(ré-aiguillé depuis Membres.RobertBradley)

Robert L. Bradley

Ancien Membre régulier
Écologie des sols

Professeur a la retraite Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté des Sciences
Département de biologie
2500, boul. de l'Université
Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada, J1K 2R1

  • Postdoctorat en modélisation, 1996-1998 (University of British Columbia)
  • Ph.D. en écologie forestière, 1996 (Université McGill) Directeur : James William Fyles
  • B.Sc. en conservation des sols, 1989 (Université McGill)

Écologie des sols

Les flux d’énergie et le cyclage d’éléments nutritifs sont deux aspects fondamentaux du fonctionnement des écosystèmes terrestres. Le sol représente une "zone chaude" d'activités biologiques où se couple les métabolismes autotrophes et hétérotrophes. Dans mon laboratoire, on s’intéresse principalement aux cycles du carbone et de l'azote, à la nutrition minérale et organique des végétaux, à l'activité et la diversité des communautés microbiennes du sol, à la rhizosphère, aux mycorhizes et à certains groupes fauniques du sol. Ces divers volets de recherche cadrent dans un plus large contexte qui est de décrire les effets des perturbations naturelles et anthropiques sur la succession des écosystèmes forestiers. Ces travaux visent donc à faire évoluer les concepts et les modèles théoriques de la succession écologique qui pourraient éventuellement nous aider à mieux gérer nos forêts.

Ce programme de recherche consiste en un travail d'équipe avec les étudiants gradués de l’université de Sherbrooke, misant sur la collaboration de partenaires québécois et canadiens des secteurs publics et privés.

Je suis aussi un membre du Centre de recherche en écologie terrestre de l'Université Sherbrooke  et membre associé au Centre de recherche interinstitutionnel en amélioration végétale (SÈVE) 

Vous pouvez télécharger toutes mes références bibliographiques en format BibTeX, BibTeX-CSV, FRQNT ou EndNote



Chapitres de livre

  1. Thevathasan, N.V., Gordon, A.M., Bradley, R.L., Cogliastro, A., Folkard, P., Grant, R., Kort, J., Liggins, L., Njenga, F., Olivier, A. et al. (2012) Agroforestry Research and Development in Canada: The Way Forward. In Agroforestry - The Future of Global Land Use. (Ramachandran Nair, P.K. and Garrity, D., Eds.) Springer, pages 247-284

