Grenier, J., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Carles, S., Margolis, H.A., Rioux, M., Stowe, D.C., Lapointe, L. (2011) Utilization of family genetic variability to improve the rooting ability of white spruce (Picea glauca) cuttings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(6):1308-1318
  44. Lee, X., Goulden, M.L., Hollinger, D.Y., Barr, A., Black, T.A., Bohrer, G., Bracho, R., Drake, B., Goldstein, A., Gu, L. et al. (2011) Observed increase in local cooling effect of deforestation at higher latitudes. Nature, 479(7373):384-387
  45. Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Margolis, H.A., Cescatti, A., Richardson, A.D., Arain, M.A., Arneth, A., Bernhofer, C., Bonal, D., Chen, J. et al. (2011) Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 116(3):G00J07
  46. Govind, A., Chen, J.M., Bernier, P.Y., Margolis, H.A., Guindon, L., Beaudoin, A. (2011) Spatially distributed modeling of the long-term carbon balance of a boreal landscape. Ecological Modelling, 222(15):2780-2795
  47. Stowe, D.C., Lamhamedi, M.S., Carles, S., Fecteau, B., Margolis, H.A., Renaud, M., Bernier, P.Y. (2010) Managing irrigation to reduce nutrient leaching in containerized white spruce seedling production. New Forests, 40(2):185-204
  48. Grant, R.F., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Margolis, H.A., Mccaughey, J.H., Trofymow, J.A. (2010) Net ecosystem productivity of temperate and boreal forests after clearcutting-a FluxnetCanada measurement and modelling synthesis. Tellus, Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 62(5):475-496
  49. Beer, C., Reichstein, M., Tomelleri, E., Ciais, P., Jung, M., Carvalhais, N., Rodenbeck, C., Arain, M.A., Baldocchi, D., Bonan, G.B. et al. (2010) Terrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate. Science, 329(5993):834-838
  50. Schwalm, C.R., Williams, C.A., Schaefer, K., Anderson, R., Arain, M.A., Baker, I., Barr, A., Black, T.A., Chen, G., Chen, J.M. et al. (2010) A model-data intercomparison of CO2 exchange across North America: Results from the North American Carbon Program site synthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 115:G00H05
  51. Gea-Izquierdo, G., Makela, A., Margolis, H.A., Bergeron, Y., Black, T.A., Dunn, A., Hadley, J., Paw U, K.T., Falk, M., Wharton, S. et al. (2010) Modeling acclimation of photosynthesis to temperature in evergreen conifer forests. New Phytologist, 188(1):175-186
  52. Wang, T., Ciais, P., Piao, S., Ottle, C., Brender, P., Maignan, F., Arain, A., Gianelle, D., Gu, L., Lafleur, P. et al. (2010) Controls on winter ecosystem respiration at mid-and high-latitudes. Biogeosciences, 7(5):6997-7027
  53. Amiro, B.D., Barr, A.G., Barr, J.G., Black, T.A., Bracho, R., Brown, M., Chen, J., Clark, K.L., Davis, K.J., Desai, A.R. et al. (2010) Ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes after disturbance in forests of North America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 115(4):G00K02
  54. Yi, C., Ricciuto, D., Li, R., Wolbeck, J., Xu, X., Nilsson, M., Aires, L., Albertson, J.D., Ammann, C., Arain, M.A. et al. (2010) Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environmental Research Letters, 5(3):034007
  55. Grant, R.F., Margolis, H.A., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Dunn, A.L., Bernier, P.Y., Bergeron, O. (2009) Changes in net ecosystem productivity of boreal black spruce stands in response to changes in temperature at diurnal and seasonal time scales. Tree Physiology, 29:1-17
  56. Govind, A., Chen, J.M., Margolis, H.A., Ju, W., Sonnentag, O., Giasson, M.-A. (2009) A spatially explicit hydro-ecological modeling framework (BEPS-TerrainLab V2.0): Model description and test in a boreal ecosystem in Eastern North America. Journal of Hydrology, 367(3-4):200-216
  57. Bergeron, O., Margolis, H.A., Coursolle, C. (2009) Forest floor carbon exchange of a boreal black spruce forest in eastern North America. Biogeosciences, 6(9):1849-1864
  58. Bakry, M., Bussieres, G., Lamhamedi, M.S., Margolis, H.A., Stowe, D.C., Abourouh, M., Biais, M., Berube, J.A. (2009) A first record of Pestalotiopsis clavispora in Argan mass cutting propagation: Prevalence, prevention and consequences for plant production. Phytoprotection, 90(3):117-120
