Margaret Kalacska

Ancienne chercheure régulière
Ecological applications of remote sensing

Department of Geography
McGill University
805 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2K6

Téléphone: (514) 398-4347

Page départementale 

  • Ph.D. in Remote Sensing, 2006 (University of Alberta)
  • M.Sc. in Remote Sensing and Ecology, 2003 (University of Alberta)
  • B.Sc. in Earth Science and Anthropology, 2001 (University of Alberta)

My main research interests include ecological applications of remote sensing, forensic applications of remote sensing, hyperspectral data analysis, machine learning (pattern recognition, Bayesian Networks, classification), spatial modeling and tropical ecology.

My current focus for the upcoming year is to apply high performance computing (HPC) systems to high dimensional remotely sensed data from airborne and satellite platforms. Furthermore I will address the question of optimizing algorithms for CELL based processor clusters and GPU (graphical processing unit) processors for near real-time processing of airborne hyperspectral imagery.

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote


  1. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A. (2008) Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Tropical and Sub-Tropical Forests. CRC

Chapitres de livre


Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Moore, T.R., Abraham, M., Kalacska, M., Murphy, M.T., Potvin, C. (2018) Changes from pasture to a native tree plantation affect soil organic matter in a tropical soil, Panama. Plant and Soil, 425(1):133-143
  2. Heller, E., Rhemtulla, J.M., Lele, S., Kalacska, M., Badiger, S., Sengupta, R., Ramankutty, N. (2012) Mapping Crop Types, Irrigated Areas, and Cropping Intensities in Heterogeneous Landscapes of Southern India Using Multi-Temporal Medium-Resolution Imagery: implications for Assessing Water Use in Agriculture. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 78(8):815-827
  3. Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Kalacska, M., Esparito-Santo, M.M.d., Fernandes, G.W., Schnitzer, S. (2009) Tropical dry forest succession and the contribution of lianas to wood area index (WAI). Forest Ecology and Management, 258(6):941-948
  4. Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Castro, K., Wright, S.J., Gamon, J., Kalacska, M., Rivard, B., Schnitzer, S.A., Feng, J.L. (2009) Differences in leaf traits, leaf internal structure, and spectral reflectance between two communities of lianas and trees: Implications for remote sensing in tropical environments. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(10):2076-2088
  5. Kalacska, M., Bell, L.S., Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, G., Caelli, T. (2009) The application of remote sensing for detecting mass graves: An experimental animal case study from Costa Rica. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54(1):159-166
  6. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Rivard, B., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Quesada, M. (2008) Baseline assessment for environmental services payments from satellite imagery: A case study from Costa Rica and Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(2):348-359
  7. Kalacska, M., Bohlman, S., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Castro-Esau, K., Caelli, T. (2007) Hyperspectral discrimination of tropical dry forest lianas and trees: Comparative data reduction approaches at the leaf and canopy levels. Remote Sensing of Environment, 109(4):406-415
  8. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Rivard, B., Caelli, T., White, H.P., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C. (2007) Ecological fingerprinting of ecosystem succession: Estimating secondary tropical dry forest structure and diversity using imaging spectroscopy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 108(1):82-96
  9. Morisette, J.T., Baret, F., Privette, J.L., Myneni, R.B., Nickeson, J.E., Garrigues, S., Shabanov, N.V., Weiss, M., Fernandes, R.A., Leblanc, S.G. et al. (2006) Validation of global moderate-resolution LAI products: A framework proposed within the CEOS land product validation subgroup. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 44(7):1804-1814
  10. Kalacska, M., Bell, L.S. (2006) Remote sensing as a tool for the detection of clandestine mass graves. Journal of the Canadian Society of Forensic Science, 39(1):1-13
  11. Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Kalacska, M., Quesada, M., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Nassar, J.M., Rodriguez, J.P. (2005) Need for integrated research for a sustainable future in tropical dry forests. Conservation Biology, 19(2):285-286
  12. Arroyo-Mora, J.P., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Kalacska, M., Rivard, B., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Janzen, D.H. (2005) Secondary forest detection in a neotropical dry forest landscape using Landsat 7 ETM+ and IKONOS imagery. Biotropica, 37(4):497-507
  13. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Rivard, B., Quesada, M. (2005) Effects of season and successional stage on leaf area index and spectral vegetation indices in three mesoamerican tropical dry forests. Biotropica, 37(4):486-496
  14. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Caelli, T., Rivard, B., Boerlage, B. (2005) Estimating leaf area index from satellite imagery using Bayesian networks. Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 43(8):1866-1873
  15. Kalacska, M., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A. (2005) Calibration and assessment of seasonal changes in leaf area index of a tropical dry forest in different stages of succession. Tree Physiology, 25(6):733-744
  16. Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Quesada, M., Rodriguez, J.P., Nassar, J.M., Stoner, K.E., Castillo, A., Garvin, T., Zent, E.L., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Kalacska, M. et al. (2005) Research priorities for neotropical dry forests. Biotropica, 37(4):477-485
  17. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Quesada, M., Rivard, B., Janzen, D.H. (2004) Species composition, similarity and diversity in three successional stages of a seasonally dry tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 200(1-3):227-247
  18. Kalacska, M., Sanchez-Azofeifa, G.A., Rivard, B., Calvo-Alvarado, J.C., Journet, A.R.P., Arroyo-Mora, J.P., Ortiz-Ortiz, D. (2004) Leaf area index measurements in a tropical moist forest: A case study from Costa Rica. Remote Sensing of Environment, 91(2):134-152

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Kalacska, M., Arroyo, P. (2009) The cost of time - Implications of hyperspectral data volume and feature selection routines for conservation science. In WHISPERS '09 - 1st Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. --

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres


Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Kalacska, M. (2006) Use of remotely sensed data to assess neotropical dry forest structure and diversity. Thèse de doctorat, University of Alberta

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés


Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

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