Mark Vellend

Membre régulier
Écologie des populations et communautés végétales, biologie de la conservation, évolution

Université de Sherbrooke
Département de biologie
2500, boul. de l'Université
Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada, J1K 2R1

(819) 821-8000 Poste 66250

  • Postdoctorat, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS, Santa Barbara, California) (aout 2004 à juin 2005)
  • Ph. D., Écologie et biologie évolutive, Cornell University (2004)
  • M.Sc., Biologie, Université McGill (1999) directeur : Martin J. Lechowicz
  • B.Sc., Biologie, Université McGill (1996)
  • Écologie des populations et communautés végétales;
  • Intégration de l’écologie et de l’évolution;
  • Biologie de la conservation;
  • Écologie historique.
Recherches actuelles

Il y a présentement deux thèmes de recherche dans mon laboratoire: (1) l’influence de l’histoire des paysages sur les communautés végétales et (2) l’influence de la diversité génétique sur les populations et les communautés végétales. Je suis aussi intéressé par les théories concernant la biodiversité en écologie et en évolution et la possibilité de synthétiser ces deux domaines fondamentaux de la biologie.

Dans le cadre de notre recherche sur l’histoire des paysages, nous avons étudié les écosystèmes terrestres dans l’est et l’ouest de l’Amérique du Nord et en Europe, où l’utilisation du paysage pour l’agriculture et le brûlage dirigé ont eu des conséquences écologiques à long terme. Dans le cadre de notre recherche éco-génétique, nous menons des expériences avec des pissenlits et d’autres espèces végétales dans les champs. Notre recherche vise à répondre à des questions scientifiques fondamentales, ainsi qu’à résoudre des problèmes appliqués à la biologie de la conservation.

Je suis aussi membre du Centre de la science de la biodiversité du Québec (CSBQ) 

  • 2023: membre de l'Académie des Sciences de la Société royale du Canada.
  • 2017-2019: E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  • 2015: W.S. Cooper Award - Ecological Society of America
  • 2014: Prix de la recherche et de la création 2014, Sciences naturelles et génie - Université de Sherbrooke
  • 2010-2013: Faculty Member, Faculty of 1000

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV, FRQNT ou EndNote



Chapitres de livre

  1. Vellend, M. (2017) Are local losses of biodiversity causing degraded ecosystem function?
  2. Vellend, M., Cornwell, W.K., Magnusson-Ford, K., Mooers, A.O. (2010) Measuring phylogenetic biodiversity. In Biological diversity: frontiers in measurement and assessment. (Magurran, A.E. and McGill, B.J., Eds.) Oxford University Press, pages 193-206
  3. Vellend, M., Orrock, J.L. (2009) Ecological and genetic models of diversity: lessons across disciplines. In The theory of island biogeography revisited. (Losos, J.B. and Ricklefs, R.E., Eds.) Princeton University Press, pages 439-461

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Ni, M., Vellend, M. (2024) Soil properties constrain forest understory plant distributions along an elevation gradient. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 379(1902)
  2. Ni, M., Vellend, M. (2024) Soil properties constrain predicted poleward migration of plants under climate change. New Phytologist, 241(1):131 – 141
  3. Wallis, C.I.B., Kothari, S., Jantzen, J.R., Crofts, A.L., St-Jean, S., Inamdar, D., Pablo Arroyo-Mora, J., Kalacska, M., Bruneau, A., Coops, N.C. et al. (2024) Exploring the spectral variation hypothesis for α- and β-diversity: a comparison of open vegetation and forests. Environmental Research Letters, 19(6)
  4. Crofts, A.L., Wallis, C.I.B., St-Jean, S., Demers-Thibeault, S., Inamdar, D., Arroyo-Mora, J.P., Kalacska, M., Laliberte, E., Vellend, M. (2024) Linking aerial hyperspectral data to canopy tree biodiversity: An examination of the spectral variation hypothesis. Ecological Monographs, 94(3)
  5. Messier, J., Becker-Scarpitta, A., Li, Y., Violle, C., Vellend, M. (2024) Root and biomass allocation traits predict changes in plant species and communities over four decades of global change. Ecology, 105(10)
  6. Dornelas, M., Chase, J.M., Gotelli, N.J., Magurran, A.E., McGill, B.J., Antao, L.H., Blowes, S.A., Daskalova, G.N., Leung, B., Martins, I.S. et al. (2023) Looking back on biodiversity change: Lessons for the road ahead. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1881)
  7. Carroll, T., Cardou, F., Dornelas, M., Thomas, C.D., Vellend, M. (2023) Biodiversity change under adaptive community dynamics. Global Change Biology, 29(13):3525 – 3538
  8. Jantzen, J.R., Laliberte, E., Carteron, A., Beauchamp-Rioux, R., Blanchard, F., Crofts, A.L., Girard, A., Hacker, P.W., Pardo, J., Schweiger, A.K. et al. (2023) Evolutionary history explains foliar spectral differences between arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal plant species. New Phytologist, 238(6):2651 – 2667
  9. Rinas, C.L., McMullin, R.T., Rousseu, F., Vellend, M. (2023) Diversity and assembly of lichens and bryophytes on tree trunks along a temperate to boreal elevation gradient. Oecologia, 202(1):55 – 67
  10. Cardou, F., Vellend, M. (2023) Stealth advocacy in ecology and conservation biology. Biological Conservation, 280
  11. Kothari, S., Beauchamp-Rioux, R., Blanchard, F., Crofts, A.L., Girard, A., Guilbeault-Mayers, X., Hacker, P.W., Pardo, J., Schweiger, A.K., Demers-Thibeault, S. et al. (2023) Predicting leaf traits across functional groups using reflectance spectroscopy. New Phytologist, 238(2):549 – 566
  12. Wallis, C.I., Crofts, A.L., Inamdar, D., Arroyo-Mora, J.P., Kalacska, M., Laliberte, E., Vellend, M. (2023) Remotely sensed carbon content: The role of tree composition and tree diversity. Remote Sensing of Environment, 284
  13. Miraglio, T., Coops, N.C., Wallis, C.I.B., Crofts, A.L., Kalacska, M., Vellend, M., Serbin, S.P., Arroyo-Mora, J.P., Laliberte, E. (2023) Mapping canopy traits over Québec using airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 13(1)
  14. Staude, I.R., Pereira, H.M., Daskalova, G.N., Bernhardt-Romermann, M., Diekmann, M., Pauli, H., Van Calster, H., Vellend, M., Bjorkman, A.D., Brunet, J. et al. (2022) Directional turnover towards larger-ranged plants over time and across habitats. Ecology Letters, 25(2):466-482
  15. Becker-Scarpitta, A., Auberson-Lavoie, D., Aussenac, R., Vellend, M. (2022) Different temporal trends in vascular plant and bryophyte communities along elevational gradients over four decades. Ecology and Evolution, 12:e9102
  16. Crockett, E.T.H., Vellend, M., Bennett, E.M. (2022) Tree biodiversity in northern forests shows temporal stability over 35 years at different scales, levels and dimensions. Journal of Ecology, 110:2388-2403
  17. Martins, I.S., Dornelas, M., Vellend, M., Thomas, C.D. (2022) A millennium of increasing diversity of ecosystems until the mid-20th century. Global Change Biology, 28:5945-5955
  18. Carteron, A., Vellend, M., Laliberte, E. (2022) Mycorrhizal dominance reduces local tree species diversity across US forests. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 6:370-374
  19. Beguin, J., Cote, S.D., Vellend, M. (2022) Large herbivores trigger spatiotemporal changes in forest plant diversity. Ecology, 103:e3739
  20. Danneyrolles, V., Vellend, M., Dupuis, S., Boucher, Y., Laflamme, J., Bergeron, Y., Fortin, G., Leroyer, M., de Romer, A., Terrail, R. et al. (2021) Scale-dependent changes in tree diversity over more than a century in eastern Canada: Landscape diversification and regional homogenization. Journal of Ecology, 109(1):273-283
  21. Rivest, S., Lajoie, G., Watts, D.A., Vellend, M. (2021) Earlier spring reduces potential for gene flow via reduced flowering synchrony across an elevational gradient. American Journal of Botany, 108(3):538-545
  22. Vellend, M., Thompson, J.R., Danneyrolles, V., Rousseu, F. (2021) Changes in landscape-scale tree biodiversity in the north-eastern USA since European settlement. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(3):666-673