  59. Nelson, R., Boudreau, J., Gregoire, T.G., Margolis, H.A., Naesset, E., Gobakken, T., Stahl, G. (2009) Estimating Quebec provincial forest resources using ICESat/GLAS. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 39(4):862-881
  60. Zhang, Q., Middleton, E.M., Margolis, H.A., Drolet, G.G., Barr, A.A., Black, T.A. (2009) Can a satellite-derived estimate of the fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll (FAPARchl) improve predictions of light-use efficiency and ecosystem photosynthesis for a boreal aspen forest? Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(4):880-888
  61. Grant, R.F., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Margolis, H.A., Dunn, A.L., Metsaranta, J., Wang, S., McCaughey, J.H., Bourque, C.A. (2009) Interannual variation in net ecosystem productivity of Canadian forests as affected by regional weather patterns - A Fluxnet-Canada synthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149(11):2022-2039
  62. Montesano, P.M., Nelson, R., Sun, G., Margolis, H.A., Kerber, A., Ranson, K.J. (2009) MODIS tree cover validation for the circumpolar taiga-tundra transition zone. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(10):2130-2141
  63. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Stowe, D.C., Colas, F., Margolis, H.A. (2009) Genetic variation in seed size and germination patterns and their effect on white spruce seedling characteristics. Silvae Genetica, 58(4):152-161
  64. Yuan, F.M., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Bourque, C.P.A., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., McCaughey, J.H., Wofsy, S.C. (2008) Modeling analysis of primary controls on net ecosystem productivity of seven boreal and temperate coniferous forests across a continental transect. Global Change Biology, 14(8):1765-1784
  65. Boudreau, J., Nelson, R.F., Margolis, H.A., Beaudoin, A., Guindon, L., Kimes, D.S. (2008) Regional aboveground forest biomass using airborne and spaceborne LiDAR in Quebec. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(10):3876-3890
  66. Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Stowe, D.C., Margolis, H.A., Bernier, P.Y., Veilleux, L., Fecteau, B. (2008) Frost tolerance of two-year-old Picea glauca seedlings grown under different irrigation regimes in a forest nursery. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 23:137-147
  67. Hall, F.G., Hilker, T., Coops, N.C., Lyapustin, A., Huemmrich, K.F., Middleton, E., Margolis, H.A., Drolet, G., Black, T.A. (2008) Multi-angle remote sensing of forest light use efficiency by observing PRI variation with canopy shadow fraction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(7):3201-3211
  68. Piao, S.L., Ciais, P., Friedlingstein, P., Peylin, P., Reichstein, M., Luyssaert, S., Margolis, H.A., Fang, J.Y., Barr, A., Chen, A.P. et al. (2008) Net carbon dioxide losses of northern ecosystems in response to autumn warming. Nature, 451(7174):49-U3
  69. Drolet, G.G., Middleton, E.M., Huemmrich, K.F., Hall, F.G., Amiro, B.D., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., McCaughey, J.H., Margolis, H.A. (2008) Regional mapping of gross light-use efficiency using MODIS spectral indices. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(6):3064-3078
  70. Bergeron, O., Margolis, H.A., Coursolle, C., Giasson, M.-A. (2008) How does forest harvest influence carbon dioxide fluxes of black spruce ecosystems in eastern North America? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148:537-548
  71. Chen, B., Chen, J.M., Mo, G., Yuen, C.-W., Margolis, H.A., Higuchi, K., Chan, D. (2007) Modeling and scaling coupled energy, water, and carbon fluxes based on remote sensing: An application to Canada’s landmass. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 8:123-143
  72. Bergeron, O., Margolis, H.A., Black, T.A., Coursolle, C., Dunn, A.L., Barr, A.G., Wofsy, S.C. (2007) Comparison of carbon dioxide fluxes over three boreal black spruce forests in Canada. Global Change Biology, 13:89-107
  73. Boucher, J.-F., Bernier, P.Y., Margolis, H.A., Munson, A.D. (2007) Growth and physiological response of eastern white pine seedlings to partial cutting and site preparation. Forest Ecology and Management, 240(1-3):151-164
  74. Rochon, C., Margolis, H.A., Weber, J.C (2007) Genetic variation in growth of Guazuma crinita (Mart.) trees at an early age in the Peruvian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management, 243:291-298
