Martin Barrette, ing.f., Ph.D.
Chercheur associé
Écologie forestière et aménagement
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
Direction de la recherche forestière
2700 rue Einstein
Québec (Québec) G1P 3W8
418-643-7994 Poste 6689
- Baccalauréat en aménagement et environnement forestiers de l’Université Laval et de l'Université suédoise des sciences agricoles (SLU) (2000)
- Maitrise en Sciences forestières à l’Université Laval (2004)
- Doctorat en Sciences forestières à l’Université Laval (2015)
Mon programme de recherche vise à soutenir l’aménagement durable des forêts publiques québécoises. J’étudie la productivité, les dynamiques successionnelles, la résilience et la naturalité des forêts aménagées.
- Fetouab, A., Fenton, N.J., Thiffault, N., Barrette, M. (2024) Planting density and mechanical site preparation effects on understory composition, functional diversity and planted black spruce growth in boreal forests. Silva Fennica, 58: 23029. https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.23029
- Barrette, M., Auger, I., Thiffault, N., Barrette, J. (2024) Are operational plantations meeting expectations? A large-scale assessment of realized vs anticipated yield in eastern Canada. Can. J. For. Res. e-First https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfr-2023-0224
- De Vriendt, L., Barrette, M., Kolstad, A.L., Vuorinen, K., Speed, J.D.M., Lavoie, S., Tremblay, J-P. (2023) Heavy browsing pressure by moose (Alces alces) can interfere with the objectives of ecosystem-based forest management. For. Ecol. Manage. 549: 121483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121483
- De Noronha, M., Ouimet, R., Barrette, M., Leduc, A., Bergeron, Y. 2022. Influence of leaf litter and humus composition on the development of black spruce seedlings: a greenhouse experimentation. Forests. 13, 1832: https://doi.org/10.3390/f13111832
- Barrette, M., Boucher, Y., Dumais, D., Auger, I. (2022) Clear-cutting without additional regeneration treatments can trigger successional setbacks prolonging the expected time to compositional recovery in boreal forests. Eur. J. For. Res.
- Wotherspoon, A., Duchesne, L., Barrette, M., Houle, D., (2022) Pre-commercial thinning could mitigate drought stress of black spruce stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 517: 12(0278)
- Wei, L., Thiffault, N., Barrette, M., Fenton, N., J., Bergeron, Y., (2021) Can understory functional traits predict post-harvest forest productivity in boreal ecosystems? For. Ecol. Manage. 495:11(9375)
- Barrette, M., Thiffault, N., Auger, I., (2021) Resilience of natural forests can jeopardize or enhance plantation productivity. For. Ecol. Manage. 482: 11(8872)
- De Vriendt, L., Thiffault, N., Royo, A.A., Barrette, M., Tremblay, J-P. (2020) Moose browsing tends spruce plantations more efficiently than a single mechanical release. Forests. 11: (1138)
- De Vriendt, L., Lavoie, S., Barrette, M., Tremblay, J-P. (2020) From delayed succession to alternative successional trajectory: how different moose browsing pressures contribute to forest dynamics following clear‐cutting. Journal of Vegetation Science.
- Barrette, M., Dumais, D., Auger, I., Boucher, Y., Bouchard, M., Bouliane, J. (2020) Naturalness assessment performed using forestry maps to validate forest management sustainability. Ecol. Ind. 119: 10(6832)
- Wotherspoon, A., Bradley, R., Houle, G., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Reicis, K. (2020) Mechanisms by which pre-commercial thinning increases black spruce growth in different climates and soil types. Forests. 11: 1-14.
- Reicis, K., Bradley, R., Joanisse, G., Houle, G., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Wotherspoon, A. (2020) Pre-commercial thinning enhances competitive traits of boreal ericaceous shrubs and reduces soil fertility. For. Ecol. Manage. 458. 11(7801)
- Barrette, M., Thiffault, N., Tremblay, J-P., Auger, I. (2019) Balsam fir stands of northeastern North America are resilient to spruce plantation. For. Ecol. Manage. 450: 11(7504)
- Barrette, M., Tremblay S., Auger, I. (2018) Commercial thinning that maintained species diversity of a mixed black spruce–jack pine stand enhanced productivity. Scan. J. For. Res. 33 :756-763.