Livres, numéros spéciaux et actes de colloques publiés à titre d'éditeur


Articles révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Benoist, A., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2024) Deciphering factors controlling decay and nitrogen accumulation in coarse wood debris of five tree species using 15N labeled wood disks. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 190
  2. Scott, T., Bradley, R.L., Bourgault, P. (2024) Non-native earthworms increase the abundance and diet quality of a common woodland salamander in its northern range. Biological Invasions, 26(1):187 – 200
  3. Villeneuve, C., Beauregard, P., Bradley, R.L. (2024) Non-native earthworms preferentially promote bacterial rather than fungal denitrification in northern temperate deciduous forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 196
  4. Reicis, K., Bradley, R.L., Joanisse, G., Thiffault, N., Scott, D., Parsons, W.F.J. (2023) Mechanical scarification can reduce competitive traits of boreal ericaceous shrubs and improve nutritional site quality. Forestry, 96(2):293-303
  5. Boilard, G., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D. (2023) A northward range shift of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) in Eastern Canada should reduce soil carbon storage, with no effect on carbon stability. Geoderma, 432
  6. Benoist, A., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2022) Evaluation of biological nitrogen fixation in coarse woody debris from Eastern Canadian boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165
  7. Darnajoux, R., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2022) In Vivo Temperature Dependency of Molybdenum and Vanadium Nitrogenase Activity in the Heterocystous Cyanobacteria Anabaena variabilis. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(4):2760-2769
  8. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Lafond, J., Pare, M.C., Penaud, V. (2022) Trait-based and phylogenetic filtering of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under long-term agricultural practices. Plant and Soil, 471(1-2):273-287
  9. Renaudin, M., Blasi, C., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2022) New insights into the drivers of moss-associated nitrogen fixation and cyanobacterial biomass in the eastern Canadian boreal forest. Journal of Ecology, 110(6):1403 – 1418
  10. Phillips, H.R.P., Bach, E.M., Bartz, M.L.C., Bennett, J.M., Beugnon, R., Briones, M.J.I., Brown, G.G., Ferlian, O., Gongalsky, K.B., Guerra, C.A. et al. (2021) Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties. Scientific Data, 8(1)
  11. Cameron, A., Boilard, G., Dubois, R., Bradley, R.L., Benetkova, P., Jozefowska, A., Thevathasan, N., Whalen, J., Simek, M. (2021) Distribution of earthworm communities in agroecosystems with forested riparian buffer strips: A multiscale study. Applied Soil Ecology, 167
  12. Ejack, L., Kernecker, M.L., Prieto, R., Chen, C., Gul, S., Bradley, R.L., Whalen, J.K. (2021) Earthworms did not increase long-term nitrous oxide fluxes in perennial forage and riparian buffer ecosystems. Pedobiologia, 85-86
  13. Marty, C., Piquette, J., Dussault-Chouinard, E., Morin, H., Thiffault, N., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Ouimet, R., Simpson, M.J., Pare, M.C. (2020) Canopy Nitrogen Addition and Soil Warming Affect Conifer Seedlings’ Phenology but Have Limited Impact on Growth and Soil N Mineralization in Boreal Forests of Eastern Canada. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 3:121
  14. Reicis, K., Bradley, R.L., Joanisse, G., Houle, D., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Wotherspoon, A. (2020) Pre-commercial thinning enhances competitive traits of boreal ericaceous shrubs and reduces soil fertility. Forest Ecology and Management, 458
  15. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Klironomos, J.N. (2020) Mycorrhizal network assembly in a community context: The presence of neighbours matters. Journal of Ecology, 108(1):366-377
  16. Wotherspoon, A., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D., Tremblay, S., Barrette, M., Reicis, K. (2020) Mechanisms by which pre-commercial thinning increases black spruce growth in different climates and soil types. Forests, 11(5)
  17. Wotherspoon, A., Thiffault, N., Bradley, R.L. (2020) Resource availability and physiological response of black spruce to scarification in two climatic regions of Québec (Canada). Silva Fennica, 54(4):10375
  18. Meehan, M.L., Barreto, C., Turnbull, M.S., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P., Darnajoux, R., Lindo, Z. (2020) Response of soil fauna to simulated global change factors depends on ambient climate conditions. Pedobiologia, 83
