Nicole K.S. Barker

Ph.D. Student
Université Laval

Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique
Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt
Pavillon Abitibi-Price
2405 Rue de la Terrasse
Québec (QC) G1V 0A6
Tél: (418) 656-2131 poste 6110

Canards Illimités Canada / Ducks Unlimited Canada
710 Bouvier, bureau 260
Québec (QC), G2J 1C2
Tél. (418) 623-1650 poste 37

Modélisation des tendances temporelles et spatiales de l'abondance, de la distribution et de l'habitat de la sauvagine dans la forêt boréale canadienne /
Modelling temporal and spatial trends in waterfowl abundance, distribution, and habitat in the Canadian boreal forest

Directeur: Steven G. Cumming
Codirecteur: Marcel Darveau



  • Barker NKS, Mennill DJ. (2009) Song perch height in rufous-and-white wrens: Does behaviour enhance effective communication in a tropical forest? Ethology 115: 897-904. PDF 
  • Barker NKS, Dabelsteen T, Mennill DJ. (2009) Degradation of rufous-and-white wren songs in a tropical forest: Effects of sex, perch height, and habitat. Behaviour 146: 1093-1122. PDF 
  • Hennin HL, Barker NKS, Bradley DW, Mennill DJ. (2009) Bachelor and paired male rufous-and-white wrens use different singing strategies. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 64: 151-159. PDF 
  • Barker NK. (2008) Bird song structure and transmission in the neotropics: trends, methods and future directions. Ornitologia Neotropical 19: 175-199. PDF 
  • Fitzsimmons LP, Barker NK, Mennill DJ. (2008) Individual variation and lek-based vocal distinctiveness in songs of the Screaming Piha (Lipaugus vociferans), a suboscine songbird. Auk 125: 908-914. PDF 


Research & Related Experience

University of Windsor

  • Research Assistance, Applied Aquatic Ecology (2009)
Dr. Jan Ciborowski , University of Windsor, Canada.
  • Research Assistance, Ivory-billed Woodpecker Search (2008)
Dr. Daniel Mennill , University of Windsor Sound Analysis Lab, Canada.
  • Field Research and Sound Analysis, Avian Behavioural Ecology (2007-2008)
Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica; University of Windsor Sound Analysis Lab
  • Field Course, Tropical Ecology (2007)
Rio Tambopata and Aguas Calientes, Peru; University of Windsor Sound Analysis Lab

Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Field Research and Supervision, Avian Behavioural Ecology (2006)
  • Field Course, Field Studies in Biology (2005)
  • Field and Lab Research, Avian Behavioural Ecology (2005)
Algonquin Provincial Park; Wilfrid Laurier University Behavioural Ecology Lab
  • Field and Lab Research, Avian Behavioural Ecology (2004)
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada; Wilfrid Laurier University Behavioural Ecology Lab
  • Research Assistance, Social Psychology (2004)
Dr. Robert Buehler ; Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Wetland Species Recovery Assistant, Toronto Zoo (2003)

Presentations & Conferences

  • Barker NK, Dabelsteen T, and Mennill DJ. Degradation of rufous-and-white wren songs in a neotropical dry forest: effects of sex, song post height, and receiver height. Poster, 12th International Behavioral Ecology Congress. Ithaca, New York. August 2008.
  • Fitzsimmons LP, Barker NK, and Mennill DJ. Individual variation and lek-based vocal distinctiveness in songs of the screaming piha (Lipaugus vociferans), a suboscine songbird. Spoken paper, 26th meeting of the Society of Canadian Ornithologists. Lake Opinicon, Ontario. September 2007.
  • Barker NK & Mennill DJ. Vocal behaviour of neotropical Rufous-and-white Wrens (Thryothorus rufalbus): a long-term study. Seminar, Animal Behaviour Group, Institute of Biology. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. October 2007.

Presentations/Posters not Presented/Attended by me

  • Koonce JF, Findlay CS, Gannon JE, Barker NKS, Kang M, & Ciborowski JJH. 2010. Weight of evidence for causes of re-eutrophication of the Great Lakes. Spoken paper, Lake Erie Millennium Network, Sixth Biennial Conference, Linking Research and Management Needs. University of Windsor, Windsor. April 2010.
  • Ciborowski JJH, Barker NKS, Sherman K. 2009. Benthic invertebrate community composition in Severn Sound (Georgian Bay) Lake Huron - 2007/09. Spoken paper, International Association of Great Lakes Research's 52nd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. University of Toledo, Ohio. May 2009.

Teaching Experience

University of Windsor

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences
Experimental Principles and Design (biostatistics) (2006 & 2007)

Wilfrid Laurier University

  • Instructional Assistant, Biology Department
Evolution (2006)
Animal Behaviour (2005)
  • Instructional Assistant, Psychology Department
Introduction to Statistics (200-level research methods) (2006)
Experimental Design and Analysis in Psychology (300-level research methods) (2006)
Linear Models in Psychology (300-level research methods) (2005)

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Formations et Écoles

Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

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********************************************************** ********* Mémoire CEF Changements Climatiques ************ **********************************************************

********************************************************** ***************** Pub - Symphonies_Boreales ****************** **********************************************************