  23. Ni, M., Vellend, M. (2021) Space-for-time inferences about range-edge dynamics of tree species can be influenced by sampling biases. Global Change Biology, 27(10):2102-2112
  24. Martin, C.A., Proulx, R., Vellend, M., Fahrig, L. (2021) How the relationship between vegetation cover and land-cover variance constrains biodiversity in a human dominated world. Landscape Ecology, 36(11):3097-3104
  25. Vellend, M., Behe, M., Carteron, A., Crofts, A.L., Danneyrolles, V., Gamhewa, H.T., Ni, M., Rinas, C.L., Watts, D.A. (2021) Plant Responses to Climate Change and an Elevational Gradient in Mont Mégantic National Park, Québec, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(sp11):4-28
  26. Carteron, A., Parasquive, V., Blanchard, F., Guilbeault-Mayers, X., Turner, B.L., Vellend, M., Laliberte, E. (2020) Soil abiotic and biotic properties constrain the establishment of a dominant temperate tree into boreal forests. Journal of Ecology, 108(3):931-944
  27. Thomas, H.J.D., Bjorkman, A.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Kattge, J., Diaz, S., Vellend, M., Blok, D., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Forbes, B.C. et al. (2020) Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome. Nature Communications, 11(1)
  28. Auberson-Lavoie, D., Vellend, M. (2020) Causes and consequences of deer browsing on red trillium (Trillium erectum) along an elevational gradient. Botany, 98(8):469-478
  29. Bowler, D.E., Bjorkman, A.D., Dornelas, M., Myers-Smith, I.H., Navarro, L.M., Niamir, A., Supp, S.R., Waldock, C., Winter, M., Vellend, M. et al. (2020) Mapping human pressures on biodiversity across the planet uncovers anthropogenic threat complexes. People and Nature, 2(2):380-394
  30. Fahrig, L., Arroyo-Rodriguez, V., Bennett, J.R., Boucher-Lalonde, V., Cazetta, E., Currie, D.J., Eigenbrod, F., Ford, A.T., Harrison, S.P., Jaeger, J.A.G. et al. (2019) Is habitat fragmentation bad for biodiversity? Biological Conservation, 230:179-186
  31. Barnett, D.T., Adler, P.B., Chemel, B.R., Duffy, P.A., Enquist, B.J., Grace, J.B., Harrison, S., Peet, R.K., Schimel, D.S., Stohlgren, T.J. et al. (2019) The plant diversity sampling design for The National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere, 10(2)
  32. Danneyrolles, V., Dupuis, S., Fortin, G., Leroyer, M., de Romer, A., Terrail, R., Vellend, M., Boucher, Y., Laflamme, J., Bergeron, Y. et al. (2019) Stronger influence of anthropogenic disturbance than climate change on century-scale compositional changes in northern forests. Nature Communications, 2:1265
  33. De Frenne, P., Zellweger, F., Rodriguez-Sanchez, F., Scheffers, B.R., Hylander, K., Luoto, M., Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Lenoir, J. (2019) Global buffering of temperatures under forest canopies. Nature Ecology & Evolution
  34. Brady, S.P., Bolnick, D.I., Barrett, R.D.H., Chapman, L., Crispo, E., Derry, A.M., Eckert, C.G., Fraser, D.J., Fussmann, G.F., Gonzalez, A. et al. (2019) Understanding maladaptation by uniting ecological and evolutionary perspectives. American Naturalist, 194(4):495-515
  35. Blowes, S.A., Supp, S.R., Antao, L.H., Bates, A., Bruelheide, H., Chase, J.M., Moyes, F., Magurran, A., McGill, B., Myers-Smith, I.H. et al. (2019) The geography of biodiversity change in marine and terrestrial assemblages. Science, 366(6463):339-345
  36. Becker-Scarpitta, A., Vissault, S., Vellend, M. (2019) Four decades of plant community change along a continental gradient of warming. Global Change Biology, 25:1629-1641
  37. Chase, J.M., McGill, B.J., Thompson, P.L., Antao, L.H., Bates, A.E., Blowes, S.A., Dornelas, M., Gonzalez, A., Magurran, A.E., Supp, S.R. et al. (2019) Species richness change across spatial scales. Oikos, 128:1079-1091
  38. Rivest, S., Vellend, M. (2018) Herbivory and pollen limitation at the upper elevational range limit of two forest understory plants of eastern North America. Ecology and Evolution, 8(2):892-903
  39. Bjorkman, A.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Normand, S., Ruger, N., Beck, P.S.A., Blach-Overgaard, A., Blok, D., Cornelissen, J.H.C., Forbes, B.C. et al. (2018) Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome. Nature, 562:57-62
  40. Kharouba, H.M., Lewthwaite, J.M.M., Guralnick, R., Kerr, J.T., Vellend, M. (2018) Using insect natural history collections to study global change impacts: challenges and opportunities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 374(1763)
  41. Perring, M.P., Bernhardt-Romermann, M., Baeten, L., Midolo, G., Blondeel, H., Depauw, L., Landuyt, D., Maes, S.L., De Lombaerde, E., Caron, M.M. et al. (2018) Global environmental change effects on plant community composition trajectories depend upon management legacies. Global Change Biology, 24:1722-1740
  42. Liu, J., Vellend, M., Wang, Z., Yu, M. (2018) High beta diversity among small islands is due to environmental heterogeneity rather than ecological drift. Journal of Biogeography, 45:2252-2261