  19. Marty, C., Piquette, J., Morin, H., Bussieres, D., Thiffault, N., Houle, D., Bradley, R.L., Simpson, M.J., Ouimet, R., Pare, M.C. (2019) Nine years of in situ soil warming and topography impact the temperature sensitivity and basal respiration rate of the forest floor in a Canadian boreal forest. PLOS ONE, 14(12):e0226909
  20. Marty, C., Levesque, J.-A., Bradley, R.L., Lafond, J., Pare, M.C. (2019) Contrasting impacts of two weed species on lowbush blueberry fertilizer nitrogen uptake in a commercial field. PLOS ONE, 14(4)
  21. Boilard, G., Bradley, R.L., Paterson, E., Sim, A., Brown, L.K., George, T.S., Bainard, L., Carubba, A. (2019) Interaction between root hairs and soil phosphorus on rhizosphere priming of soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 135:264-266
  22. Phillips, H.R.P., Guerra, C.A., Bartz, M.L.C., Briones, M.J.I., Brown, G., Crowther, T.W., Ferlian, O., Gongalsky, K.B., Van Den Hoogen, J., Krebs, J. et al. (2019) Global distribution of earthworm diversity. Science, 366(6464):480-485
  23. Scott, D.L., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P., Houle, D., Gundale, M.J., Rousk, K., DeLuca, T.H. (2018) Anthropogenic deposition of heavy metals and phosphorus may reduce biological N2 fixation in boreal forest mosses. Science of the Total Environment, 630:203-210
  24. Darnajoux, R., Bradley, R.L., Houle, D., Bellenger, J.-P. (2018) Predictable spatial patterns of biological nitrogen fixation in forest floor mosses: Color matters! Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122:160-162
  25. Joanisse, G.D., Bradley, R.L., Preston, C.M. (2018) The spread of Kalmia angustifolia on black spruce forest cutovers contributes to the spatial heterogeneity of soil resources. PLOS ONE, 13(6)
  26. Levesque, J.-A., Bradley, R.L., Bellemare, M., Lafond, J., Pare, M.C. (2018) Predicting weed and lowbush blueberry biomass using the point intercept method. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 98(4):967-970
  27. Girona, J., Bradley, R.L., Levesque, J.-A., Pare, M., Bellemare, M. (2018) A Call For Improving Winter Windbreak Design for Lowbush Blueberry Production in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean Region of Québec, Canada. International Journal of Fruit Science
  28. Fugere, M., Bradley, R.L., Vellend, M. (2017) Exotic earthworms dispersion through protected forest areas and their potential impacts on nitrous oxide production. Biological Invasions, 19(3):773-783
  29. Rousk, K., Degboe, J., Michelsen, A., Bradley, R.L., Bellenger, J.-P. (2017) Molybdenum and phosphorus limitation of moss-associated nitrogen fixation in boreal ecosystems. New Phytologist, 214(1):97-107
  30. Cuellar, M.A., Allaire, S.E., Lange, S.F., Bradley, R.L., Parsons, W.F.J., Rivest, D., Cogliastro, A. (2017) Greenhouse gas dynamics in a tree-based intercropping system compared with an organic conventional system. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 97(3):382-393
  31. Winans, K.S., Whalen, J.K., Rivest, D., Cogliastro, A., Bradley, R.L. (2016) Carbon sequestration and carbon markets for tree-based intercropping systems in southern Quebec, Canada. Atmosphere, 7(2)
  32. Drouin, M., Bradley, R.L., Lapointe, L. (2016) Linkage between exotic earthworms, understory vegetation and soil properties in sugar maple forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 364:113-121
  33. Jean, P.-O., Bradley, R.L., Berthiaume, R., Tremblay, J.-P. (2016) Evaluating old and novel proxies for in vitro digestion assays in wild ruminants. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 40(2):359-367
  34. Ndanga, E.M., Lopera, C.B., Bradley, R.L., Cabral, A.R. (2016) Effects of preconditioning the rhizosphere of different plant species on biotic methane oxidation kinetics. Waste Management, 55:313-320
  35. Gauthier, M., Bradley, R.L., Lange, S., Allaire, S., Parsons, W., Cuellar, M.A. (2016) Tree-based intercropping may reduce, while fertilizer nitrate may increase, soil methane emissions. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 97(3):410-415
  36. Grant, R.F., Kinch, T.A., Bradley, R.L., Whalen, J.K., Cogliastro, A., Lange, S.F., Allaire, S.E., Parsons, W.F.J. (2016) Carbon sequestration vs. Agricultural yields in tree-based intercropping systems as affected by tree management. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 97(3):416-432
  37. Gauthier, M., Bradley, R.L., Simek, M. (2015) More evidence that anaerobic oxidation of methane is prevalent in soils: Is it time to upgrade our biogeochemical models? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 80:167-174
  38. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L. (2015) The relative importance of host vigor and hormonal response to pathogens in controlling the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 83:40-42
  39. Ndanga, T.M., Bradley, R.L., Cabral, A.R. (2015) Does vegetation affect the methane oxidation efficiency of passive biosystems? Waste Management, 38(1):240-249
