Timothée Fouqueray
Les forêts en contexte incertain : comparaison de deux stratégies contrastées de gestion du risque à l’échelle locale et régionale au Québec et en Wallonie.
Directeur: Jérôme Dupras
Research project
Adaptation to climate change: Innovative adaptation strategies emerge to enhance forest resilience to climate change. But they are pointless if not based on the actual decision-making of forest owners and managers. My investigations focus on the drivers of foresters' changes of practices: What do foresters already do? What will they do?
Forest landowners already experience multiple drivers of global change. They face a first decision: do nothing and keep managing as usual, stop managing or adapt their management practices. Then, if they adapt, they have multiple options ranging from slight changes of their current management (eg., shortening rotation lenght) to significant transformations (eg., moving to irregular shelterwood, or start non-timber forest activities). Similar to any behavioral change, their decision-making is not purely rational, and weaves together emotional, cognitive and perception stakes.
This post-doctoral project is part of an interdisciplinary project on an adaptation stragegy based on species functional traits and network theory to characterise forest landscape resilience to natural disturbances. It involves ecological modellers from Québec and Belgium (Christian Messier, Quentin Ponette , Mathieu Jonard
and Núria Aquilué Junyent), and social science researchers (Jérôme Dupras and Jean-François Bissonnette
). I develop three research activities :
- a state of the art of current adaptation changes operated by forest owners across Québec and Canada
- the conception of mental models of foresters' adaptation to climate changes
- collective workshops criticizing and improving the outputs of the mental models, in order to build bayesian beliefs networks of foresters' choices when faced with different scenarios of climate changes and adaptation possibilities.
The main outcomes of the project will be an increased understanding of how forest landlords reach their decision regarding adaptation to climate changes. This will contribute to the refinement of how modellers parameterize and simulate forest dynamics under varying management scenarios.
Awards & Fellowships
Transformative change report fellow, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 2022-2024
Young researcher award, French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity, 2020
- Social sciences methodology Design, animation and analysis of online/offline surveys, semi-conducted interviews and participative workshops
- Softwares R, CORMAS (Common Resources Multi-Agent System, similar to NetLogo or GAMA), Sonal (transcription and analysis software for interview files), Inkscape, Office package, GitHub
- Languages French (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (strong command)
- Fouqueray T, Latune J, Trommetter M, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2022. Interdisciplinary modeling and participatory simulation of forest management to foster adaptation to climate change. Environmental Modelling & Software
- Fouqueray T, Génin L, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2021. Efficient, Sustainable, and Multifunctional Carbon Offsetting to Boost Forest Management: A Comparative Case Study. Forests
- Fouqueray T, Trommetter M, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2020. Social sciences have so much more to bring to climate studies in forest research: A French case study. Annals of Forest Science
- Chassé P, Cogos S, Fouqueray T, 2020. La thèse interdisciplinaire en sciences de l’environnement, des défis à relever et des opportunités à saisir : regards de doctorants. Natures Sciences Sociétés
- Fouqueray T, Charpentier A, Trommetter M, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2020. The calm before the storm: How climate change drives forestry evolutions. Forest Ecology and Management
- Fouqueray T, 2019. Adaptations aux incertitudes climatiques de long terme : trajectoires socio-écologiques de la gestion forestière française. Thèse de doctorat, AgroParisTech. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02457016v1
- Thomopoulos R, Salliou N, Abreu C, Cohen V, Fouqueray T, 2019. Reduced Meat Consumption: from Multicriteria Argument Modeling to Agent-Based Social Simulation. International Journal of Food Studies.