  43. Balint, M., Pfenninger, M., Grossart, H.-P., Taberlet, P., Vellend, M., Leibold, M.A., Englund, G., Bowler, D. (2018) Environmental DNA Time Series in Ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33:945-957
  44. Lajoie, G., Vellend, M. (2018) Characterizing the contribution of plasticity and genetic differentiation to community-level trait responses to environmental change. Ecology and Evolution, 8:3895-3907
  45. Fugere, M., Bradley, R.L., Vellend, M. (2017) Exotic earthworms dispersion through protected forest areas and their potential impacts on nitrous oxide production. Biological Invasions, 19(3):773-783
  46. Craven, D., Thakur, M.P., Cameron, E.K., Frelich, L.E., Beausejour, R., Blair, R.B., Blossey, B., Burtis, J., Choi, A., Davalos, A. et al. (2017) The unseen invaders: introduced earthworms as drivers of change in plant communities in North American forests (a meta-analysis). Global Change Biology, 23(3):1065-1074
  47. Vellend, M., Baeten, L., Becker-Scarpitta, A., Boucher-Lalonde, V., McCune, J.L., Messier, J., Myers-Smith, I.H., Sax, D.F. (2017) Plant Biodiversity Change Across Scales During the Anthropocene. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 68:563-586
  48. Verheyen, K., De Frenne, P., Baeten, L., Waller, D.M., Hedl, R., Perring, M.P., Blondeel, H., Brunet, J., Chudomelova, M., Decocq, G. et al. (2017) Combining biodiversity resurveys across regions to advance global change research. BioScience, 67(1):73-83
  49. Bjorkman, A.D., Vellend, M., Frei, E.R., Henry, G.H.R. (2017) Climate adaptation is not enough: warming does not facilitate success of southern tundra plant populations in the high Arctic. Global Change Biology, 23(4):1540-1551
  50. Vellend, M., Dornelas, M., Baeten, L., Beausejour, R., Brown, C.D., De Frenne, P., Elmendorf, S.C., Gotelli, N.J., Moyes, F., Myers-Smith, I.H. et al. (2017) Estimates of local biodiversity change over time stand up to scrutiny. Ecology, 98(2):583-590
  51. Prevey, J., Vellend, M., Ruger, N., Hollister, R.D., Bjorkman, A.D., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Clark, K., Cooper, E.J., Elberling, B. et al. (2017) Greater temperature sensitivity of plant phenology at colder sites: implications for convergence across northern latitudes. Global Change Biology, 23(7):2660-2671
  52. Murria, C., Bonada, N., Vellend, M., Zamora-Munoz, C., Alba-Tercedor, J., Sainz-Cantero, C.E., Garrido, J., Acosta, R., El Alami, M., Barquin, J. et al. (2017) Local environment rather than past climate determines community composition of mountain stream macroinvertebrates across Europe. Molecular Ecology, 26(21):6085-6099
  53. Wu, C., Vellend, M., Yuan, W., Jiang, B., Liu, J., Shen, A., Liu, J., Zhu, J., Yu, M. (2017) Patterns and determinants of plant biodiversity in non-commercial forests of eastern China. PLOS ONE, 12(11)
  54. Vellend, M., Young, A.B., Letendre, G., Rivest, S. (2017) Thaw circles around tree trunks provide spring ephemeral plants with a big head start on the growing season. Ecology, 98(12):3224-3226
  55. Becker-Scarpitta, A., Bardat, J., Lalanne, A., Vellend, M. (2017) Long-term community change: bryophytes are more responsive than vascular plants to nitrogen deposition and warming. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28(6):1220-1229
  56. Kleynhans, E.J., Otto, S.P., Reich, P.B., Vellend, M. (2016) Adaptation to elevated CO2 in different biodiversity contexts. Nature Communications, 7
  57. Fricke, E.C., Wright, S.J., Vellend, M. (2016) The mechanical defence advantage of small seeds. Ecology Letters, 19(8):987-991
  58. Urli, M., Brown, C.D., Perez, R.N., Chagnon, P.-L., Vellend, M. (2016) Increased seedling establishment via enemy release at the upper elevational range limit of sugar maple. Ecology, 97(11):3058-3069
  59. Beausejour, R., Handa, I.T., Lechowicz, M.J., Gilbert, B., Vellend, M. (2015) Historical anthropogenic disturbances influence patterns of non-native earthworm and plant invasions in a temperate primary forest. Biological Invasions, 17(4):1267-1281
  60. Baeten, L., Davies, T.J., Verheyen, K., Van Calster, H., Vellend, M. (2015) Disentangling dispersal from phylogeny in the colonization capacity of forest understorey plants. Journal of Ecology, 103(1):175-183
  61. McCune, J.L., Vellend, M., Pellatt, M.G. (2015) Combining phytolith analysis with historical ecology to reveal the long-term, local-scale dynamics within a savannah-forest landscape mosaic. Biodiversity and Conservation, 24(3):609-626
  62. Kharouba, H.M., Vellend, M., Sarfraz, R.M., Myers, J.H. (2015) The effects of experimental warming on the timing of a plant-insect herbivore interaction. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(3):785-796
  63. McCune, J.L., Vellend, M. (2015) Using plant traits to predict the sensitivity of colonizations and extirpations to landscape context. Oecologia, 178(2):511-524
  64. Savage, J., Vellend, M. (2015) Elevational shifts, biotic homogenization and time lags in vegetation change during 40 years of climate warming. Ecography, 38(6):546-555