  40. Kernecker, M., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L. (2015) Agricultural management and flooding shape habitats for non-native earthworms in southern Quebec, Canada. Applied Soil Ecology, 96:240-250
  41. Jean, P.-O., Bradley, R.L., Tremblay, J.-P., Cote, S.D. (2015) Combining near infrared spectra of feces and geostatistics to generate forage nutritional quality maps across landscapes. Ecological Applications, 25(6):1630-1639
  42. Jean, P.-O., Bradley, R.L., Tremblay, J.-P. (2015) Testing for Bottom-up Effects in an Overbrowsed Boreal Landscape. Wildlife Biology, 21(6):318-322
  43. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Klironomos, J.N. (2015) Trait-based partner selection drives mycorrhizal network assembly. Oikos, 124(12):1609-1616
  44. Drouin, M., Bradley, R.L., Lapointe, L., Whalen, J. (2014) Non-native anecic earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris L.) reduce seed germination and seedling survival of temperate and boreal trees species. Applied Soil Ecology, 75:145-149
  45. Jean, P.-O., Bradley, R.L., Giroux, M.-A., Tremblay, J.-P., Cote, S.D. (2014) Near infrared spectroscopy and fecal chemistry as predictors of the diet composition of white-tailed deer. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 67(2):154-159
  46. Vessey, J.K., Fei, H., Burton, D.L., Bradley, R.L., Smith, D.L. (2014) The bilateral influence of plant and rhizosphere characteristics in brassicas varying in seed oil productivity. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 94(6):1113-1116
  47. Kernecker, M., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L. (2014) Endogeic earthworms lower net methane production in saturated riparian soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51(2):271-275
  48. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Klironomos, J.N. (2014) Plant-fungal symbioses as ecological networks: The need to characterize more than just interaction patterns. Fungal Ecology, 12(C):10-13
  49. Kernecker, M., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L. (2014) Litter Controls Earthworm-Mediated Carbon and Nitrogen Transformations in Soil from Temperate Riparian Buffers. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2014
  50. Fox, M.D., Tackaberry, L.E., Drouin, P., Bergeron, Y., Bradley, R.L., Massicotte, H.B., Chen, H.Y.H. (2013) Microbial community structure of soils under four productivity classes of aspen forests in Northern British Columbia. Ecoscience, 20(3):264-275
  51. Thiffault, N., Fenton, N.J., Munson, A.D., Hebert, F., Fournier, R.A., Valeria, O., Bradley, R.L., Bergeron, Y., Grondin, P., Pare, D. et al. (2013) Managing Understory Vegetation for Maintaining Productivity in Black Spruce Forests: A Synthesis within a Multi-Scale Research Model. Forests, 4(3):613-631
  52. Bergeron, S.P., Bradley, R.L., Munson, A.D., Parsons, W.F.J. (2013) Physico-chemical and functional characteristics of soil charcoal produced at five different temperatures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 58:140-146
  53. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Maherali, H., Klironomos, J.N. (2013) A trait-based framework to understand life history of mycorrhizal fungi. Trends in Plant Science, 18(9):484-491
  54. Kyselkova, M., Jirout, J., Chronakova, A., Vrchotova, N., Bradley, R.L., Schmitt, H., Elhottova, D. (2013) Cow excrements enhance the occurrence of tetracycline resistance genes in soil regardless of their oxytetracycline content. Chemosphere, 93(10):2413-2418
  55. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L. (2013) Evidence that soil nutrient stoichiometry controls the competitive abilities of arbuscular mycorrhizal vs. root-borne non-mycorrhizal fungi. Fungal Ecology, 6(6):557-560
  56. LeBel, P., Bradley, R.L., Thiffault, N. (2013) he Relative Importance of Nitrogen vs. Moisture Stress May Drive Intraspecific Variations in the SLA-RGR Relationship: The Case of Picea mariana Seedlings. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4(6):1278-1284
  57. Aulen, M., Shipley, B., Bradley, R.L. (2012) Prediction of in situ root decomposition rates in an interspecific context from chemical and morphological traits. Annals of Botany, 109(1):287-297
  58. Lorente, M., Parsons, W.F.J., Bradley, R.L., Munson, A.D. (2012) Soil and plant legacies associated with harvest trails in boreal black spruce forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 269:168-176
  59. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L., Klironomos, J.N. (2012) Using ecological network theory to evaluate the causes and consequences of arbuscular mycorrhizal community structure. New Phytologist, 194(2):307-312
  60. Bradley, R.L., Chronakova, A., Elhottova, D., Simek, M. (2012) Interactions between land-use history and earthworms control gross rates of soil methane production in an overwintering pasture. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 53:64-71