- Debar, S., Hébert, F., Barrette, M., Brousseau, M., Thiffault, N. (2018) Effets comparatifs de la préparation mécanique du sol et de l’application répétée d’un phytocide chimique pour maîtriser le nerprun et favoriser la croissance en plantations forestières. Forestry Chronicle. 94: 68-74.
- Urli, M., Barrette, M., Leduc, A., Thiffault, N. (2018) Résultats d’un délai d’application du dégagement mécanique en plantations d’épinettes blanche et noire dans un scénario de reboisement hâtif. Forestry Chronicle. 94: 183-194.
- Barrette, M., Bélanger, L., De Grandpré, L., Royo, A.A. (2017) Demographic disequilibrium caused by canopy gap expansion and recruitment failure triggers forest cover loss. For. Ecol. Manage. 401: 117−124.
- Pacé, M., Barrette, M., Fenton, N.J., Paré, D., Bergeron, Y. (2017) Ground-layer composition may limit the positive impact of precommercial thinning on boreal stand productivity. For. Sci. 63: 559−568.
- Urli, M., Thiffault, N., Barrette, M., Bélanger, L., Leduc, A., Chalifour, D. (2017) Key ecosystem attributes and productivity of boreal stands 20 years after the onset of silviculture scenarios of increasing intensity. For. Ecol. Manage. 389: 404−416.
- Salmón Rivera, B., Barrette, M., Thiffault, N. (2016) Issues and perspectives on the use of exotic species in the sustainable management of Canadian forests. Reforesta 1: 261-280.
- Barrette, M., Tremblay, S. (2015) Réaction convergente du volume marchand 10 ans après l’éclaircie d’une sapinière très dense. Forestry Chronicle. 91:252-259.
- Gauthier, M.-M., Barrette, M., Tremblay, S. (2015) Commercial Thinning to Meet Wood Production Objectives and Develop Structural Heterogeneity: A Case Study in the Spruce-Fir Forest, Quebec, Canada. Forests. 6: 510-532.
- Pureswaran, D.S., De Grandpré, L., Paré, D., Taylor, A., Barrette, M., Morin, H., Régnière, J., Kneeshaw, D.D. (2015) Climate-induced changes in host tree-insect phenology may drive ecological state-shift in boreal forests. Ecology 96 : 1480-(1491)
- Barrette M., Leblanc, M., Thiffault, N., Paquette, A., Lavoie, L., Bélanger, L., Bujold, F., Côté, L., Lamoureux, J., Schneider, R., Tremblay, J-P., Côté, S., Boucher Y., Deshaies, M-È. (2014) Enjeux et solutions pour la sylviculture intensive de plantations dans un contexte d’aménagement écosystémique. Forestry Chronicle. 90: 732-747.
- Barrette M., Leblanc, M., Thiffault, N., Paquette, A., Lavoie, L., Bélanger, L., Bujold, F., Côté, L., Lamoureux, J., Schneider, R., Tremblay, J-P., Côté, S., Boucher Y., Deshaies, M-È. (2014) Issues and solutions for intensive plantation silviculture in a context of ecosystem management. Forestry Chronicle. 90: 748-762.
- Barrette, M., Bélanger, L., De Grandpré, L., Ruel, J.-C. (2014) Cumulative effects of chronic deer browsing and clear-cutting on regeneration processes in second-growth white spruce stands. For. Ecol. Manage. 329: 69–78.
- Barrette, M., Bélanger, L., De Grandpré, L. (2010) Preindustrial reconstruction of a perhumid midboreal landscape, Anticosti Island, Quebec. Can. J. Forest Res. 40: 928–942.
- Barrette, M., Bélanger, L. (2007) Reconstitution historique du paysage préindustriel de la région écologique des hautes collines du Bas-Saint-Maurice. Can. J. For. Res. 37: 1147-(1160)
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