  65. Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Beck, P.S.A., Wilmking, M., Hallinger, M., Blok, D., Tape, K.D., Rayback, S.A., Macias-Fauria, M., Forbes, B.C. et al. (2015) Climate sensitivity of shrub growth across the tundra biome. Nature Climate Change, 5(9):887-891
  66. Bjorkman, A.D., Elmendorf, S.C., Beamish, A.L., Vellend, M., Henry, G.H.R. (2015) Contrasting effects of warming and increased snowfall on Arctic tundra plant phenology over the past two decades. Global Change Biology, 21(12):4651-4661
  67. Lajoie, G., Vellend, M. (2015) Understanding context dependence in the contribution of intraspecific variation to community trait-environment matching. Ecology, 96(11):2912-2922
  68. Kharouba, H.M., Vellend, M. (2015) Flowering time of butterfly nectar food plants is more sensitive to temperature than the timing of butterfly adult flight. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(5):1311-1321
  69. Kharouba, H.M., Paquette, S.R., Kerr, J.T., Vellend, M. (2014) Predicting the sensitivity of butterfly phenology to temperature over the past century. Global Change Biology, 20(2):504-514
  70. De Frenne, P., Francisco, R.-S., Markus, B.R., Brown, C.D., Eriksson, O., Hermy, M., Mitchell, F.J.G., Petrik, P., Calster, H.V., Vellend, M. et al. (2014) Reply to Harwood et al.: Thermophilization estimation is robust to the scale of species distribution data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(13):--
  71. Vellend, M., Lajoie, G., Bourret, A., Murria, C., Kembel, S.W., Garant, D. (2014) Drawing ecological inferences from coincident patterns of population- and community-level biodiversity. Molecular Ecology, 23(12):2890-2901
  72. Brown, C.D., Vellend, M. (2014) Non-climatic constraints on upper elevational plant range expansion under climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281(1794)
  73. Vellend, M., Srivastava, D.S., Anderson, K.M., Brown, C.D., Jankowski, J.E., Kleynhans, E.J., Kraft, N.J.B., Letaw, A.D., Macdonald, A. A.M., Maclean, J.E. et al. (2014) Assessing the relative importance of neutral stochasticity in ecological communities. Oikos, 123(12):1420-1430
  74. Dornelas, M., Magurran, A.E., Buckland, S.T., Chao, A., Chazdon, R.L., Colwell, R.K., Curtis, T., Gaston, K.J., Gotelli, N.J., Kosnik, M.A. et al. (2013) Quantifying temporal change in biodiversity: Challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 280(1750)
  75. Gieselman, T.M., Hodges, K.E., Vellend, M. (2013) Human-induced edges alter grassland community composition. Biological Conservation, 158:384-392
  76. Stegen, J.C., Freestone, A.L., Crist, T.O., Anderson, M.J., Chase, J.M., Comita, L.S., Cornell, H.V., Davies, K.F., Harrison, S.P., Hurlbert, A.H. et al. (2013) Stochastic and deterministic drivers of spatial and temporal turnover in breeding bird communities. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(2):202-212
  77. Williams, J.W., Kharouba, H.M., Veloz, S., Vellend, M., Mclachlan, J., Liu, Z., Otto-Bliesner, B., He, F. (2013) The ice age ecologist: Testing methods for reserve prioritization during the last global warming. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22(3):289-301
  78. Vellend, M., Kharouba, H.M. (2013) Setting conservation priorities when what you see is not what you get. Animal Conservation, 16(1):14-15
  79. Bennett, J.R., Vellend, M., Lilley, P.L., Cornwell, W.K., Arcese, P. (2013) Abundance, rarity and invasion debt among exotic species in a patchy ecosystem. Biological Invasions, 15(3):707-716
  80. Vellend, M., Brown, C.D., Kharouba, H.M., Mccune, J.L., Myers-Smith, I.H. (2013) Historical ecology: Using unconventional data sources to test for effects of global environmental change. American Journal of Botany, 100(7):1294-1305
  81. McCune, J.L., Pellatt, M.G., Vellend, M. (2013) Multidisciplinary synthesis of long-term human-ecosystem interactions: A perspective from the Garry oak ecosystem of British Columbia. Biological Conservation, 166:293-300
  82. Mccune, J.L., Vellend, M. (2013) Gains in native species promote biotic homogenization over four decades in a human-dominated landscape. Journal of Ecology, 101(6):1542-1551
  83. De Frenne, P., Rodriguez-Sanchez, F., Coomes, D.A., Baeten, L., Verstraeten, G., Vellend, M., Bernhardt-Romermann, M., Brown, C.D., Brunet, J., Cornelis, J. et al. (2013) Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(46):18561-18565
  84. Tomimatsu, H., Sasaki, T., Kurokawa, H., Bridle, J.R., Fontaine, C., Kitano, J., Stouffer, D.B., Vellend, M., Bezemer, T.M., Fukami, T. et al. (2013) FORUM: Sustaining ecosystem functions in a changing world: a call for an integrated approach. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50(5):1124-1130
  85. Vellend, M., Baeten, L., Myers-Smith, I.H., Elmendorf, S.C., Beausejour, R., Brown, C.D., De Frenne, P., Verheyen, K., Wipf, S. (2013) Global meta-analysis reveals no net change in local-scale plant biodiversity over time. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(48):19456-19459
  86. Super, S., Vellend, M., Bradfield, G. (2013) Urban ecology in action: vegetation change in Pacific Spirit Regional Park, Vancouver, BC Canada. Davidsonia, 23(1):21-31
  87. McLeod, K.A., Scascitelli, M., Vellend, M. (2012) Detecting small-scale genotype-environment interactions in apomictic dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) populations. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25(8):1667-1675
  88. Drummond, E.B.M., Vellend, M. (2012) Genotypic diversity effects on the performance of Taraxacum officinale populations increase with time and environmental favorability. PLOS ONE, 7(2):e30314
  89. Urban, M.C., De Meester, L., Vellend, M., Stoks, R., Vanoverbeke, J. (2012) A crucial step toward realism: responses to climate change from an evolving metacommunity perspective. Evolutionary Applications, 5(2):154-167
  90. Schwartz, M.W., Hellmann, J.J., McLachlan, J.M., Sax, D.F., Borevitz, J.O., Brennan, J., Camacho, A.E., Ceballos, G., Clark, J.R., Doremus, H. et al. (2012) Managed relocation: Integrating the scientific, regulatory, and ethical challenges. BioScience, 62(8):732-743
  91. Norberg, J., Urban, M.C., Vellend, M., Klausmeier, C.A., Loeuille, N. (2012) Eco-evolutionary responses of biodiversity to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 2(10):747-751
  92. Bernard-Verdier, M., Navas, M.-L., Vellend, M., Violle, C., Fayolle, A., Garnier, E. (2012) Community assembly along a soil depth gradient: Contrasting patterns of plant trait convergence and divergence in a Mediterranean rangeland. Journal of Ecology, 100(6):1422-1433
  93. Anderson, M.J., Crist, T.O., Chase, J.M., Vellend, M., Inouye, B.D., Freestone, A.L., Sanders, N.J., Cornell, H.V., Comita, L.S., Davies, K.F. et al. (2011) Navigating the multiple meanings of β diversity: A roadmap for the practicing ecologist. Ecology Letters, 14(1):19-28
  94. Kraft, N.J.B., Comita, L.S., Chase, J.M., Sanders, N.J., Swenson, N.G., Crist, T.O., Stegen, J.C., Vellend, M., Boyle, B., Anderson, M.J. et al. (2011) Disentangling the drivers of β diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients. Science, 333(6050):1755-1758
  95. Adams, R.I., Vellend, M. (2011) Species diversity of grasses promotes genotypic diversity of clover populations in simulated communities. Oikos, 120(10):1584-1594
  96. Chase, J.M., Kraft, N.J.B., Smith, K.G., Vellend, M., Inouye, B.D. (2011) Using null models to disentangle variation in community dissimilarity from variation in α-diversity. Ecosphere, 2(2):art24
  97. Harrison, S.P., Vellend, M., Damschen, E.I. (2011) ‘Structured' beta diversity increases with climatic productivity in a classic dataset. Ecosphere, 2(1):art11
  98. Vellend, M., Drummond, E.B.M., Tomimatsu, H. (2010) Effects of genotype identity and diversity on the invasiveness and invasibility of plant populations. Oecologia, 162(2):371-381
  99. Vellend, M. (2010) Conceptual synthesis in community ecology. Quarterly Review of Biology, 85(2):183-206
  100. Bjorkman, A.D., Vellend, M. (2010) Defining historical baselines for conservation: Ecological changes since European settlement on Vancouver Island, Canada. Conservation Biology, 24(6):1559-1568
  101. Vellend, M., Drummond, E.B.M., Muir, J.L. (2009) Ecological differentiation among genotypes of dandelions (taraxacum officinale). Weed Science, 57(4):410-416
  102. Tomimatsu, H., Kephart, S.R., Vellend, M. (2009) Phylogeography of Camassia quamash in western North America: Postglacial colonization and transport by indigenous peoples. Molecular Ecology, 18(18):3918-3928
  103. Richardson, D.M., Hellmann, J.J., McLachlan, J.S., Sax, D.F., Schwartz, M.W., Gonzalez, P., Brennan, E.J., Camacho, A., Root, T.L., Sala, O.E. et al. (2009) Multidimensional evaluation of managed relocation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(24):9721-9724
  104. Lilley, P.L., Vellend, M. (2009) Negative native-exotic diversity relationship in oak savannas explained by human influence and climate. Oikos, 118(9):1373-1382
  105. Johnson, M.T.J., Vellend, M., Stinchcombe, J.R. (2009) Evolution in plant populations as a driver of ecological changes in arthropod communities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1523):1593-1605
  106. Vellend, M., Litrico, I. (2008) Sex and space destabilize intransitive competition within and between species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 275(1645):1857-1864
  107. Vellend, M., Lilley, P.L., Starzomski, B.M. (2008) Using subsets of species in biodiversity surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(1):161-169
  108. Vellend, M., Bjorkman, A.D., McConchie, A. (2008) Environmentally biased fragmentation of oak savanna habitat on southeastern Vancouver Island, Canada. Biological Conservation, 141(10):2576-2584
  109. Vellend, M. (2008) Effects of diversity on diversity: Consequences of competition and facilitation. Oikos, 117(7):1075-1085
  110. Van Der Veken, S., Hermy, M., Vellend, M., Knapen, A., Verheyen, K. (2008) Garden plants get a head start on climate change. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 6(4):212-216