  61. Dufresne, M., Bradley, R.L., Tremblay, J.-P., Cote, S.D. (2011) Evidence that soil depth and clay content control the post-disturbance regeneration of balsam fir and paper birch under heavy browsing from deer. Ecoscience, 18(4):363-368
  62. Bergeron, M., Lacombe, S., Bradley, R.L., Whalen, J.K., Cogliastro, A., Jutras, M.-F., Arp, P. (2011) Reduced soil nutrient leaching following the establishment of tree-based intercropping systems in eastern Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 83(3):321-330
  63. Royer-Tardif, S., Bradley, R.L. (2011) Evidence that soil fertility controls the mixing of jack pine with trembling aspen. Forest Ecology and Management, 262(6):1054-1060
  64. Royer-Tardif, S., Bradley, R.L. (2011) Forest floor properties across sharp compositional boundaries separating trembling aspen and jack pine stands in the southern boreal forest. Plant and Soil, 345(1):353-364
  65. Bradley, R.L., Whalen, J.K., Chagnon, P.-L., Lanoix, M., Alves, M.C. (2011) Nitrous oxide production and potential denitrification in soils from riparian buffer strips: Influence of earthworms and plant litter. Applied Soil Ecology, 47(1):6-13
  66. Chagnon, P.-L., Bradley, R.L. (2011) On the use of sodium hexametaphosphate to extract spores of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43(11):2273-2274
  67. Rivest, D., Cogliastro, A., Bradley, R.L., Olivier, A. (2010) Intercropping hybrid poplar with soybean increases soil microbial biomass, mineral N supply and tree growth. Agroforestry Systems, 80(1):33-40
  68. Laganiere, J., Pare, D., Bradley, R.L. (2010) How does a tree species influence litter decomposition? Separating the relative contribution of litter quality, litter mixing, and forest floor conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 40(3):465-475
  69. Royer-Tardif, S., Bradley, R.L., Parsons, W.F.J. (2010) Evidence that plant diversity and site productivity confer stability to forest floor microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42(5):813-821
  70. Bambrick, A., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L., Cogliastro, A., Gordon, A., Olivier, A., Thevathasan, N. (2010) Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon in tree-based intercropping systems in Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Agroforestry Systems, 79(3):343-353
  71. Lteif, A., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L., Camire, C. (2010) Nitrogen transformations revealed by isotope dilution in an organically fertilized hybrid poplar plantation. Plant and Soil, 333(1):105-116
  72. Beaudette, C., Bradley, R.L., Whalen, J.K., McVetty, P.B.E., Vessey, K., Smith, D.L. (2010) Tree-based intercropping does not compromise canola (Brassica napus L.) seed oil yield and reduces soil nitrous oxide emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139(1-2):33-39
  73. Evers, A.K., Bambrick, A., Lacombe, S., Dougherty, M.C., Peichl, M., Gordon, A.M., Thevathasan, N.V., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L. (2010) Potential Greenhouse Gas Mitigation through Temperate Tree-Based Intercropping Systems. The Open Agriculture Journal, 4:49-57
  74. van Lier, O.R., Fournier, R.A., Bradley, R.L., Thiffault, N. (2009) A multi-resolution satellite imagery approach for large area mapping of ericaceous shrubs in Northern Quebec, Canada. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 11(5):334-343
  75. Joanisse, G.D., Bradley, R.L., Preston, C.M., Bending, G.D. (2009) Sequestration of soil nitrogen as tannin-protein complexes may improve the competitive ability of sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia) relative to black spruce (Picea mariana). New Phytologist, 181(1):187-198
  76. Laganiere, J., Pare, D., Bradley, R.L. (2009) Linking the abundance of aspen with soil faunal communities and rates of belowground processes within single stands of mixed aspen-black spruce. Applied Soil Ecology, 41(1):19-28
  77. Lacombe, S., Bradley, R.L., Hamel, C., Beaulieu, C. (2009) Do tree-based intercropping systems increase the diversity and stability of soil microbial communities? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 131(1-2):25-31
  78. Jones, M.D., Grenon, F., Peat, H., Fitzgerald, M., Holt, L., Philip, L.J., Bradley, R.L. (2009) Differences in 15N uptake amongst spruce seedlings colonized by three pioneer ectomycorrhizal fungi in the field. Fungal Ecology, 2(3):110-120
  79. Dufresne, M., Bradley, R.L., Tremblay, J.-P., Poulin, M., Pellerin, S. (2009) Clearcutting and Deer Browsing Intensity Interact in Controlling Nitrification Rates in Forest Floor. Ecoscience, 16(3):361-368
  80. Joanisse, G.D., Bradley, R.L., Preston, C.M. (2008) Do late-successional tannin-rich plant communities occurring on highly acidic soils increase the DON/DIN ratio? Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44(6):903-907