- Fouqueray T, Trommetter M, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2018. Managed retreat of settlements and infrastructures: Ecological restoration as an opportunity to overcome maladaptive coastal development in France. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12836
- Fouqueray T, Charpentier A, Trommetter M, Frascaria-Lacoste N, 2018. Is Adaptation to Climate Change Threatening Forest Biodiversity? A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Study Case of Two French Forests, in Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98681-4
- Feng Y, Fouqueray T, van Kleunen M, 2018. Linking Darwin’s naturalisation hypothesis and Elton’s diversity–invasibility hypothesis in experimental grassland communities. Journal of Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13061
- Bertrand, F, Fouqueray, T, 2017. A French regional natural park on a learning curve: insights from an approach of adapting biodiversity conservation to climate change, Norois. Environnement, aménagement, société, 245, 47–61. doi: 10.4000/norois.6224 (In French)
- Fouqueray, T, Blumstein, DT, Monclús, R, Martin, JGA, 2014. Maternal Effects on Anogenital Distance in a Wild Marmot Population, PLOS ONE, 9, 3, e92718. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092718
Research experience
- 2015 - Universität Konstanz, Germany Supervisor: Pr. Mark Van Kleunen
Biodiversities affect the invasibility of human-introduced species in grasslands communities. - Co-designed and operated a 5-months greenhouse experiment to monitor plant phylogenic and functional traits - Updated debates on Darwin’s naturalization conundrum
- 2015 - MARBEC laboratory, Montpellier, France Supervisor: Dr. David Mouillot
Fishing deep the tree of life, a bioanthropical approach of human worldwide impacts of fishing on coral reef fishes. - Adapted a bayesian approach on a worldwide database to resolve polytomies in fish phylogenies - Spatialized a vulnerability index to fishing
- 2013 - Tropical forests management laboratory, Montpellier, France Supervisor: Pr. Maya Leroy
Analysis of the strategic evolution of international non governmental organizations. - Informed the evolution of conservation strategies of the Brazilian Amazon forest
- 2013 - University of California, Los Angeles, USA Supervisor: Pr. Daniel Blumstein
Maternal Effects in a Wild Marmot Population. - Collected marmots behaviors and biological data in Colorado’s mountains - Evaluated the importance of fetal exposure to steroids
Teaching experience
- École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage – National School of Landscape Architecture, Versailles, France Lecturer, “Non-regret adaptations to climate change. A participatory simulation of forestry strategies”, 2017
- Agroparistech - Institute of technology for life, food and environmental sciences, Paris, France Lecturer, “Climate : Socio-ecological approaches of mitigation and adaptation”, 2017 Designed 7 courses at a M.Sc. level and taught one. Re-invited in 2018, 2019
- Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France Lecturer at a M.Sc. level, “Mitigation, adaptation and nature-based solutions”, 2017
- House of Sciences, Orsay, France 30 scientific workshops for elementary and secondary school students, 2017-2019
Master student’s thesis supervised
- Lucile GÉNIN (Political sciences ) – Sciences-Po Paris, 2019 Organisational innovations in French forestry: volontary carbon mitigation, a chance for private and public foresters?
- Émile HUGUET (Engineer and political ecology) – École Polytechnique and Agroparistech, 2017 Climatic, social and economic parameterization of a serious game on forest adaptations to climate change
- Antoine CHARPENTIER (Geography) – Sorbonne University, 2017 Climate change and the evolution of forestry: crossed study cases of adaptation practices in the Landes and in the Vosges
- Victoria SOUBEIRAN (Ecology) – Paris-Sud University, 2017 Nature-based solutions: does promoting an utilitarian vision of biodiversity favor ecological engineering projects?
- PhD in ecology - Agroparistech - Institute of technology for life, food and environmental sciences, Paris, France Dissertation: “Adaptation to long-term uncertainty : social-ecological trajectories of French forest management”, 2019
- Specialized post-MSc diploma in political ecology - Agroparistech SPES: environmental political sciences and strategy”, 2015
- M.Sc., Biosciences - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France Biodiversity and biological resources, 2012-2015
Science interface
- With general public
2019 – Cranium vs. skull : a web-serie where non-experts and researchers discuss science 2018 – Article publication in L’Éléphant, a general magazine
- With environmental managers
2020 – Online publication of the serious game Foster Forest, including tutorials for its free and open access use. See www.fosterforest.fr 2020 – Environmental managers training to the use of Foster Forest at Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin
- With teachers and students
2020 – Back-up of university and engineer schools teachers using Foster Forest 2017, 2018, 2019 – 30 scientific workshops with elementary schools and high schools students, at the Maison d’initiation et de sensibilisation aux sciences (Orsay, France)
- With policy-makers
2019 – Invited to present the PhD outcomes at the French Ministry in charge of Agriculture and Forests 2014 – Collaboration for the French call for experts for the Intergovernmental platform science-policies for biodiversity and ecosystem services at the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research 2014 – Intern in an engineering office evaluating environmental impacts in French Guyana (European space centre, gold mine, dam) 2013-2014 – Secretary of a group of students in environmental sciences from the Ecoles Normales Supérieures supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs