Patricia Raymond, ing.f., Ph.D.

Chercheure associée
Écologie forestière et sylviculture appliquée

Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
Direction de la recherche forestière
2700 rue Einstein
Québec (Québec) G1P 3W8

418-643-7994, poste 706614

  • Baccalauréat, aménagement et environnement forestiers, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 1996/01
  • Maîtrise, sciences forestières (M.Sc.), Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 1998/03
  • Stage doctoral, School of Environmental and Forest Resources, U. Maine, ME, USA, (2000/04)
  • Doctorat, sciences forestières (Ph.D.), Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2004/06

Professeure associée

  • Université Laval | Département des sciences du bois et de la forêt (2020 – 2023)
  • Université Laval | Département de biologie (2020 – 2023)
  • Université Laval | Département de géographie (2021 – 2024)
  • Institut de Recherche sur les Forêts | Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (2020 – 2023)
  • Département des sciences de l’environnement | Université du Québec à Montréal (2020 – 2025)

Membre de l’Ordre des ingénieurs forestiers du Québec depuis 1996


Je suis ingénieure forestière et chercheuse scientifique à l’emploi de la Direction de la recherche forestière (DRF) du Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFPQ) depuis 2002. Je m’intéresse particulièrement à la forêt mixte tempérée, pour laquelle j’expérimente des méthodes de régénération compatibles avec l'aménagement écosystémique et d'autres pouvant aider les forêts à s'adapter aux changements climatiques. Mes trois axes de recherche sont la sylviculture écologique (i.e. inspirée de la dynamique des perturbations naturelles), la réhabilitation des peuplements dégradés et la sylviculture d’adaptation aux changements climatiques.

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV ou EndNote


  1. Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P., Saucier, J.-P. (2013) Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada. 456-515 p

Chapitres de livre

  1. D'Amato, A.W., Palik, B.J., Raymond, P., Puettmann, K.J., Montoro Girona, M. (2023) Building a Framework for Adaptive Silviculture Under Global Change. In Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management. (Montoro Girona, M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 359-381
  2. Raymond, P., Lof, M., Comeau, P., Rytter, L., Montoro Girona, M., Puettmann, K.J. (2023) Silviculture of Mixed-Species and Structurally Complex Boreal Stands. In Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management. (Montoro Girona, M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 403-416
  3. Montoro Girona, M., Moussaoui, L., Morin, H., Thiffault, N., Leduc, A., Raymond, P., Bose, A., Bergeron, Y., Lussier, J.-M. (2023) Innovative Silviculture to Achieve Sustainable Forest Management in Boreal Forests: Lessons from Two Large-Scale Experiments. In Boreal Forests in the Face of Climate Change: Sustainable Management. (Montoro Girona, M., Morin, H., Gauthier, S. and Bergeron, Y., Eds.) Cham, Springer International Publishing, pages 417-440
  4. Raymond, P., Dumais, D. (2023) Ecological Silviculture for Yellow Birch-Conifer Mixedwood in Eastern-Canada. In Ecological Silvicultural Systems: Exemplary Models for Sustainable Forest Management. (Palik, B.J. and D'Amato, A.W., Eds.) John Wiley & Sons Publishers, pages 112-127
  5. D'Amato, A.W., Raymond, P., Fraver, S. (2018) Old-Growth Disturbance Dynamics and Associated Ecological Silviculture for Forests in Northeastern North America. (Chap. 2) In Ecology and Recovery of Eastern Old-Growth Forests. (Barton, A.M. and Keeton, W.S., Eds.) Washington, DC, Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, pages 99-118
  6. Guillemette, F., Raymond, P., Larouche, C. (2013) La place de la sylviculture. (Chap. 1) In Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. (Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P. and Saucier, J.-P., Eds.) Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada, pages 4-9
  7. Larouche, C., Raymond, P., Guillemette, F. (2013) Les concepts et les traitements sylvicoles. (Chap. 2) In Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. (Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P. and Saucier, J.-P., Eds.) Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada, pages 10-31
  8. Raymond, P., Guillemette, F., Larouche, C. (2013) Les grands types de couvert et les groupements d'essences principales. (Chap. 6) In Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. (Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P. and Saucier, J.-P., Eds.) Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada, pages 95-119
  9. Raymond, P., Legault, I., Guay, L., Godbout, C. (2013) La coupe progressive régulière. (Chap. 19) In Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. (Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P. and Saucier, J.-P., Eds.) Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada, pages 410-453
  10. Raymond, P., Larouche, C., Bédard, S., Tremblay, S. (2013) La coupe progressive irrégulière. (Chap. 20) In Le guide sylvicole du Québec, Tome 2 - Les concepts et l'application de la sylviculture. (Larouche, C., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P. and Saucier, J.-P., Eds.) Les Publications du Québec, Québec, Qc, Canada, pages 456-515

