Nicolas Mansuy
Research fellow
Director: Evelyne Thiffault
Phone: 418-648-3348
Address : Ressources naturelles Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Service canadien des forêts/ Canadian Forest Service
1055 rue du P.E.P.S., C.P. 10380, succ. Sainte-Foy
Québec, Qc, Canada, G1V 4C7
- Postdoc, 2013, Natural Resources Canada /Canadian Forest Service, Québec, Canada
- Postdoc, 2012-2013, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Ph.D. Environmental science, 2012, UQAM, Montréal, Canada
- M.Sc. Environmental risk management, 2005, Université de Normandie, France
- B.Sc. Geography & Economy, 2004, Université Paris IV Sorbonne, France
My research encompasses several themes: Geomorphology, Fire ecology, ecosystem management, wood biomass optimization and bioeconomy. My main research projects involve the use of geomatics and spatial analysis tools to study the effects of biophysical processes on landscape dynamics, including natural disturbances such as fire, but also human disturbances. I work with the Department of Natural Resources on a plethora of projects, like producing digital maps of soil properties across Canada at various resolution. I am also currently collaborating with several other Canadian researchers and Industrial partners on the optimization of supply chains for harvesting biomass under environmental, operational and economic constraints.
Keywords : Fire, Landscape ecology, forestry, woody biomass, bioeconomy, soil, carbon budget, supply chains optimization, oil sands mined landscapes
Statistical Tools & Softwares : Spatial analyst, multibands raster, Vector, Cluster analysis, Regression trees, kNN, Gdal, Arcgis, R, SAS...
- Biomass for bioenergy from managed forests through the supply chain: Modelling availability as a function of ecological and industrial drivers. Collabs: Evelyne Thiffault, David Paré (CFS).
- Establishing sustainable biomass supply chains from natural disturbances in Canadian boreal forests for biofuel. Collabs: Evelyne Thiffault, Luc Lebel (Forac
- Digital mapping of soil properties in Canadian managed forests using the k-nearest neighbour method. Collabs: Evelyne Thiffault, David Paré, Pierre Bernier (CFS)
- Providing guidance for designing and rebuilding oil sands mined landscapes: Linking economy, geomorphology, soils and vegetation. Lead Kara Webster and Evelyne Thiffault (CFS).
- Leadership for forest biomass use for oil sector GHG reductions and forest sector transformation. Lead Brad Pinno, Evelyne Thiffault (CFS).
- Social-economic requirements for establishing sustainable forest biomass supply chains for community heating in a First Nation context, using Oujé-Bougoumou as a case study. Lead Evelyne Thiffault (CFS).
Peer reviewed articles
- Mansuy N, Thiffault E, Lemieux S, Lebel L (in redaction). Hotspots of sustainable biomass supply chains in Canada.
- Bélisle A.C, Leduc A, Gauthier S, Mansuy N, Desrochers M, Bergeron Y (in redaction) Spatial heterogeneity of fire risk in boreal eastern Canada. An empirical model.
- Mansuy N, Thiffault E, Lemieux S, Manka F, Paré D, Lebel L (2015). Sustainable biomass supply chains from salvage logging of fire-killed stands. A case study for pellet production in Eastern Canada
. Applied Energy 154 (2015) 62–73
- Leduc A,Bernier P, Mansuy N, Raulier F, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y (2014) Salvage logging and tolerance to risk as mitigation measures to the inclusion of fire within timber supply calculations
.Canadian journal of Forest Research.10.1139/cjfr-2014-0434
- Mansuy N, Thiffault E, Paré D, Bernier P, Luc Guindon, Philippe Villemaire, Vincent Poirier, André Beaudoin (2014) Digital mapping of soil properties in Canadian managed forests at 250 m of resolution using the k-nearest neighbor method
. Geoderma.DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.06.032
- Mansuy N, Boulanger Y, Terrier A, Gauthier S, Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2014) Spatial attributes of fire regime in eastern Canada: Influences of regional landscape physiography and climate
. Landscape Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10980-014-0049-4
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y (2013) Afforestation opportunities when stand productivity is driven by a high risk of natural disturbance: a review of the open lichen woodland in the eastern boreal forest of Canada
. Mitigation and Adaptation of Strategies for Global Change 18, 245-264.
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2012) Regional patterns of postfire canopy recovery in the northern boreal forest of Quebec: Interactions of surficial deposits, climate and fire cycle
. Canadian journal of Forest Research 42, 1328-1343
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2010)The effects of surficial deposit-drainage combinations on spatial variations of fire cycles in boreal forest of eastern Canada
. International Journal of Wildland Fire 2010, 19, 1083–1098.
- Lampin C, Jappiot M, Long M, Mansuy N, Borgniet L (2006) WUI and road networks/vegetation interfaces characterizing and mapping for forest fire risk assessment
. Forest Ecology and Management 234, S1.