  81. Lteif, A., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L., Camire, C. (2008) Diagnostic tools to evaluate the foliar nutrition and growth of hybrid poplars. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 38(8):2138-2147
  82. LeBel, P., Thiffault, N., Bradley, R.L. (2008) Kalmia removal increases nutrient supply and growth of black spruce seedlings: An effect fertilizer cannot emulate. Forest Ecology and Management, 256(10):1780-1784
  83. Lteif, A., Whalen, J.K., Bradley, R.L., Camire, C. (2007) Mixtures of papermill biosolids and pig slurry improve soil quality and growth of hybrid poplar. Soil Use and Management, 23(4):393-403
  84. Joanisse, G.D., Bradley, R.L., Preston, C.M., Munson, A.D. (2007) Soil enzyme inhibition by condensed litter tannins may drive ecosystem structure and processes: The case of Kalmia angustifolia. New Phytologist, 175(3):535-546
  85. Lamarche, J., Bradley, R.L., Hooper, E., Shipley, B., Simao Beaunoir, A.-M., Beaulieu, C. (2007) Forest floor bacterial community composition and catabolic profiles in relation to landscape features in Quebec's southern boreal forest. Microbial Ecology, 54(1):10-20
  86. Bradley, R.L., Parsons, W.F.J. (2007) Net and gross mineral N production rates at three levels of forest canopy retention: Evidence that NH4+ and NO3- dynamics are uncoupled. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43(5):599-602
  87. Bradley, R.L., Grenon, F. (2006) Evidence that straw does not increase the mobilization of N from decomposing salal (Gaultheria shallon Pursh.) leaf litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(1):191-194
  88. Bradley, R.L., Shipley, B., Beaulieu, C. (2006) Refining numerical approaches for analyzing soil microbial community catabolic profiles based on carbon source utilization patterns. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(3):629-632
  89. Lapointe, B., Bradley, R.L., Parsons, W., Brais, S. (2006) Nutrient and light availability to white spruce seedlings in partial and clearcut harvested aspen stands. Silva Fennica, 40(3):459-471
  90. DeBellis, T., Kernaghan, G., Bradley, R.L., Widden, P. (2006) Relationships between stand composition and ectomycorrhizal community structure in boreal mixed-wood forests. Microbial Ecology, 52(1):114-126
  91. Lafleur, B., Parsons, W.F.J., Bradley, R.L., Francoeur, A. (2006) Ground-nesting ant assemblages and their relationships to habitat factors along a chronosequence of postfire-regenerated lichen-spruce woodland. Environmental Entomology, 35(6):1515-1524
  92. Titus, B.D., Prescott, C.E., Maynard, D.G., Mitchell, A.K., Bradley, R.L., Feller, M.C., Beese, W.J., Seely, B.A., Benton, R.A., Senyk, J.P et al. (2006) Post-harvest nitrogen cycling in clearcut and alternative silvicultural systems in a montane forest in coastal British Columbia. Forestry Chronicle, 82:844-859
  93. Thiffault, N., Munson, A.D., Fournier, R., Bradley, R.L. (2005) La relation éricacées - conifères. Bonheur d'oppression? Le Naturaliste canadien, 129(2):57-61
  94. Lapointe, B., Bradley, R.L., Shipley, B. (2005) Mineral nitrogen and microbial dynamics in the forest floor of clearcut or partially harvested successional boreal forest stands. Plant and Soil, 271(1-2):27-37
  95. Grenon, F., Bradley, R.L., Jones, M.D., Shipley, B., Peat, H. (2005) Soil factors controlling mineral N uptake by Picea engelmannii seedlings: The importance of gross NH4+ production rates. New Phytologist, 165(3):791-799
  96. Sommerville, D., Bradley, R.L., Mailly, D. (2004) Leaf litter quality and decomposition rates of yellow birch and sugar maple seedlings grown in mono-culture and mixed-culture pots at three soil fertility levels. Trees - Structure and Function, 18(5):608-613
  97. Grenon, F., Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D. (2004) Temperature sensitivity of mineral N transformation rates, and heterotrophic nitrification: Possible factors controlling the post-disturbance mineral N flush in forest floors. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36(9):1465-1474
  98. Grenon, F., Bradley, R.L., Joanisse, G., Titus, B.D., Prescott, C.E. (2004) Mineral N availability for conifer growth following clearcutting: Responsive versus non-responsive ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management, 188(1-3):305-316
  99. Lamarche, J., Bradley, R.L., Pare, D., Legare, S., Bergeron, Y. (2004) Soil parent material may control forest floor properties more than stand type or stand age in mixedwood boreal forests. Ecoscience, 11(2):228-237
  100. Lavoie, M., Bradley, R.L. (2003) Short-term increases in relative nitrification rates due to trenching in forest floor and mineral soil horizons of different forest types. Plant and Soil, 252(2):367-384