  75. Schwalm, C.R., Black, T.A., Amiro, B.D., Arain, M.A., Barr, A.G., Bourque, C.P.-A., Dunn, A.L., Giasson, M.-A., Lafleur, P.M., Margolis, H.A. et al. (2006) Photosynthetic light-use efficiency of three biomes across an east-west continental-scale transect in Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 140:269-286
  76. Giasson, M.-A., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A. (2006) Ecosystem-level carbon fluxes from a boreal cutover in eastern Canada before and after scarification. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 140:23-40
  77. Lamhamedi, M.S., Labbe, L., Margolis, H.A., Stowe, D.C., Blais, L., Renaud, M. (2006) Spatial variability of substrate water content and growth of white spruce seedlings. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70:108-120
  78. Margolis, H.A., Flanagan, L.B., Amiro, B.D. (2006) The Fluxnet-Canada Research Network: Influence of climate and disturbance on carbon cycling in forests and peatlands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 140(1-4):1-5
  79. Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Amiro, B.D., McCaughey, J.H., Flanagan, L.B., Lafleur, P.M., Roulet, N.T., Bourque, C.P-A. et al. (2006) Late-summer carbon fluxes from Canadian forests and peatlands along an east-west continental transect. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36:783-800
  80. Drolet, G.G., Huemmrich, K.F., Hall, F.G., Middleton, E.M., Black, T.A., Barr, A., Margolis, H.A. (2005) Use of a MODIS-derived Photochemical Reflectance Index to detect inter-annual variations in the photosynthetic light-use efficiency of boreal deciduous forests. Remote Sensing of Environment, 98:212-224
  81. Martel, M.-C., Margolis, H.A., Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Heinsch, F.A., Running, S.W. (2005) Decreasing photosynthesis at different spatial scales during the late growing season on a boreal cutover. Tree Physiology, 25:689-699
  82. Bergeron, O., Lamhamedi, M.S., Margolis, H.A., Bernier, P.Y., Stowe, D.C. (2004) Irrigation control and physiological responses of nursery-grown black spruce seedlings (1+0) cultivated in air-slit containers. HortScience, 39(3):599-605
  83. Boivin-Chabot, S., Margolis, H.A., Weber, J.C. (2004) Variation in coppice-shoot growth among provenances of Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth. in the Peruvian Amazon Basin. Forest Ecology and Management, 198:249-260
  84. Bigras, F.J., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H.A. (2004) Survival and growth of Picea glauca seedlings as a function of freezing temperatures and exposure times during budbreak and shoot elongation. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 19(3):206-216
  85. Gaumont-Guay, D., Margolis, H.A., Bigras, F.J., Raulier, F. (2003) Characterizing the frost sensitivity of black spruce photosynthesis during cold acclimation. Tree Physiology, 23(5):301-311
  86. Dumais, D., Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (2002) Simulated root freezing in the nursery: effects on the growth and physiology of containerized boreal conifer seedlings after outplanting. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(4):605-615
  87. Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (2002) Effects of root freezing on the physiology and growth of Picea glauca, Picea mariana and Pinus banksiana seedlings under different soil moisture regimes. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 17(3):206-217
  88. Lamontagne, M., Bauce, E., Margolis, H.A. (2002) Testing the ecophysiological basis for the control of monoterpene concentrations in thinned and unthinned balsam fir stands across different drainage classes. Oecologia, 130(1):15-24
  89. Wallstedt, A., Coughlan, A., Munson, A.D., Nilsson, M.C., Margolis, H.A. (2002) Mechanisms of interaction between Kalmia angustifolia cover and Picea mariana seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 32(11):2022-2031
  90. Wallstedt, A., Sommarin, M., Nilsson, M.C., Munson, A.D., Margolis, H.A. (2001) The inhibition of ammonium uptake in excised birch (Betula pendula) roots by batatasin-III. Physiologia Plantarum, 113(3):368-376
  91. Stowe, D.C., Lamhamedi, M.S., Margolis, H.A. (2001) Water relations, cuticular transpiration, and bud characteristics of air-slit containerized Picea glauca seedlings in response to controlled irrigation regimes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31(12):2200-2212