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Ola, A., Devos, W., Bouchard, M., Mazerolle, M.J., Raymond, P., Munson, A.D. (2024) Above- and belowground carbon stocks under differing silvicultural scenarios. Forest Ecology and Management, 558:121785
  2. Royo, A.A., Raymond, P., Kern, C.C., Adams, B.T., Bronson, D., Champagne, E., Dumais, D., Gustafson, E., Marquardt, P.E., McGraw, A.M. et al. (2023) Desired REgeneration through Assisted Migration (DREAM): Implementing a research framework for climate-adaptive silviculture. Forest Ecology and Management, 546:121298
  3. Achim, A., Moreau, G., Coops, N.C., Axelson, J.N., Barrette, J., Bedard, S., Byrne, K.E., Caspersen, J., Dick, A.R., D'Orangeville, L. et al. (2022) The changing culture of silviculture. Forestry, 195(2):143-152
  4. Mura, C., Butto, V., Silvestro, R., Deslauriers, A., Charrier, G., Raymond, P., Rossi, S. (2022) The early bud gets the cold: Diverging spring phenology drives exposure to late frost in a Picea mariana [(Mill.) BSP] common garden. Physiologia Plantarum, 174:e13798
  5. Bourque, C., Dumais, D., Ruel, J.-C., Larouche, C., Raymond, P. (2022) How do advance regeneration and planted seedlings of Thuja occidentalis and Picea rubens acclimate under a first irregular shelterwood cut? Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 52:1412-1422
  6. Thiffault, N., Raymond, P., Lussier, J.-M., Aubin, I., Royer-Tardif, S., D’Amato, A.W., Doyon, F., Lafleur, B., Perron, M., Bousquet, J. et al. (2021) Sylviculture d’adaptation aux changements climatiques : des concepts à la réalité Compte-rendu d’un colloque tenu au Carrefour Forêts 2019. Forestry Chronicle, 97(01):28-42
  7. Thiffault, N., Raymond, P., Lussier, J.-M., Aubin, I., Royer-Tardif, S., D’Amato, A.W., Doyon, F., Lafleur, B., Perron, M., Bousquet, J. et al. (2021) Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change: From Concepts to Reality Report on a symposium held at Carrefour Forêts 2019. Forestry Chronicle, 97(01):13-27
  8. Vickers, L.A., Knapp, B.O., Kabrick, J.M., Kenefic, L.S., D’amato, A.W., Kern, C.C., Maclean, D.A., Raymond, P., Clark, K.L., Dey, D.C. et al. (2021) Contemporary status, distribution, and trends of mixedwoods in the northern united states. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(7):881-896
  9. Champagne, E., Royo, A.A., Tremblay, J.-P., Raymond, P. (2021) Tree assisted migration in a browsed landscape: Can we predict susceptibility to herbivores? Forest Ecology and Management, 498
  10. Champagne, E., Turgeon, R., Munson, A.D., Raymond, P. (2021) Seedling response to simulated browsing and reduced water availability: Insights for assisted migration plantations. Forests, 12(10)
  11. Jain, P., Khare, S., Sylvain, J.-D., Raymond, P., Rossi, S. (2021) Predicting the Location of Maple Habitat under Warming Scenarios in Two Regions at the Northern Range in Canada. Forest Science, 67(4):446-456
  12. Champagne, E., Raymond, P., Royo, A.A., Speed, J.D.M., Tremblay, J.-P., Côté, S.D. (2021) A Review of Ungulate Impacts on the Success of Climate-Adapted Forest Management Strategies. Current Forestry Reports
  13. Kenefic, L.S., Kabrick, J.M., Knapp, B.O., Raymond, P., Clark, K.L., D’amato, A.W., Kern, C.C., Vickers, L.A., Dey, D.C., Rogers, N.S. (2021) Mixedwood silviculture in north america: The science and art of managing for complex, multi-species temperate forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(7):921-934
  14. Ren, P., Liang, E., Raymond, P., Rossi, S. (2021) Bud break in sugar maple submitted to changing conditions simulating a northward migration. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 51(6):842-847
