Jorge Andres Ramirez C.

The functional role of carbohydrate reserves in the growth and survival of trees
Chaire Hydro-Québec sur le contrôle de la croissance des arbres
Université du Québec à Montréal

Directeur: Christian Messier
Codirecteur: Juan Posada
Codirecteur: Tanya Handa


  • M.Sc. Forests and Environmental Conservation (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007). Research project: Climate signal relationship of Capparis odoratissima and Cercidium praecox chronologies with the local and global climate variability of La Guajira, Colombia”.
  • Forest Engineer (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007).


Terrestrial plants inhabit environments in which a variety of stress factors occur unpredictably, reducing the rates of photosynthesis, growth, and survival. One important way for plants to deal with these disturbances is to have carbohydrate reserves, mainly non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) that can be mobilized to enhance recovery and survival following periods of negative carbon balance. NSC concentrations in plants co-vary with the position of species along the growth-survival trade-off continuum and with some functional traits such as shade tolerance, specific leaf area, tissue density, fiber content, and biomechanical strength. Nevertheless, there is still considerable uncertainty about how NSC contribute to the success of plants in response to single and multiple stress factors simultaneously. The aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive picture of the role of NSC in the carbon budget of plants and possible trade-offs with other functional traits in tropical and temperate tree species.


  • RAMIREZ, J.A. & del Valle, J.I. 2012). Local and global climate signals from tree rings of Parkinsonia praecox in La Guajira, Colombia. International Journal of Climatology. 32: 1077–1088.
  • Del Valle, J.I., RAMIREZ, J.A. & Herrera, D.A. 2012. Dendroclimatic experiences in trees from contrasting ecosystems of Colombia. Revista Cuadernos de Geografía. 62: 1-10.
  • RAMIREZ, J.A. & y Del Valle, J.I. 2011. Paleoclimate of La Guajira, Colombia; by the growth rings of Capparis odoratissima (Capparidaceae). Revista de Biología Tropical. 59: 1389-1405.
  • RAMIREZ, J.A., Molina, E. & Bernal, M. 2010. Annual growth rings and climate in Rhizophora mangle from Cispata Bay, Colombia. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía. 63: 5639-5650.
  • RAMIREZ, J.A., Zapata, C.M., Leon, J.D. & Gonzalez, M.I. 2007. Litterfall and nutrients return in Andean mountain forests of Piedras Blancas, Antioquia, Colombia. Interciencia. 32 (5): 303-311.
  • Zapata, C.M., RAMIREZ, J.A., Leon J.D., & Gonzalez, M.I. 2007. Fine litterfall production in the high Andean forests of Antioquia, Colombia. Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomía. 60 (1): 3771 – 3784.
  • RAMIREZ, J.A., Zapata, C.M., Leon,, J.D. & Gonzalez, M.I. 2006. Nutrients circulation through litterfall in Quercus humboldtii, Pinus patula and Cupressus lusitanica forests of Antioquia, Colombia. P. 45-46. In: M.C. Diez & J.D. Leon (Editors). Memories of the second forest symposium DCF. Publications Center Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • RAMÍREZ, J.A., Zapata, C.M. & Leon, J.D. 2003. Litterfall decomposition in natural mountain forests of Quercus humboldtii Bompland and reforested (Pinus Patula Schiede and Cupressus lusitanica Mill.) of the Piedras Blancas region in Antioquia, (Colombia): p. 46 – 52. In: M.C. Diez & J.D. Leon (Editors). Memories of the first forest symposium DCF. Center of publications Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín.

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Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

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