  111. Urban, M.C., Leibold, M.A., Amarasekare, P., De Meester, L., Gomulkiewicz, R., Hochberg, M.E., Klausmeier, C.A., Loeuille, N., de Mazancourt, C., Norberg, J. et al. (2008) The evolutionary ecology of metacommunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 23(6):311-317
  112. Hughes, A.R., Inouye, B.D., Johnson, M.T.J., Underwood, N., Vellend, M. (2008) Ecological consequences of genetic diversity. Ecology Letters, 11(6):609-623
  113. Couvreur, M., Verheyen, K., Vellend, M., Lamoot, I., Cosyns, E., Hoffmann, M., Hermy, M. (2008) Epizoochory by large herbivores: merging data with models. Basic and Applied Ecology, 9(3):204-212
  114. Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Flinn, K.M., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., Van Calster, H., Peterken, G., Graae, B.J., Bellemare, J., Honnay, O. et al. (2007) Homogenization of forest plant communities and weakening of species-environment relationships via agricultural land use. Journal of Ecology, 95(3):565-573
  115. Vellend, M., Harmon, L.J., Lockwood, J.L., Mayfield, M.M., Hughes, A.R., Wares, J.P., Sax, D.F. (2007) Effects of exotic species on evolutionary diversification. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 22(9):481-488
  116. Verheyen, K., Fastenaekels, I., Vellend, M., De Keersmaeker, L., Hermy, M. (2006) Landscape factors and regional differences in recovery rates of herb layer richness in Flanders (Belgium). Landscape Ecology, 21(7):1109-1118
  117. Vellend, M., Verheyen, K., Jacquemyn, H., Kolb, A., Van Calster, H., Peterken, G., Hermy, M. (2006) Extinction debt of forest plants persists for more than a century following habitat fragmentation. Ecology, 87(3):542-548
  118. Vellend, M., Knight, T.M., Drake, J.M. (2006) Antagonistic effects of seed dispersal and herbivory on plant migration. Ecology Letters, 9(3):319-326
  119. Vellend, M. (2006) The consequences of genetic diversity in competitive communities. Ecology, 87(2):304-311
  120. Vellend, M., Geber, M.A. (2005) Connections between species diversity and genetic diversity. Ecology Letters, 8(7):767-781
  121. Vellend, M. (2005) Species diversity and genetic diversity: Parallel processes and correlated patterns. American Naturalist, 166(2):199-215
  122. Vellend, M. (2005) Land-use history and plant performance in populations of Trillium grandiflorum. Biological Conservation, 124(2):217-224
  123. Srivastava, D.S., Vellend, M. (2005) Biodiversity-ecosystem function research: Is it relevant to conservation? Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 36:267-294
  124. Flinn, K.M., Vellend, M., Marks, P.L. (2005) Environmental causes and consequences of forest clearance and agricultural abandonment in central New York, USA. Journal of Biogeography, 32(3):439-452
  125. Flinn, K.M., Vellend, M. (2005) Recovery of forest plant communities in post-agricultural landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3(5):243-250
  126. Verheyen, K., Vellend, M., Van Calster, H., Peterken, G., Hermy, M. (2004) Metapopulation dynamics in changing landscapes: A new spatially realistic model for forest plants. Ecology, 85(12):3302-3312
  127. Vellend, M. (2004) Parallel effects of land-use history on species diversity and genetic diversity of forest herbs. Ecology, 85(11):3043-3055
  128. Myers, J.A., Vellend, M., Gardescu, S. (2004) Seed dispersal by white-tailed deer: Implications for long-distance dispersal, invasion, and migration of plants in eastern North America. Oecologia, 139(1):35-44
  129. Vellend, M., Myers, J.A., Gardescu, S., Marks, P.L. (2003) Dispersal of Trillium seeds by deer: Implications for long-distance migration of forest herbs. Ecology, 84(4):1067-1072
  130. Vellend, M. (2003) Island Biogeography of Genes and Species. American Naturalist, 162(3):358-365
  131. Vellend, M. (2003) Habitat loss inhibits recovery of plant diversity as forests regrow. Ecology, 84(5):1158-1164
  132. Vellend, M. (2002) A pest and an invader: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimm.) as a Seed dispersal agent for honeysuckle shrubs (Lonicera L.). Natural Areas Journal, 22(3):230-234
  133. Vellend, M. (2001) Do commonly used indices of β-diversity measure species turnover? Journal of Vegetation Science, 12(4):545-552
  134. Vellend, M., Lechowicz, M.J., Waterway, M.J. (2000) Environmental distribution of four Carex species (Cyperaceae) in an old-growth forest. American Journal of Botany, 87(10):1507-1516
  135. Vellend, M., Lechowicz, M.J., Waterway, M.J. (2000) Germination and establishment of forest sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae): Tests for home-site advantage and effects of leaf litter. American Journal of Botany, 87(10):1517-1525
  136. Leckie, S., Vellend, M., Bell, G., Waterway, M.J., Lechowicz, M.J. (2000) The seed bank in an old-growth, temperate deciduous forest. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78(2):181-192
  137. Vellend, M., Waterway, M.J. (1999) Geographic patterns in the genetic diversity of a northern sedge, Carex rariflora. Canadian Journal of Botany, 77(2):269-278