Conference proceedings
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, and Bergeron Y (2009) Impacts of surficial deposits on the occurrence and frequency of fire at the northern limit of the commercial forest in Quebec, Canada
. Page 75 in R.E. Masters, K.E.M. Galley, and D.G. Despain (eds.). The ’88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond, Conference Proceedings. Tall Timbers Miscellaneous Publication No. 16, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
Scientific and technical reports
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S,Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2012) Cartographie de la vulnérabilité au feu et résilience forestière pour le secteur sud-est du territoire de la Baie James
. Rapport scientifique réalisé par la Chaire en Aménagement durable UQAM-UQAT avec la collaboration du Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune et du Centre forestier des Laurentides pour la Commission Régionale sur les Ressources Naturelles et le Territoire de la Baies-James (CRRNTBJ). Décembre 2012.
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2011) Cartographie du risque de feu actuel et pour le passé proche dans le secteur sud-est du territoire de la Baie-James par regroupement des unités de paysage. Rapport scientifique réalisé par la Chaire en Aménagement durable UQAM-UQAT avec la collaboration du Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune et du Centre forestier des Laurentides pour la Commission Régionale sur les Ressources Naturelles et le Territoire de la Baies-James (CRRNTBJ).Janvier 2011.
- Mansuy N, Gauthier S, Robitaille A, Bergeron Y (2010) Cycle de feux en fonction du dépôt-drainage et régionalisation des unités de paysage sur la base du cycle de feux à la limite nordique des forêts commerciales du Québec. Rapport scientifique réalisé pour le Comité scientifique sur la Limite Nordique dans le cadre du projet de réévaluation de la limite nordique des forêts commerciales dans la province de Québec. Janvier 2010.
Vulgarization articles
- Mansuy N (2015) Can forest fires fuel the pellet industry?
Canadian Biomass Magazine. August 2015. Canadian Biomass Magazine. Vol 15 No.4
- Mansuy N (2015) FORAC: Plusieurs projets en cours. Interviewed by the journal Le Monde Forestier. Mai 2015
- Mansuy N (2014). Ma réponse à la question suivante a été sélectionnée et publiée dans Science Magazine. In your experience, what is the biggest challenge to global scientific collaboration? How should it be addressed? Science Magazine. Octobre 2014. http://www.sciencemag.org/content/346/6205/47/suppl/DC1
- Mansuy N (2014) From ash to Bioenergy
. BiofuelNet Canada, Octobre 2014.
- Mansuy N (2014) Comment optimiser un réseau forestier peu performant?
. Opérations Forestières, Août 2014.
- Mansuy N (2014) Forêts Québécoises, Granules et Bioénergie.
Découvrir. Avril 2014. Repris dans Le journal Opérations Forestières Biomasse,la place du Québec sur l'échiquier mondial
- Mansuy N (2012) « Interview de Serge Payette » dans le journal de l’Association des Communicateurs Scientifiques du Québec, l’Omniscient, Mai 2012.
- Mansuy N (2012) « Quand Innovation rime avec Vulgarisation » dans le journal de l’Association des Communicateurs Scientifiques du Québec, l’Omniscient, Mai 2012.
- Mansuy N (2011) « La banque de carbone boréale » le Soleil (p16, 24/01/2011)
- Mansuy N (2010) L’or véritable ne craint pas le feu
. 1er Prix de vulgarisation ACFAS. Mai 2010.
- Mansuy N, Thiffault E, Lemieux S, Lebel L (2014). Harvesting sustainable feedstock after forest fires for bioenergy in Eastern Canada: Where, when, and how much volume is profitable economically and ecologically? Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2014. May 29th 2014, Ottawa, Canada.
- Barrette J, Mansuy N (2014) Forest biomass from trees killed by natural disturbances is an abundant feedstock source for bioenergy production in Canada. Advanced Biofuels Symposium 2014. May 27th 2014, Ottawa, Canada.
- Thiffault E, Barrette J, Paré D, Mansuy N, Titus B (2013) Developing indicators of site suitability for forest biomass Harvesting. 15th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. Analytics for sustainable forest values chains. August 19-21, Québec City, Canada.
- Mansuy Nicolas, Raulier F (2013) Mise en valeur de la ressource forestière et prise en compte du risque. Sur invitation dans le cadre des sessions postdoctorales de l'université Laval. 17 Novembre 2013, Québec.
- Mansuy N (2013) Sources de risques et d’incertitudes dans le calcul de la possibilité forestière. Forum transfert de connaissance FQRNT. Octobre 2013, Québec City.
- Mansuy N, Boulanger Y, Terrier A, Gauthier S, Bergeron Y (2012) Spatial attributes of fires and landscape physiography in the eastern boreal forest of Canada
. International Wildand fire Conference. Alberta, Canada.
2013 : Post-Doctoral Bursary for research in a Canadian Federal Governmental Laboratory
2010 : 1st Prize for Scientific Vulgarization - ACFAS
2010 : Research Bursary from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences
2009 : Bursary FARE - UQAM and Excellence Bursary - UQAM
2008 : 1st Prize for the EcoDesign Competition on the theme of Water - UQAM
2006 : International Bursary funded by the Canadian Government (BCEI)
2005 : 1st Prize for Best Visual Presentation. International Conference on Spatial Analysis and Geomatics. Avignon, France, June, 20th-23rd, 2005.