Xiali Guo

Ph.D student

xylem fomation dynamics and the mechanisms

South China Botanical Garden, University of Chinese Academy of Science


  • Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Visiting scholar. Codirecteur: Sergio Rossi (11/2019 - present)
  • South China Botanical Garden Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China. Ecology. Ph.D student. Directeur: Jianguo Huang (09/2018 - present)


  1. Guo, X., Klisz, M., Puchałka, R., Silvestro, R., Faubert, P., Belien, E., ... & Rossi, S. (2021). Common‐garden experiment reveals clinal trends of bud phenology in black spruce populations from a latitudinal gradient in the boreal forest. Journal of Ecology. (环境科学与生态学1区, TOP, IF: 5.762)
  2. Guo, X., Khare, S., Silvestro, R., Huang, J., Sylvain, J. D., Delagrange, S., & Rossi, S. (2020). Minimum spring temperatures at the provenance origin drive leaf phenology in sugar maple populations. Tree Physiology, published.
  3. Guo, X., Huang, J. G., Li, J., Liang, H., Yu, B., Ma, Q., ... & Zhao, P. (2020). Nitrogen addition to the canopy of Castanopsis chinensis (Sprengel) Hance promoted xylem formation in a subtropical forest in China. Annals of Forest Science, 77(2), 1-11.
  4. Guo, X., Reddy, G. V., He, J., Li, J., & Shi, P. (2020). Mean-variance relationships of leaf bilateral asymmetry for 35 species of plants and their implications. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01152.
  5. Huang J-G, Ma Q, Rossi S, Biondi F, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Liang E, Mäkinen H, Oberhuber W, Rathgeber CBK, Tognetti R, Treml V, Yang B, Zhang J-L, Antonucci S, Bergeron Y, Camarero JJ, Campelo F, Čufar K, Cuny HE, De Luis M, Giovannelli A, Gričar J, Gruber A, Gryc V, Güney A, Guo, X., Huang W, Jyske T, Kašpar J, King G, Krause C, Lemay A, Liu F, Lombardi F, Martinez del Castillo E, Morin H, Nabais C, Nöjd P, Peters RL, Prislan P, Saracino A, Swidrak I, Vavrčík H, Vieira J, Yua B, Zhang S, Zeng Q, Zhang Y, Ziaco E. (2020). Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  6. Guo, X., Yu, B., Zhang, S., Li, J., Wang, J., Huang, J. (2019). Research Progresses on Xylem Formation Dynamics and Its Regulation Mechanism. Acta Subtropical Botany, 27(5), 541-547.
  7. Liang, H., Huang, J. G., Ma, Q., Li, J., Wang, Z., Guo, X., Zhu, H., Jiang, S., Zhou, P., Yu, B., Luo, D. (2019). Contributions of competition and climate on radial growth of Pinus massoniana in subtropics of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 274, 7-17.
  8. Yu, B., Huang, J. G., Ma, Q., Guo, X., Liang, H., Zhang, S., Fu, S., Wan, S., Yan, J., Zhang, W. (2019). Comparison of the effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on xylem growth of two dominant species in a warm temperate forest, China. Dendrochronologia, 56, 125604.
  9. Huang, J. G., Guo, X., Rossi, S., Zhai, L., Yu, B., Zhang, S., Zhang, M. (2018). Intra-annual wood formation of subtropical Chinese red pine shows better growth in dry season than wet season. Tree physiology, 38(8), 1225-1236.
  10. Jiang, X., Liu, N., Lu, X., Huang, J. G., Cheng, J., Guo, X., Wu, S. (2018). Canopy and understory nitrogen addition increase the xylem tracheid size of dominant broadleaf species in a subtropical forest of China. Science of the total environment, 642, 733-741.
  11. Guo, X., Yu, B., Liang, H., Huang, J. (2017). Advancement in studies of tree growth and ecophysiology incorporating micro-sampling approach. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. 41: 795–804.
  12. Luo, D., Huang, J. G., Jiang, X., Ma, Q., Liang, H.,Guo, X.,, Zhang, S. (2017). Effect of climate and competition on radial growth of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba in China’s subtropical monsoon mixed forest. Dendrochronologia, 46, 24-34.
  13. Zhang, S., Huang, J. G., Rossi, S., Ma, Q., Yu, B., Zhai, L., Luo, D., Guo, X., Fu, S., Zhang, W. (2017). Intra-annual dynamics of xylem growth in Pinus massoniana submitted to an experimental nitrogen addition in Central China. Tree Physiology, 37(11), 1546-1553.


  • China Scholarship Council (26400$, 11/2019 - 11/2020)
  • Outstanding student leaders, South China Botanical Garden (05/2018)
  • Excellence Award in English Speech Contest, Beijing (05/2014)


  • Guo XL, Huang JG. “Review on the Micro-Sampling Approach-Based Studies”, Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania, Beijing, 2016
  • Guo XL, Huang JG. “China subtropical pine ecosystem is an energy-limited system rather than an environmental-factors limited system”, Graduate Consortium of Ecology and Conservation, Hongkong, 2017
  • Guo XL, Huang JG. “Dynamics of intra-annual wood formation in Pinus massoniana Lamb. from subtropical China”, The 12th International Congress of Ecology, Beijing, 2016


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Summer School in Evolutionary Ecology and Biology 2024 
Pedagogical coordinator is Adam Ali.
24 juin - 3 juillet 2024
Campus Triolet, Montpellier, France

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