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Bjorkman, A.D., Henry, G., Vellend, M. (2013) Migration potential of tundra plant species in a warming Arctic: Responses of southern ecotypes of three species to experimental warming in the High Arctic. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. Page 548

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres

  1. Vellend, M. (2019) The Behavioral Economics of Biodiversity Conservation Scientists.

Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Vellend, M. (2004) Species diversity and genetic diversity: parallel processes and correlated patterns. Thèse de doctorat, Cornell University
  2. Vellend, M. (1999) Environmental distribution and regeneration of four forest sedges. Mémoire de maîtrise, McGill University

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. St-Jean, S. (2024) Conséquences de la variabilité des dates de floraison sur la pollinisation et la reproduction de plantes printanières. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  2. Beausejour, R. (2014) Influence des perturbations anthropiques historique sur les patrons d'invasion de plantes et de vers de terre non-indigènes dans une forêt primaire tempérée (Réserve naturelle Gault, Mont St-Hilaire). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  3. Gieselman, T.M. (2010) Changes in grassland community composition at human-induced edges in the south Okanagan. Mémoire de maîtrise, University of British Columbia
  4. Deane, T.J. (2010) Environmental and biotic influences on the abundance and distribution of an introduced grass species: implications for management in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Mémoire de maîtrise, University of British Columbia
  5. Drummond, E.B.M. (2009) The consequences of genetic diversity for invasion success in populations of dandelions. Mémoire de maîtrise, University of British Columbia
  6. Bjorkman, A.D. (2009) Changes in the landscape and vegetation of southeastern Vancouver Island and Saltspring Island, Canada since European settlement. Mémoire de maîtrise, University of British Columbia
  7. Lilley, P.L. (2007) Determinants of native and exotic plant species diversity and composition in remnant oak savannas on southeastern Vancouver Island. Mémoire de maîtrise, University of British Columbia

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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