  92. Samba, S.A.N., Camire, C., Margolis, H.A. (2001) Allometry and rainfall interception of Cordyla pinnata in a semi-arid agroforestry parkland, Senegal. Forest Ecology and Management, 154(1-2):277-288
  93. Newcomer, J.A., Huemmrich, K.F., Landis, D., Nickeson, J., Conrad, S., Knapp, D., Curd, S., Morrell, A., Hodkinson, D., Nelson, E. et al. (2001) Managing and supporting large integrated and interdisciplinary field experiments: The BOREAS example. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 106(D24):33517-33528
  94. Lamhamedi, M., Lambany, G., Margolis, H.A., Renaud, M., Veilleux, L., Bernier, P.Y. (2001) Growth, physiology and leachate losses in containerized Picea glauca seedlings (1+0) grown in air-slit containers under different irrigation regimes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31:1968-1980
  95. Lamontagne, M., Margolis, H.A., Bauce, E. (2000) Testing the ecophysiological basis for the control of monoterpene concentrations along canopy profiles in thinned and unthinned balsam fir stands. Oecologia, 124(3):318-331
  96. Lamhamedi, M., Ammari, Y., Fecteau. B., Fortin, J.A., Margolis, H.A. (2000) Problématique des pépinières forestières en Afrique du nord et stratégies de développement. Cahiers Agricultures, 9:369-380
  97. Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (2000) Assessment of root freezing damage of two-year-old white spruce, black spruce and jack pine seedlings. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 15(3):343-353
  98. Paquin, R., Margolis, H.A., Doucet, R., Coyea, M.R. (2000) Physiological responses of black spruce layers and planted seedlings to nutrient addition. Tree Physiology, 20(4):229-237
  99. Paquin, R., Margolis, H.A., Doucet, R., Coyea, M.R. (1999) Comparison of growth and physiology of layers and naturally established seedlings of black spruce in a boreal cutover in Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29(1):1-8
  100. Lamontagne, M., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (1999) Chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 assimilation of black spruce seedlings following frost in different temperature and light conditions. Tree Physiology, 20(4):249-255
  101. Moussa, H., Margolis, H.A., Dube, P. A., Odongo, J. (1998) Factors affecting the germination of doum palm (Hyphaene thebaica Mart.) seeds from the semi-arid zone of Niger, West Africa. Forest Ecology and Management, 104(1-3):27-41
  102. Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (1998) Frost tolerance and hardening capacity during the germination and early developmental stages of four white spruce (Picea glauca) provenances. Canadian Journal of Botany, 76(1):122-129
  103. Lamontagne, M., Margolis, H.A., Bigras, F.J. (1998) Photosynthesis of black spruce, jack pine and trembling aspen following artificially induced frost during the growing season. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 28:1-12
  104. Sirois, M.C., Margolis, H.A., Camire, C. (1998) Influence of remnant trees on nutrients and fallow biomass in slash and burn agroecosystems in Guinea. Agroforestry Systems, 40(3):227-246
  105. Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A., Hebert, C. (1998) Growth and hardening of four provenances of containerized white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings in response to the duration of 16 h long-night treatments. New Forests, 16(2):155-166
  106. Dang, Q.L., Margolis, H.A., Collatz, G.J. (1998) Parameterization and testing of a coupled photosynthesis stomatal conductance model for boreal trees. Tree Physiology, 18(3):141-153
  107. Paquin, R., Margolis, H.A., Doucet, R. (1998) Nutrient status and growth of black spruce layers and planted seedlings in response to nutrient addition in the boreal forest of Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 28(5):729-736
  108. Sellers, P.J., Hall, F.G., Kelly, R.D., Black, T.A., Baldocchi, D.D., Berry, J.A., Margolis, H.A., Ryan, M.G., Ranson, K.J., Crill, P.M. et al. (1997) BOREAS in 1997: Scientific results, experiment overview and future directions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102 (D2):28845-28859