  15. Martin, M., Raymond, P., Boucher, Y. (2021) Influence of individual tree characteristics, spatial structure and logging history on tree-related microhabitat occurrence in North American hardwood forests. Forest Ecosystems, 8(1)
  16. Dumais, D., Raymond, P., Prévost, M. (2020) Eight-year ecophysiology and growth dynamics of Picea rubens seedlings planted in harvest gaps of partially cut stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 478
  17. Ren, P., Liang, E., Raymond, P., Rossi, S. (2020) Phenological differentiation in sugar maple populations and responses of bud break to an experimental warming. Forests, 11(9)
  18. Champagne, E., Royo, A.A., Tremblay, J.-P., Raymond, P. (2020) Phytochemicals Involved in Plant Resistance to Leporids and Cervids: a Systematic Review. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46(1):84-98
  19. Champagne, E., Bonin, M., Royo, A.A., Tremblay, J.-P., Raymond, P. (2020) Predicting terpene content in dried conifer shoots using near infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 28(5-6):308-314
  20. Raymond, P., Prévost, M., Roy, V. (2020) Silvicultural options for rehabilitating high-graded mixedwood stands in northeastern North America. Forest Ecology and Management, 466
  21. Dumais, D., Larouche, C., Raymond, P., Bédard, S., Lambert, M.-C. (2019) Survival and growth dynamics of red spruce seedlings planted under different forest cover densities and types. New Forests, 50(4):573-592
  22. Maxence, M., Raymond, P. (2019) Assessing tree-related microhabitat retention according to a harvest gradient using tree-defect surveys as proxies in eastern canadian mixedwood forests. Forestry Chronicle, 95(3):157-170
  23. Power, H., Raymond, P., Prévost, M., Roy, V., Berninger, F. (2019) Basal area and diameter growth in high-graded eastern temperate mixedwood forests: The influence of acceptable growing stock, species, competition and climate. Forestry, 92(5):659-669
  24. Raymond, P., Royo, A.A., Prévost, M., Dumais, D. (2018) Assessing the single-tree and small group selection cutting system as intermediate disturbance to promote regeneration and diversity in temperate mixedwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 430:21-32
  25. Webster, C.R., Dickinson, Y.L., Burton, J.I., Frelich, L.E., Jenkins, M.A., Kern, C.C., Raymond, P., Saunders, M.R., Walters, M.B., Willis, J.L. (2018) Promoting and maintaining diversity in contemporary hardwood forests: Confronting contemporary drivers of change and the loss of ecological memory. Forest Ecology and Management, 421:98-108
  26. Raymond, P., Bédard, S. (2017) The irregular shelterwood system as an alternative to clearcutting to achieve compositional and structural objectives in temperate mixedwood stands. Forest Ecology and Management, 398:91-100
  27. Kern, C.C., Burton, J.I., Raymond, P., D'Amato, A.W., Keeton, W.S., Royo, A.A., Walters, M.B., Webster, C.R., Willis, J.L. (2017) Challenges facing gap-based silviculture and possible solutions for mesic northern forests in North America. Forestry, 90(1):4-17
  28. Kabrick, J.M., Clark, K.L., D’Amato, A.W., Dey, D.C., Kenefic, L.S., Kern, C.C., Knapp, B.O., MacLean, D.A., Raymond, P., Waskiewicz, J.D. (2017) Managing hardwood-softwood mixtures for future forests in eastern North America: Assessing suitability to projected climate change. Journal of Forestry, 115(3):190-201
  29. Raymond, P., Prévost, M., Power, H. (2016) Patch cutting in temperate mixedwood stands: What happens in the between-patch matrix? Forest Science, 62(2):227-236
