Jerod A. Merkle

Université Laval
Département de Biologie 
Centre d'Étude de la Forêt
Pavillon Alexandre Vachon #2050
1045, Avenue de la Médecine
Québec (Québec), G1V 0A6
tél : 418-656-2131 poste 2917
fax : 418-656-2043

Déterminants comportementaux de l’expansion de l’aire de répartition d’une population de bisons / Behavioral determinants of range expansion in free-ranging bison

Cliquez ici pour mon site professionnel 
Click here to see my professional website 

Directeur: Daniel Fortin
Université Laval


Fortin, D., J.A. Merkle, M. Sigaud, S.G. Cherry, S. Plante, A. Drolet, M. Labrecque. 2014. Temporal dynamics in the foraging decisions of large herbivores. Animal Production Science 54: in press.

Merkle, J. A., D. Fortin, and J. M. Morales. 2014. A memory-based foraging tactic reveals an adaptive mechanism for restricted space use. Ecology Letters 17(8): 924–931.

Merkle, J. A., and D. Fortin. 2014. Likelihood-based photograph identification: application with photographs of free-ranging bison. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(1): 196–204.

Merkle, J. A., H. S. Robinson, P. R. Krausman, and P. Alaback. 2013. Food availability and foraging near human developments by black bears. Journal of Mammalogy 94(2): 378-385. (Open Access )

Merkle, J. A., N. Decesare, P. R. Krausman, and J. J. Jonkel. 2011. Predicting spatial distribution of human-black bear interactions across an urban area. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(5): 1121–1127.

Merkle, J. A.,P. R. Krausman, and M. M. Booth. 2011. Behavioral and attitudinal change of residents exposed to human–bear interactions. Ursus: 22(1):74-83.

Merkle, J. A., J. Derbridge, and P. R. Krausman. 2011. Using stable isotope analysis to quantify anthropogenic foraging in black bears. Human-Wildlife Interactions 5(1):159-167.

Merkle, J. A., P. R. Krausman, D. W. Stark, and W. B. Ballard. 2009. Summer diet of the Mexican gray wolf. Southwestern Naturalist 54:480-485.

Merkle, J. A., D. R. Stahler, and D. W. Smith. 2009. Interference competition between gray wolves and coyotes in Yellowstone National Park. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:56-63.

Nicholson, K. L., P. R. Krausman, and J. A. Merkle. 2008. Hypatia and the Leopold Standard: Women in the wildlife profession 1937-2006. Wildlife Biology in Practice 4:57-72.

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Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

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