  109. Dang, Q.L., Margolis, H.A., Sy, M., Coyea, M.R., Collatz, G.J., Walthall, C.L. (1997) Profiles of photosynthetically active radiation, nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity in the boreal forest: Implications for scaling from leaf to canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102(D24):28845-28859
  110. Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A. (1997) Shoot and root sensitivity of containerized black spruce, white spruce and jack pine seedlings to late fall freezing. New Forests, 13(1-3):29-49
  111. Dang, Q.L., Margolis, H.A., Coyea, M.R., Sy, M., Collatz, G.J. (1997) Regulation of branch-level gas exchange of boreal trees: roles of shoot water potential and vapor pressure difference. Tree Physiology, 17(8-9):521-535
  112. Margolis, H.A., Ryan, M.G. (1997) A physiological basis for biosphere-atmosphere interactions in the boreal forest: an overview. Tree Physiology, 17(8-9):491-499
  113. Coursolle, C., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A., Hebert, C. (1997) Dehardening and second-year growth of white spruce provenances in response to duration of long-night treatments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 27(8):1168-1175
  114. Calme, S., Margolis, H.A., Bigras, F.J., Mailly, D. (1995) The relationship between water-content and frost tolerance in shoots of hardwood seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 25(11):1738-1745
  115. Munson, A.D., Margolis, H.A., Brand, D.G. (1995) Seasonal Nutrient Dynamics in White-Pine and White Spruce in Response to Environmental Manipulation. Tree Physiology, 15(3):141-149
  116. Sellers, P.J., Hall, F.G., Margolis, H.A., Kelly, R., Baldocchi, D., den Hartog, J., Cihlar, J., Ryan, M., Goodison, B., Crill, P. et al. (1995) Boreal Ecosystem - Atmosphere Study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 76:1549-1577
  117. Mailly, D., Ndiaye, P., Margolis, H.A., Pineau, M. (1994) Stabilization of shifting dunes and afforestation along the northern coast of senegal using the filao (casuarina-equisetifolia). Forestry Chronicle, 70(3):282-290
  118. Calme, S., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A., Hebert, C. (1994) Frost tolerance and bud dormancy of container-grown yellow birch, red oak and sugar maple seedlings. Tree Physiology, 14(12):1313-1325
  119. Calme, S., Bigras, F.J., Margolis, H.A., Hebert, C. (1994) Frost tolerance and dormancy of overwintered first-year yellow birch, red oak and sugar maple seedlings grown in containers. Tree Physiology, 14:1313-1325
  120. Sy, M., Jobidon, R., Margolis, H.A. (1994) Differential tolerance of coniferous species to the biosynthetic herbicide, bialaphos. I. Morphological and growth effects. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 24:2191-2198
  121. Mailly, D., Margolis, H.A. (1994) Forest floor and mineral soil development in casuarina-equisetifolia plantations on the coastal sand dunes of Senegal. Forest Ecology and Management, 65(2-3):301-301
  122. Coyea, M.R., Margolis, H.A. (1994) The historical reconstruction of growth efficiency and its relationship to tree mortality in balsam fir ecosystems affected by spruce budworm. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 24(11):2208-2221
  123. Yue, D., Margolis, H.A. (1993) Photosynthesis and dark respiration of black spruce cuttings during rooting in response to light and temperature. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 23(6):1150-1155
  124. Munson, A.D., Margolis, H.A., Brand, D.G. (1993) Intensive Silvicultural Treatment - Impacts on Soil Fertility and Planted Conifer Response. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 57(1):246-255
  125. Ndiaye, P., Mailly, D., Pineau, M., Margolis, H.A. (1993) Growth and yield of casuarina-equisetifolia plantations on the coastal sand dunes of senegal as a function of microtopography. Forest Ecology and Management, 56(1-4):13-28
  126. Vezina, L.P., Lavoie, N., Joy, K.W., Margolis, H.A. (1993) The fate of newly absorbed ammonium and nitrate ions in roots of jack pine-seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology, 141(1):61-67
  127. Calme, S., Margolis, H.A., Bigras, F.J. (1993) Influence of cultural-practices on the relationship between frost tolerance and water-content of containerized black spruce, white spruce, and jack pine-seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 23(3):503-511