  101. Lavoie, M., Bradley, R.L. (2003) Inferred effects of cloud deposition on forest floor nutrient cycling and microbial properties along a short elevation gradient. Environmental Pollution, 121(3):333-344
  102. Lafleur, B., Bradley, R.L., Francoeur, A. (2002) Soil modifications created by ants along a post-fire chronosequence in lichen-spruce woodland. Ecoscience, 9(11):63-73
  103. Bradley, R.L. (2002) Dynamics of nitrogen associated to acid insoluble substances derived from plant litter. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 33(7-8):1277-1290
  104. Bradley, R.L., Kimmins, J.P., Martin, W.L. (2001) Post-clearcutting chronosequence in the B.C. Coastal Western Hemlock Zone: II. Tracking the assart flush. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 14(1):23-44
  105. Kimmins, J.P., Martin, W.L., Bradley, R.L. (2001) Post-clearcutting chronosequence in the B.C. Coastal Western Hemlock zone: III. Sinks for mineralised or dissolved organic N. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 14(1):45-68
  106. Bradley, R.L., Martin, W.L., Kimmins, J.P. (2001) Post-clearcutting chronosequence in the B.C. Coastal Western Hemlock Zone: IV. Modelling forest N dynamics and the possible role of denitrification. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 14(1):69-92
  107. Martin, W.L., Bradley, R.L., Kimmins, J.P. (2001) Post-clearcutting chronosequence in the B.C. Coastal Western Hemlock Zone: I. Changes in forest floor mass and N storage. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 14(1):1-22
  108. Bradley, R.L. (2001) An alternative explanation for the post-disturbance NO3- flush in some forest ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 4(5):412-416
  109. Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D., Hogg, K. (2001) Does shelterwood harvesting have less impact on forest floor nutrient availability and microbial properties than clearcutting? Biology and Fertility of Soils, 34(3):162-169
  110. Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D., Preston, C.P. (2000) Changes to mineral N cycling and microbial communities in black spruce humus after additions of (NH4)2SO4 and condensed tannins extracted from Kalmia angustifolia and balsam fir. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32(8-9):1227-1240
  111. Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D., Preston, C.M., Bennett, J. (2000) Improvement of nutritional site quality 13 years after single application of fertiliser N and P on regenerating cedar-hemlock cutovers on northern Vancouver Island, B.C. Plant and Soil, 223(1-2):195-206
  112. Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D., Hogg, K., Preston, C., Prescott, C.E., Kimmins, J.P. (2000) Assessing the controls on soil mineral-N cycling rates in managed coastal Western Hemlock ecosystems of British Columbia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 10(3-4):213-219
  113. Cote, B., Hendershot, W.H., Fyles, J.W., Roy, A.G., Bradley, R.L., Biron, P.M., Courchesne, F. (1998) The phenology of fine root growth in a maple-dominated ecosystem: Relationships with some soil properties. Plant and Soil, 201(1):59-69
  114. Martin, W.L., Bradley, R.L., Kimmins, H. (1998) Post-clearcutting forest floor N dynamics in the CWH wet subzone: A chronosequence study. Northwest Science, 72(SPEC. ISS. 2):71-72
  115. Bradley, R.L., Fyles, J.W., Titus, B. (1997) Interactions between Kalmia humus quality and chronic low C inputs in controlling microbial and soil nutrient dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 29(8):1275-1283
  116. Bradley, R.L., Titus, B.D., Fyles, J.W. (1997) Nitrogen acquisition and competitive ability of Kalmia angustifolia L., paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) seedlings grown on different humus forms. Plant and Soil, 195(2):209-220
  117. Bradley, R.L., Fyles, J.W. (1996) Method to avoid isotope discrimination during the diffusion of NH4/+ from 15N-labelled soil extracts. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 28(4-5):695-697
  118. Bradley, R.L., Fyles, J.W. (1996) Interactions between tree seedling roots and humus forms in the control of soil C and N cycling. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 23(1):70-79
  119. Bradley, R.L., Fyles, J.W. (1995) Growth of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) seedlings increases soil available C and microbial acquisition of soil-nutrients. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27(12):1565-1571
  120. Bradley, R.L., Fyles, J.W. (1995) A kinetic parameter describing soil available carbon and its relationship to rate increase in C mineralization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27(2):167-172
  121. Fyles, J.W., Bradley, R.L. (1992) A Self-Maintaining System for Long-Term Soil Incubations with the Capability for Repeated Estimation of Microbial Biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 24(7):721-723