  30. Bédard, S., Guillemette, F., Raymond, P., Tremblay, S., Larouche, C., De Blois, J. (2014) Rehabilitation of northern hardwood stands using multicohort silvicultural scenarios in Québec. Journal of Forestry, 112(3):276-286
  31. Prévost, M., Raymond, P. (2012) Effect of gap size, aspect and slope on available light and soil temperature after patch-selection cutting in yellow birch-conifer stands, Quebec, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management, 274:210-221
  32. Prévost, M., Raymond, P., Lussier, J.-M. (2010) Regeneration dynamics after patch cutting and scarification in yellow birch - Conifer stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(2):357-369
  33. Raymond, P., Bédard, S., Roy, V., Larouche, C., Tremblay, S. (2009) The irregular shelterwood system: Review, classification, and potential application to forests affected by partial disturbances. Journal of Forestry, 107(8):405-413
  34. Raymond, P., Munson, A.D., Ruel, J.-C., Coates, K.D. (2006) Spatial patterns of soil microclimate, light, regeneration, and growth within silvicultural gaps of mixed tolerant hardwood - white pine stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36(3):639-651
  35. Ruel, J.-C., Raymond, P., Pineau, M. (2003) Windthrow after shelterwood cutting in balsam fir stands. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 20(1):5-13
  36. Ruel, J.-C., Raymond, P., Pineau, M. (2003) Windthrow after shelterwood cutting in balsam fir stands. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry, 20(1):5-13
  37. Raymond, P., Munson, A.D., Ruel, J.-C., Nolet, P. (2003) Group and single-tree selection cutting in mixed tolerant hardwood-white pine stands: Early establishment dynamics of white pine and associated species. Forestry Chronicle, 79(6):1093-1106
  38. Raymond, P., Ruel, J.-C., Pineau, M. (2000) Effect of seed cutting and germination substrate on the regeneration of rich second growth balsam fir stands in Quebec [Effet d'une coupe d'ensemencement et du milieu de germination sur la regeneration des sapinieres boreales riches de seconde venue du Quebec]. Forestry Chronicle, 76(4):643-652
  39. Raymond, P., Ruel, J.-C., Pineau, M. (2000) Effect of seed cutting and germination substrate on rich second growth balsam fir stand regeneration in Quebec. Forestry Chronicle, 76(4):643-652
  40. Thibodeau, L., Raymond, P., Camire, C., Munson, A.D. (2000) Impact of precommercial thinning in balsam fir stands on soil nitrogen dynamics, microbial biomass, decomposition, and foliar nutrition. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 30(2):229-238

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Raymond, P., Dumais, S., Prévost, M. (2012) Écologie et sylviculture de la forêt mixte : Qu’avons-nous appris au cours de la dernière décennie? In Actes du colloque de transfert de connaissances.. oct. Carrefour Forêt Innovations

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres


Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Raymond, P. (2004) Régénération, compétition, croissance et variation spatiale à l'intérieur de trouées issues de coupe dans un peuplement de feuillus tolérants à pin blanc. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Raymond, P. (1998) Efficacité du système de régénération par coupes progressives dans les sapinières boréales riches : résultats cinq ans après la coupe d'ensemencement. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Bourque, C. (2023) Le rôle des débris ligneux de sapin baumier dans le processus de régénération des essences de la forêt mixte. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture


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