  128. Lavoie, N., Vezina, L.P., Margolis, H.A. (1992) Absorption and assimilation of nitrate and ammonium-ions by jack pine-seedlings. Tree Physiology, 11(2):171-183
  129. Coyea, M.R., Margolis, H.A. (1992) Factors affecting the relationship between sapwood area and leaf-area of balsam fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 22(11):1684-1693
  130. Margolis, H.A., Delaney, S., Vezina, L.P., Bellefleur, P. (1991) The partitioning of c-14 between growth and differentiation within stem-deformed and healthy black spruce seedlings. Canadian Journal of Botany, 69(6):1225-1231
  131. Pothier, D., Margolis, H.A. (1991) Analysis of growth and light interception of balsam fir and white birch saplings following precommercial thinning. Annales des Sciences Forestieres, 48(2):123-132
  132. Margolis, H.A., Vezina, L.-P., Bellefleur, P. (1991) Influence of near-ultraviolet light enhancement and PAR photon flux density during photoperiod extension on the morphology and lignin content of containerized black spruce seedlings. New Forests, 5:131-138
  133. Coyea, M.R., Margolis, H.A., Gagnon, R.R. (1990) A method for reconstructing the development of the sapwood area of balsam fir. Tree Physiology, 6(3):283-291
  134. Margolis, H.A., Vezina, L.P. (1990) Atmospheric CO2 enrichment and the development of frost hardiness in containerized black spruce seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 20(9):1392-1398
  135. Pothier, D., Margolis, H.A. (1990) Changes in the water relations of balsam fir and white birch saplings after thinning. Tree Physiology, 6(4):371-380
  136. Vezina, L.P., Margolis, H.A. (1990) Purification and properties of glutamine-synthetase in leaves and roots of pinus-banksiana lamb. Plant Physiology, 94(2):657-664
  137. Margolis, H.A., Brand, D.G. (1990) An ecophysiological basis for understanding plantation establishment. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 20(4):375-390
  138. Pothier, D., Margolis, H.A., Poliquin, J., Waring, R.H. (1989) Relation between the permeability and the anatomy of jack pine sapwood with stand development. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19(12):1564-1570
  139. Pothier, D., Margolis, H.A., Waring, R.H. (1989) Patterns of change of saturated sapwood permeability and sapwood conductance with stand development. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19(4):432-439
  140. Campagna, M.A., Margolis, H.A. (1989) Influence of short-term atmospheric co2 enrichment on growth, allocation patterns, and biochemistry of black spruce seedlings at different stages of development. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19(6):773-782
  141. Vezina, L.P., Margolis, H.A., McAfee, B.J., Delaney, S. (1989) Changes in the activity of enzymes involved with primary nitrogen-metabolism due to ectomycorrhizal symbiosis on jack pine-seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum, 75(1):55-62
  142. Perry, D.A., Margolis, H.A., Choquette, C., Molina, R., Trappe, J. (1989) Ectomycorrhizal mediation of competition between coniferous tree species. New Phytologist, 112:501-511
  143. Margolis, H.A., Vezina, L.P. (1988) Nitrate content, amino-acid composition and growth of yellow birch seedlings in response to light and nitrogen-source. Tree Physiology, 4(3):245-253
  144. Margolis, H.A., Begin, J., Beeson, R., Bellefleur, P. (1988) The influence of metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps during photoperiod extension on the allocation of carbon between lignin and cellulose in black spruce seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 18(7):962-964
  145. Vezina, L.P., Margolis, H.A., Ouimet, R. (1988) The activity, characterization and distribution of the nitrogen assimilation enzyme, glutamine-synthetase, in jack pine-seedlings. Tree Physiology, 4(2):109-118
  146. Margolis, H.A., Vezina, L.P., Ouimet, R. (1988) Relation of light and nitrogen-source to growth, nitrate reductase and glutamine-synthetase activity of jack pine-seedlings. Physiologia Plantarum, 72(4):790-795
  147. Margolis, H.A., Vezina, L.-P. (1988) The effect of light and nitrogen source on the nitrate and amino acid composition and growth of yellow birch seedlings. Tree Physiology, 4:245-253
  148. Margolis, H.A., Gagnon, R.R., Pothier, D., Pineau, M. (1988) The adjustment of growth, sapwood area, heartwood area, and sapwood saturated permeability of balsam fir after different intensities of pruning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 18(6):723-727