Articles publiés dans des actes de colloque (proceedings)

  1. Rivest, D., Chifflot, V., Lacombe, S., Cogliastro, A., Bradley, R.L., Vanasse, A., Khasa, D.P., Olivier, A. (2009) Experiences from southern Quebec provide ecological insights for the implementation of tree-based intercropping systems. In Proceedings of the 11th North American Agroforestry Conference, Columbia, Missouri, 31 mai-3 juin 2009. (Gold, M.A. and Hall, M.M., Eds.) Pages 397-404

Rapports scientifiques, manuels et autres


Thèses, mémoires et essais

  1. Bradley, R.L. (1995) The role of labile carbon and its interaction with humus form in controlling forest soil nitrogen cycling. Thèse de doctorat, McGill University

Thèses, mémoires et essais supervisés

  1. Lorente, M. (2011) Dynamique spatiale et temporelle des propriétés du sol et de la végétation après perturbation dans la pessière noire à mousses. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval
  2. Aulen, M. (2011) Une approche fonctionnelle pour l'estimation des taux de décomposition racinaire et flux de carbone associés: Contribution à l'estimation du potentiel de séquestration du carbone dans les sols agroforestiers. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke
  3. Lebel, P. (2011) Nutrition et physiologie de Picea mariana en regeneration suite a l'envahissement par le Kalmia angustifolia. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  4. Royer-Tardif, S. (2011) Les causes et les conséquences de la mixité entre le peuplier faux-tremble et le pin gris en forêt boréale: Un regard sur les propriétés édaphiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke
  5. LeBel, P. (2011) Nutrition et physiologie de Picea mariana en régénération suite à l'envahissement par le Kalmia angustifolia. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  6. Beaudette, C. (2010) Analyse du potentiel de production de biocarburants par la culture de canola (Brassica napus L.) sur les terres marginales du Québec et réduction des impacts liés à sa culture. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  7. Bergeron, M. (2010) Diminution des pertes de nutriments par lixiviation et degradation de l'atrazine dans les systemes agroforestiers. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  8. Dusfresne, M. (2010) Contribution des mécanismes "bottom-up" et "top-down" à la régénération des sapinières sur l'île d'Anticosti. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  9. van Lier, O. (2009) Cartographie des éricacées (Kalmia angustifolia, Ledum) en forêts d'épinette noire (Picea mariana ): Cas de la Côte-Nord. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  10. Joanisse, G. (2008) Les tanins de Kalmia angustifolia comme agents de contrôle de la disponibilité des nutriments dans les pessières boréales. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke
  11. Grenon, F. (2007) Facteurs déterminant la disponibilité de l'azote pour les semis de conifères dans un contexte d'exploitation forestière. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke
  12. Laganiere, J. (2007) Comment le peuplier faux-tremble affecte les processus de décomposition de la litière et les communautés du sol dans la pessière à mousse? Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  13. Lacombe, S. (2007) Diminution des pertes du nitrate par lixiviation et augmentation de la diversité microbienne dans les systèmes agroforestiers. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke
  14. Lteif, A. (2007) Biomass production and nitrogen transformations in a hybrid poplar plantation. Thèse de doctorat, McGill University
  15. Sedo Kiki, M. (2006) La plasticité phénotypique du kalmia angustifolia L. en forêt boréale en fonction de la quantité de lumière et de qualité du sol. Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Sherbrooke

Articles non révisés par un comité de lecture

  1. Bradley, R.L., Olivier, A., Thevathasan, N., Whalen, J.K. (2008) Environmental and economic benefits of treebased intercropping systems. Policy Options

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