  149. Margolis, H.A. (1987) Seedling production and reforestation in quebec - tunnels and heated greenhouses help ensure adequate supplies. Journal of Forestry, 85(8):39-43
  150. Margolis, H.A., Waring, R.H. (1986) Carbon and nitrogen allocation patterns of douglas-fir seedlings fertilized with nitrogen in autumn .1. Overwinter metabolism. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 16(5):897-902

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Boyer-Groulx, D., Carles, S., Lamhamedi, M.S., Beaulieu, J., Stowe, D.C., Margolis, H.A., Rainville, A., Bernier, P.Y., Bousquet, J. (2011) Réponses morpho-physiologiques des familles d’épinette blanche aux changements climatiques. In Comptes-rendus du Colloque « Production de plants forestiers au Québec: la culture de l’innovation ». Pages 107-112

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Lamhamedi, M., Rainville, A., Benomar, L., Villeneuve, I., Beaulieu, J., Bousquet, J., Margolis, H.A., DeBlois, J., Lambert, M.-C. (2017) L’écophysiologie, un atout pour réussir la migration assistée des sources génétiques d’épinette blanche. Avis de recherche forestière 89, Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des forêts, de la faune et des parcs, Direction de la recherche forestière

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Margolis, H.A. (1985) Carbon and nitrogen allocation patterns of 2-0 Douglas-fir seedlings following nitrogen fertilization in the autumn. Thèse de doctorat, Oregon State University

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Boyer Groulx, D. (2012) Caractéristiques morpho-physiologiques des familles biparentales d'épinette blanche (Picea glauca (MOENCH) Voss) en réponse aux changements climatiques : cas de l'augmentation de la température et de la concentration en CO2 et de leur interaction. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  2. Payeur-Poirier, J-L (2011) Flux de CO2 d'une chronoséquence d'écosystèmes d'épinette noire de la forêt boréale de l'Est de l'Amérique du Nord. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université laval
  3. Carles, S. (2010) Tolérance au gel et architecture des racines en relation avec l'irrigation et la variabilité génétique des plants d'épinette blanche. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  4. Gravel Grenier, J. (2009) Utilisation de la variabilité génétique familiale de l'épinette blanche pour améliorer l'enracinement et l'architecture du système racinaire des plants issus de boutures. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  5. Boudreau, J. (2009) Biomasse forestière aérienne régionale au Québec à partir d'un lidar aérien et spatial. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  6. Bergeron, O. (2007) Dynamique des échanges de dioxyde de carbone de la pessière noire Boréale de l'est du Canada. Thèse de doctorat, Universtité Laval
  7. Giasson, M.-A. (2005) Flux de carbone à l'échelle de l'écosystème avant et après scarifiage au sein d'un parterre de coupe en forêt boréale dans l'est du Canada. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  8. Rochon, C. (2004) Croissance et densité du bois de sept provenances de Guazuma crinita Mart. dans le bassin de l'Amazonie péruvienne. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  9. Martel, M.-C. (2004) L'acclimatation photosynthétique à différentes échelles spatiales au sein d'une coupe forestière boréale en automne. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  10. Labbe, L. (2004) Analyse géostatistique de la variabilité spatiale des teneurs en eau du substrat en relation avec la croissance et la nutrition minérale des semis d'épinette blanche (2+0) irrigués par des asperseurs. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  11. Boivin-Chabot, S. (2003) Croissance des rejets de souche de différentes provenances de Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth. dans le bassin amazonien du Pérou /cSara Boivin-Chabot. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  12. Bergeron, O. (2002) Contrôle de l'irrigation et réponses morpho-physiologiques des semis d'épinette noire (1+0) cultivés en pépinière dans les récipients à parois ajourées. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  13. Stowe, D.C. (2001) Morphological and physiological characteristics of air-slit containerized white spruce seedlings (1+0) in response to four different irrigation regimes. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  14. Gaumont-Guay, D. (2001) Sensibilité au gel de la photosynthèse de l'épinette noire en période d'endurcissement. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  15. Dumais, D. (2000) Impacts du gel racinaire en pépinière sur la performance après la plantation de semis résineux cultivés en récipients. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  16. Lamontagne, M. (1999) Réponses physiologiques des arbres face à la lumière, au gel et à d'autres contraintes environnementales de l'écosystème boréal. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  17. Paquin, R. (1998) Croissance et écophysiologie comparées de marcottes d'épinette noire. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  18. Moussa, H. (1997) Germination du palmier doum (Hyphaene thebaica Mart.) et analyse de son interaction avec le mil (Pennisetum glaucum L.) en zone semi-aride du Niger. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  19. Samba, A.N. (1997) Influence de Cordyla pinnata sur la fertilité d'un sol ferrugineux tropical et sur le mil et l'arachide dans un système agroforestier traditionnel au Sénégal. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  20. Boukadida-Benzarti, J. (1996) Impact d'un brise-vent vivant sur le microclimat, l'eau et la production de fourrages irrigués en Tunisie. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  21. Sirois, G. (1996) Contribution à l'étude des processus affectant la rhizogénèse des boutures d'épinette noire (Picea mariana [Mill] B.S.P.) dans une production à grande échelle. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  22. Diakite, T. (1995) Concurrence pour l'eau et les éléments nutritifs du sol entre ligneux et cultures, le Karité et le sorgho en zone semi-aride au Mali. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  23. Sirois, M.-C. (1994) Contribution du système agroforestier traditionnel à la dynamique de fertilité de l'écosystème des versants au Fouta-Djalon, République de Guinée. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  24. Coyea, M.R. (1993) Estimating leaf area, growth efficiency and tree mortality in balsam fir ecosystems. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  25. Abwe wa Masabo Misabiko, M. (1993) Une analyse de croissance de quelques espèces agroforestières dans les différents sites de reboisement dans le Nord-Kivu au Zaïre. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  26. Sy, M. (1993) Tolérance de semis de conifères à un phytocide de biosynthèse, le bialaphos. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  27. Mailly, D. (1991) Accumulation de matière organique et d'éléments nutritifs au sol dans une série de plantations de filaos (Casuarina equisetifolia forst. & forst.) le long du littoral nord du Sénégal). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  28. Calme, S. (1991) Étude de la relation entre la tolérance au gel et la teneur en eau des parties aériennes de semis d'épinette noire, épinette blanche et pin gris de première année cultivés en conteneurs. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  29. Lavoie, N. (1990) Étude du métabolisme azote primaire chez chez [sic] le pin gris (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval
  30. Pothier, D. (1990) La perméabilité de l'aubier comme facteur écophysiologique en forêt boréale. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  31. Campagna, M. (1989) Les effets de l'enrichissement en CO 2 de courte durée sur la croissance, l'allocation du carbone et la biochimie d'épinette noire et de pin gris produits en récipients. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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Formations et Écoles

Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

********************************************************** ********** Colloque Développement durable UQAC *********** **********************************************************

********************************************************** **************** Balcony Garden Project ****************** **********************************************************

********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************